May 13, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Truther & Heroine Dolly Parton: 'Liar, liar the world’s on fire Whatcha gonna do when it all burns down.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ May 13, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Illuminist fake future Madonna occult symbolism ESC 2019.. Scandal envelopes Eurovision run-up in Norway 2020. A “scandalous” breakdown of NRK’s system for voting by the public.... Eurovision cheating scandal over claims of illegal betting involving Malta entry... The V is styled as - Ukraine were the winners of 66th Eurovision song contest 2022 and Votes from six national juries removed - rocked by vote-fixing... 2023: Blanka Poland peddling 'Soft Porn'... DK Reiley lies abt his age and hides out + the so-called Faroese-Danish TikTok sensation is actually an American boyish-born kid from West Palm Beach, Florida.... Loreen is accused of plagiarism 2023... Dolly Parton finally showed sides why? why not, good for her! = telling the truth to come?... |

🐐⚕️✡️ (Insiders Club 10th May 2023: Mad Cow Maddow) Charlie Ward COVID vaccine worse than the Holocaust ~ May 13, 2023 (SoTW; MSNBC host Rachel Maddow went berserk and accused Trump speak on the ReAwaken America Tour alongside Scott McKay and Charlie Ward, both of whom have been accused of spreading antisemitism) ~ |

Charlie: '6M Holocausts death - 20M killed by CV-jab within 4wks time... 75K kids went missing in Ukraine... 3,3K pedophiles works for UN and 60,000 rapes... Oprah went to Epstein Island 11 times and encourages kids to touch a mans penis... Everyone knew abt sex-pedo-scandals that rocks BBC (since Jimmy Savile?). Prince Charles and Camilla’s secret Australian son - heir to the throne...William and Harry will fail on the DNA test... Nuclear scare event are coming'... |

Eric Trump's Rachel Maddow threat misses the point (

Eric Trump's Rachel Maddow threat misses the point (

4,739 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID-19 Shots Injected Into Pregnant and Child-Bearing Aged Women – Era of Light
Pfizer is terrified of discovery in Brook Jackson’s legal case against the company – “Pfizer lied. People died,” says attorney –

75.000 children missing ukraine - Brave Search

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years - The Free Thought Project

everyone knews about BBC pedohiles sex scandals - Brave Search

🤴👾😱 (UNDENIABLE UNEARTHLY UGLIFY) Gina Maria Colvin Hill: Where is King Charles III ~ May 13, 2023 (SoTW: Watch this before YT removes it... ) ~ |

Editors' Note: Besides Gina's observations and more and more concerns are coming in after a picture with absolutely frightening audience looking at something shocking. My very first response after watching Coronation of Charles III and Camilla LIVE from 7.30 AM to 14.00 PM CET on BBC ONE; it's a CGI event or pre-recorded video. For years and years ppl has talked abt that Prince Charles has been dead and apparently it seems an entity has taken over his avatar body and mind. I just wondering - is next in line - King Frogman-Frederik and Queen Major-Mary-Mazy aware of this 'shitshow'?... | 

This doesn’t look real and if it isn’t, where is the King? I’m really concerned at this point. Was this a real crowing of King Charles or is it something much, much more!

🧪☣️☠️⚗️🤢 (Codex Alimentarius FAO-WHO-WTO kommissionen) Er en DIREKTE trussel mod menneskeheden: Hvem og hvad bestemmer, hvad der kommer i vores madvarer og er forsvundet? Fik selv et chok efter jeg lærte om, hvor mange danske og udenlandske produkter, har afskaffet naturlig og biologiske forekommende stoffer, i stort set alt af det, vi spiser og drikker. Tror du selv på, økologi, flere planter, orme og svampe, er et bedre alternativ? Dannevang, er verdens dyreste land mht. priser på fødevareprodukter, som faktisk er steget med hele 18,7% siden 2022 og samtidigt skaber Coop sig, at de ikke kan tjene penge og forgifter os, uden at sige det. Det er en KÆMPE industri, med en medfødt økonomisk interesse i at hindre, undertrykke og miskreditere enhver information om udryddelse af sygdomme. Så er det sagt. Og vi ved, at Big Pharma, var en Rockefeller opfindelse. Codex Alimentarius, der angiveligt er oprettet for at beskytte forbrugernes sundhed og sikre fair praksis i fødevarehandelen, er i virkeligheden, ekstremt fjendtlig over for verdens vitamin-, kosttilskuds- og naturlige fødevareindustrier og synes fast besluttet på, at ødelægge dem. Codex er kontrolleret af Big Pharma, hvis eneste eksistensberettigelse er, at fremme sygdom og sælge flere lægemidler. Og dermed sørge for, vi forbliver, i sundhedssystemet, for altid. ~ 13. Maj 2023 ~ |

Er du også, som mig, dybt bekymret over om det er en god ide at lade Big Pharma, de Multinationale fødevarefirmaer og nogle ikke-folkevalgte bureaukrater bestemme, hvad der er bedst for os mennesker at spise, hvor mange tilsætningsstoffer, sukker, giftstoffer, carcinogener og andet stads, der er i vores mad??

Editor's Note: Eksempler på ting som er fjernet i vores fødevarer og eller bliver anset af industrien som livsfarlige mod mennesker, at indtage: MSM findes naturligt i alle levende celler (biologisk tilgængelig form for svovl)... Sølv Plastre til sårpleje... Kolloid sølv som et alternativt naturligt antibiotikum... Elementært bor, boroxid, borater og mange organoborforbindelser er ikke-toksiske for mennesker og dyr... Naturlig Jod og op til 60 andre mineraler i Salt (Jod - er et grundstof, som i menneskets krop indgår i et hormon i skjoldbruskkirtlen)... Basisk kost, natron og kræft. Natron (også kaldet natriumbicarbonat, natriumhydrogencarbonat og tvekulsurt natron). Vidste du, at Matas' "Tvekulsurt Natron" IKKE kun er et effektivt middel til at fjerne lugt fra gummisko,  desinfektionsmiddel og afkalkning af elkedel? Indtager det selv i rå form, efter naturlægens anvisninger... og jeg kunne blive ved (og ved)... Som du ved, er der også urter og krydderier, man almindeligvis tror anvendes i fødevarer, bioaktive forbindelser afledt af planter med specifikt fokus på anvendelser af naturlige produkter som antibakterielle midler og antioxidanter i fødevarer... |

There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct, suppress and discredit any information about the eradication of diseases.


The pharmaceutical industry makes over one trillion dollars from selling drugs for ongoing diseases. These drugs may relieve symptoms, but they do not cure.


We have to realize that the mission of this industry is to make money from ongoing diseases.


The cure or eradication of a disease leads to the collapse of a multi-billion dollar market of pharmaceuticals.

  1. The natural purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry is to increase sales of pharmaceutical drugs for ongoing diseases and to find new diseases to market existing drugs.

  2. By this very nature, the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing diseases. The eradication of any disease inevitably destroys a multi-billion dollar market of prescription drugs as a source of revenues. Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs are primarily developed to relieve symptoms, but not to cure.

  3. If eradication therapies for diseases are discovered and developed, the pharmaceutical industry has an inherent interest to suppress, discredit and obstruct these medical breakthroughs in order to make sure that diseases continue as the very basis for a lucrative prescription drug market.

  4. The economic interest of the pharmaceutical industry itself is the main reason why no medical breakthrough has been made for the control of the most common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart failure, Diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis, and why these diseases continue like epidemics on a worldwide scale.

  5. For the same economic reasons, the pharmaceutical industry has now formed an international cartel by the code name "Codex Alimentarius" with the aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins and to limit free access to natural therapies on a worldwide scale.

  6. At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies withhold public information about the effects and risks of prescription drugs and life-threatening side effects are omitted or openly denied.

  7. In order to assure the status quo of this deceptive scheme, a legion of pharmaceutical lobbyists is employed to influence legislation, control regulatory agencies (e. g. FDA), and manipulate medical research and education. Expensive advertising campaigns and PR agencies are used to deceive the public.

  8. Millions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice: A major portion of their income is used up to finance the exploding profits of the pharmaceutical industry. In return, they are offered a medicine that does not even cure.


👉🐇🕳️ (30H of Pure Pain Spiritual Awakening) Follow The White Rabbit: Best Awakening Documentaries: Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Part 1/1–Created APR 2023) ~ May 13, 2023 ~ |