Jan 1, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Love is Here, Just Come Home') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Jewel last video for now... Check out her breathtaking Airbnb at Taiarapu-Ouest, Windward Islands, French Polynesia... Can't believe nobody else besides myself and some few goofy bunch of light workers, are listening in and watching to RatnaDewi Jewel's youtube channel. It's really amazing. She is such a beautiful soul... PS: After that, dreaming away, back to reality, check out Tarot by Janine's new Friday Deep Dive video or one with "Tom Numbers". A new video by Steve Lepkowski & Simon Parkes 1st January 2022, where Simon mentions, the tens of thousands of rail commuters who rely on Southern will be unable to reach London Victoria until 10 January becasue of COVID. Simon thinks it might be a permanent closure, instead of hard lockdown meant for UK at 27th of December, because of secret underground tunnels that lead to Houses of Parliament. They also discuss GCR for 22 countries will take place after BIDEN leaves office and no one gonna be Dinar billionaires overnight etc. etc. Another one is Dr Salla, with his SSP-whistleblower "JP", USAF Colonel leaks coordinates of ancient Antarctic Ruins. Also the famous S-4 alien spacecraft reverse engineering facility described by Bob Lazar and others shows up on GoogleEarth with correct annotation... Well, in case I don't see ya, Good afternoon, Good evening, and Good night!... |

👨‍💻🦸‍♀️🗜️ ~ (OPERATION KATJIIING!) Mette's Waka-Wacky-Wacko fortsætter 'lidt' ind i 2022 = 11 + 22 eller 2+22: En 'Guldgrube' for DJØF's KvindeMafiaen, Teknokraterne, Transhumanisterne og Big Pharma (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: "Follow The Money", som man siger... NU VISER DET SIG, at ansatte, i Kriminalforsorgen, der IKKE er vaccineret, kan tjene flere tusinde kroner i tillæg til deres løn om måneden i kompensation for at lade sig teste, hver gang de møder op på arbejde efter krav om coronapas. 600 pr. gang... VI HAR ALLEREDE LÆRT, at DDFO-Daisy's Kongesøn, Slå først Frede, og hans allerbedste buddy-buddy, Jeppe 'handy-work' har scoret KASSEN FRU MADSEN på Copenhagen Medical. En indtægt der svarer til ti millioner kroner om dagen. Han er ikke komplet idiot - tror du ikke han er klar over, at RT–PCR, Antigen-tests, ALDRIG, har været designet til at finde COVID-19 virus? Han har snesevis af skandaler bag sig og i 2017 kom det frem, han tjente også FEDT på serviceopgaver for FN og NATO. Dvs. Pingo's soldater kammesjuk scorer igen (igen) atter millioner på krig, død og ødelæggelse. Berlingske påstår, han pludseligt fik en fiks idé og tog en kæmpe chance pantsatte alt, hvad han ejede. Jeg tror simpelthen ikke på, at det hele er så tilfældigt.. Samme gælder Brande Von Anders, Bestseller, endnu en af Kongehusets venner, har nu opkøbt stort af toneangivende værdiselskaber i Dannevang og det er bevist, han har solgt ubrugelige MUNDBIND fra Kina, via 24 af Mærsks 'gratis' kæmpe luftbro under 2020, til staten og nægtede, at betale husleje til alle de butikker, som modekoncernen lejer sig ind hos. Er det ikke besynderligt, at A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S, som OVERHOVED ikke opererer indenfor, det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks, har opkøbt - unilabs - et schweiziske selskab, der blandt andet producerer udstyr til coronatest??.. Jeg tør nu vædde på, at hele Mærsk-dynastiet, er blandt de aller øverste i frimurerorden, sammen med Novo-banditterne, siden 33, bliver ved med at poppe op og disse GIGANTER, har tjent mest under hele coronakrisen. Pudsigt, at regeringen gave støtte til Bavarian Nordic i 2021, med 800 millioner kroner til udvikling af en vaccine mod covid-19... DOG,er frimurerens "3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33, 39" sataniske univers, SPRÆNGT og ind kommer 2022, der bliver 11 + 22 eller 2+22, afhængigt af den enkeltes evner. Set fra dette perspektiv repræsenterer året 2022 sandhedensmesteren og mesterskaberen, der former sig, sammen. Ikke dårligt. Slet ikke dårligt. Dette vil helt sikkert være et år med lokale og globale afsløringer, og det lover også at blive et år med De Hvide Hattes færdiggørelse og fest og farver... |

Jupiter Mørke-Medico-Mette - I, danskere, har indgået en kontrakt med mig og dermed modtaget et diktat. Er det forstået?

(Teachers from Jupiter)

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«
Lars Løkke Rasmussen - jamen jeg har ikke yderligere kommentarer.


👼 ~ 💕 (In 2022 May Your Dreams Come True) Happy New You in 2022! (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW didn't manage to visit Ann Albers in Sedona, in the three tours, but stayed at Sedona Sacred Rocks, A Metaphysical BnB (with Meaghan, C. Mc Cue, Energy Medicine/Horse Medicine Practitioner, Emily, Violeta, Regina and all our sweet Four-legged family). I also visited Rahelio Rodriguez - Mystic Tours.. For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours" and rented a MTB bike and befriended a German from California, going up and down in the red mountains with another american dude (it's durable). We were taking conspiracies of course, only country in the world with most open spiritual people... Sedona, like Hawaii, expensive place - yeah - but there's so many spiritual enlighten angels living, in that area, for a good reason... Beneath the endless beauty beats a healing heart. Sedona has long been regarded as a place both sacred and powerful. It is a cathedral without walls. It is Stonehenge not yet assembled. People travel from all across the globe to experience the mysterious cosmic forces that are said to emanate from the red rocks, spiritual guides from native American ancestors and energy vortex.. Oh man - I do miss my America - my second home. My past life, the root chakra, and my higher-self told me, I used to live there, as an American between 1902-1965 (from 1968 in this lifetime) and traumatized after a WWII battle in the Pacific, gunned down by a Japanese plane as a sailor on a US naval ship (at least I survived experiencing 2 wars)... |


Happy New Year!

Today the angels talk about, and give us a little exercise for creating ourselves anew in 2022. I'll share some thoughts on the year past and a few reminders as to how we can create the best for ourselves and our world.

I wish you all joy in the year ahead, and a deep connection to the Divine!
♥ Ann

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We love your celebration of the new year because it is a huge reminder that you can start fresh. You can change old habits. You can create new, more supportive routines. You can clean out your closets – physically and emotionally and point yourselves in new directions.

Of course, you can do that at any time, but when you, collectively as a human race, choose to mark the point of a new beginning, you create a beautiful field of energy. You create a field of hope. You create a field of dreams. You create a field of resolve to be happier, healthier, and better than you were before. On this day you, collectively, as a human race, point yourself in newer, kinder, happier directions.

🧐🤚🎖️ ~ (Sir Elton John: It's a little bit funny...) that Tony Blair knighted by Queen-Lizzie. The real Queen, who already left the Earth Plane, gives out the highest possible ranking in the New Year Honours list, to a man, for helping after Diana's death, by a vacated Buckingham Palace, already surrendered to TRUMP White Hat Alliance liberating Earth (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Diana, our dear Princess of Wales has been found alive in Uruguay (2005), later, kept safe in a DUMB with JFK Jr, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert David Steele and John McAfee???... OMG! Are you kidding me! Surpriiiise (the "show" or "movie" must go on)… So let me get this straight.. The cabal dysfunctional establisment in the powerful Pedofarm UK Parliament. PLUS BBC who's known for covering up Sir "obe" Jimmy Savile, Knight Bachelor "for charitable services", who abused over 1000 children. PLUS Buckingham Palace, already boarded up in May 2020, so is America's Prison White House, has decided that the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has been appointed "Sir Tony" as title, given the highest possible ranking in British civilian and military honor that can be achieved in the British kingdom... So once again, the war criminal Fogh-Blair-Bush–Clinton syndicate goes free in the CIA - Operation Mockingbird enabled, Lame Stream Media... At least "officially", Bibi Netanyahu - the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia & Ex-Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (Baby Hitler) is out of the equation... |

"Tony Blair saved Queen Elizabeth from a royal crisis when Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris." ~ kendte.dk

"I had done the same as Mette Frederiksen and gone to Israel: If I was PM, and an epidemic hit, then I would have gathered the most talented people we had and given them the task of obtaining vaccines enough for everyone in my country in a hurry, no matter the cost. " ~ Tony Blair to B.T.dk

🧨🥳🍾 ~ (Queen Speech of Yuck! But 1000 people helped me!) The Head of Kingdom of Denmark swirled her whip: Mentions (Operation) Dark Winter, sends a special thanks to vaccine-researchers and demands-danes to stand together after Omnicom-variant even more contagious version. Critics already blaming speech a direct mockery to vaccine skeptics, but best ever of 50 years in making (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 🏃💨 I'd just kind of coasting along yesterday went faster than I expected. 4️⃣ things and 1000 like-minded spiritual people that helped me during New Years Eve; 1️⃣ Star Trek: Discovery (season 4) 2️⃣ during my amazing 6⭐ dinner 3️⃣ 300 International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness on Zoom w/Simon Parkes (Andy & Katka) 4️⃣ LIVE (4) HOURS Marathon until midnight Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee - Q&A Webinar together with 700 people (Alex mentioned the EU monarchies who will be taken down)... 👁️⃤ No, no, no I'm not after any Danish or English monarchs or anybody else, but, I want the truth to be revealed, with drama or no drama, or atleast, remove those in power who is bad for humanity. Please do not be angry on the messenger. I AM the light not the reflect of the light, but enough is enough. Humanity is ONE family and each one of us, on unique spiritual path, bad og good, going through a tremendous healing, but elites born with a silver spoon up the arse, who REFUSE to clean their act and/or doing mass atrocities to other humans (drinking Adrenochrome, abusing kids, satanic rituals or knowingly experiments with toxic vaksines, captures souls or depopulation programs Agenda 21) have to be processed or removed from the equation. Shipped to another mirrored Earth and do it to each others, instead... 💌If you think i'm a bad person or Janine, pick up the clicker or channel-changer, i'm here to protect the innocent, weak, children, animals and all souls who wish to receive my love. Buuutt, I'm no saint, i've done thinks that I regret that is now, lived out according to my Karma. However, we need to remove the really hardcore bad seeds, in order to take control and change the perverted (matrix) system. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens... ⚖️Interesting timing - Pentagon approves new courtroom at Guantánamo Bay for "War Crimes Trials" (The New York Times reports)... 😳There's so much fakery and evil, in the world, you have nooo idea. But we are sooo close to victory. This is 2022, get ready for (start) of full disclosure and major changes. We have to put our trust in that or my head will explode. We finally made it though all these troubles... |

💭 DID YOU KNOW, that for 50 years, The Royal Danish House communications department, special employees of Danish Ministry of the State, political spin doctors, speechwriter and most famous Danish authors who earns more than 1 million kroner, creates Queen's New Year's speech, The Danish Prime Minister's speech and all other political speeches?... | 

⚠️Why was Marie-Hélène de Rothschild seen with Henri de Monpezat and his wife queen Margriet of Denmark at Alexis de Redé's Bal Oriental?(Khazarian-bloodline aristocratic illuminati families of Europe - satanic cult in 1969 and 1972?) Your guess is as good as mine... | 



"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality"  and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a  ALOT of work to do there! Look up Blood Diamonds - Children - Oprah Winfrey - Devil in disguise ~ Janine

PS: the 6 months has passed now..

PSS: Danish: [mɑˈkʁeˀtə]; Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid, born 16 April 1940) is Queen of Denmark and commander-in-chief of the Danish Defence and member of Committee of 300 and so is Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen... 

NOTE: Anyways, Janine goes into more details about the Ever Given Suez Canal incident and the Child Trafficking rescue theories, that really, really hurt the BlackHats on a profound level.  Janine has told us, that Danish Maersk Shipping has also been involved in Human Trafficking in others videos - so the rumors are... NOTE: Ex-Navy SEAL Michael Jaco has also been out warning that disinformation is running rampant in the truther community... |