Remember that 2020 is about SAYING GOODBYE to so many things...the VIRTUAL WORLD, the virus, fear, doubt, etc. THE END IS THE BEGINNING!!!— GalacticConnection1 (@HMajesty888) May 17, 2020
Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye
May 25, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Time To Say Goodbye... to COVID-19🌟] ... Time to do some crossfit exercises in the beautiful weather with Partyzone; 25 Burpee Box Jump Over, not so perfect 100 Push ups, 5x50 Stomach Workout, 50 Pull-Ups, 500 Jump Rope Workout (wish I could do Battle Rope) and then Triceps Workout (rope). Next and last training exercise for today is some MTB biking in the woods to train how to tap into the spiritual and healing power of trees for myself💪... And trust me i'm to old for this s**t and not fit. Used to have sick pack stomach when I did some football in High School i New Hampshire - a loooong time ago... |
※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Khazarian Mafia’s COVID-19 Power Grab Fails, Bill Gates Now a Dead Man Walking ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Whoa! gloves are off... Many years ago my danish holistic naturopathic doctor told me the story about Japan was attacked by means of nuclear bombs drilled into the seabed off the shore of Fukushima Japan... |

Khazarian Mafia’s COVID-19 Power Grab Fails, Bill Gates Now a Dead Man Walking
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
The Khazarian mafia power grab using a fake COVID 19 pandemic has failed spectacularly and now payback begins, Pentagon and Asian secret society sources say. The White Hats have begun an immediate offensive by killing Jesuit military leader and Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, White Dragon Society sources say. The death of Nicolas opened the path for the liberation of Japan. This is being followed by the liberation of Germany. Only then will it be possible to liberate the United States and thus the planet Earth.
Let’s begin with the death on May 20th of the Black Pope. Nicolas, although supposedly a nice guy, was head of an organization that planned and carried out the 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan. Although his predecessor Peter Hans Kolvenbach was in charge of that operation, Nicolas failed to admit, apologize and make amends for this war crime.
His death has opened the way for regime change in Japan because he was the top commander of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that actually runs this country. The day after Nicolas died, Hiromu Kurokawa the chief of the Tokyo prosecutors’ office was forced to resign over a “gambling scandal.”—reports/
Then, 662 lawyers and scholars filed a criminal complaint against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.
Also, with Nicolas removed, the path was finally opened to file the following criminal complaint about Fukushima to the International Criminal Court:
“Dear Sirs,
💏 ~ (»En rose til en rose«) Mette Frederiksen-indslag får massiv kritik: 'D R Nordkorea' ~ | Blogger: [🎤KOM SÅ ALLE I FÆLLESSANG MED PHILLIP FABER & HR. SKÆG!🎶] ... {»DANMARKS BEDSTE STATSMINISTER«} ... Det er IKKE et opstillet billede, det vi ser på! Lad nu vær!🤣 ... | |
Jeg er da glad for, at der ikke stod “socialdemokratisering” på skoleskemaet, da jeg gik i 1. klasse. Whaaaat the fuck.— Magnus Kraft (@kraftmagnus) May 24, 2020
🍰 ~ (Et hus der gik i kage - bagerens dårlige øje) Detektor: Carsten Jensens kritik af Lagkagehuset er 'noget sludder', siger professor ~ | Blogger: [👉Skal ikke kunne sige hvorfor kapitalfonden, Nordic Capital, der blandt andet ejer Sportmaster, købte Lagkagehuset af FSN Capital og stifterne Steen Skallebæk og Ole Kristoffer fik 200 mio. kr, der er endt i Jersey's luktrative skattely med hjælpepakker👈] ... {Men, Der Er Noget Galt I Danmark, som John Mogensen sang} ... 👩🍳Som min egen far, "bagermester", i en af Coops bedste og største a-butikker i Nordsjælland i en menneskealder har sagt til mig i mange år; Lagkagehuset er vanvittige dyre, bruger ikke smør, for meget af det usunde salt og er overbevist om, de benytter sig af brødmix. Han har trosalt haft egne opskrifter og været den første i Danmark, der omlagde til 100% øko, men måtte vende tilbage til brødmix, fordi det var for dyrt for Coop... 🤔Hvordan Dannevang er blevet så pilråddent og tilhører slyngelstater og bananrepublikker, er mig en gåde... 👪Min familie har ALTID været mental og resourcestærke nok til ikke, at lade sig underkaste "De riges paradis" af grådighed eller griskhed og vi har ALTID, levet efter tæring efter næring-princippet...Alle mine nærmeste familiemedlemmer er eller har været ledende skikkelser i deres respektive erhverv og jeg selv, har bl.a. været IT-Projektmanager, både i IBM og største bank i Norden, i en kort periode, indtil jeg gik ned med stress, daglige slåskampe med 1st, 2nd, 3rd level ledere og grundet vanvittige kuldsejlede it-projekter. Har haft en del andre stillinger, men har altid stukket næsen frem og fået skåret den af, en del gange, fordi jeg sagde min mening i et højere rangerende hierarki i de narcissistiske og egocentriske kastegrupper, hvor penge og positioner, er mere vigtige, end individet og dens udvikling... Kan fortælle jer om hvor plumrådden Bjarne Riis og Anne Dorthe Tanderup (må ikke snakke om det) er, men tror bare mange danskere er snothamrende forkælet folkefærd, der lever efter "Survival of the fittest", (de bedst tilpassedes overlevelse) evolutionens selektionsmekanisme, hvor man ikke kan få NOK og mere vil have mere. Det samme gælder dem, som lever på velfærdsstaten, som overlevelsesstrategi ... Gud nåde og trøste os alle, hvis vi ikke snart vågner op til dåd... |
💌 ~ 💗 Anchoring Higher Vibrations (Matt Kahn) 💕 ~ |
Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangel throughout his life. Matt serves as a bridge between the mysterious empires and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, inexplicable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened their true nature through Matt's deep and loving teachings and transmission of holy heart wisdom. Matt and Julie offer their clear intuitive guidance and loving presence, removing all perceptions of obstacles in your life and too energetic to support you through all aspects of the spiritual journey and experience of awakening.
When you dare to anchor the opposite vibration of those who trigger you, you'll find yourself able to honor their journey while being grateful for the law of polarity for inspiring you to embody your highest wisdom more often in response to the inconsistencies in sight.
Instead of attempting to convince someone else of what they seem to be overlooking, simply demonstrate the choices you wish they were embracing, even if such change is only meant to be your next step forward into greater living embodiment.
As always, every inspired action step you take always offers higher vibrational energy to all in existence, whether they know it came from you or not, while also respecting everyone's unique experience, path and timing.
🤫 ~ Message from Therese Zumi Sumner + Watch Out for Imposters ~ Con Artists ~ Manipulators ~ | Blogger: OMG! They silenced Therese Zumi Sumner! A true Cobra supporter (and the Resistance Movement) and website Veritas Galactic Sweden and her Facebook Page blog... HOWEVER, SoTW is able to reach from where i'm sitting...hmm... |
☝️ ~ The Smoking Gun of Illuminati Intentions (GAOG+HAF) ~ | Blogger: Celeste Solum is a whistleblower, formerly from FEMA and spiritual awakening soul!. Listen to what she has to say by showing us the deepest layers of CV19 World Economic Forum’s plans for … well, there are no other words for it but world domination and global depopulation... |
🗽 ~ 💗 Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Se den forbudte video, flere gode coronaråd, stigende kritik af regeringen" ~ May Day👈] ... ☝️ PS: Demo 5. juni med SammenForFrihed2020... |
✅ ~ The True Toll Of COVID 19 ~ | Blogger: [👉If you have the stomach for it and 50 minutes to spend, Max Igan, is the guy! His video tells it all! Straight from the horse's mouth!👈] ...🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 With all the other "Rotten Tomatoes" (sorry) of wordly female prime ministers, our Mother(s) of CV19 Church Saviour(s), Jacinda Ardern, who knew Christchurch was a "false flag operations" - listen to what she had to say - "We will continue to be your single source of truth" 🤦♂️... |
🤐🔒💊 ~ Shadows, Ghosts, Crown-ZenZor-Ban & Bravery In The Age Of Truth ~ LUCAS ALEXANDER [Age Of Truth TV] ~ | Blogger: [🤫The Anti-Truth-Information Age: How govt and 'hidden controllers' are reinventing censorship in the 21st century and in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak🙊] ... Lucas Alexander - is an danish actor, performer and singer. Also a producer, director and investigative interviewer of documentary/interview specials... 🙈PS: THE MOST censored video right now is "Plandemic". Dr. Judy Mikovits has been banned by Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Natural News sites, and most over She has revealed most of the important lies within the medical–industrial complex, including how Dr. Anthony Fauci has thrown her under the bus, and that they forced her out of her house without a warrant and jailed without a sentence. The most worrisome point is that Dr. Mikovits may not be lying about being muzzled for 5 years. She tells her story in this "intriguing" Interview with Mikki Willis. Released in May of 2020 (with danish subtitles)...|
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