Apr 27, 2018

Berlingske | 27. April 2018 | ~ 1.066 steder i hovedstaden overskrider EU’s grænseværdi for luftforurening ~ | .. I Region Hovedstaden er der 1.066 steder, hvor luftforureningen overskrider grænseværdierne for kvælstofoxider, der er kendt som NO2. Hidtil har kun H. C. Andersens Boulevard ligget over grænsen, men ifølge ny rapport har beregninger vist, at tendensen er mere udbredt.. | Blogger: [🏢Ud af de 10 værste kommuner, ligger KK på en pæn fjerdeplads. Fra nedslidt storby til funklende metropol? 🏙️] ... Noget verdensalt.dk har pointeret mange gange før, uden nogen lytter. Hvorfor er KBH så populær, mon? De unge menneskers paradis, hvis du vel og mærke er daglejer fra din rigmandsfamiliers købte forældrelejlighed. Alle ELSKER københavn - hovedstaden, som alle europæere kender. Men, selvom det er verdens navle, så er det også det dyreste sted, at bo i Danmark. Københavns Kommune er blandt landets absolut dårligste til at få ledige borgere i job og de strengeste mod folk på overførselsindkomst eller andet, som koster KK penge. Værste luftforurening, et kommende højteknologisk Smart City-laboratorium, hvor Wi-Fi og 5G, bliver den værste dræber sammen med luftforurening, smogen og chemtrails... Cykler, busser og biler som i et væk, er sekunder fra uheld og fingeren, får frit medløb, for, lad os sige det som det er, livsfarlig at færdres i og omkring KK (et sandt trafikal helvede).. Hertil, besigtigelses- og visitationszoner og jeg ska' gi' dig. Man regner med, at hvert år dør omkring 500 københavnere tidligere end ellers som følge af forurening (og det er sikkert MEGET lavt sat). I 2007 viste en undersøgelse, at den femtedel af Københavns indbyggere, der boede nærmest de mest befærdede gader, havde dobbelt så stor risiko for at dø tidligere end normalt... PS: Har boet af 4 omgange i København og jobbet der, nu, når jeg tager derind, ønsker jeg bare at komme ud, igen. Min datter boede sammen med sin mor, lige ud til Folehaven - Valby. Hun var syg hver gang, jeg hentede hende... |

H. C. Andersens Boulevard har hidtil været kendt som en stor miljøsynder. Nu kan op mod 1.066 andre steder i Region Hovedstaden også være på listen. Foto: Malene Anthony Nielsen
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.b.dk/nationalt/1.066-steder-i-hovedstaden-overskrider-eus-graensevaerdi-for-luftforurening

OOM2 \\ UFO SightingsDaily \\ The Watcher | Apr 27, 2018 CET | ~ Alien Cube UFO Seen Near Earths Sun In NASA Photo ~ |

Date of discovery: April 26, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Sun
NASA/SOHO camera: LASCO C2, at 02:12

I was looking at the NASA sun photos and found this one that had the alien cube in it. The cube is bright on one side and dark on the other, which is proof that it is an object near our sun. The cube also has a line down the middle, which is actually the corner of the cube, with two sides visible. I have been watching out for these cubes for over 6 years, ever since I read about reports from two Russian scientists about earth size UFOs that orbit our sun, changing directions suddenly and changing speed frequently. This cube is harvesting material from our sun, perhaps for energy, or perhaps for making a mini sun elsewhere.

PFC \\ collective-evolution | Apr 25, 2018 | ~ EX CHIEF ADVISER FOR THE UN’S CHILD LABOUR PROGRAM ARRESTED FOR PEDOPHILIA ~ | .. There’s been a massive amount of disclosure with regards to elite pedophile rings for decades, but more attention was brought to it last year, with some weird and bizarre leaked emails from long time politician, John Podesta, it’s how the whole “Pizzagate” debacle began. Not only that, last year an NBC news report claimed that Hillary Clinton, while acting as secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador .. |

READ MORE: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/04/25/ex-chief-adviser-for-the-uns-child-labour-program-arrested-for-pedophilia/

Quorn News Network | Apr 27, 2018 | ~ FREEDOM OF SPEECH MARCH - LONDON - 6TH MAY #DayForFreedom ~ |

Mirrored from Tommy Robinson's YT channel.  Not monetised - Uploaded to spread the word. They may be silencing those you don't agree with, and it probably makes you feel all warm inside, but some day sooner than you think they'll come for your voice

RT - Russia Today | 26. April 2018 | ~ Cheat, lie and abuse – Danish immigration minister hits out at migrants ~ | .. Denmark's immigration minister, known for her hardline stance on migration, has drawn ire from people on social media after she said that in order to pass language tests, asylum seekers cheat and abuse the trust of authorities. Minister Inger Stojberg of the ruling center-right Venstre party, cited a Facebook group that provides answers to Danish language and culture tests, which all migrants have to take in the Nordic country. “A significant group” of refugees who have come to Denmark “cheats, lies and abuses our trust,” she wrote in an editorial in BT, a Danish tabloid newspaper .. | Blogger: IN OTHER IMPORTANT NEWS: [#Stoejberggate:] """--Deadly sick kidney patient among Støjberg's illegal expelled (refusal of humanitarian residence)--""" -- One of the eight people who have been expelled on an illegal basis by Inger Støjberg's ministry is a deadly ill man from India who disappeared last year and who will die within a few days without treatment.... |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/425207-denmark-refugees-cheat-lie/


NN | April 27, 2018 | ~ Merck named in “fraud, deceit and negligence” accusation regarding Gardasil safety problems ~ |

Merck named in "fraud" and "negligence" complaint after children harmed
Mike Adams
Merck is being named in a multi-layered complaint alleging "fraud" and "negligence" in the harming of children.

Also today: According to the dumbed-down corporate media, white vans drive themselves into crowds of pedestrians, taking over control from the driver.

How is this possible? See the hilarious explanation here.

Netavisen Pio | 26. April 2018 | ~ LILLEHOLT TRÆT AF KLIMARANGLISTE, DER DUMPER DANMARK ~ | ..I 2015 fremhævede ministeren GermanWatch’ klimarangliste – nu hvor ranglisten har placeret DK 13 pladser længere ned af listen, er listen useriøs .. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://piopio.dk/lilleholt-traet-af-klimarangliste-der-dumper-danmark/

The Common Sense Show | Apr 26, 2018 | ~ Breaking! More UN EMP Proof Communications Towers Being Installed Across the Country ~ | .. In the 24 hours since I published an article with pictures of UN EMP Proof Communications located in S. Wyoming and Aurora, Colorado. I am receiving reports from Alabama, Texas and Kansas. Clearly, something big is coming .. | PS: Some of the pictures are missing or wrongly embedded into the website ... |

My name is Troy xxx, I’m a former police officer and also a faithful listener/follower of your website. I just saw the article “People of Colorado Prepare To Defend Yourselves”, there are a couple of pictures in your article that are disturbing to me (both pics below). 
I live in Gardner, Kansas and literally saw this exact device chained to a telephone pole in my neighborhood just a month ago. It was only there for a few weeks and now it’s gone, but there is no mistake……………it’s was the EXACT same device as shown in the pics in your article.
My fiance and I walked by it several times on our daily walk and I told her that was something strange and didn’t look right. We live 3/4 of a mile from New Century Airport in Gardner, KS and there is a National Guard base there where planes and helicopters fly in and out of. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the base, or if that device was something the city put up. Let me know if you get this email??? If you get this email and get back to me, I will drive around Gardner this weekend and look for more of those devices, take pics, then send it to you. I can ASSURE you that the device shown in your article was the exact same device chained the the telephone pole on the corner of my
Troy xxxx
Please note the following:

I have been sent this photo, slightly different, twice (** missing 2 pictures)

Please note the proximity to what appears to be an entrance to an underground bunker. One of the sources claims that this is in No. California in the wine country.  I will be more specific when I have permission to do so.

I continue to receive metadata reports. The evidence is overwhelming and compelling. I plan on summarizing this breaking data in an upcoming article.....


INFOWARS | Apr 26, 2018 | ~ 3D PRINTED ELECTRONICS, CELLS DIRECTLY ON SKIN ~ | .. Bio-ink to be used for advanced medical treatments. In a groundbreaking new study, researchers at the University of Minnesota used a customized, low-cost 3D printer to print electronics on a real hand for the first time .. | Blogger: Big-Pharma-Nano-Nucleonic-Cyborg-Summoning-Homophobia-Transgender-Feminism-Transhumanism-Artificial-Intelligence-Inorganic-Consciousness-Escapism-Xenophobic-Fear-Mongering-Rant ... |

READ MORE: https://www.infowars.com/3d-printed-electronics-cells-directly-on-skin/

RT - Russia Today | 27. April 2018 | ~ New era, no more war: Two Koreas agree on complete denuclearization ~ | .. A new era of peace is beginning, according to a declaration signed by the leaders of North and South Korea after their first meeting in over a decade. Both nations are aiming to completely denuclearize the Korean peninsula .. | Blogger: 💙❤️💚💛💜💗 ... |

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un © Reuters
READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/425279-koreas-peace-denuclearization-talks/

Maxinlightstudios | Apr 27, 2018 | ~ 💜 I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires 💜 ~ | .. In the name I AM that I AM In the name I AM that I AM Jesus Christ, Saint Germain I decree... I AM a being of violet fire I AM the purity God desires (44X) .. |

NBC News | Apr 26, 2018 | ~ Cosby could spend rest of life in prison for sex assault ~ | .. The jury delivers a verdict in Bill Cosby’s retrial, in which the comedian is accused of sexual assault by a half-dozen women .. | Blogger: [💰Most Horrifying Things Rich People Got Away With💰] ... Free on $1 million bail after sexual assault charge with private plane and several houses and billions in cash. Will he flee?? How much time will 80-year-old comedian and actor spend in prison? Each charge carries with it a sentencing range of five to 10 years (hefty prison sentence of up to 30 years), but he may serve less than 10 in total. Perhaps only 1-3 years in federal prison - a slap on the face - accusers now number 58 and counting ... |