Dec 7, 2021
✨ ~ 💗 ('12:12 a gateway opens directly to the galactic center, the Great Central Sun.') 12:12 Gateway (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Meg is focusing on 12:12 , but 11:11 had enormous signs of Planetary Shift as well. Next is Dec 15 (Biden), then Dec 22 (Matrix) Dec 24 (Christmas) and lastly Dec 31st (Rebirth) of major changes, incomming. For the ones who are listen in and looking for signs of course. In Denmark 5,7 million people's eyes stirring on 3 things. The #MeToo campaign version 3.0 mobilization of hundreds of thousands of angry women (and a few men) 2: Gang related violence, which is perfect timing for law enforcement and judicial bodies to strengthen new draconian laws, which leads to nr 3 and most importantly, the Omicron fearmongering that has lead to 1 million has finished their booster-vaccination and 1 million more soon is expected. Which again leads to by end of december, 90-95% of Danes has got their 1st "vaksine"-shot. Denmark will be the bestest Corona-Corporation-Party (CCP), besides zionist Israel, to have lured humans into total submission, in the whole wide world... Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters... |
Sunday’s powerful Solar Eclipse at 12° Sagittarius is still rippling through our mental constructs and perspectives, how we see ourselves and how we create in the world. The south node eclipse penetrated the top dense veils of conscious self and is now digging deeper into the hidden psyche. It may be felt as an existential crisis, a reset of old negative thought forms, self-judgment, self-loathing, sense of failure or hopelessness.
The Solar Eclipse formed a ‘large learning triangle’ between the New Moon, Saturn and Uranus, initiating different points of view and new solutions that previously did not exist. The South Node is the point of Dissolution, so you can focus, feel deeply, acknowledge and let go of emotional grief, sadness or heartbreak rising for release and healing.
The powerful Solar Eclipse provided cosmic opportunity to do some ‘time cleansing’, to heal and erase negative self-rejection, past trauma, and haunting memory from your akashic hallways of time. The Eclipse reset enables you to remove debilitating software programming from the mind and start to ‘see through the eyes of the Soul’ with self-love and acceptance.
※🔴🔺~ ('SSPACECOM,; real battle destroy KM HQ in Swiss, DE Cabal hunting parties Black Forest Clinton attended. Ghislaine Maxwell trial KM circus act.') Fulford's *PARTIAL FULL* report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ |
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Khazarian mafia circles the wagons around the drain
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Published by Benjamin on Dec, 6, 2021
The worldwide offensive to permanently liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia is intensifying on all fronts, multiple sources agree. The biggest next move is to return Ukraine to the bosom of mother Russia, according to senior sources in the US military space command. This will deprive the Khazarian mafia of control over their ancestral homeland of Khazaria (Ukraine).The fall of Ukraine will cut off drugs and other money laundering activities that support the fake administration of “fuck” Joe Biden, the sources say. Remember when an Anglo Saxon says “fuck you,” it means they are ready to fight to the death. Many Americans, especially in the military and the agencies, are doing just that. And make no mistake, this is a fight to the death as any aware human now realizes.
We are dealing with a Satanic cabal that is actively trying to kill you and your family. For example, Ursula Van Der Leyen, the unelected head of the EU commission, told the press she is in favor of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated. In other words, she admits she’s a war criminal who wants to carry out medical treatment based on lies and against people’s will.
📰🍿❌ ~ (N.C.S.W.I.S:'British Colombia - 35,927 Children Rescued') JUDY BYINGTON:... (YOU NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR (DC + RUMOR MILL) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Insane number if true. 35K children is the size of the population from a big town in Denmark - unfathomable... |
The Plan to Save the World: “Defcon, Starlink and Guardian Angels Standing By to Take Over the Planet... NCSWIS (Nothing Can Stop What Is Started)”
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 7, 2021
A. News Headlines for Mon. 6 Dec. 2021:
- On Mon. 6 Dec. an Israel meeting took place in the US about a possible (nuclear) war with Iran.
- Tensions were mounting between the US and Russia over Moscow’s plan to launch an offensive on Ukraine.
- Biden admin reportedly mulls “nuclear option,” i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.
- Underground Bases Section 1 Canada, DUMBS in British Colombia: 35,927 Children Rescued From Giant, Thermonuclear Blasted Underground Facility.
- Mayhem Beneath the Surface of the Stock Market:
- The US Inc. government debt has now reached $29 trillion. The size of the 2008 bank bailout was also $29 trillion. It was in that 2008 that US Inc. was declared bankrupt and has been functioning on a fiat US Dollar ever since. Also in that 2008 the BRICS Alliance was formed to do a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies so the world could get away from the fiat US Dollar. No wonder US Inc. was declared officially broke on Fri. 3 Dec. Congress changing the deadline for the government to reconcile it’s debt to Feb. 2021 won’t change the fact that US Inc. was broke.
- First Batch Of Pfizer Docs Reveals Over 42,000 Adverse Reactions.
- Spike Protein Induced by COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer, Swedish Study:
- Nearly the entire crypto ecosystem appears to be based on DIGITAL fiat currency counterfeiting operations tied to Communist China.
- Don Lemon Accuser Speaks Out, Slams Network as a ‘Predator Protecting Machine’:
- Hunter Biden & Walmart Chairman Discussed ‘Pulling The Trigger To Stop Trump’ in 2020 Election
- Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account.
- Evergrande Stock Price CRASHES on Asia Markets Closing
- The CV-19 Vaccines of Pfizer, Moderno, Astra Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson and Novax have been found to cause blood clots, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Bels Palsy, alter DNA, abortions in pregnant women and death.
- CDC Scientists admit they manipulated study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination.
- New Lancet Research: “Ignoring the vaccinated population as a source of virus transmission is gross negligence. The results of a new Lancet study should force decision makers to rethink their desire to vaccinate the entire population and disregard basic human rights when it is proved that infection and transmission of the virus cannot be prevented by these “vaccinations”.
- If the White Hats wanted to set Biden up for failure, this would be a brilliant way to do it: Release an engineered variant that infects everyone but kills no one. Then Trump can ask Biden why he hasn’t contained the spread.
- The Omicron variant could wreck the need for mandates. Essentially, it has 32 new mutations that the current vaccines won’t be able to stop whatsoever. It spreads far more rapidly than previous variants, but is far more mild than previous variants. In a nutshell, it’ll likely spread like wildfire with minimal health risk while creating natural immunity worldwide – totally negating the need for vaccines and mandates altogether.
- No Jab No Food Mandates Land Quietly in Canada New-Brunswick:
- The default of the Chinese Real Estate giant Evergrande on Mon. 6 Dec. was expected to trigger an international financial crisis.
- A Florida Judge has overturned the 2020 Election due to illegal votes.
💚🌱🏵️ ~ ('Overdødelighed 10%. Børn/unge udskammes snart et trauma. En corona Nürnberg 2 retssag') Biodynamiske nyheder i 16 pkt (Biodynamisk Nyhedsbrev) ~ | Blogger: Må jeg have lov at fremhæve pkt. 3; Dansk mortalitet i 2021. Der lå på hele 10%. 1. en ren tilfældighed, 2. dødsfald af andre vira eller 3. de er døde af vaccinen. Har for nylig fundet "Punditokraterne" tror det var en CC SimonP medlem som læste dem jævneligt... Det er også værd, at læste om Dr og adv. Fuellmich, en dygtig og sympatisk fyr, som har ført og vundet en del STORE sager mod Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank i Tyskland og nu også, Nürnberg 2 kan også blive kolossal mod Corona-"overmagten"... 😥PS: Så med chok og forfærdelse til morgen, at også børn og unge rammes af konflikten i form af fortvivlelse, mobning og udskamning. Det er så grælt, siger Børns Vilkår og BørneTelefonen, ikke nok med at kammeraterne moraliserer kraftigt over andre unge og børn, ikke får "stikket", men forældre, udøver psysisk terror overfor Deres børn. Det er SINDSSYGT, de burde alle anmeldes.. 🚸Jeg har "haft" 2 døtre, én bio. - og én papdatter. De elskede mig og jeg dem, overalt på jorden, men måtte ikke bevare kontakten til mig, fordi, jeg gik, fra den ene kæreste og anmeldte den anden kone, for psykisk vold mod sin egen datter. Børnehaven havde allerede lagt mærke til det, min kone var advarede af mig 100vis af gange og jeg kunne ikke holde min kæft længere. Den ene kæreste var pure dansk med polsk familie, den anden ukrainsk (så kan jeg lære det). Det var oppe og vende i kommunen og de tog det virkelig seriøs, indtil hun hyrede en marxistisk mandehader, fra et kendt NJ's (nordsjællandsk) advokatbureau. Jeg ville da A-L-D-R-I-G tvinge eller udskamme mine døtre (børn) om nogetsomhelst, fordi, de f.eks. var bange for, eller ikke ønskede at modtage en "vaksine". Især efter de er begge, over 12 år. Vi har brug for at få det spirituelle paradigmeskift og det kan ikke for langsomt...🦛🤪🔫 OBS! Har I hørt det!! HAR I ALLE HØRT DET?? (Rasmus Bruun satire) - 2 belgiske flodheste har fået corona (tak til min holistiske ND for nyheden)... 📴BREAKING: Hvor fanden er de sidste mink-mobiler, Mørke-Medico-Mææætte??? (det HELE er POLITISK nu hvor FE, PET og Politiet har givet op om at genskabe sms'er)... |
⚓NOTE: Jeg er taget ud af landet, gør altid, når det ikke er til at holde ud. Bor på et Hotel skib i Gøteborg i den fantastiske smukke by fra julehandel og julegløgg, store dalende snefnug men også julesange fra 2 hjulet hestekærre samt kanaler i hollandsk stil og grønne boulevarder. Der er bare så smuk i juletiden - virkelig romantisk. Når men, for 2 dusin stykker af os, udspillede der et rent DRAMA foran StenaLine terminalen, siden Sverige, netop som jeg skulle ombord, havde ændret corona-reglerne. Jeg måtte nu løbe ned til Falck og få en lyntest/kviktest, som ikke anede at reglerne, var lavet om. Løbe tilbage og med (delvis) mundble, pas, boardingpas, kuffert og afventning af resultatet, som kom 3 minutter efter og 10 tossede mennesker, ikke kom ombord i tide og måtte vente til næste færge. Det var så åndsvagt, at flere råbte og skreg af personalet, siden de HELLER ikke vidste, reglerne var lavet om og sagde noget om, de SKULLE checke CV-pas eftersom, ellers, blev de fyret på stedet. Da jeg kom tilbage 6 timer efter, havde de indkaldt assistance, nu stod der en meget emsig Falck-vagt og var næsten kamp parat, hvis nogle af passagerne, skulle modværge sig. VILDT og CRAZY TIMES. Hvis jeg havde vidst, at det var et sandt mareridt at komme til Sverige, havde jeg ikke købt billige NON REFUNDABLE billetter, og bare, aflyst turen... Falck's indtjening var på ca. 3 mia., hvoraf, en profit på 1 mia. kr. Bedste i 115 år. Falck, Carelink og Copenhagen Medical = omsætning over 5,4 mia.... |
1 Aflysning af foredrag
Jens-Otto Andersens foredrag 10-12 i Nærum aflyses.
Det skyldes sygdom.