Sep 4, 2020
🔴 ~ 💗 Alex Collier's 114th *LIVE* Webinar On Friday, September 4, 2020 💕~ | Blogger: [👉Hosted by James Harkin from and JayPee from👈] ... Alex's Main Topics Will Be... Current Stat., Prepare For Great Change, Dark to Light, Get Your Popcorn Ready, The Show is About to Start, Earth One Squad Under God, and Much More!... PS: According to James, Vimeo has virtually deplatformed them and prices has gone up (a bit) temporary until a permanent solution is found... |
Alex is hosting his 114th
TWO-HOUR LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers.
Friday, September 4, 2020
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.
A replay will be available for those who cannot attend live.
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.
A replay will be available for those who cannot attend live.
Current Stat., Prepare For Great Change, Dark to Light, Get Your Popcorn Ready, The Show is About to Start, Earth One Squad Under God, and Much More!
Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.
Current Stat., Prepare For Great Change, Dark to Light, Get Your Popcorn Ready, The Show is About to Start, Earth One Squad Under God, and Much More!
Do not miss this exciting opportunity to see Alex Collier LIVE online.
🦠😷😌 ~ (Husk nu – RO PÅ!) vi har et lille udbrud – intet andet! Lillebitte stigning – den er på 0,80%. Ritzau's fake news og skoler og dagpasninger – er IKKE smittesprederne i Sverige og Finland og bør også glæde Danmark. Skoler bør IKKE lukkes ned, hverken som forebyggende tiltag eller ved udbrud (VM) ~ | Blogger: Hvis man nu sammenfatter, hvad, Vibeke Manniche, siger i 2 opslag... PS: Nu må vi jo se, hvad pressemødet kl 14 og DenDanskeCoronaCorporationKonge vil sige, til sit forsvar - helt sikkert noget skidt! W.H.O. har jo lige meldt ud, at den millionstore vaccineproduktion, først kommer til ske, NÆSTE sommer i 2021 og hvad betyder det? Mere frygt, nye Corona foranstaltninger og flere aflysninger af koncerter og arrangementer, flere konkurser og fyringsrunder og flere hundredevis af milliarder, som nuværende skatteydere, og generationer, skal betale ind i næste århundrede??... |
🤴🕵️♂️👸 ~ Statens hemmelige aftaler og opgør med too-big-to-fail: Den altvidende falske 'CoronaQueen' Mette-Mus. En 'fejlcastet' CEO NGO sex-handel 'Guzzi-Helle'. FE's hemmelig agent, tidligere dansk statsminister der vidste WTC ville kollapse a.ka. 'Poul Uld i Mund', Nyrup og tilbageholdt og strammede oplysninger om Kosovo-krigen. 'Geden der blev barberet', Lykketoft, ny formand for Energinet og Depri 'Rocker-Sass', der formede (S), ultimativ pamper-tjans som Statsrevisor, CEO for kapitalfonde, og nu, skal STYRE, statens olieselskab (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Der blæst' en vældig vind den daw ud' fra vest. (Uha da da, uha da da da da). - Øøøh 'Danske Bank, Folketingspolitikere'? Er det dem der forbryder sig mod menneskeheden nede fra øøh... - Ja! - Nå! Uha da da, uha da da da da👈] ... Det danske Kongehus, frimueriet og politikere, er og forbliver plumrådden!.. Og SELVFØLGELIG kommer Danske Bank-chefer ikke i fængsel. Det, der sker er, at Danske Bank bare fyrer en FED, finder en syndebuk, ligesom, Thomas Borgen, der smuttede med tocifret millionbeløb, mens han vil (skide) på, at verdens største pengetank, der er blandt de 155 investorer, som gennem konsulenthuset Deminor, har sagsøgt den tidligere topchef i Danske Bank... 📑"FORÆLDRE, der bilder deres tonedøve børn ind, at de sagtens kan blive sangstjerner. Teenagere, som bruger timer foran spejlet på at sminke sig til det fotografi, der er flot nok til at fremme deres image på nettet. Eller politikere, der går mere op i at få en ministerpost end at leve op til partiprogrammet. Det er ifølge både danske og udenlandske eksperter i psykologi og samfund blot få blandt mange eksempler på, at narcissismen eller i hvert fald en udpræget selvoptagethed er på fremmarch i den vestlige verden."📑 ~ |
🧑⚖️⚰️ ~ Judge for yourself as to whether this Twitter stream is true: FOUR FORMER PRESIDENTS AND THEIR WIVES WERE EXECUTED (The Rumor Mill) ~ | Blogger: [👉'The Bad Guys' Arrested, Killed or Deceased: Stunt double, body double, clones and Deepfake - heard it all before👈]... |
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 3-Sep-2020 18:54:28
Browse the very long Twitter thread by clicking the link below to read the names of celebrities, politicians, and CEOs who have allegedly been quarantined in their homes, sent to GITMO or awaiting their tribunal, or EXECUTED.
Spanish-English translation
arrestado = arrested
ejecutado = executed
fallecidos = deceased
Aug 3, 2020
Jul 6 at 2:18am
I posted on Twit that George HW Bush and George W Bush were the ones who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. I couldn't give any details as there just isn't enough room and I would get suspended over it. So here are some of the details.
George Sr still had his hand in the CIA and had them plant the demolition explosives. It is also apparent that the video of the jets hitting the tower was done in CGI. No jets hit the tower. Explosives were also planted in building 7 and was a controlled demolition. A CIA Agent on his deathbed made a deathbed confession that he helped plant explosives in the tower. A jet did not crash into the pentagon. A security camera caught a missile hitting it
😮🕳️🚇 ~ (Wauv) COMPLETE LIST of Military Underground Bases in USA (PFC + ~ | Blogger: SoTW have been fortunate to guard the Defense Command (FKO). As MPs at Air Force Base Værløse (NATO Redeployment Base), I have personally protected and visited NATO's defense command (underground Vedbækbunkeren) which has now moved to CAOC Finderup... And properly also been lucky to be the few bunch of danes to visit and locate the Little Alien cafe and also went on a (crazy) guided tour, years prior, in 2017 at a MUFON conference. The US Air Force facility known as either Groom Lake, Homey Airport, or Area 51, within the Nevada Test and Training Range, has, besides the main gate, also a (back door) - done that... It caught my interest after I was contacted by a VERY shy and mysterious guest (IT specialist) from Janet Airline (EG&G - Area 51 - Dreamland Resort). This company runs security and the (secret) codename, called JANET, that the government uses to covertly ferry people around. UFO researcher has discovered that Area 51 employees are (also) using (in secret a subcontractor) called SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES to/from The Tonopah Test Range (TTR) - a restricted military installation located about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Tonopah, Nevada. It is part of the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, dangerously close to Area 51... Driving the looong way from Las Vegas out in the dry desert, from the highway, I could (see) more incoming B-1 bombers with F-16 fighter jets in their weekly routine exercises (no F-35 - they were grounded) while we were on our way on a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German Jürgen and his buddy, Tony, a very skilled US guide) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized...|
Article posted on and the list provided by Don Croft:
“Having finally busted the underground base complex around Fallon, Nevada, last summer with Dodeca Richard, we’ll have a good test bed for busting a similar-sized major underground facility. It took several visits by several people to entirely do that complex and we used about 30 gallons of orgonite before every trace of DOR was absent from the atmosphere. I expect we could have done the entire thing in a day or two with a couple of gallons or less of orgonite if it were used in the form of Earthpipes, but we’ll soon see if my hunch pans out.”
~Don Croft
LIST OF D.U.M.B.S in the USA
Underground Bases listed by State
1. Fort Huachuca. 31°50′ N 1100 19’48” W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. too.
2. Gates Pass Base
3. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. 30 east of Yuma, AZ. 290 N 116ºW. DUM base.
4. Grand Wash Cliffs, on western edge of the cliffs at the head of Grapevine Wash. Must be reached via hwy 93 and then unpaved roads. DUM base. Page 303 …
5. Green Valley
6. Hualapai Mountains, east side of the mountain range, about 35 mi. SE of Kingman, AZ
7. Rincon Mtn., north side of Rincon Mtn
8. Mt. Lemmon
9. Page
10. Safford, near Safford
11. Santa Catalina Mountains – base
1. Fort Huachuca. 31°50′ N 1100 19’48” W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. too.
2. Gates Pass Base
3. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. 30 east of Yuma, AZ. 290 N 116ºW. DUM base.
4. Grand Wash Cliffs, on western edge of the cliffs at the head of Grapevine Wash. Must be reached via hwy 93 and then unpaved roads. DUM base. Page 303 …
5. Green Valley
6. Hualapai Mountains, east side of the mountain range, about 35 mi. SE of Kingman, AZ
7. Rincon Mtn., north side of Rincon Mtn
8. Mt. Lemmon
9. Page
10. Safford, near Safford
11. Santa Catalina Mountains – base
12. In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. 360 19′ N 9°29’W W. Installation purpose not known.
13. Pine Bluff, Ark. area. 34° 13.4′ N 92º01.0’W to 34º30′ N 92° 30’W. saucer base.
12. In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. 360 19′ N 9°29’W W. Installation purpose not known.
13. Pine Bluff, Ark. area. 34° 13.4′ N 92º01.0’W to 34º30′ N 92° 30’W. saucer base.
🏴☠️⚔️ ~ VIS FLAGET DANMARK (Forsvaret) ~ | Blogger: [👉Over 60.000 udsendt for Danmark siden 1948 til mere end 40 lande👈] ... DENNE forsvarets propagandavideo har først og fremmest, noget at gøre med opmærksomheden omkring den 5. september som er Flagdag for Danmarks udsendte - så godt så langt og godt for dem... Men Danmark, er blevet en krigsliderlig nation og de "fleste" soldater aner ikke hvem som står bag-ved-scenen og bestemmer slagets gang og hvem som "reelt" er fjenden, og slår børn, kvinder og andre soldater ihjel, giver jeg ikke så meget for KAMPEN og veteraner som kommer hjem med PTSD-symptomer... Og det kan da også være SINDSYG svært at gennemskue, HVORFOR og HVEM, som faktisk er igangsættere af krige, men Verdens største Banker, har ihvertfald en STOR fordel, ved at skabe krige... Når man først finder ud af, at Jødiske bankfolk var årsagen til både 2. verdenskrig og det armenske folkedrab og Vietnamkrigen var baseret på Nixon's våde drøm, at slå alle kommunister ihjel og havde et slogan som var: 'Kill Anything That Moves'... Poul Nyrup LØJ om Kosovokrigen... Og så er der løgne, som fører lande i krig. Sådan en løgn leverede tidligere statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen forud for Irak-krigen og 9/11... Ta' samtlige danske forsvarsministre og statsminstre, er stortset alle insyltet i "ulovlige" krige, false flag og CIA efterretningsvæsen m.fl.... Det er bare min mening, forstås... |
🌹💔🛐 ~ How to STOP chasing love and relationships & attract the one (Ralph Smart) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉YOU will never, ever have to CHASE someone who is TRULY meant to be in your LIFE and whoever is TRULY meant to be in your life, will NEVER reject you, either ~ Ralph👈] ... LOOOOVE this video and everything in it - however, Ralph Smart is perhaps 1 out of a BILLION, that has THIS much INNER POWER, to seek out "HIS OWN" True Divine Plan on Earth... Actually, I do not agree with Ralph about, that it is the "GUY", who has the duty to be the "Financer" for his spouse/partner - it's a oooooold 3-D matrix programmed concept and I have had "Close Encounters" in my own life, from many of my former relationships, that I was both the Banker, Financier, and Protector of a woman... Today woman has much more money freedom and enlighten, so that, at least, it's not a failure factor, in a relationship. And furthermore, his own "vision" about you can't attract anyone, if they or you are not PLANTBASED - eating to live... It's a personal choice Ralph... Yes, in the NEAREST future, humanity will surely seek PlantBase Food & Natural Products, but it has nothing to do, how you live inside or outside the Matrix. It's a personal choice - you can detox in sooooo many other ways - just saying... |
💉👧😭 ~ Which COVID-19 vaccines will be derived from aborted children’s cell lines? (lifesitenews) ~ | Blogger: [👉There's nothing you can say or do to convince me to receive ANY vaccinations from world pharmaceuticals ~ SoTW👈] ... |
There are now more than 120 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development. Navigating the ethics of using them will be a challenge.
Source (lifesitenews)
☄️💥🕳️ ~ Will a False Flag Asteroid Attack be Staged to Delay the 2020 Presidential Election? (Dr. Michael Salla ~ | Blogger: [👉This is an audio version of an article published on on August 31, 2020, and is narrated by the author Michael Salla, Ph.D👈] ... WE KNOW, that many, many whistleblowers has said, Deep State Washington, (out-of-this-world entities of dark beings) with their Dark Alliance military–industrial complex (MIC), has advanced tech as Direct Energy Weapon, focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams and blue beam and other Exotic Weaponry... Cobra goes on that Toplet / Strangelet bombs and Plasma scalar weapons is much, much worse, controlled by the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact... 👽PS: It was 42 years ago that Close Encounters of the Third Kind opened in wide release.. Spielberg’s initial story outline involved UFOs and shady government dealings following the Watergate scandal, which became a script entitled “Watch the Skies.” The idea involved a police or military officer working on Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s official study into UFOs in the 1950s and 1960s, who would become the whistleblower on the government cover-up of aliens... In other words - He who controls SPACE, controls EARTH... |
On November 4, 2016, NASA, FEMA, the Department of Energy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services collaborated in a planning exercise simulating a destructive asteroid impact set for September 20, 2020. The exercise planners envisaged that the asteroid, up to 800 feet (250 meters) in size, would hit somewhere along a narrow band across Southern California or just off the Pacific Coast....
🤥🙅♂️⛔ ~ (The medical–industrial complex) WATCH BEFORE IT'S GONE! Anthony Fauci's First Fraud EXPOSED! HOW IS THIS STILL SECRET?! Part 11 (James Red Pills America) ~ | Blogger: [👉What If Everything You Thought You Knew about AIDS Was Wrong? ~ Christine Maggiore👈] ... What if EVERYTHING you knew about EVERYTHING was wrong? ~ SoTW... |
🔴📶🔔 ~ (BREAKING) WEAPONIZED 5G Test Caught LIVE outside Mexico City (Hal Turner) ~ | Blogger: [👉DISCLAIMER: An UFO or Hal Turner sensational journalism, to make some “MONETOS” of the subscribers or not, we know for a FACT, that China "activated and conducted" some 5G testing third-quarter of 2019, at the same time, the so-called Corona-outbreak went VIRAL. And because of that, Wuhan residents ‘dropping in streets’👈] ... WE ALSO KNOW for a fact, that Denmark, will activate TDC's 5G-Network Sept 7th, 2020. Some claims goes, that they have ALREADY activated 5G, in the test cities Helsingør and Copenhagen, but as SoTW note - it's more likely the expansion of "4G, H+, 4G+, 4G++ LTE" and not the "REAL 5G" network... |
It appears the rumors surrounding the new "5G" cellular system , that they can be turned into actual deadly weapons simply by turning the power way up, may be true.
Yesterday, I was given a heads-up by some of my former colleagues within the Intel Community, to pay very close attention to weather radar in Mexico, just outside of Mexico City. It was an extremely ODD thing for them to tell me. I did as they suggested.
Late last night, I quickly understood why I was told to watch: It APPEARS, the 5G cellular system outside of Mexico City, was tested at full power. The effect was so ferocious, it actually appeared on Weather Radar. ALL . . . weather radar!
Below are still images of weather radar from at least two different radar sources.
I am endeavoring to determine through other channels, if there was any noticeable effect on people, animals or property in the geographic region affected. If I get such info, I will report it below as an update.
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