Sep 13, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (A glitch in the 3D matrix of Simulation as Reality is an Illusion?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Sept 13, 2023 ~ |

👁️⃤𓂀🤙🤨🤘 (De Forbandede Frimurer fra den allerøverste, øverste, øverste hylde) Den Korte Verdensalt, kan forsikre alle om, at 'shitshowet' snart, er slut. Det kan lyde morbidt, når vi ser krig, død og ødelæggelse, i massemedierne hver dag og genmodificerede politikere samt elite-kendisser og KO-influenserer, fucker med din hjerne. Vi er bare nødt til at acceptere, de alene, ikke, kan fremstå, som små enerådige narcissistiske diktatorer, men agerer som stråmænd, for frimureriet. Som igen, agerer stråmænd, for, mørke væsner / rumvæsener / gudelignende dæmoniske entiteter, der vil menneskeden det ondt. Fat mod. Når spirituel åbning eller når opvågningssymptomerne intensiveres, fører til indre smerte, kaos, angst og forvirring. Opvågning er ikke for sarte sjæle, men når det værste er overstået, og man er trauma- og ego-frigjort, har man tonsvis af energi og er mere fysisk og følelsesmæssig stabil end nogensinde før. ~ 13. September 2023 ~ |

20 år senere i Esbjerg … |
Ep. 20.1: Er du okay med at blive afsløret i en løgn? | Spreaker

KONKLUSION: 'Så længe danskerne forholder sig passivt - af ligegyldighed, fejhed, opportunisme, ender det hele i status quo. Vi får hjælp udefra, men vi skal selv opvågne, indefra. Når spirituel åbning fører til indre smerte, kaos, angst og forvirring efter berøring af den guddommelige kraft, kan vi først dernæst, ændre verden.' ~ SoTW

FREE GUY: Det selvom, 'udenjordiske dæmoner', kunne gennemføre, Hawaii's 9/11 - Maui-massakren Falske Flag Pyro-terrorism ”rapture” med 2.000 forsvundne børn - ialt 4.500 mennesker, kan ikke redegøres for. Over 10.000 lig ventes at skylle i land efter flodbølge i Libyen og dødstallet ved jordskælvet i Marokko stiger til mere end 2000. Uanset om det hele er løgn og latin og DeHvideHatte og DeSorteHatte iscenesættelse, sker der et tæppefald for de mørkeste agender, så sikker som amen i kirken. Ashkenazi-Kabbalah zionist-jøderne, kan ikke overleve ret meget længere. En total nedsmeltning og unikke spirituel paradigmeskift, sker måske når vi rammer den store astrologiske begivenhed ved efterårsjævndøgnet, som i år er den 23. september (ønsketænkning). Siden kommer FEMA og FCC planlægger landsdækkende nødalarmtest for 4. oktober 2023. Samt “Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot…”. Afskaffelse af petrodollaren, indførelse af lande-QFS-tokens, bakket op af et lager af ædelmetallet guld, samt RV og Global RV. Samtidigt med at den nye union- og militær alliance blandt BRIC-nationernes 100+ lande, vil skabe så stor ravage hos Rothschilds. Og de 13-blodfamiler, af den fascistiske-imperalistiske akse, som bestemmer over Dannevang, siden Statsbankerotten 1813 og de lånte penge ud, til alle Europas overhoveder... | 
Endnu en fruitcake hardcore frimurer ~ Den Korte Verdensalt

(‿ˠ‿)🥂🤫🤣 (Moon-Madness Moonshine-Mooners) Let me get this straight: Today, the unified Kingdom of Denmark, to receive Lockheed Martin F-35 - worthless as fighter, worthless as attack plane, still grounded in Forth Worth, Texas. Just weeks after they gifted Ukraine with their old junkyard F-16 Fighting Falcon from 1978. Okay. So far, so good. Andreas Mogensen, 1st ever Danish astronaut has traveled into space aboard ISS (so they claim), to help climate scientists, by document lightning from space and Earthshine AKA Moon-shining AKA Planetshine! Is it relevant for climate changes and does it even matter for survival of HUmanity? ~ Sept 13, 2023 ~ |

Illuminating Earth's shine, AKA Moonshine, also called Da Vinci glow or 'Moon Glow' (slang to expose one's buttocks to passers-by) 

'A climate experiment called Earthshine is part of ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen’s Huginn mission. The experiment aims to understand how Earth reflects sunlight to improve climate models. And you can help Andreas and the scientists!'

FREE GUY: SoTW have meet David Wilcock and talked to Dr Michael Salla IRL about SSP and in particular, to Dr Ken Johnston, back in the days, who's revealing the Dark Mission of NASA and the Moon and beyond (laughing their ass off). And I do trust Salla and Ken, more than I trust, Andreas and his climate change agenda hoax. Danish Youtuber "Space with Sarah" is even more crazier. We're been in Low Earth orbit (LEO) since Hitlers Die Glocke ("The Bell") 1940's and Milky-Way since 1970's by Solar Warden fleet, that operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command and traveled to other galaxies, ever since... |

🌊🌋🔥🔮 (WTF! Flooding in Liby, Morocco quake + Maui Massacre - all WH Alliance ops? C'Mon Man) Beyond Ravens with JANINE ~ Sept 13, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Sorry you guys! Since Verdensalt is 100% free does that mean my truth is lesser trustworthy than those behind Paywalls? I really like Janine, but NOT everything is a White Hat operations, going on behind the scene. At least, 1000s upon 1000s has left the Earth Plane or lost everything they own, because of those horrific events.  It's like listen to Simon Parkes telling us, that WH's control all Direct-Energy Weapons (DEW). Janine's a great saleswoman i'll give you that! And promote her own and friends channels Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic, likes there no tomorrow. $5 x 18.000++ paying followers per month = $$$. Even, Michelle Fielding -Spiritual Coach, Psych Club - Tom Sidney Bushnell aka Tom Numbers, Dr Charlie Wards, Michael Jaco Navy Seal are being high priced Paywalls. It's becoming "Big-Business" selling you 'insider'-intel and truth!... What did my higher Self (H-S) tell me abt all general popular fortune tellers or tarot card readers (like Tarot by Janine)? The accuracy or correctness of truth of them all in percentage is close to 60% truth. THATS IT! What abt the 40% left? Who 'controls' their intuitions? Who are behind or has invented the "tarot system"? Ego, haughtiness, high-mindedness, higher-self, jinx (jynx), demons, ghosts - spirits - alien energies? What is it? When a tarot reader picks it cards, is it by ones own H-S?(Click the link to read more - it's free of charge😉)... |

Beyond Ravens with JANINE - SEPT 12 (   

⚔️💙💛 ("Steklov" was warned in 2021 abt SMO in Ukraine by draft treaty – no more NATO enlargement) GlobalResearch: Stoltenberg Directly Admitted Special Military Operation Was Launched Due to NATO Aggression ~ Sept 13, 2023 ~ |


Stoltenberg Directly Admitted Special Military Operation Was Launched Due to NATO Aggression - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

NATO and the truth are antonyms, so it’s very difficult to imagine these two in one sentence, let alone several. However, no matter how impossible it may sound, even the most aggressive alliance in human history can tell the truth from time to time. Namely, during a recent speech at the European Union’s Parliament, specifically its Committee on Foreign Affairs, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg directly admitted that Russia launched the special military operation (SMO) to prevent further NATO aggression. Although he was trying to present this as some sort of a “victory” for the belligerent alliance, Stoltenberg effectively acknowledged that all this “evil Russian propaganda and disinformation” was in fact true.

“The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that he wanted NATO to sign, to promise – no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And that was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that. The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign a promise never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our alliance, introducing some kind of E and B, or second-class membership. We rejected that. So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite,” Stoltenberg gloated.

Busy with trying to present recent historical events as a success for the world’s most aggressive alliance, NATO Secretary General probably isn’t even aware that the remarks he made have been repeatedly decried by the mainstream propaganda machine as “Russian disinformation” and “parroting Putin’s talking points”. Stoltenberg even mentioned Sweden and Finland, claiming that the latter’s accession to NATO is “historic”. However, this is not exactly true, as Finland has already been a member of NATO’s direct predecessor in the early to mid-1940s and we all know how that ended. Unfortunately, the political West doesn’t seem to learn from history, so it’s bound to repeat it for the umpteenth time.