Aug 18, 2016

Wake up Call: St. Germain, August 16, 2016

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte. Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

I am here this morning to tell you of some breaking news. I am St. Germain, and I want to share with you an outcome that has come to the surface and brought some freedom into the interaction that is taking place behind the scenes with the ones who are involved in the process of freeing up the funds for the world.

As I say this I see in front of me millions of funds that are awaiting the continuation of being distributed to various sources that will release them to the people in the various ways that have been planned. When this takes place in it’s entirety, then all of you out there who are involved in the receivership will be able to follow the steps that will bring you the funds that you have been waiting for. Till then, I would advise you all to send your loving and positive thoughts and feelings to the whole situation.

Alien Mummy Found In a Pyramid – Archaeologists Baffled

The perfectly preserved body, carefully mummified alien, found buried in an ancient pyramid. The mysterious creature was between 150 and 160 centimeters, and was found by archaeologist near Lahun when investigating small pyramid near the Dynasty doceaba of Senusret II. However, this fact was not discovered immediately. “Mummy of alleged alien, dating back more than 2,000 years, said a source from the Egyptian Department of Antiquities, which submitted the details and photos of the mummy, but on condition of anonymity. ”

The remains of the alien created a lot of controversy in the world.

Some online sources say this is some kind of reptile because of the features that characterize these animals as their eyes too big oval. The inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy show that it was counselor to the king named Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. What has fueled passions that it is alien…

“This mummified body was buried with great respect and care, in the tomb were a number of strange objects that archaeologists could not identify them.

Mens vi venter på Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm vender tilbage fra ferie.... Den Korte Radioavis' MUS på Radio24syv

Frederik Cilius Jørgensen (født 1986) er dansk satiriker og skuespiller og medradiovært på "Den Korte Radioavis" på Radio24syv i rollen som Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm.

Læs også: Spørgsmål til skatteministeren - Kirsten Birgits Troldehær med Oberst Vikings angrebsplan slår til igen...Kirsten Birgit: ".. Kresten Poulsgaard sagde det i en af de første udgaver af Huxi og det gode gamle Folketing: ”Fyr hele bundet, og start forfra”, ikke at jeg er 100 % enig med den gamle fodermester, men der er noget sandhed i det, han siger. Men måske, vi kan gøre det en anden gang.."

Published on Oct 2, 2015
Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm og Rasmus Bruun har været til den årlige MUS-samtale på Radio24syv. Hør Den Korte Radioavis på

Den Korte Radioavis - Er Inger Støjberg Reptilianer?

Published on Nov 21, 2015
Kirsten Birgit går i kødet på en sag om selvcensur på DR's program Næste Uges TV. "Samarbejdsvanskeligheder" lyder den officielle forklaring fra Christoffer Guldbrandsen, der tiltrådte som DR2 Chef en uge før programmets lukning, men noget peger i retning af en lille skare af Reptil DJØF'ere der har trukket i trådene.

COBRA Situation Update - Aug 18, 2016 CET (".. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. Soft Disclosure continues. There are some exciting technology breakthroughs from the East reaching mainstream. Some scientists are confirming what our Tachyon chambers were able to demonstrate in practice. It is interesting to see how Erdogan is lately portrayed as a positive figure in alternative media The Light forces are gaining victories towards the final liberation of the Syria vortex.")

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly began to appear on the surface of the planet. This allows clearer vertical energetic communication with non-physical spiritual guides that will begin to contact the awakened part of humanity more and more.

Also, as the new cycle began in July, various positive Agartha groups have begun preparations for physical contact with the surface population. These preparations include some exact protocols which I will gradually release through my blog to the surface population.

Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. The Light forces are proceeding with their plans for the planetary liberation and are never waiting for the outcome of the surrender negotiations, those negotiations not being their primary focus.

Soft Disclosure continues.

Mars began to be portrayed as a very friendly planet:

It can be easily reachable with plasma technology:

And plans for Mars orbital station are manifesting into reality:

There are some exciting technology breakthroughs from the East reaching mainstream.

Russia has announced that it intends to develop teleportation systems:

China has announced the development of the space plane:

Keshe Foundation Presentation & Demonstration of Free Energy Devices (Watch Live! -- PS: 132st Knowledge Seekers Workshop Aug 17 2016 at 12:30am CEST -- HAS ENDED NOW CET TIME)


McClendon Group McClendon News Service, Inc. (Since 1946)
Founded by Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon (1911-2003)
Post Office Box 6010, Washington, D.C. 20005 – Telephone (703) 855-1266
(On the Record – Press Welcome)


WHEN: Wednesday, August 17, 2016. Come at 6:00pm for dinner with the speaker or at 7:00pm for the presentation & demo and/or 6:30PM EDT (12:30am CEST) ZOOM public ID: 939474503  or Livestream and/or YouTube live broadcasts

WHERE: National Press Club, McClendon Room, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20045. Free parking after 5PM with National Press Club dinner validation of your parking receipt at the PMI Garage on G Street (between 13th & 14th)

WHO: Armen Guloyan of the Keshe Foundation and the Spaceship Institute. Other Keshe representatives will also be present.

WHAT: Attendees will see and hear a Keshe Foundation presentation & demonstration of a Tesla-type, fuel-less, stand-alone generator that generates electricity for an average-sized home — with no connection to an electrical outlet, no batteries, no oil, no gas, no coal, no nuclear, no solar and no hydroelectric. The Keshe Foundation intends to replace oil, gas, coal, solar, hydro & nuclear for the generation of electricity, for powering moving vehicles and for flight. Other applications are also forthcoming (including healthcare, desalinization & agriculture), as per the Keshe Foundation.

Watch LIVE at 6:30PM EDT (12:30AM CEST) via Livestream!


Alternative LIVE Broadcasts:
YouTube –

Source: Keshe Foundation 

Dr Michael Salla Update - Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Written by Dr Michael Salla on .

Corey Goode yesterday released the first of a two-part report discussing his latest alleged meetings with different extraterrestrial civilizations and representatives of secret space programs. In it, he discusses some disturbing information about elite preparations for upcoming solar events that they believe will have devastating planet-wide effects.

In his report, Goode begins by filling in the details of what has taken place since a resumption of meetings after a lengthy hiatus, which he briefly discussed on August 1. He also discussed some of the ramifications of his personal briefings and a Cosmic Disclosure interview concerning a covert aerial tour he was given of six hidden Antarctica facilities belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – one of five space programs he has previously disclosed information about.

For those unfamiliar with Goode’s revelations and interviews, his latest report appears fantastic. There is, however, compelling whistleblower, documentary and circumstantial evidence supporting his claims. Much of this was presented in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances. Since its September 2015 publication, William Tompkins, a highly respected aerospace engineer, has come forward to reveal his own testimony, supported by official documents, which corroborate many of Goode’s claims.

In his August 16 report, Goode said that Kaaree, a representative of the Inner Earth Civilization called the Anshar had given him, via a telepathic etheric link, some updates about recent events after his return from a June trip to Boulder, Colorado:
In these briefings she learned that our recent reconnaissance flight into the icy caverns of Antarctica had highly disturbed the individuals who are responsible for security at these installations. They were most shocked that their advanced technology did not detect the presence of the Anshar-Bus Craft. This not only had a psychological impact on those who work at these facilities but it was communicated to me that specific areas under the ice were made public – ancient sites that are fairly significant on a number of levels.
The Sphere Being Alliance had helped the Solar Warden/Secret Space Program Alliance upgrade their defensive weapons technologies. It’s not clear if the Anshaar had likewise benefited, but their secret surveillance of Antarctica facilities clearly caught the ICC off-guard.

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