Mar 6, 2020

🤡 ~ Bliver 'Sommeren på Birgitø' lukket ned Lørdag? Har 'Kisser' fået ordre på Hjemmekarantæne? ~ |
Kilde (

En lang række begivenheder bliver påvirket af, at de danske myndigheder har opfordret til aflyse arrangementer med over 1000 deltagere.

Årsagen til anbefalingen, som myndighederne forventer, bliver fulgt, er et forsøg på at begrænse coronasmitten.

Her er en oversigt over, hvilke arrangementer der er berørt af anbefalingen, der i første omgang gælder resten af marts:
  • Dansk melodigrandprix lørdag 7. marts i Royal Arena bliver afholdt uden tilskuere.
  • Alle kampe i Superligaen og Nordicbetligaen i den kommende runde - fredag til mandag - bliver afholdt uden tilskuere.
  • FC København vil desuden spille sin kamp i Europa League 12. marts mod Istanbul Basaksehir uden tilskuere i Parken.
  • Herrelandsholdet i fodbold 27. marts mod Færøerne i Herning bliver uden tilskuere.
  • DGI har meldt ud, at alle stævner og idrætsarrangementer med over 1000 deltagere bliver aflyst. Det rammer blandt andet gymnastikstævnet Forårsdage i Roskildehallerne i weekenden, hvor der ifølge skulle være omkring 10.000 deltagere.
  • Det Kongelige Teater vil kun sælge hver anden billet til sine forestillinger resten af marts.
  • P8 Jazz Alive 2020 One Night Only i DR Koncerthuset fredag 6. marts bliver afholdt uden publikum.
  • Kommunalpolitisk Topmøde 2020, der skulle afholdes i Aalborg senere i marts, bliver aflyst. Her skulle 1500 mødes.
  • Messen Byggeri' 20 i Fredericia 10.-13. marts er udskudt.

💊 ~ Auditørkorpset undersøger ny sag om mulig svindel i ejendomsstyrelsen ~ | Blogger: [💸Hvor længe skal vi finde os i korruption, nepotisme og magtmisbrug? Hvor går smertegrænsen? Hvem beskytter hvem i Retsstaten, Embedsværket, Guld1000 virksomhederne og Den Danske Frimurerorden?🦹‍♂️] ...🤔Lige nu er 9 virksomheder politianmeldt for ulovligt telefonsalg. Blandt andre, de gode gamle DONG "Ørsted" og C More. 5 af dem har accepteret bøde på mindst 100.000 - men det er jo latterlig små peanut-bøder, for disse firmaer, som tjener millioner... 🤔Banedanmark har åbenbart meldt en ansat til politiet for bestikkelse, samt nuværende og tidligere ansatte har været del af kritisable forhold... 🤔Britta Nielsens børn tiltales for groft hæleri for over 50 millioner kroner, de 2 unge kvinder, har ALDRIG arbejdet én dag i deres liv og Sønnen, er også tiltalt for besiddelse af børneporno. Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre at snyde for 117 mio. kr. i 15 år i Staten?... 🤔Staten taber også en rekordsag til tidligere ledelse i krakket bank, mod banken Ebh, og skal betale sagsomkostningerne på 121 mio. kr. i sagen... 🤔Fi­nan­si­el Sta­bi­li­tet ta­ber også 4,1 mia. på Roskil­de Bank og alle bankbosser, går fri under det Rothschild Zionistledet magtspil. Er det okay?... 🤔Men hvem er det som trækker i trådene?...🤔Hvem tjener på, at nogle får frit spil til at svindle med skatteborgerens 1,500 mia. kr. og "selvforsøde" livet, med kommunale løninger, som overstiger Statsministerens?... 🤔Hvordan kan lokalpolitikerne og havnebyer i Danmark, tage på udlandsophold, arrangere fester, og hvad ved jeg, fråse med 3-ciferet milionbeløb, når kommunerne selv, sparer på velfærden, lukker plejehjem, skoler, biblioteker og hæver skatterne?... 🤔Netop nu, er det kommet frem, at Vejle har brugt 450.000 kroner på Sydkorea-rejse - for at studere klimaforandringer og biblioteker - er det i orden synes du?... 🤔Skal vi "bare" acceptere det som "normalen"?... [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Kilde (

Endnu en sag om mulig svindel har ramt Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse. En ledende militær medarbejder har således drevet et privat enkeltmandsfirma, som gennem flere år har leveret naturplejeydelser til styrelsen. På baggrund af OLFI’s research er auditørkorpset og personalestyrelsen gået ind i sagen.

Før støvet har nået at lægge sig efter decembers afsløringer af systematisk svindel med vareindkøb i Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse (FES), er styrelsen blevet endnu en bekymring rigere. En mulig ny svindelsag omhandlende en leder i ejendomsstyrelsen er netop blevet overgivet til både Forsvarsministeriets Auditørkorps og til Forsvarsministeriets Personalestyrelse.

Det er Forsvarsministeriet, som har overdraget sagen til auditørkorpset med henblik på at vurdere, om der er foregået noget juridisk strafbart, mens personalestyrelsen skal forholde sig til, om sagen skal have ansætte... (LÆS VIDERE)

Blogger: Fortsat...

Selvom vi i Dannevag har Forsamlingsfrihed, der giver os ret til at demonstrere, til at danne foreninger, til at holde protestmøder, mens andre steder i verden, møder fredelige protester politivold, fængslinger og chikane. Er det derfor vi er bange for gøre oprør og skabe en revolution, som i 70'erne?... 

Vi ønsker helst, at lege de små grise og gør os usynlige, fordi, vi er så enormt bange for, at den store stygge ulv, Staten, kommer og tager vores personlige pengegoder, frihed og velfærd, men vi har bare ikke et demokrati, at støtte os op ad. 

🤦 ~ BREAKING Obscene Extreme Corona - Danish PM: Postpone or Cancel Events with more than 1000 participants. Football matches, Danish DMGP 2020, P3 Gold, Opera Theatre, to be held without audience ~ | Blogger: [O-M-G! WHAAAT! Are They Mad?] ... What is next? Fitness centers, movie theaters, shopping malls, concerts, what?. Cow tipping, Cross-dressing or Martial law?...What are you rights? Do you get a refund?... |

Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen has advised that all public events with an audience over 1000 is to be held without audience or postponed. Kristina Sindberg, senior press and event adviser in charge of DMGP 2020 confirmed that this affects the Danish final.'

👍 ~ There Are No “Perfect” Truthers! ~ | Blogger: [🙆Oh Man! Love This Guy, Gage, x-U.S. Marine Corps & Failed Congressional Candidate🛡️] ... {"Finding The "Perfect" Truther! Not Gonna Happen"} ... If SoTW would have brought you guys videocasting messages - this guy is equal with a Tim-Mini-Me Royal Danish Air Force Military Police (not 'Mini Mike' with 'Spaceballs' meme😂)... |

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By Reality Engaged with Angelo John Gage

Can we ever know “the truth”?

Angelo John Gage details his own experience of beginning to question world events in order to offer context with many of the expectations we put on “truthers” to define the world for us.

🚀 ~ Musk proposal of Reusable Rockets for Space Force ignores Electromagnetic Propulsion ~ | Blogger: [🧐OF COURSE: Who would in their right mind go out in public and say that the "real" SPACE FORCE exist and is about 80 years old, leading with 1000 years ahead in hi-tech "unimaginable" advanced Star Trek technologies. Like, Anti Gravity, Zero Point Energy, Searl Effect Generator, NASA's "impossible" EmDrive Engine, and Electromagnetic Propulsion Systems. Reverse-Engineering the Natural Centrifuges of our galactic, solar systems, celestial bodies is the invention in technology that is a Zero Point Energy Anti-Gravity Engine for FTL Spacecraft. It would be a suicide mission, for Musk and others🤻] ... IF, you believe in this kinda stuff - I do... Buuutt, It doesn't mean SoTW knows Jack Shitt... As always, do your own homework. Research, Research and Research... Use your own spiritual discernment... |

Source (Dr Michael Salla

On February 27, at the US Air Force Association’s “Air Warfare Symposium”, Space X founder Elon Musk posed the question, “How do we make Starfleet real?” and he proposed reusable rockets as “absolutely fundamental” for the newly created Space Force.

Musk’s aggressive lobbying of reusable rocket propulsion technologies for future space exploration ignores increasing evidence that electromagnetic propulsion systems are not only scientifically feasible, but have been developed for classified spacecraft, many of which have been predicted to be soon transferred to Space Force. (READ MORE)

🌌 ~ 💗 THE GREAT SOLAR FLASH (THE EVENT) / LE GRAND FLASH SOLAIRE (L'ÉVÉNEMENT) 🙌✨💜 ~ | Blogger: Waaaauv!... Thanks to Fabrice Sirius & Age of Aquarius FB (the official support group to Cobra) ... |

The day of the Event and the coming of the great solar flash :

On that day, all of the negative plasma and the rest of the remaining primary anomaly will be purified through the energy wave of the galactic goddess.

The quarantine put in place by the dark forces will be immediately lifted and the earth will finally be released.

Everyone will feel that something huge has happened.

The most sensitive will have an intense and deep spiritual experience with the source (God).

The entire planet will be surrounded by northern lights and all kinds of lights like never seen before!

Humanity will be definitively freed from the forces of evil and slavery.

We will then enter the long-awaited Golden Age!

Still a little patience...

The blue dawn is coming...

😜 ~ POTUS, Class War, the DNC, and the Fight for Our Lives ~ |

☄️ ~ WATCH: Home security cameras catch MASSIVE FIREBALL light up Netherlands sky (RT) ~ |

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A stunning meteorite that rained down on northwestern Europe this week was caught in the act by a range of home security cameras dotted around the Netherlands.

The scorching space material could be seen bursting into flames as it entered Earth’s atmosphere, prompting a flood of reports about the extraterrestrial activity to the Royal Dutch Society of Weather and Astronomy.

Home security cameras conveniently captured the impressive fireball and social media users shared the fiery action online.(LÆS VIDERE)

🤥 ~ Bestseller rejects charges of using Chinese forced labor ~ | Blogger: [🗣️BOOO! Mr. Bestseller®: The pot calling the kettle black. Caught with hands in cookie jar using Chinese forced labor, but rejects it. Just like H&M that allegedly violated child-labor laws and thousands of other clothing companies🧺] ... The billionaire who has it all... The bestseller family is close friends to the danish Royal House of Denmark... Going to build a Brandes Bestseller Eiffel Tower of 320m and Village... Underground "Earth Room" '2,100 square meters below the 1400 year old manor house, Constantinsborg... Landlords want to demolish and rebuild the 3,000 sqm breeding buildings, Constantinsborg, which is now once protected by law, but Anders Holck-Povlsen don't need to lie on his knees for the city's municipal politicians. Also owns the 800 km tourist magnet of Scotland's 'Route 66'. Only private person in the world, besides Queen Elizabeth, who owns most land in Scotland... |

Kilde (

"After a telephone call to its Chinese supplier, Danish Bestseller denies that Uighurs are forced to work at factories in the company's production chain. The charges stem from a new report written by one of the world's leading experts. He calls Bestseller's answer a "perfect illustration of the problem" ~

🙀 ~ NN: ALERT: Pandemic projection model shows 2.16 million deaths in USA by July 4th if nothing done to halt nearly all domestic travel (air, rail and roads) ~ | Blogger: [😷Fearful Frenzy Fake Nostradamus 2020 Predictions?🔮] ... {Even The Royal House of Denmark has jumped on the fearful bandwagon and are now declining to handshake on visits} ... 💨The Danish Health Authorities predictions: 500,000 danes could be infected with 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) without their knowledge... 💨UK predicts worst case scenario modelling suggests 80% of people (30 million) can become infected when there is a new virus, like this one... 💨POTUS, is apparently backing C.D.C. and “we’re very, very ready for this, for anything,” President Trump said at a White House press briefing on the coronavirus... 💨Since then, NYC urges self-isolation for visitors to 5 nations and SoTW predicts that SOON, nobody are able to enter United States of America... 💨Simon Parkes has said, that to his knowledge only Kerry Cassidy and himself, had gone public with info that either the virus had mutated or that in fact there were two viruses running alongside each other... 💨Now,, is out saying that Coronavirus has evolved into two major lineages and it is possible to be infected with both, a new study shows... 💨Even that pathogen appears to have come from wild animals, virologists say, and there are no signs of genetic manipulation in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, (it's still possible, that it is a man-made bio-weapon, Folks!)... 💨Because of the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and was the one that ordered and supervised the Israeli Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01, this Zionist Mossad-agent, Bibi's advise to Israelis is to use India's ancient 🙏'Namaste' greeting to fend off germs amid coronavirus epidemic... ✋ SoTW advice - Do not be Scared, award yourself with a 💜 Heart for not fallen for the Fear, just follow the below poster advices, take your alternative free natural high frequency medications and then get red pilled, instead!... Be calm & vigilant!... |

Source (NaturalNews)

(Natural News) Today I finished tweaking the first draft of a pandemic projection model that simulates the spread of the coronavirus in the United States. The assumptions of the model are explained here, and you will find they are extremely conservative (using R0 value of just 1.82, for example).

The model’s predictions are nothing short of apocalyptic if the virus is allowed to spread without restraint across the United States. According to the model, there will be 2.16 million dead Americans by July 4th if domestic travel is not aggressively halted very soon (see the full projections below). This is not a prediction, since I believe that state governments and the federal government will intervene long before July 4th to declare, essentially, medical martial law.

That is now the only remaining option to stop the spread. It must be done soon. It may already be too late to prevent millions from getting infected.

Before we get to the conclusions of the model, here are the assumptions. As you will quickly see, these are very conservative assumptions (READ MORE)

SoTW Links:

🍌 ~ D.MAIL: EXCLUSIVE: 'I did it to manage my anxieties.' Bill Clinton reveals in Hillary Hulu doc that he had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky to ease pressures of the job, feels 'terrible' scandal defined her life and confessing to Chelsea was the worst ~ |

  • Bill Clinton said he had the affair with Monica Lewinsky while he was in office because it helped to 'manage my anxieties' 
  • The former President makes the claims in an interview featured in a new documentary series -'Hillary' - to air on Hulu Friday
  • He said that when he met Lewinsky, the pressure of the job was too much and he thought, 'Here's something that will take your mind off it for a while'
  • The former First Lady candidly reveals that in the aftermath of the scandal the couple underwent 'painful' marriage counseling
  • Clinton apologizes to Lewinsky, saying he feels 'terrible' that the affair defined her life  
  • The series features extraordinary access to the Clintons' inner circle and Hillary's life from her student days to losing the 2016 election to Donald Trump
  • She's explained that she agreed to the documentary 'because I'm not running for anything'
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⚖️ ~ Corey Feldman names Hollywood paedophiles in new documentary ~ | Blogger: [🐇#FollowTheWhiteRabbit. #TheGlobalPedoGate. #SexualViolence- AgainstChildren👯‍♀️] .. Go for it Mr. Feldman. We're all behind you & sending prayers your way. Be calm & vigilant! ... |

Corey Feldman (L) and Corey Haim in 1988 film Dream A Little Dream. Picture: SuppliedSource:News Corp Australia
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Corey Feldman reveals who raped him and his late friend Corey Haim in a new documentary exposing paedophiles in Hollywood.

Corey Feldman, 48, says he has hired 24-hour security ahead of the release of his new documentary in which he revealed who raped him and his late friend Corey Haim when they were child stars.

Feldman has fought to get his documentary, My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys, made amid legal issues surrounding the former child star actually naming people he says are responsible for abuse he suffered as a kid.

The documentary will screen just once, on March 9.

Feldman, who starred in movies like Stand By Me and The Goonies as a child, says he promised his good friend Haim 11 years ago that he would publicly reveal the abuse they suffered if he died before his former child co-star.(READ MORE)