May 22, 2016
Video – 3D Chessboard of Global (Exo)Politics - May 22, 2016
The above video published today on Youtube outlines how global politics needs to expand beyond the traditional scholarly focus on nation states, transnational corporations, non-state actors, international organizations, and social movements.
Global politics requires three dimensional thinking, as depicted in the fictional 3D Chess of Star Trek, in order to factor in how both advanced subterranean civilizations and extraterrestrial civilizations influence political events on Earth.
Dr. Michael Salla has held full time university positions teaching both graduate and undergraduate students key concepts in global politics. He combines his scholarly expertise in global politics with his more recent research in exopolitics, to produce a remarkable 3D understanding of global (exo)politics.
More info at:
The GCMAF Miracle The FDA Fears(ECETI: Over 14 alternative doctors have lost their lives for curing cancer and revealing the death through innoculation program, Nagalese..)(Fox News Radio Show Host Fired 1 DAY Before Having me on As Guest on Doctor Deaths!! )
Søg på verdensalt "GCMAF" eller "Nagalese" |
Blogger: Blot en tanke... Novo nordisk image er fantastisk og alle danskerne er så stolte...Må jeg gøre opmærksom på kemikoncernen "Monsanto"(De er blevet karakteriseret skiftevis som kyniske, onde og en corporate bølle. Undersøgelser viser de rangerer blandt de mest forhadte virksomheder i Amerika. Nu vil Bayer AG købe dem) Monsanto indgik partnerskab med Novozymes(Novo A / S, som ejer ca. 40% af B-aktier) for at kunne drage fordel af virksomhedens erfaring inden for mikrobiel, i 2013. Novozymes har en af verdens største og mest avancerede enzymfabrikker. Dominerende på markedet var vaskemiddel- og fødevareindustrien, som for Novozymes' vedkommende udgjorde over 70% af salget. Med andre ord, kunstige kemiske fremstillet enzymer, ligesom "Nagalese"...Novo, Novozymes, Monsanto er bl.a. også, kemikoncerner, som fremstiller kunstige enzymer til alt det du drikker og spiser... Tænk lige over det ... Novo Nordisk A/S, uformelt blot Novo, er Danmarks største medicinalvirksomhed, der fremstiller insuliner, GLP-1-analog, glucagon, blødermedicin, væksthormon og kønshormoner....Med al den
forskning i diabetes og fremskridt inden for diabetes behandlinger, er
det fristende at tænke. nogen sikkert har fundet en diabetes kur nu. Men
virkeligheden er, at der ikke er nogen kur mod diabetes - hverken type
1-diabetes eller type 2-diabetes. Hvad ville der ske, hvis det kom frem i
lyset (ligesom det faktum, at bl.a. Cannabis kurer kræftceller), at vores
hæderkronede firma - Novo Nordisk, (Novo som dækker verdens
insulinmarked med 1,1 billion kroner) blev præsenteret for en naturlig/
kunstigt enzym som kurer 'diabetes' på celleniveau eller Holistisk metode? Ved Novo Nordisk, at den farmaceutiske industri hæmmer enzymet GcMAF for magt
og profit? Ville det stoppe Novo som koncern, med at fremstille 'human
insulin'(syntetisk insulin) og gå tilbage til 1920'ernes behandlingsform
for ’animalsk insulin’(insulin fra bugspytkirtlen hos køer eller svin)?
Er 'human insulin' (genmodificerede gærceller eller E. coli-bakterier)
100 pct uden bivirkninger? Vi kan vel være enige om, at det er et
lægemiddel som er syntetisk fremstillet? Vi kan vel også sige, at
diabetes tilfælde er eksploderet som en spirende epidemi de sidste 50
år, men et faktum er, for 50 år siden, fik børn slet ikke konstateret type 2-diabetes eller
kroniske sygdomme, hvorfor? læs mere...
Fox News Radio Show Host Fired 1 DAY Before Having me on As Guest on Doctor Deaths!!
Interview with CEO David Noakes 9-2015
Dynamo Exposed as Using Jinns/Demons (Lots of Videos and New Proofs) - May 22, 2016 CET
Læs også: De tre T'er: Telepati, Telekinese, Teleportation - Der findes nogen fantastiske unge talentfulde tryllekunstnere rundt om i verden, så som engelske 'Dynamo'
This original new series is an answer to all those who claim that Dynamo is using paid actors, stooges, accomplices,…., camera and CGI effects to perform his tricks. This original news series that I’ve made will present to you all the necessary proofs to convince yourself:
continued reading.....
Mike Quinsey: A Message from my Higher Self - May 22, 2016 CET (Many, like Simon Parkes, has told us about Hotspots coming up in 2016 where energies will come to a peak... March/April - Planet 9(Panama Papers). June/July - Economic Crash/RV/GCR - OR - Oct/Nov - Catastrophic Financial Crisis...My own kinesiology session revealed, that, the vibrations lift up in June and August are going to be HUGE! Like World Wide HUGE! Hold on, the rollercoaster ride begins shortly... high sensitive persons(HSP) are waking up in Denmark and cannot understand who they are anymore...)
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight
Be assured that all proceeds well and much is still happening behind the scenes. As we see it the next two months could well prove to be the most important ones of recent time. It is anticipated that events will have moved on sufficiently for an announcement to be made, that will be the commencement of many more bringing the truth out into the open.
In reality no time at all has been lost, as much has been happening that has been beyond the reach of the dark Ones. Indeed, as time passes their power is being rapidly diminished and the work of the Light Ones is speeding ahead. The energies of the New Age are bringing out the truth resulting in an upliftment of the vibrations.
Many advances that have been held back are beginning to surface and – not least of all – those being spread by the Keshe Foundation. For many years their inventions have been suppressed, but no longer as there are so many now being spread by those who wish to see them enter the public domain.
They are now being brought to the attention of many sources that have the ability to manufacture them. Their spread cannot therefore be stopped and more and more people are becoming aware of their existence. It is just a matter of time before some official announcements can be made so that the public also become aware.
An Inconvenient Harvest by Theeohn Megistus: The Only Book You Need To Read...(A Beginner Guide To The Newly Awakening Soul...Illuminati. Toxicity from Toothpaste, Food, Water. AIDS, Medicine & Public Health. The Income Tax and Other Deceptions. Ley lines and Powerfull Places. The Hidden Government & Empire. H.A.A.R.P and Mind Control. The Quantum World, Creation & Contact. UFO, etc. etc.)
This is an incredible collection of disclosure material composed in one document. It has a wide range of topics that help to remove the veil of secrecy and advance the Awakening of humanity. You may want to download or share this document with those who are beginning the journey into the new reality that is coming into manifestation. ~e (
An Inconvenient Harvest by Theeohn Megistus
An Inconvenient Harvest by Theeohn Megistus
David Icke Interviewed on BBC News - May 22, 2016
Posted: 20 May 2016 10:27 AM PDT
David Icke is asked about conspiracy theories around 9/11 and lizards in
Buckingham Palace.
The former footballer and TV presenter spoke to Andrew Neil, Liz Kendall and
Michael Portillo about theories.
He said "much of it is backed up by hard factual information" when he looked at
George Osborne and David Cameron on the EU, and what really happened over
Tony Blair and the UK government's actions over the Gulf War.
David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere professionel fodboldspiller. Han fremmer konspirationsteorier om den globale politik og har skrevet udførligt om dem. Han har lige optrådt på Wembley Arena, skulle efter signede have været et fantastisk 10 timers show.
Filmmaker Patty Greer discloses key secret in her new film Crop Circle Diaries: Mother Earth is the CropCirclemaker! - May 22, 2016
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