Oct 15, 2017
The Christian Journal | Oct 13, 2017 | Google is ‘Summoning the Demon,’ Preparing the Way Towards ‘Artificial God’ – Led By Former Software Engineer | .. Now, from the mouth of the beast in Silicon Valley, an engineer has set forth an objective of creating an artificial godhead. While this may sound like something straight out of a movie, documents obtained by Wired.com, showcase one former Google engineers plan to advocate for the worship of technology. Previously, we have discussed the Singularity, and how other Silicon Valley engineers are predicting and planning when exactly this will take place. Anthony Levandowski, the former Google Engineer and founder of the new organization called Way of the Future, has taken things a step further. According to the founding documents, the stated purpose of the group is to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” .. |
The Telegraph | Oct 15, 2017 | More than 1,000 troops on standby as forecasters warn Hurricane Ophelia's 80mph winds will 'pose a danger to life'. Hurricane Ophelia is due to make landfall in Ireland on Monday and is predicted to be one of the worst storms we have seen in more than 50 years | Blogger: Yet another man-made weather warfare? Strange path isn't? Leaving rest of Europe untouched, strait for Ireland..hmmm.. The Irish PM, Leo Voldemort (Varadkar), who ""refuses"" to let Amazon, Apple and Google pay taxes. Ireland is infamous tax havens for hundreds of thousands of companies from around the world (Low CIT, tax incentives, evidence of large scale profit shifting). Makes Bermuda and the Cayman Islands look like so innocent in comparison. Ireland also hide Ronaldo's billion stash... |
BREAKING Ophelia, heading for the British Isles, is now a 115mph Category 3 hurricane. This is not normal. http://bit.ly/2g9i35a #Ophelia
Collective-Evolution | Oct 12, 2017 | Apollo 15 Pilot Joins The Long List of Astronauts to Tell The World About ‘alien’ Visitation |
If we look at the long list of astronauts to share their knowledge and beliefs about UFOs, as well as intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are or have been visiting our planet, the list is quite long and it never seems to stop growing. Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, told us that there “have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” Dr. Brian O’leary told the world that there is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted,” Gordon Cooper, and others like Story Musgrave have all made some interesting remarks about their knowledge or beliefs.
Also joining them is a long and growing list of hundreds, if not thousands of high ranking military personnel, political figures, academics and many more.
On top of this we have hundreds of thousands of pages released by multiple governments that document these interesting cases. Although we may not quite know exactly what is going on, we know something is.
All of this information that’s leaked over the past few years, in turn, has also provoked a response from the “mainstream world,” a world that used to criticize and ridicule the subject is now taking corrective measures to bring more credibility into it, in some cases, despite doing a poor job.
This has been seen with recent citizens hearings on the manner, as well as popular people from within pop culture getting together with some “well known” people from companies like Lockheed Martin, and others from within the intelligence community and starting awareness initiatives, like Tom Delonge.....[READ MORE]
Avisen | 14. Oktober 2017 | Regeringen vil gøre danskerne papirløse: Kan frigøre 7,5 millioner arbejdstimer | .. Borgernes kontakt til det offentlige skal i endnu højere grad ske digitalt, ønsker regeringen med nyt udspil .. | Blogger: Så lige, at Hong Kong har lanceret en ny 'elektronisk identifikation' som en del af 'smart city'-blueprint - ALLE skal have en e-ID.. Godt jeg ikke bor i Smart City-laboratorium, København. Hvor alt skal digitaliseres, fra inteligente wifi LED-gadebelysning til ansigtsgenkendelse - snart får vi 5G som er så sundhedsfarligt, at vi kommer til at se en strålings epidemi.. Du griner sikkert, men det sker ALDRIG i Danmark.. Vi har allerede special e-ID kort til udlændinge, biometri og RFID chip til ID-kort og pas, er kommet for at blive... Her kan man i princippet gemme alle data specs om en person, selvom det sikkert strider mod persondataloven.. Uanset antydninger i dagspressen og TV om at, vi overhovedet ikke skal bekymre os om Digitalisering & Robotisering (Kunstig intelligens, transhumanisme, robotter, digitalisering), så kan vi ikke komme udenom, effekten vil få fatale konsekvenser, for os alle. Det er ingen tilfældighed, at Robotter og kunstig intelligens vil erstatte halvdelen af alle de job vi kender i dag; 'svaret er at investere i uddannelse, forskning og digitalisering, mener Karsten Dybvad, som i Berlingske præsenterer DIs plan for en ny globaliseringspulje, som er dobbelt så stor som den tidligere'.. Det kan godt være, men svaret er nok nærmere, besparelser og alle borgere skal i arbejde og uddannes, som regeringen ønsker det - ego, skal borgere og det offentlige, ikke koste Staten, en skid.. 'Uddannelse: Skole og virksomheder skal samarbejde'.. 'Den nye uddannelse til unge under 25 år erstatter bl.a. produktionsskolerne, som vi kender dem i dag'.. 'Sophie Løhde vil gøre danskerne papirløse: Kan frigøre 7,5 millioner arbejdstimer'.. Sophie Løhde muntre sig med og kommer til at stå i spidsen for af ny teknologi, digitalisering, innovation og disruption. En minister som er tvungen ind i teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley. Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print og kunstig intelligens.. Bare for at nævne et par få tiltag: Danmark og vestlige lande i samarbejde med Amazon og Google, ønsker sig en DNA cloud-baseret base på jordens befolkning, e-ID, RFID chip i vacciner, nummerplade scanning, højt avanceret AI CCTV cameras, internetlogning, ansigtsgenkendelse, fingeraftryk, eye scanner og ikke mindst, NemID som bliver introduceret overalt (nyeste er at børn skal bruge NemID hos lægen) osv. osv... En overvågende centraliseret retsstat der udfaser mennesker som individ, tildeler os et nummer som var vi konverteret til samme lavrangeret status som en 'replicant', fra Blade Runner.. Du må ikke have egen mening, sige 'bombe' i lufthavnen eller 'radikalisering på Facebook uden at ryge i fængsel, benytte din intuition og spirituelle frihed, som lykkelige individer.. Vores elskede folkevalgte spinder simpelthen på vores konstante frygt. Det militariseret politikorps, Politiets Efterretningstjeneste og FE med udvidet magtbeføjelser, har kronede dage. Vi skal være bange for alt nu, lige fra ganske almindelige grænse-flygtninge med en turban til skraldebiler og efterladt taske ved hovedbanegården. Frygt ikke, Staten, redder os, husk det!!.. Vi skal undfanges og behandles som kvæg, fodres og slagtes - lidt groft sagt - søg selv viden herom... |
Yahoo Sports | Oct 14, 2017 | German soccer team kneels before match in solidarity with NFL protests | Blogger: OMG! Unbelievable. This craziness has expanded to Europe now - The Khazarian Mafia (KM) Anti-Trump Rebellion (CIA/NATO/Operation Gladio/Berlin/Hitler/Merkel) - Yes, i'm sorry, time to wake people up to the truth... ".. With NFL ratings in the toilet and the football league standing to lose billions this year due to angry fan backlash, you’d think these “oppressed” millionaires would stop engaging in disgusting acts of racism on the football field. But shockingly, things just got much worse, after these protesting athletes just had a brand new anthem written just for them. And the literal “F you” message in these lyrics to their former fans and towards our president is absolutely vile. From the moment that Colin Kaepernick took a knee, he’s been propped up by the liberal media, where a source close to the former quarterback revealed that he reveres himself as America’s “race messiah.” So it should come as no surprise that following the massive liberal tantrum of their “race messiah” still being unsigned this year, that a cop-hating rapper Eminem would take up Kaepernick’s cause and decide to write an anthem for Kaepernick and the rest of the NFL athletes currently taking a knee. The washed-up aging rap star unveiled his disgusting song during Tuesday’s BET Hip Hop Awards. The lyrics declare a literal war on Americans who dislike Kaepernick, and the new NFL unofficial anthem says “F YOU” to anyone who supports President Trump.." - freedomdaily... |
Hertha Berlin players and staff all took a knee before Saturday’s match against Schalke. (Hertha Berlin on Twitter) |
NATO sets EU ablaze - Berlin Ankara Zürich - Heiberg Stoltenberg Hitler Merkel Dönmeh Gülen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4kIdaPQzLgThe Still Report | Oct 12, 2017 | ~ More Question on Vegas Mystery, 1830 ~ | Blogger: MSM media like FOX News is also start wondering, calls it weird, bizarre and doesn't make any sense... |
URL for Petition: https://tinyurl.com/SR1830Petition - Water Smacker - Makes your water less acidic by ionization. https://www.watersmacker.com Good morning, I’m still reporting on: More Question on Vegas Mystery, 1830 Synopsis: Last night, Tucker Carlson and good guy, former DC police homicide investigator Ted Williams brought a good deal of skepticism to the latest police version of events about the crime of the year.
This has always been interesting to me and I have not seen anyone else bring this up. We know from the audio tracks that these weapons fired at about 11 rounds per second. That would be 19 seconds of firing if continuous. Gun experts say that there are 250 round magazines for the weapons pictured in the police photos of the crime scene, but only 100 round mags are visible. That means that the shooter had to reload, lengthening the time it would have taken to shoot that many rounds. Do you think the guard would have just stood there for 25 seconds as automatic weapons fire shredded the door? The point is that the story about 200 rounds sounds preposterous – as does much everything we have been told by the Las Vegas police at this point – that is, since the Sheriff and Under Sheriff suddenly did 180s about having evidence that the shooter had help, had an escape plan and did not want to die.
One other thing. If this guy was such a cold-blooded killer, why did he shoot for the legs of the guard. One other thing, the previous timeline made some sense – that once he had shot the guard – he would have known that the police would certainly be close behind. Yet, this guy who had an escape plan, and did not want to die, then focused all his attention to laying down a withering 2,000 rounds of automatic weapons fire? The entire thing makes no sense, and that’s the reaction both Tucker and Ted Williams display throughout this entire interview.
[insert] Well, ok. What do they disagree with? Why is every detail of this story held onto tightly? It’s like pulling teeth to get anything solid – nearly 2 weeks after the crime.
Jason A \\ Aangirfan | Oct 14, 2017 | Hollywood Doesn't Want You to See This! (2017-2018) | Blogger: Today's topic: PizzaGate/Disney/Hollywood/Show business and the pedophilia epidemic exposed BIG TIME. Predators, pedophiles, Satanists, psychopaths, a network of some very twisted power-hungry people.. PS: It's so easy to throw Mr .Trump under the bus, he's been derided as a sexual predator among other sex crazy power elites. However there's no proof, sex-predator or not, nobody ever mentioned Obama anymore. Why? Conspiracy theories still alive - Obama is gay, not natural-born citizen of the United States and was handpicked by the illuminati/CIA (like many other presidents), served in DARPA's 1970s time-traveling program called Project Pegasus... |
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jasonayoutube/
2017-2018 Illuminati Warning! Something You Need to See! Hollywood Won't Tell You about This Strange Events Jason A World News Current Events
Harvey Weinstein has been accused of rape.
Donald Trump has been accused of rape.
Edward Heath has been accused of rape.
Some FACTIONS have PROTECTED these individuals and some FACTIONS have ABANDONED these people.
The right-wing Zionists have abandoned Harvey Weinstein.
The right-wing Zionists still support Donald Trump.
The right-wing Zionists eventually abandoned Edward Heath.
According to Ben Shapiro, Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News:
"Harvey Weinstein produced and distributed Miral, an anti-Semitic diatribe straight from the Palestinian playbook."Forward described Miral thus:
"The Israelis depicted onscreen - soldiers bulldozing homes and countering rock-throwing with machine-gun fire, wardens whipping political prisoners and settlers building homes in Arab population centers because, as one character puts it, 'what they really want is all of Palestine'.Steve Bannon had ties to Harvey Weinstein .
Netanyahu says that Israel has no greater friend than Donald Trump .
Edward Heath's chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.
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