Apr 9, 2020

🤑💸😔 ~ Rapport: Halv milliard kan ende i fattigdom under coronakrise (Finans) ~ | Blogger: [👉FANTASTISKE tider ikke sandt! Men kun for dem, som kan tjene på Coronaviruskrisen👈] ... {Mens vi venter på 'prisen' for genåbningen, den usynlige Kongeprins og Landsmoder Mette-mus' forvirring, som narkomanerne kredser om pusherne, som katten om den varme grød} ... Foruden statens lancering af stikkerlinjer, COVIDmeteret, samt ubrugelige masker fra Kina... Altså, dem som tjener på CV... netbutikker som sælger ud af værnemidler og lignende... Bavarian Nordic, hvis aktier bare stiger og stiger og andre selskaber som udvikler vacciner og ATP og Staten hjælper, og de mindst 35 forskergrupper rundt omkring i verden der arbejder at udvikle en vaccine mod den nye coronavirus... Alle de virksomheder som handler med medicin, da alle forsøg med medicin, skal afprøves på coronapatienter, til ingen verdensnytte... Mens hundredvis af retssager hober sig op under coronakrisen og folk rådner op i fængsler og især uskyldige varetægt og isolationsramte via skandalen med teledata, kan dommere slappe af, ryge en fed og scorer KASSEN FRU MADSEN på bijobs... De praktiserende læger, der tager dobbeltbetaling for behandling. Honoraret for konsulentarbejde på 912,5 kr i timen koster nu samfundet 1.825 kr... Alle coronaskiltefirmaer og lokale håndværkere... Teleoperatørerne og telekommunikationsvirksomheder, som tjener på udrulningen af 5G, selvom tusindvis af undersøgelser af sammenhængen mellem elektromagnetisk stråling og Immunitetsnedsættelse, samt virus- og bakterievækst, bliver ignoreret... Byggemarkeder, supermarkedskæder og den dansk-schweiziske mangemillionær Lars Tvede, som kommer sammen med kysse Pernille Vermund... Løgismose Meyers får også, så hatten passer. De er nemlig ejet af et selskab i skattely, og virksomheden har ikke betalt selskabsskat siden 2015. Alligevel får den hjælp fra den danske stat... ALT MENS, kommer "Coronafisen", til at ødelægge dansk økonomi lang ind i næste århundrede, og 500.000 på verdensplan, kan ende i fattigdom. Foruden Danmarks bnp kan falde med op til seks procent i 2020... Mette Længe leve - Hurra hurra hurra. Og så det lange: Hurraaaa!. Og det korte Mette – HU'nden, dér ligger begravet... 💯 PS: Som min danske direktørven råber fra Thailand om den danske regering; "De må ikke glemme, at Danmark har en socialistisk regering og generelt politikere, som aldrig har haft et arbejde i den private sektor - og mange politikere lever livet på statens forsørgelse, fra uddannelse til et arbejdsliv, som politikere til pensionist."... Amen to that Star-brother... |

Kilde (finans.dk)

Kampen mod fattigdom i regioner i Afrika og Mellemøsten kan sættes tilbage med 30 år, advarer Oxfam.

🌩️ ~ 🏳️ New White Spike Power 62 in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space ❕ ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt! (SoTW)〰️] ... Since Cobra's (and many others) combined Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation, the white pikes has not stopped the uprising of LIGHT. Within the spectrogram, the power, or intensity level of each frequency is displayed as a color, with white being the most intense. Within the electromagnetic spectrum of light, the higher the frequency, or, the shorter the wave, the higher the transmitted power (if you ask me on SoTW)... |


🌈🥁🦅 ~ RAINBOW WARRIOR: ‘The Messenger is Relentless’, Ceremonial Elders Message to a Conflicted World ~ | Blogger: [✊Jimmy Looks Twice: Sometimes they have to kill us.... We choose the right to be who we are. We know the difference between the reality of freedom and the illusion of freedom. There is a way to live with the earth and a way not to live with the earth. We choose the way of earth. It's about power, Ray. Jimmy Looks Twice : I'm a warrior!🏹] .. A couple of years ago, I (SoTW) had a shamanic dreaming, solving others emotional problems, showing the male energy symbolic to life’s force.. Dreaming of a shaman or medicine man shows you have pierced the bubble of the rational world we often live or are trapped by and have entered a more basic and extended world of ancient people.. Been through the grinder, reincarnation machine, 5 generations back fighting white guys as shaman, native american spirituality... |

The Smoking Man / 2 days ago

Source – wakingtimes.com

– “…The language of Spirit (ceremony) tells us that a Messenger has come, a dark Messenger whose relatives are (to name a few): hatred among men (humans), all that which clouds the mind such as alcohol, drugs and substance abuse; violence and human conflict of all forms, and, most importantly, the disregard for Mother Earth as a living being. The Messenger is relentless, and no one is immune…suffering emits negative energy to the world that brings sickness. This must change”

Message to the World: Ceremonial Elders Offer Instructions on How to Evolve Out of Our Current Situation

We’re sharing this important message from Ceremonial Elders of Whapmagoostui, QC Canada, regarding the global situation.
Begin transmission:

Whapmagoostui QC, March 29, 2020.

Sacred Fire was lit in our community on Thursday, March 16th, 2020 and burned for people to offer tobacco in prayer over 4 days and 4 nights. Ceremonial Elders, as their ancestors did in difficult times, gathered in a ceremony each day and night to get direction from the Spiritual Realm on how to deal with COVID-19 virus.

The language of Spirit (ceremony) tells us that a Messenger has come, a dark Messenger whose relatives are (to name a few): hatred among men (humans), all that which clouds the mind such as alcohol, drugs and substance abuse; violence and human conflict of all forms, and, most importantly, the disregard for Mother Earth as a living being. The Messenger is relentless, and no one is immune. It will continue to spread, and it will take many innocents lives.

The pandemic cannot be cured by medicine alone; it must be combined with good deeds, prayer, and humanity’s collective commitment to change its ways, most of all, its dedication to minimizing the damage it does to the Earth. The pollution of air and water must be addressed. It is by doing these things that a cure will come and humanity will have a better chance of surviving what’s yet to come.

Key Messages from the Ceremonies:


✌️ ~ What if... Things Could Happen For The Better Overnight (Verdensalt) ~ | Blogger: [🗺️How Do We Create, as Werner Erhard Quote; A World That Works For Everyone❓💕} ... 🥺WHAT IF -- Trump had a 'dead man's switch' that would activate a live feed to the military tribunals at Gitmo and unseal the 163,469 Sealed Indictments... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- former CIA officer, David Steele, have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that every single terrorist attack in US was a False Flag Attack & NATO's secret armies Operation GLADIO and terrorism in Western Europe had state funding...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- The truth came out about mind-controlled CIA stooges like Obamas (Bushes & Clintons) SLUSHY FUNDS, could sent them all to jail... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- The coming declassification of Spygate documents would lead to massive arrest and We the People, had a way to stop the manipulation in the 2020 election in America & increasing Google censorship...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- Rothschild family who 'runs the world' & 6 familes had to make a plea bargain to the White Hats / Dragons or benevolent 'controllers', to agree declaring GCR/RV/Gold Standard (announcing of Gold backed currency with a new 'universal spiritual backed' financial system - QFS)... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF... Instead of the Rothschilds defeat, and last effort, told Bill Gates, to LAUNCH an attack 'A dirty bomb' in form of a Global Digital Vaccinationprogram by design as of a biological warfare agent and massive Deception and Lockdowns, to kill as many as possible and install as much FEAR as possible into Humnaity, so they could win... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF... Angela Merkel (Theresa May, and the Lithuanian president sisters) has been caught uncontrollably shaking on several occasions and strangely lost time and space at awkward behaviour with Putin at G20, is because she is in fact, Adolf Hitler's daughter, that did had same conditions, in the last year of the war... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- The truth about the Rockefeller drug empire, came out and ended them or a full stop leading to total extinction of vaccination and medications...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT...🥺WHAT IF -- clandestine military crimes - war inc. is (only) about war profiteering, money, oil and power. That includes all corrupted intelligence apparatus, like Israel was in lead of 9/11, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 7/7 and tons of other false flag operations... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- (Secret Space Programs) Admiral Wilson's leaked UFO doc., corporate reverse engineering of alien tech. Trump & congress briefed on US Navy pilot UFO sightings has a connection to military Space Force & disclosure of 75 years of cover-up... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- Human DNA 'was designed by aliens’ e.g. that our species was designed by a higher powered alien civilisation that either wanted to preserve a message in our DNA or simply plant life on other planets...💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF -- There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What i'm talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... 🥺WHAT IF... |

.. We can't change anything in a individualistic egocentric world, only by altruistic, collective spiritual awakening or by embracing charity by a philosophical principle of a universal human duty to show generosity...

~ verdensalt.dk

🔴 ~ (BREAKING BAD) Pentagon Denies ABC News Report Military Intelligence Knew About Coronavirus in November ~ | Blogger: [🧨There Are No Coincidences: Shaka Laka Boom Boom Boom Boom💣] .. THINK ABOUT IT... Bill Gates paid for it all and spends billions on coronavirus vaccine development... Coronavirus patent granted to Bill Gates funded institute in 2018 gives more credence to the theory it might be a bioweapon... STRONG evidence that Zaosong Zheng (2 chineseman Zaosong Zheng & Yanqing Ye) who worked for Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, trying smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China, Wuhan, on December 10, 2019... 2019 UNHCR's ID2020 Alliance Manifesto, partners launched program to provide digital ID with vaccines... Oct 2019 Event 201 Pandemic Exercise kickstated it all... The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security that also was hosting in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY... CDC / NHSN / WHO / SST / UNAIDS / FN / EU / EMA is required to follow the protocols... Every leaders is required to follow the health authorities... CAN YOU SEE?... As always, please use your own spiritual discernment reading on SoTW... |

Source (breitbart)

... As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting....