Nov 10, 2021

✨ ~ 💗 ('The false self is struggling to hang on under such intense LIGHT.') Just Hours Till 11:11 Gateway Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |


We are in for a special treat…in just a few hours the 11:11 Gateway will reach full amplification of harmonic celestial frequencies entering the biofield. While the 11:11 Stargate is active, there will be a galactic infusion of powerful LIGHT illuminating the planetary field. You may have been feeling the energy ramping up all week, with increasing kundalini surges and ringing in the pineal crystals and inner ear.

The 11:11 number sequence acts as a magnification of the illumination effect that has been increasing since 2012. A great unveiling is occurring, revealing where we still are veiled from Soul presence. 11:11 is the symbol of Spiritual Awareness. We are becoming more aware of our true self, purpose and destiny.

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Janine: DUMBs & MAJOR city size Cabal strongholds'. 'Richard Dolan: The Alien Presence') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"DUMBs & MAJOR city size Cabal strongholds underground: USA deserts, S. + Central America. London also have a MAJOR city underground and 4 main areas in EU. Australia + NZ smaller compounds. Africa has lots of smaller DUMBs. It's all over the world. Earth Alliance, has discovered some of them and "people" have been routed out! ~ Janine🌟] ... Yes, yes, I do like Janine, she's no bullshitter, neither am I at SoTW. A very good-hearted, generous, forthcoming personality with 35 years of expertise in tarot card readings and deeper healing through clairvoyant intuitive insight and knowledge, is what I think. Sometimes, I do not agree with her readings and predictions, what you mind is focus on goes down into the cards, but still, my gut instinct and intuition tells me, she's very important right now - a big piece of the puzzle - to let us know about the fighting spiritual battles in our lives and world of today. Same goes for Richard Dolan, that I have meet in Copenhagen at a event. Richard Dolan, who discusses everything related to UFOs, global politics, weird science, future tech, and personal philosophy. One of the world's leading researchers and writers on UFOs, as well as other thinkers dedicated to pushing back our boundaries and exploring new vistas of our world. Others are saying he is a hoax and harming Ufology... PS: crazy-conspiracy theories are saying that, Robin Williams, is not dead, playing the role of Melinda Gates. And like Mr. Trump, is and has been helping Souls on a deeper level, not many people, are willing to admit... |

🙈👀😨 ~ (How could you not see?) Alan Moore - 'Remember, remember the fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.' (SoTW) ~ |


✊💉🏴 ~ (Vaksine-Apartheid & Menneskehedens deling i to lejre af A og B-borgere) ULOVLIGT: Covid nedlukninger, bøder, vaksinetvang og dagens dilemma: Kan du tvinges til test og vaksine af din arbejdsgiver? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Hmm. Sig mig engang. Hvordan kan det være at Tyskland netop i dag onsdag anbefaler Pfizer til folk under 30 år, mens Konge-Pingo er på statsbesøg med 'Teenage predator' Kofod, og Hækkerups hårde hammer rammer alle over 22-årig og en 14-årig, der har sex med 12 år bag tremmer? Hvad med Kofod selv?🤛] ... {Mandag har over 37.000 danskere bestil tid til enten 1., 2. eller 3. vaccinestik, og det er en voldsom, pludselig stigning ~ Lokalposten} ... COVID-19 er igen godkendt som en samfundskritisk sygdom i en måned, det har Magnus LØGNICKE bekræftet, også ham, som var med på EVENT 201, der var med til at fremlægge "planen" for Mink-Masse-Mord, i 2019... DERFOR, med en sygdom der klassificeres som samfundskritisk, kan regeringen indføre restriktioner med hjemmel i den udvidet og mest vidtrammende epidemiloven, som nogensinde, er godkendt i Dannevang. DERFOR, bliver ytringsfrihedens rammer og vilkår, lukket ned igen. DERFOR, med en genindførsel af coronarestriktioner, kan man nu TVINGE om man vil, danskerne, til vaksine. Det har Mærsk allerede gjort på Deres HQ, nu snakker de også om resten af de 70,000 medarbejdere i Mærsk-koncernen, selvom Djøf siger, de BRYDER loven. MÆRSK, var startskuddet, nu også REMA 1000's ansatte om kravet om Coronapas og vi har ikke set det sidste... Statsministerens FEBERRUSH om at gøre u-vaxxed borgere, til "andenrangsmennesker", er en realitet... I USA huserer QAnon-bevægelsen, i Tyskland Pegida, i Frankrig De Gule Veste, og nu oplever vi også i Danmark bevægelsen Men in Black. Den ser sig selv som en friheds- og protestbevægelse. Sygeplejersker og en masse mennesker bliver nu provokeret, til at tage tyren ved hornene og masse-protesterne vender sig imod et paranoidt sammensurium af coronarestriktioner, epidemilov og vaksinepres, techgiganter, opholdsforbud, betalingskort, overvågningssamfundet og den totalitære statsmagt, inkarneret i Statsminister MMM... Lige nu er højeste stigning i 40 år. Gas, el og madvarer priser er skudt i vejret - og det samme er inflationen og snart er de u-vaxxed, de kriminelle... Skepsis mod vaccination mod coronavirus associeres med psykisk komorbiditet, som betyder, at flere diagnoser er til stede hos den enkelte person (Stammer fra Presse og Nyt Region Hovedstadens psykiatriske hospital)... |


"Det er sgu lidt pudseløjerlig, at samme spæde  sekund Epidemiudvalget beslutter, partierne nikker ja tak, DI -  Lamborghini-Brian, Novo og Big Pharma får julelys i øjnene, stopper de Anti-vaksine-bilen på Djævleøen, for at vise hvem som sidder på MAGTEN...

Dagens BT avis: Og du tror stadigvæk ikke på at frimurer illuminati satans symboler præger Dannevang, siden undfangelsen og første trykte reklame i det 18. århundrede, Feb 4, 1746 blev til? "ok" tegn er faktisk 666 Djævelenummeret med hver af dine 3 fingre, der repræsenterer 6'erne. Hulet du laver bruges til hver af de 6 s. Så er der eet øje, der er dækket eller kigger igennem det, "det altseende øje". Ja, de er både sataniske og både Illuminati symbolik .. meget mere også. 

👀⏰⚔️ ~ ('You need to understand, the World you live in is NOT what you believed.' ) 9th November 2021 Update Current News (Simon Parkes) ~ | Blogger: [🤜'We're still in 'Red October' in November most got that wrong including me. That is what they want to play it. November will be dramatic, most of the truth before Christmas and more in Jan/Feb 2022, to get the full picture of revelations.' ~ Simon🤛] ... Thanks for the update S+B, much appreciated! And all the intel provided by CC members and more etc. We really needed this CC update to get (more) inspired with so much worldly affairs' of drama and negativity. You pick yourself up just to be knocked down again by more bad news. It's not fair! Lucky we have people like Simon and Ward so cheerfully excited about the new Golden Age that is being build, but we yet can't see. We need the REAL TRUTH out day after day to keep our spirits up even when life gets tough... There's of course so much SP talks in this update, one is, QFS - the Quantum Finical System (that was gifted to earth by Benevolent Extraterrestrials and also their Technologies) and Iraqi PM, that survives after exploding drone assassination attempt at his home was all about preventing QFS from happening... |

9️⃣🕯️🕯️(SoTW) -- Not many people knows this, but The basement of 4 World Trade Center housed vaults used to store gold and silver bullion that the Bush-clan stole before setting it on fire. Even though, On Nov. 1, 2001, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, announced that "more than $230 million" worth of gold and silver bars that had been stored in a bomb-proof vault had been "recovered". Reports describing the contents of the vaults before the attack suggest that nearly $1 billion in precious metals was stored in the vaults.. Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced. Just before the announcement, Bush Snr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system.... |      

UK Man Wins Court Victory Over BBC for 9/11 Coverup Broadcast

"September 11 Attacks: That was the 2nd time the Cabal prevented the Good Guys from a Humanitarian  Revaluation (RV + GCR) taken control of world's economies. A lot of truth will come out, still, 20-25% of world populace will still refuse the truth. Easier for Govt 's to talk about  little green men and UFO's, rather than the truth about QFS, COVID or vaccinations etc." ~ Simon

Simon Parkes Official

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams..