"We can't change anything in a individualistic egocentric greedy with money and power, world... Only by altruistic, collective spiritual awakening or by embracing charity by a philosophical principle of a universal human duty to show generosity, peace and abundance" ~ SoTW
🥺WHAT IF -- The declassification of Spygate documents would lead to massive arrest and We the People, had a way to stop the manipulation in the 2020 election in America & increasing Google censorship...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- Rothschild family who 'runs the world' & 13 familes had to make a plea bargain to the "real" president of White Hats / Dragons in Mar-a-Lago or Texas, or benevolent 'controllers', to agree declaring GCR/RV/Gold Standard (announcing of Gold backed currency with a new 'universal spiritual backed' financial system - QFS)... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF... Instead of the Rothschilds wining and last effort, was STOPPED, and exposed CGI-created Bill Gates, and Cloned Joe Biden with world leaders, that is right now LAUNCHING, their attack 'A dirty bomb' in form of a Global Digital Vaccinationprogram by design as of a biological warfare agent and massive Deception and Lockdowns, to kill as many as possible and install as much FEAR as possible into Humnaity... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF... Angela Merkel (Theresa May, and the Lithuanian president sisters) has been caught uncontrollably shaking on several occasions and strangely lost time and space at awkward behaviour with Putin at G20, is because she is in fact, Adolf Hitler's daughter, that did had same conditions, in the last year of the war... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- The truth about the Rockefeller drug empire, came out and ended them or a full stop leading to total extinction of vaccination and medications...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- clandestine military crimes - war inc. is (only) about war profiteering, money, oil and power. That includes all corrupted intelligence apparatus, like Israel was in lead of 9/11, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 7/7 and tons of other false flag operations... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- Admiral Wilson's leaked UFO doc., corporate reverse engineering of alien tech. Trump & congress briefed on US Navy pilot UFO sightings has a connection to military Space Force & disclosure of 75 years of cover-up... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- Human DNA 'was designed by aliens’ e.g. that our species was designed by a higher powered alien civilisation that either wanted to preserve a message in our DNA or simply plant life on other planets...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF -- There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What i'm talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...
🥺WHAT IF... |