Jan 19, 2016

The Other Side of Shame: Arrogance (Vasana or Core Issue)

Læs også: Dagligdagen med Vasana - Åndelig livsstil

January 19, 2016 by Steve Beckow

I was saying yesterday (1) that enhanced responsibilities bring up fresh vasanas.

Vasana is a Hindu term for our automatic reaction patterns born of past traumatic incidents. If we’re irritable, uncooperative, snarkey, angry, jealous, greedy, at the basis of all of them will be found a vasana – or as Linda Dillon calls them a core issue. (2)

I regard skill in processing vasanas as the most important aspect of a lightworker’s personal growth work.

As we move forward in our lightwork, we’re going to be taking on larger and larger responsibilities and we’re well advised to anticipate that these wider responsibilities will bring up fresh vasanas (if a vasana can ever be considered “fresh”). So it really would benefit us to learn how to process them.

I said that taking on a new level of responsibilities, especially a level that brings me into much greater social contact – out of my hiding place in my apartment and out into the world – was bringing up shame and guilt.

I now see another side to that – a response to shame and guilt that has me choose to be arrogant.

A reader wrote in and said I wonder when Steve will stop talking about his early life? Hey, this is my job. I’m demonstrating how to handle the feelings that come up when we go to engage in lightwork and block a lightworker from making their contribution. This is my lightwork.

Numerous other sites are covering the news, healing, the mystic sciences, etc. I am covering freeing ourselves from what holds us back in our lightwork.

I observed myself having emerged from a bout of guilt and shame that arose out of contemplating my new assignment. In that process of emergence, I saw myself begin to build a castle of arrogance, with a moat of unapproachability and a drawbridge of judgments. I’m in that space now so I can simply describe it.

Inuit/Eskimo Elders Tell NASA Earth's Axis Shifted - Jan 19, 2016

Posted: 17 Jan 2016 10:00 PM PST

by Talya Dagan, Natural News

The Inuit Tribe are indigenous people who live in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Siberia and Alaska.

Their elders have written to the National Space and Aeronautics Administration (NASA) to tell them that the earth's axis has shifted. The elders do not believe that carbon emissions from humans are causing the current climate changes.

The sky has changed, claim Inuit elders


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BENGHAZI: This Information is Imperative To What Is Unfolding (Listen to the name General Carter Ham you will see it in the top news soon....)

Uploaded by JustSense on Jan 16, 2016

Full Measure Episode 15: Jan 10, 2016 (P1)

ON THIS EPISODE OF FULL MEASURE:RESCUE INTERRUPTED:New evidence that a rescue mission to save the US Ambassador and those in the embassy in Benghazi was ready to go.. only to be told to stand down. That comes as close door testimony begins again on Capitol Hill.EXECUTIVE ACTIONS: The President vows to take action on gun control. Full Measure goes beyond the media and political frenzy to see if the actions really have teeth.CAMPAIGN INCREDIBLE: Prime time politics. A look at the debates and whether the circus atmosphere is demeaning the dialogue.. boosting the medias bottom line.. or both! READ MORE:

Matthew’s Message Jan 19, 2015 CET

Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward 
© 2016 www.matthewbooks

Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

We rejoiced with you when the waning days of 2015 brought forth resounding cheers that an international agreement had been approved to rein in the manmade causes of your changing climate. It is so that Mother Earth is moving gradually toward a moderate climate globally; however, the prudent action by your governments is essential on behalf of your health, the planet’s and future generations’, and the high vibrations of hopefulness about this landmark cooperative effort are strengthening the resolve to meet the goals that were set.

That representatives from 200 or so nations signed the long-discussed terms of the agreement is in itself evidence of vibrations’ positive effects.

Something else that affects the condition of Earth and all of her life forms is the prevalence of chemtrails, albeit that all along members of your universal family have been reducing their toxic effects. A few years back money for spraying ran out, but only briefly were your skies clear. The Illuminati re-funded their project so it could resume instigating record-level temperatures, drought and flooding along with causing respiratory illness in people who have weak immune systems.

We don’t know when the chemtrails will stop, but stop they will—public awareness of their damage is growing and Illuminati influence keeps crumbling. Meanwhile, the explanation for spraying is that it’s to protect the ozone layer that prevents the sun’s harmful rays from reaching Earth.

The fact is, millennia back in your timing, ones within the dark forces erected a grid of ozone molecules to prevent the sun’s beneficial rays from reaching the planet, and its gradual depletion is Mother Earth’s doing to aid restoration of her environmental health and enhance the wellbeing of all her residents.

Big Pharma Using Deadly Force (They have also killed a lot of biophysicists who knew what was coming down in the chemtrails) - Jan 19 2016 CET

POWER OF BIG PHARMA!! The 'only' reliable European company that manufactured GcMAF had been shut down in July 2015 (Remember the anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism...)


By Foster Gamble

Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet
In June of 2015, a well-respected Florida health practitioner, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, went missing and
was then discovered floating face down in a North Carolina river, a bullet hole in his chest. Foul play?

Why would anyone order a hit on a generous family man who was just trying to do good? The death is still shrouded in mystery. Authorities almost immediately ruled his death a suicide, but his family says otherwise. Who shoots themselves in the chest to commit suicide, while positioned in just such a way that they will fall into a river?

So let’s unpack the back story.

Dr. Bradstreet’s own son was brain damaged following an MMR vaccine at 12 months of age. The experience helped convince the doctor to look into a link between the vaccine and autism. He was working on two leading edge areas of medical inquiry.

First, he was doing research that seemed to support the compelling notion that certain vaccines could induce autism. He ended up testifying twice about this before Congress. Second, he was working with a new compound out of Switzerland that was greatly relieving, if not outright curing, cancer and other diseases. With vaccine revenues over $25 billion and cancer drugs over $100 billion, pharmaceutical industries risk losing huge profits if research like Bradstreet’s continued positively and reached a wide audience. In fact, it could spell the end of numerous mega corporations.

Was there any evidence to document a financial motive?

Yes, just three days before his death, Bradstreet’s research facility had been raided by U.S. government agents to shut down his research and halt his treatment of patients. The warrant that describes the items to be seized indicates a motive to protect pharmaceutical dominance and suppress natural cures.

OK, but such an isolated incident doesn’t mean there’s a major conspiracy to suppress cures and eliminate holistic doctors. Maybe he was depressed, or cheating, or got in with the wrong crowd…

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Indeed, but what if I told you there was another holistic doctor, Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, known for helping actress Suzanne Sommers overcome her cancer, who died unexpectedly just a month later. Gonzalez had been in excellent health and his sudden collapse was apparently “cardiac related,” but a subsequent autopsy showed no evidence of this.

All right, two could still be coincidence. What was he working on?

Dr. Gonzalez focused a lot on holistic alternatives to radiation and on exposing the dangers and destructive history of the more than 100 chemotherapy drugs, revealing that they were developed from poisonous nerve gas. Here is an interview filmed shortly before his death where he emphasizes the importance of patients believing in whatever treatment they choose.
But we don’t know what really happened with either of these two doctors. That’s pretty thin evidence claiming any sort of campaign against holistic doctors.

And if there were three? How about five, or eight, or ten? The tragic reality is that there have been at least thirteen holistic doctors who have “turned up dead or missing” in just a few months. Here is a timeline of recent suspicious doctor deaths:

Den danske Farmaceutiske Industri og deres minions "Kræftens Bekæmpelse" sender en frygt-baseret kampagne "De 7 Tegn" på gaden for at tvinge danskere ned til lægen

Med kampagnen ”De 7 tegn” vil Kræftens Bekæmpelse motivere danskerne til at gå til læge i tide, hvis de oplever symptomer, der kan være tegn på kræft.

Selvom det går bedre med kræftoverlevelsen i Danmark, er vi stadigvæk ikke på niveau med f.eks. Norge og Sverige. Det er der flere grunde til. En af dem er, at for mange venter for længe med at gå til lægen med symptomer, der kan være tegn på kræft. Der kan være flere forklaringer på, at man ikke kommer hurtigt nok afsted – mange af dem kan være forståelige, men ingen af dem er gode. For det gør en forskel at gå til lægen i tide, hvis man oplever symptomer, der kan være tegn på kræft. 
... læs  videre https://www.cancer.dk/de7tegn/om-kampagnen/


Udgivet den 19. januar 2016 af Verdensalt

Lad mig lige slå en ting fast. Det er meget vigtigt, du selv undersøger tingenes rigtighed og finder frem til de elementer, der resonere 'mest' med dig, inden, du selv begynder at transformere, det at "helbrede" sig selv som et studie, der virker. De fleste mennesker som er syge, har nemlig den opfattelse, at 'alle' eksperter omkring lægevidenskabens klare lys, skal kunne vejlede/medicinere dig mod 'helbredelse', men faktisk finder de blot - 'symptombehandling'. Med det mener jeg, hvis du bliver 'diagnostiseret' med f.eks.vis. uhelbredelig cancer, er der kun een vej i vores sundhedssystem nemlig - medicin, operation, stråling, kemoterapi og anti-hormonbehandling.  

Du ved måske allerede vi bliver forgiftet hver eneste dag.  
  • Undgå alle former for Vacciner
  • Undgå alt medicin, hvis muligt
  • Undgå raffineret bordsalt og sukker (uden mineraler, jod) brug Øko rørsukker og Himalaya Krystalsalt eller lignede 
  • Undgå antibiotikaresistente bakterier (kød m.fl.)
  • Undgå tilsætningsstoffer i fødevarer (E-numre)
  • Undgå kulhydrater så som pasta, kartofler, ris, "brød" - med især hvedemel.
  • Undgå dårlige manglende mineraler og antioxidanter i vitaminer ( benyt Omnimin Pure®)
  • Undgå for meget alkohol, smøger, fastfood, læskedrikke og stilesiddende arbejde 
Dit indre, sind og Detox - et indre brusebad for krop og sind.

  • VITALT:Undgå frygt- og angstbaseret tanker og handle mønstre (adopterede tankemæssige mønstre). Tag imod de basale grundværdier i dit liv. Kunne være "elsk dig selv", "hjælp andre medmennesker", "behandle andre som du selv vil behandles"
  • VITALT: Forståelse for vigtigheden at opretholde en syre- basebalance for vores krop (kan gøres med (natriumbikarbonat eller Matas's Tvekulsurt Natron)
  • VITALT: Forståelsen for hvordan du holder dine energibaner, kaldet de 12 meridianer, ved lige (det æteriske legeme, som er det "yderste" af det fysiske legeme)
  • VITALT: Detox / Afgift din krop hver dag. (Kunne være: Øko Citron, Ingefær, kolloid sølv, natriumbikarbonat, koldpressede olier af oliven, hørfrø og kokos. Der findes så meget)   
  • VITALT: Frygt er glæde i forklædning. Hvorfor gentager jeg det igen - fordi FRYGT angriber os alle sammen, hele tiden og styrer vores underbevidsthed og tanker - konstant.... 
Ting du ikke selv er herre over, men ønsker at undgå:
  • Chemtrails (Bevidst spraying af tungmetaller og neurotoksiner fra uspecificeret fly)
  • GMO i fødevarer (Genteknologien er en teknik, som gør det muligt at ændre i dyrs og planters arveanlæg (DNA'et))
  • Forurenende stoffer fra fossile brændstoffer og luftforurening
  • Radioaktive materialer i grundvandet/mad fra bla. Fukushima atomkraftværk
  • Elektromagnetiske felter/ stråling/EMF fra mobiler, routere, WiFI udstyr samt mikrobølger - ændre dit stofskifte/pulsere din hjerterytme/risiko for kræft - de lavere gigahertz frekvens niveau påvirker vores kroppe ekstremt meget... 
Det kræver sin mand, at blive rask. Vil du underkaste dig angst og frygbaseret metoder som ikke virker fra den Farmaceutiske Industri eller ønsker du at forgribe situationen og virkelig kurere dig selv med fysiske detox metoder og den metafysiske teoretiske filosof, så læs videre her:

Tak fordi du læste på min blog


Must-Read: Benjamin Fulford FULL Update - Jan 19, 2016 GMT+9 (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis)

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

The revolution continues with shipping freeze, stock plunge, US dollar dumping, $20 oil, attacks on gold mines and more

Udgivet af Benjamin den 19. Januar 2016 (GMT+9) 

There is a systematic effort underway to remove all fraud from the world’s financial system. This campaign is now getting to the point where some major financial institutions and countries, including the US corporate government, are about to go bankrupt. This is all part of a hybrid war involving finance, super-computers, special forces operations, news, propaganda, pin-point assassinations and more.

Perhaps the most dramatic, and under-reported, new aspect of this ongoing struggle has been the freeze on global shipping. To confirm reports on the internet of a shipping freeze, this writer called NYK lines, a major international shipping firm, and was told “we cannot speak for the whole world but, as far as our company is concerned, with current shipping prices we will lose money every time we send a ship so we have stopped.” Chinese government sources told this newsletter shipping companies are now demanding to be paid in Chinese yuan and not dollars and that is a major reason for the freeze in shipping worldwide. If this continues, it will lead to empty super-market shelves and social unrest, especially in the US. The announcement last week by Walmart that it is closing 269 stores is just the beginning.

Another major dimension to this hybrid war has been the attack on the oil cartel and control of the petro-dollar. It is this attack, and not oversupply, that is the real reason for oil prices plunging to the $20 per barrel level, and in the case of bitumen, the lowest grade Canadian oil, $8 a barrel level. What is happening is that China is insisting on paying with Yuan for its oil. Furthermore, now that sanctions against Iran have ended, Iran, which has some of the lowest production costs in the world, will be flooding the market with an extra million barrels of oil per day. China is helping both Iran and Russia deal with low oil prices by sending them Chinese goods at cheap prices in exchange for their oil. India is also avoiding the petrodollar when it buys Iranian and Russian oil.

This campaign will continue until Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Countries and the big Khazarian banks go under, according to Pentagon white hats. The first Khazarian megabank domino that is expect to fall is,...........
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author) 

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