Jan 12, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Commander Val Nek: Galactic Federation of Worlds Security Breach) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: We are practically alone in this universe (90% of people thinks)... People keep sayin; we have WON the battle! Well, I say; not yet, soon!.. Taken down a 6000 year ago old ET's death-cult that came to Earth integrated themselves into our present society of Babylon culture of Blackmail, Bribery, Corruption, Cabal (Kabale)-ism, Child Sacrifice, Satanism, is no easy task... I understand if people, from time to time, thinks SoTW is a complete moron, believing in little green men, shit-talk - always after our beloved authority, speak my mind, never empathic from the heart, full of hot air, blah-blah-blah. My former girlfriend, Polish-Danish just out of psychic school as clairvoyant who could save the world, but never herself, told me, my office and my blog was crap and I was possessed by a demon. Which freaked me out at first, later, was tested and it's not true, never had that feeling. Yes, Direct Energy Weapon, I have experienced that under Cobra RM session in Budapest, a Simon Parkes event (Awake & Aware - Simon lost his voice) in London and under The International UFO Congress (3 people died - I'm not kidding. Check out Craig R. Lang). I'm absolute nice person to everyone I meet, I never hurt a fly. With friends who left me because I no longer inside their version of the 3D Matrix of illusionary world, my daughters also gone, as a incredible sensitive spiritual soul. I try to do my meditations, declare and decree, every day. Living completely off the grid, no income, no loans, undeclared and unchecked by any authority with no ego, fearless, and staying strong. It was then I learned, it was her projected ego who was spitting after me, because she was so pissed, after I had the cojones the size of Babylon, to give her the slip; how dare you! This, beautiful gifted princess of Poland, who must be worshipped and praised, every second of the day... Oh my lord, can't wait until the major Spiritual Paradigm Shift will take us into the next level of 4D and then 5D. Once in a near future in a mirror universe - a reflection of our universe across time that will prepare me (and other men) to understand what the heck is going on inside a woman's head. Perhaps if I'm lucky, my Higher Self of True Nature will teach me a lesson or two. Or my Twin-Flame will appear in front of me one day. Then, and only then, i'll know I'm home... |
⏰😧✨ ~ (2022 Spirituel Paradigmeskift: En NY tid, hvor ALT kan ske...) Ekstrabladet erkender at have svigtet befolkningen... Er Lars Findsen Danmarks svar på Julian Assange eller Frimurer❓ En folkehelt, en frihedskæmper, som systemet nu prøver at rydde af vejen sammen med journalister og chefredaktører❓... Snart begynder EU's største cyberøvelse seks uger stresstestning mod Ruslands aggressive handling mod Ukraine (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: JUST IN: Et af de to kabler i Norges fjerntliggende, men vitale, Svalbard Undersea Cable System led et 'strømafbrydelse' i sidste uge (forbindelse til Findsen-sagen)❓ ... Ekstrabladets undskyld, ALDRIG set før - betyder det at DeHvideHatte har taget over❓ Slut på en årtiers lang Operation Mockingbird: et CIA projekt hvis specifikke formål var at styre ALLE medierne ifht. specifikke historier via hemmelige agenter (også underholdningsindustrien og filmproduktion m.fl.)❓ Er frimurerens almægtige magt på toppen, ENDELIG, taget fra bestillingen❓ Betyder det ENDEN på Coronakrisen❓ Norske barer overvejer at sagsøge staten for alkoholforbud - starten på massesøgsmål - også i Dannevang❓ Aktivering af E.B.S. & E.A.S (USA's Emergency Alert System)❓ Start på nyt Internet AKA StarLink (Verdens mest avancerede bredbåndsinternet-system)❓ Donald Trumps nye sociale medie Truth Social❓ Arrestationer i det offentlige rum❓ Indsættelsen af ny USA's præsident❓ m.v...[LÆS VIDERE]... |
EU's 6-weeks Large-Scale Cyberattack Exercise = 10 Days of No Internet and Phone Blackout?
Norwegian arctic undersea cable mysteriously fails...
Denmark allows NSA espionage via Danish cables, Head of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service in custody over suspected information leaks, while burglars private House break-ins (CIA, PET, NSA-agents?)...
https://ekstrabladet.dk/krimi/indbrud-hos-faengslet-spionchef/9078992 https://www.rt.com/news/545818-arctic-undersea-cable-fails |
👉Tarot By Janine fortæller os gang på gang, at "filmen" snart er slut og al rejseaktivitet starter op igen som var det før 2019, hvor intet var hændt i Marts 2022 (SoTW - 3D Matrix simulationen ender)...
👉Simon Parkes og Co., siger, at hvis ikke noget skelsættende sker før 20. Januar 2022, så vil han æde sin gamle bowlerhat...
👉Mit Højere-Selv på SoTW sammen med min holistiske ND, deler vidnesbyrd om en TOTAL slut på Coronakrisen i Marts/April 2022 (sagt flere gange)...
👉Joni Patry - en af de mest anerkendte vediske astrologer i verden (hvis hun selv skal sige det) afvarer os om "Mars Ghandanta - 12. januar -18: En verden ude af kontrol!"...
👉 Dr. Evil Fauci, går BALALAJKA i kongressen (en del af skuespillet)...
👉Præsident for Europa-Parlamentet, David Sassoli, døde i en alder af 65 år fra "immunsystemdysfunktion", sandsynligvis forårsaget af Covid-19-vaccinen. Han var en af de vigtigste mennesker bag indførelsen af vaccinepas i EU...
👉John Pinetta trådte tilbage som kommunikationschef for Facebook Meta. Pinetta arbejdede også på Bill og Melinda Gates Foundation...
👉Kasakhstans tidligere efterretningschef er blevet ARRESTERET + Ukraines ex-præsident på FLUGT - begge disse (fine gentlemen) forbindes til Biden-familiens kriminelle løbebane...
VÅGN SÅ OP🙏... |
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: '500 spacecrafts highly evolved ET's has entered our solar system. Huuuge energy off the scale shift from Jan 1st-7th of 2022') Extraterrestrial Fleet arrives to watch humanity's liberation - Interview with James Gilliland (Dr. Michael Salla) ~ | Blogger: SoTW been incredible lucky to have meet Salla and James, my favorite is Mr. Gilliland. Seen many UFO's IRL in high vibrational area near UFO vortex energy center of Mt. Shasta in 2015 with James and many others... He's no bullshitter like me and posses amazing great "empathy, love, bless and joy" kinda aura and energy, ancient original lightworker knowledge, telepathy connected his galactic "sources" and lightwarrior, to his teeth and gained a higher spiritual insight, like Alex Collier (and Simon Parkes)... James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee etc. My goal in 2022 or later is to visit James World Famous 36 years old ECETI Ranch located in beautiful Trout Lake Washington. The Mt. Adams area, near the town of Trout Lake, Washington, has always been known as a UFO hotspot. It's actually quite costly and hard to reach this area for me from Denmark, but on my bucket list... |
A large fleet of spacecraft belonging to highly evolved extraterrestrials has recently entered our solar system according to James Gilliland who has over 35 years of contact experiences. He claims these positive extraterrestrials along with higher dimensional beings are here to oversee a fundamental change in how our solar system and planet are run. James discusses the collapse of the Deep State and regressive ETs in this Exopolitics Today Interview.
James Gilliland runs the ECETI retreat in Mt Adams, Washington, where visitors can regularly watch UFO activity, and holds annual conferences. His website is https://eceti.org
💖🛏️🌌 ~ ('90.10. Meditation 'Beds' is NOT 'Med Beds' and 'virtual' NOT to cure any illnesses etc. Unknown date for Physical SSP Med Beds.') Skye Prince Clarifies ~ Celestial Chambers, 90.10 Meditation Beds, and SSP Med Beds (GAOA) ~ | Blogger: Who is this person speaking? She's supposed to be a "active" nurse (Vibrational Healing Mentor in the SSP) called "Skye Prince" from a new telegram-channel called (Skye's Med Bed Room)... JEss CHRIST - sooo much confusing and so many rumors and options to pick from... And sooo many NAMES and so many MEMES... According to Jared Rand; (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe... Cobra RM Tachyon Healing Chambers (THC) is NOT a Med Bed, either. I know in details and have been inside THC, many time in Denmark. So, The Tachyon Chamber is not a "med bed," "celestial chamber," or a device intended for medical purposes... You know, Brad Johnson (New Earth Insights), who also speaks on the rumors of the Secret Space Program med-beds said LOUD AND CLEAR; the "medical-like-beds" developed is NOTHING like what they have in SPACE. In fact, Brad is saying, that Earthlings living on Mother GAIA, will NOT in the "nearest future" have access to the "same" superadvanced technology that SSP has created for Med Beds in SPACE (like “Holographic Medical Pods” not only can prolong your life but also regenerate your cells, reinvigorate your body, and even re-grow amputated parts of it. etc. etc.) in which, contradicts what "Skye Prince" is saying... OMG!... With all due and utmost respect to Skye, SoTW will need to wait and see... |
Skye Prince offers a welcome clarification on just what each of these items is and does. She does say that Jared Rand’s Celestial Chambers will be great if he’s right about them, and the 90.10 ‘beds’ are virtual…and neither of them are the Secret Space Program Med Beds.
The Med Beds that we’re most interested in are the ones that have been in use and doing amazing things for quite a while…and sessions in them will be free of charge. Twelve minutes long and full of information, this is.
The Med Beds that we’re most interested in are the ones that have been in use and doing amazing things for quite a while…and sessions in them will be free of charge. Twelve minutes long and full of information, this is.
SoTW links of interest:
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