Channeled by Mike Quinsey
8th January 2021. Mike Quinsey.
We can understand your concern at the continuing problems arising from the Covid19 virus and we acknowledge the confusion and agitation that is being caused. However, as muddled as everything seems, we assure you that the problems will disappear as quickly as they first appeared.
The demanding times have been a test of your endurance without the knowledge of where it is all going, and how it will all end. From our panoramic view of everything we see a quick ending to the effects of the virus but exactly when is uncertain.
There are certain aspects that have to be played out before the problems cease and even with your own predictions it will take some months to clear. We are loath to make predictions particularly at this time, as there may yet be some unexpected moments to come.
All we can say with certainty is that the changes that have taken place will be a precursor for greater and more acceptable events. There had to be a momentous shift from what you were used to so that you were forced to re-think the direction in which you were going.