Dec 31, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨A MESSAGE FOR THE AGE OF AQUARIUS✨] ... New video created by Steven... Victory of the light🕛🥂🎆🌟💙... |

🛸 ~ 25 Odd And Bizarre Facts About Area 51 You Probably Didn't Know ~ | Blogger: [🏃"Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us" : No aliens. No party. Poor Turnout for Area 51 Raid Kills UFO Fanatics’ Festival. Lame Free Storm Area 51 Las Vegas Party👽] ... Of course SoTW was there in 2019!... Not so much to Storm Area 51, but rather, to Storm the Spiritual parts of America - not camping in the Nevada desert (dumb idea anyway)... We should properly all forget about Area 51, there's way more important planetary concerns to direct your attention to... I did however manage to locate the Little Alien cafe and also went on a (crazy) guided tour, years prior, in 2017 at a MUFON conference. The US Air Force facility known as either Groom Lake, Homey Airport, or Area 51, within the Nevada Test and Training Range, has, besides the main gate, also a (back door) - done that... It caught my interest after i was contacted by a VERY shy and mysterious guest (IT specialist) from Janet Airline (EG&G - Area 51 - Dreamland Resort). This company runs security and the (secret) codename, called JANET, that the government uses to covertly ferry people around. UFO researcher has discovered that Area 51 employees are (also) using (in secret a subcontractor) called SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES to/from The Tonopah Test Range (TTR) - a restricted military installation located about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Tonopah, Nevada. It is part of the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, dangerously close to Area 51... Driving the looong way from Las Vegas out in the dry desert, from the highway, I could (see) more incoming B-1 bombers with F-16 fighter jets in their weekly routine exercises (no F-35 - they were grounded) while we were on our way on a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German Jürgen and his buddy, Tony, a very skilled US guide) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized... Jürgen has the best knowledge in the world, about Area 51 /, S4 etc. and that German guy, has lived in the area and has been questioning by FBI, many times, because he has studied the advanced security they have around the 5,000 square miles (12,950 square km) of restricted airspace. Especially their super advanced sensors in the road that he studied in every detailed and went to FBI - USAF didnt like that a bit... These camo dudes came to us hard (more or less), one car with 4 military dudes in front and one in the back of this minibus, they knew, Jürgen, so it seemed, he said, they could measure our body heat, listen to every single conversation, using thermal face biometrics, intelligent telescopes, scanners and Direct Energy Weapon systems - you name it - they got it... |

🍾 ~ 💗 Kryon - "2020"* 💕~ | Blogger: [🤟"I want you to remember this: STEP out of the reality which is dark or filled with fear or disappointment. Start understanding you're here for a reason, not a victim of the planet. You're born magnificent, get on what you came for. Self-worth is the issue, and it's time to take it. Because, all you've been told so far, is incorrect. You are HERE with a reason, a purpose. You're the ones who will make the difference on the planet, now and later. In the next life and the next one, and the next one. You'll return knowing more than you know now and with greater wisdom and light. It's just the beginning of a new HUMAN" ~ Kryon🙌] ... |

Lee Carroll is an American channeller, speaker and author. Carroll has authored thirteen books on channellings from an entity he calls "Kryon", and has co-authored three books on what he terms indigo children, a new generation of children he says represents an evolution in human consciousness.

*For unknown reason earlier Channelling of "2020" audio was muted at the end, this version is full without interruptions. 

This live channeling series was given in Newport, California December 8, 2019

Official channelling page:

🧨 ~ Kirsten Birgits Nytårstale 2019 kl. 18.15 🥳 ~ | .. Når du har set dronningens nytårstale kan du stikke over på DR2 og se dronningen af journalistik - Kirsten Birgits nytårstale. So long! .. | Blogger: "Lars Løkke (og hans korrupte ni liv) tager på foredragsturne igen" ~ Kisser...🤢😟.. "Lars Løkke gør status: Frygter de ekstreme holdninger i fremtiden. Når Lars Løkke skal gøre status over de politiske 2010'ere og kigge frem mod det næste årti på Christiansborg, er der i særdeleshed én ting, som han peger ud; »»»De ekstreme - og ofte uholdbare - synspunkter«««. Det fortæller den tidligere statsminister og Venstre-formand i et længere debat- interview med Berlingske"🤣😂😆..."Løkke afslører nyt om exit - Der var bagt op til drama. Lars Løkke Rasmussen valgte med vilje at undgå dagspressen i timerne efter han havde takket af som V-formand " ~a4nu🙄... 📋Citat: "Lykketoft: Løkke er en »lille svindler« og Thornings regering var »talent- og profilløs«"👍... Og nu er #DenPrivateLarsLøkkeSugarFondensPensionsScamUdenRegnskabspligt, igen på svindel-turne, og hans nystiftet selskab (Sollar ApS) sammen med sin kone, der nu arrangerer rejser, hvor den tidligere statsminister indgår som en del af pakken🙈.. Måske skulle PrivatLars og hans kompagnon i LøkkeFonden, Bubbers Badekar og Snurre Snups Søndagsklub, udskifte Deres manglende selvkærlighed- og mindreværdskomplekser (små mænd, store drømme) med mental sundhed og et isoleret og uindtageligt (panik-rum), så når de få lysten til utroskab og svindelnumre, kunne de lukke sig selv inde, indtil deres (påtaget) psykiske lidelser, går væk igen... PS: HUSK - "Sommeren på Birgitø" - show (Bremen Teater - har bestilt plads)... Vil du vide mere, se Troldspejlet & Co...|

Den Korte Radioavis' gør status over året på DR2 nytårsaften klokken 18.15 med en nytårstale til befolkningen.

Inden året er omme, vil Dronningen af dansk journalistik endnu en gang komme med en samfundsrevsende opsang til den danske befolkning.

’Den Korte Radioavis’ gør status over året på DR2 nytårsaften klokken 18.15 med en nytårstale til befolkningen, mens de på en fiskekutter stævner ud mod den sagnomspundne Birgitø.

🎱 ~ Den Galoperende Dominerende Følelsesladende Korrumperede Magtfuld- kommenhed hos StatsAdelen, 2019 ~ | Blogger: [🙈Den STØRSTE skandalesag, blev skabt efter svindlere kunne blive kørt rundt af Skat på sightseeing og fik forklaret, hvordan man (malkede) systemet for 12,7 milliarder💸] ... Det er det mest utrolige (magic) trick jeg har set, det smarteste stykke hokus pokus siden BBC og Kina sendte krigspropaganda ud gennem radioen... 🀄At indsætte (kommunister), til at styre Dannevang. Ansætte en skare af partisoldater i form af pressefolk, spindoktorer, personlige S-rådgivere og (partiske) embedsmænd og så lade, Martin Rossen, få æren til, at (drive) Danmark, som stabschef, vicestats- minister, ministerier, ministere samt magtfulde udvalg - økonomiudvalget og koordinationsudvalget. Samtidig, har kommunistpartiet (skabt) endnu én politiker, der (stod) for LGBTQIA Allyship-ligaen, og dermed ikke Billy Straight, én af socialdemokratiets absolutte - og kontroversielle - topfigurer, ⚣ Henrik Sass Larsen, fra sosse-Sass til lobby-Larsen, der (stod) i spidsen for det (sensitive) følelsesregister, en depression, som kunne slukkes for og startes op igen, for at stoppe ENHVER kritisk journalistik, på Borgen. 🥴Sammen, har man skabt voldtægtsberøringen på inderlåret på Teknik- og miljøborgmester Ninna Hedeager Olsen, for at stoppe lukningen af skandale-afdelingen i KK, tæt på hvor også, dengang, Anna Mee Allerslev-sagen, befandt sig. ⚢ Joy (John) Mogensen, (”solo-mor-borgmesteren”) er vendt tilbage efter tab af sit barn, hvilket i sig selv er forfærdeligt, men også efter hun (pludselig) gik på orlov på ubestemt tid (i en periode, hvor politikerne får sygeorlov med løn uden krav om dokumentation og lægeerklæringer) og slukkede al håb om Radio24syvs overlevelse (sammen med Mogens Jensen, der er god til at lave en Poul Nyrup og medlem af LGBTQIA Allyship-ligaen).🤪 Pia Kjærsgaard's klimatosse-kommentarer og revsende medier for clickbait og personhetz, har hun og hendes kollega, Morten Messershit's utrolige tryllenummer af nedbrud og stress, STOPPET al mediekritisk, og skabt den søgte ukendte magtbalance, så INGEN politikere, kan udspørges om NOGET som helst, mere, grundet, det (personlige) hensyn, til MANDEN / KVINDEN i (narcissist) forklædning.. Og med mørklægningsloven i hånden, hensynet til rigets sikkerhed, landets forsvar eller forholdet til fremmed (kinesiske) magter eller internationale organisationer, har man kreeret en Magtfuldkommenhed, som ikke er set, siden Mao, var historiens værste uhyre... 🙋LÆNGE LEVE DANMARK og Gud, bevare den - for vi har så hårdt brug for (det) paradigmeskifte af spirituelle proportioner...🙄 |

📶5️⃣💣~ Why Fry the Planet? – 5G as Existential Threat [Updated] ~ | Blogger: [👉"why do you think 5G network is here and now? Because it stops or pauses humanity, to evolve to next level in our Consciousness evolution and ascension process" ~ SoTW👈] ... Old 2018 article - but still valid... Yes, 5G is very dangerous, but it doesn't (really) help humanity to freak out about it (it's an unstoppable process - for now)... Yes, you can protect yourselves buying (devices) made by awaken (smaller) companies, like EMF, cell phone or wifi radiation, home electrosmog protection or personal/computer protection etc. Other companies has created special things like Shielding Paint CFA40 protects from RF incl. 5G... Cobra (Tachyon Products) and Simon Parkes (5G russian USB stick)... That's NOT the (real) important issue at hand... Stopping the (unstoppable) trillion Renminbi deal, is... Letting China & Huawei's dominating the (control surveillance grid) and enabling every 5G IoT chipset or network device, in the world... Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei announced it has been hit hard by US sanctions, but managed to continue its global rise and is seeking an alternative to Google Media Services following the ban. India has just given the green light to try its hand in the country’s first 5G field trials in the coming year and Huawei may sell up to 100 million 5G phones in China alone in 2020. Huawei has received $75 billion in grants from Chinese government and even EU are letting them inside after Chinese tech firm threatens British intelligence services. Huawei has been allowed to participate in the rollout of 5G in Italy and many, many other countries, excerpt in Scandinavia, however, Telecommunications Companies is filled with american and chinese technology in their core networks, so it doesn't matter (Danish TDC scam)... STOPPING the Chinese government with their (new) 3-D Matrix 2.0 illusionary control grid, to bring humanity to its knees, killing or pausing humanity's (natural) evolution, would be a goal for 2020... Every single person working for the million people big telecommunications industry, lobbying for governments, will not help us - you must understand this... |

Source (eon3EMFblog.net9
This will be in addition to millions of ground-based cells.

This will be in addition to millions of ground-based cells.

“Unlike some countries, we do not believe we should spend the next couple of years studying what 5G should be, how it should operate, and how to allocate spectrum, based on those assumptions…. Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future.” – U.S. Federal Communications Commission former Chairman Tom Wheeler (June, 2016)

“The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.” – International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. (2018)

5G – A Wonderful, Wireless World… or, a Looming Global Public Health Conflagration?

“If the telecommunications industry’s plans for 5G come to fruition, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation that are tens to hundreds of times greater than what exists today, without any possibility of escape anywhere on the planet. These 5G plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to all of the Earth’s ecosystems.” So begins the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.

Creeping Telecom Coup

The attempted telecommunications industry take-over that began with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is now nearing completion as the industry-captured Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issues ever more rules restricting the rights of local elected bodies to regulate the build-out of public health-endangering and local authority-usurping 5G wireless technology – both ground- and space-based.

September 26, 2018, the FCC voted to ‘streamline’ the process for installation of their next generation technology, 5G.

From “Far from being mobile, this technology will depend on thousands of fixed “small cell” antennae throughout cities and residential neighborhoods, about 300 meters (~1000 feet) apart. In order to function, these short wavelength radiofrequencies (6-100 Gigahertz or GHz) will be pulsing at billions of times a second (1GHz=1 Billion cycles /sec) and will be continuously emitting radiation 24 hours a day. In a addition, a newer technology which is used in the military for early warning missile radar systems, PAVE PAWS, is incorporated into these systems called phased arrays, whereby more powerful built in “beam steering” arrays scan back and forth from tower to device and from device to tower for easier connection with an individual’s movement, similar to the missile systems. Phased arrays are also used in AM and FM radio broadcast stations and proposed for automotive radar sensing. The cell phones will operate with higher power and shielding for electrical interference but no apparent shielding for the user. There has been no premarket testing for health or environmental harm. “ (READ MORE)

👼 ~ 💗 A New Year Perspective 💕 ~ |

Source (Meg Benedicte newsletter)


On this final day of a transformative year, I’ve would like to take a moment to share with you some of my New Year’s reflections, intentions and observations. We are currently in the eclipse corridor, the two-week period between eclipses. Eclipses shake things loose, triggering new developments and pressure to change.

The Solar Eclipse last week occurred in busy Capricorn, in a trine with Uranus. You may notice the loosening of entrenched ancestral patterns, unwinding, unraveling and setting you free. 2020 launches a new year, a new decade and a new evolutionary cycle.

Since the Capricorn Solar Eclipse, I’ve been sensing the wheels of change grinding ahead. As past realities are completing, pure portals are opening to new realities. We are currently in the hinge point between purging the past and initiating the new. Often when we travel through a threshold frequency shift I end up breaking glass. It operates like a sonic boom, the glass explodes as my energy passes the threshold.

⛆ ~ 💗 MASSIVE GAMMA WAVE IMPACTS EARTH 💕~ | .. Pleiadian Light Forces Transmissions Channeled By Michael Love .. | Blogger: All hands on deck for the imminent event of 2020... Let it be so..🙏 |

Pleiadian light forces transmissions channeled by Michael Love 

Michael Love is a professional life coach, author, master teacher, musician, healer, creator, and a visionary. 

Thank you for all you are doing to create a better world for humanity!

👼 ~ The Arcturian Group Message ~ | Blogger: [💕 Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls! 💕]

Arcturians is a race that comes from the blue planet that circles the red giant Arcturus in Boote constellation. Arcturus circles about 36 light years from our solar system. Arcturians are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, transcending into the 4th and 5th dimension. Many people know Arcturians as benevolent beings. But what only some people know is the teaching of Arcturians. Shrouded in mystery and lost in the spiritual translations through communication and channeling of Arcturians to humans, a race of beings appears to exist and communicate fundamental laws that govern the existence of peace, love and joy. This basic law allows the Arcturians to push towards higher plans of existence and allow for continued growth in a limited physical universe. Arcturians are believed to come from a circular celestial body that has not been discovered by earthly astronomers.

Channeled messages by Marilyn Raffaele 
© 2019 onenessofall

DECEMBER 29,2019

Dear Readers, greetings to all at this time of celebration and festivity.

You are entering into a new year and not just in the calendar sense. Change is going to manifest in many areas of living that will be resisted by those who fear change and those who financially gain from keeping "business as usual". As increasingly more individuals awaken and spiritual consciousness expands, many commonly accepted social rules, words, actions, religious beliefs, laws etc. are being questioned.

Do not despair as you witness the creations of dense energy manifesting. Pockets of long dormant energy formed through ignorance, war, and suffering are surfacing and clearing through the presence of high resonating energy now flowing from Higher dimensions as well as from spiritually evolved states of consciousness. You chose to be here during this powerful time of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change.

The New Year is a time during which many make resolutions for some change in their lives but this year is going to be more expansive than ordinary New Year resolutions. Each day more people are realizing that some perfectly acceptable actions, thoughts, words, concepts and beliefs simply no longer resonate with them in the same way.

New Year resolutions are usually intellectually based in three dimensional concepts of how to be a good or healthy human. These things continue to play a part while on earth in human form, but for those living from a deeper level of truth and awareness, change will flow from within rather than from popular concepts. A person may be guided to eat lighter or exercise more, but the choice to do this will flow from intuitive guidance regarding what is appropriate for him/her personally rather than from blindly following some "expert".

🖖 ~ Avangard Hypersonic Missile System ~ | Blogger: Oh my goodness... you don't say... what a pleasant surprise... thx to SP🤗... PS: Which extraterrestrial race do you connect most with?... SoTW has always been (magnetized) to the Pleiadians & Arcturians - guardians for GAIA. SoTW personally (vouch) for "Lord Sanat Kumara" as the TRUE Lord of this planet (inner and outer)... More on that later on - after i have read his entire book by Sri K. Parvathi Kumar (one out a billion books - Wonders of the World)... Some say, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians (The Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy).. Danish and Swedish Nordic Alien prototype of blue eyed, blonde-haired tall humanoids... |

Source (Simon Parkes Official)
Finally evidence of what I first went public with back in 2015 - That Russia has been helped by 'Nordic' type aliens after Putin withdrew from agreements with Reptilians.
Today - Russia announced the successful launch of the world's first hypersonic anti missile defence system and nuclear first strike weapon - Yes even the US are not at the launch stage.
Travelling at upwards of 10 times the speed of sound in the Earth's atmosphere with the ability to - viff - and glide it is super hard to shoot down even with energy weapons.
His hypersonic missile system called Avangard, is a direct result of off planet technology being worked up with Russian military scientists and should set every alarm bell ringing.
Answer don’t trade or make agreements with negative aliens because they won’t give you hardware that goes anywhere!

👤 ~ Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen 2012portal - denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement) | verdensalt arkiv | Blogger: Dette blogindlæg er også oprettet på FB-gruppen DK-SOTR (Sisterhood Of The Rose- Denmark)... Verdensalt er gået lidt ud af Cobra-supportgruppen, af personlige årsager, men det betyder ikke, at Cobra-organisations budskaber er dårlige eller mindre sandfærdige, af den årsag... |

Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen - Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement).... Cobra er en talsmand for et kæmpemæssigt netværk af lysarbejdere. Han er ikke din nye Tony Robbins og en Guru. Han er virkelig, mange os har mødt ham, og de budskaber han formidler, kommer ikke fra hvem som helst... De stammer fra tidligere topmilitærfolk, Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarkier, nedstegne mestre, præster og præstinder, civilisationer fra andre planeter og indre jord...

🔩COBRA er et kodenavn for 'Compression Breakthrough'🍔 kodenavn Cobra er afledt af de to ord "kompression" og "gennembrud"...

Navnet COBRA, skal ikke sammenligning med Sylvester Stallone og hans film, 'Cobra - lovens stærke arm' eller En kobra (portugisisk cobra) der er en giftslange (som eksempel)...

Forsøg at forestille dig, at vor Moder Jords overflade er komprimeret / trykket sammen som en sandwich og vi mennesker, ligger imellem, lag på lag. Gennembruddet består i at lyskræfter (lysstyrkerne) fra Den Galaktiske Føderation, kæmper stødt fremad fra himmeriget nedad mod planetens overflade. Motstandsbevægelsens lyskræftere, arbejder stødt fremad, opad fra den indre jord's huler af civilisationer (Inner Earth, The Hollow Earth) til planets overflade....

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosretninger fra den virkelige modstandsbevægelse, vores Nordiske aner, Plejaderne og forhistoriske kulturer samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som newbie begynder, at læse eller slå tingene op PFC (Prepare For Change - amerikansk søsterkanel til Cobra's mange supportgrupper). Der er udarbejdet en Lazy Dog's Guide eller en hurtig reference til nogle Cobra-definitioner....…/a-quick-reference-of-some-c…/

Eller hjørnestenen af Cobra's mange artikler:…/cornerstone-cobra-articles/

💡⚠️THE EVENT - En unik begivenhed som skaber en dynamisk situation, en fælles skabelse af lys og kærlighed, fra os alle lysarbejdere af de 144.000, en beslutning på et kollektivt niveau..... Cobra har sagt, at 'Du skal forstå, at hvis du ønsker at gøre dit liv bedre, skal du selv udføre 80% af arbejdet, så lysstyrkerne kan hjælpe dig med de resterende 20%'...

✌️ ~ 💗 Victory is Coming II 432Hz 💕 ~ |

Source (TruthEarthOrg)

🌌 ~ 💗 In this moment, the Universe wants you to know... 💕~ |

Dear Beautiful,

Despite your greatest effort, you couldn’t have been the perfect person, parent, child, or partner. You were too busy being exactly what everyone, including yourself, needed you to be. You played your part immaculately, as a way of furthering the evolution of everyone in sight — no matter how messy or regretfully it all played out.

From your soul’s clearest view, may you come to acknowledge perfection as your spiritual essence, not a personal achievement to chase or maintain. In order to feel more of the spiritual essence of perfection, it is essential to be honest about the pain that lingers within you. The more openly you share, the more perfection can be revealed

From our hearts to yours, may we all ride the miraculous wave of this most auspicious time transitioning from 2019 into 2020 with relaxed ease, surrendered grace, authentic self care and in the spacious flow of One Love.

We're with you in every moment...

All for love,

Matt & the AFL Team

⭐ ~ Over 100 stars VANISH from the sky, providing yet more evidence of alien civilizations harvesting STARS to generate antimatter fuel that can power FTL drives ~ | Blogger: WHAT???... Nothing I have ever seen or heard about before... Have you?... hmm... It's really funny... I have been to conferences and talked / listen to military people (whistleblowers and spiritual leaders) within the Secret Space Industry in US Inc., years ago... And, i've (always) had this inner gut feeling (or spiritual guidance) for lets say, at least 20 years or more, (after Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope in 1977) that, one of (the) biggest (secret) on GAIA has N-O-T-H-I-N-G to what happens (below) the "The Veil" (Archons and their etheric prison Matrix Earth grids). But, has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to do what happens (above) - in the universe or multiverse. E.g., it's funny to watch Mike Adams or Benjamin Fulford (etc.) has been sooo (extra) careful not to tough the (sensitive) topic, dealing with the UFO movements, which is about to change, in 2020 (i think). Especially after, Trump, has officially launched a new US military service called Space Force, that consumes some 26,000 souls. That's the official storyline, after Trump has signed $738bn (£567bn) annual US military budget... However, SSP up in space, has properly millions of benevolent (and some, aggressive) humanoids, who has build DUMBs, asteroid mining operations, trading with other advanced civilisations, Solar Warden and other aspects of the Secret Space Program, which is, unimaginable for the human compartmentalized (controlled) mind, to comprehend... Unfortunately not many people deals with the UFO-subject in Denmark - I.e. Mads Palsvig, Chairman of the danish political party: JFK-Jorden Frihed Kundskab, can't run a campaign, saying that green martian, goblins, gnomes, trolls, yeti, orbs, fairies, elves, extraterrestrial life, exist on Mother GAIA. Neither could, Ole Dammegard, a truth seeker conspiracies open mind awareness false flag ops.... Noooo, these people run their (aggressive) storyline about how (evil) the world is and how we should all deal with these (Deep State operators)... it's getting silly, sad and tiresome... |

Mike Adams
Today we have a truly fascinating, cosmic mystery to share with you. It's about stars that are vanishing from the sky at an alarming rate, baffling scientists.

Actually, there's a rational explanation for it: The stars are being harvested for a particular purpose.

That purpose, as I reveal in today's article, is being aggressively researched by 
NASA-linked scientists and space travel technology pioneers.

Ready to have your world rocked? Read my feature story today for a tour into the cosmic realm.

See the full story here.


Mr. Black is the guest host as he educates Doc and his fans about what's really going on above our heads in the skies, and the realms beyond. This episode is guaranteed to blow your hair back.

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Humanity’s liberation from satanic Western ruling class possible in 2020 ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the full report : (The head of the P3 is a Mr. Gianmario Fioramonti, who says)... “the Lodge is not covered or secret. It is fully transparent and open to all my friends all over the world of any race, color, or belief.” The P3 are releasing all sorts of information about Antarctica, aliens, Nazis, and other things that are so mind-boggling they will require strong proof. If you are interested, we suggest you contact them directly about this via the Catholic Church. In any case, the financial and information war is also taking a powerful turn against the Jews, who will have to purge their ranks of satanists and radical Zionists, or else face inevitable collective punishment. Pentagon sources outline the moves against them as follows:... [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Humanity’s liberation from satanic Western ruling class possible in 2020

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s repo- rts for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Published by Benjamin on Dec 30, 2019 CET

With a big push, humanity could be liberated in 2020. The key will be to force an implosion of the Khazarian mafia’s privately owned central bank system of debt slavery, according to Pentagon, P3 Freemason, and other sources. The increasing disconnect between the real-world economy and the financial market bubble is being deliberately engineered to cause a humanity-liberating systemic failure during 2020, say Asian secret society and P3 Freemason sources. (And no, P3 is not a typo; see below for details.)

This Ben Garrison cartoon illustrates the current situation:

You can support Mr. Garrison by clicking here:

Needless to say, the real economy is continuing to plunge despite the record-high stock market and corporate media cheerleading. The latest sign is the Baltic Dry Index, which is plunging to lows not seen since the Lehman crisis. The BDI cannot be manipulated with fiat funny money like other indexes can, because it is the price of sending physically existing stuff in ships.

Durable goods orders, another reality-based indicator, are also plunging.

A hidden part of this financial/economic war that’s now raging involves an East/West tug-of-war over historical bonds.

The U.S. Treasury Department has started buying Chinese historical bonds in hopes of using them to get gold to meet a January 31, 2020 payments deadline, Japanese right-wing sources and P3 Freemason sources say.

🎦 ~ MOAN ALONE Donald Trump blames Home Alone 2 scene cut on Canada’s Justin Trudeau after ‘two-faced’ row ~ | Blogger: [✂️CBC Deletes Trump Scene From Home Alone 2 Broadcast✂️] ... Benjamin Fulford and his sources says : "With all of this activity as a background, the recent broadcast of “Home Alone 2” in Canada with an appearance by Donald Trump edited out may have been some sort of insider message. That’s because Macauley Culkin, the child star of that movie, is among many who have said movie business executives are “satanic pedophiles” who “ritually abuse children in the industry.” Culkin says that during the filming of this movie he was called into a room where he was molested by an industry executive. In an interview with French radio, Culkin said"... (And there's more)... Read it at BF's latest full report... |

DONALD Trump has hit out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after his cameo in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was edited out.

Source (The Sun)

Dec 30, 2019

🕊️ ~ Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Join us for our Open House Group Meditation playlist to ring in 2020 💗 ~ | Blogger: Meditation and healing by Lisa Renée .. |

Source (Energetic Synthesis)

Check back here on New Years Eve!

We begin our playlist on 12/31/2019 at 11:30 PM GMT, 12/31/2019 at 3:30 PM PST!

Welcome to our Open House for an array of group Healing Meditations and Soul Soothing Sounds with online streaming meditations which will begin at 12 am (GMT) January 1, 2020. From our ES community to yours, we wish all of our Light Family, many loving wishes for an incredibly blessed New Year in 2019 and prayers for Love and Peace on Earth! Please connect with us in group meditation this day to celebrate the transition of humanity into a new cycle and join with our group’s blessings!

At the top of every hour we'll play toning bells that will be followed by a meditation. May God's Natural Laws fully restore Peace to Return the Christos-Sophia on Earth!

Live Broadcast scheduled for:

In your timezone, Europe/Berlin (+01:00), the broadcast will begin on:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 @ 1:00 am

🔊🐁💡 ~ Scientists ‘Clear’ Alzheimer’s Plaque From Mice Using Only Light And Sound ~ | Blogger: [🤔How did they do it at MIT? By a Flicker, Dream machine?🚥] ... Sooo, SoTW went to High School i USofA, and of course i took a peek at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - wauv! What a trip down memory lane ... AnyWho - when I was with some of the amazing Cobra-supporters and doing (the) missions around the world, i tried the "Pandora Star flicker", which is a device, an LED Lamp, designed to open your third eye and take you to zen like meditative state. E.g. - PandoraStar, a powerful light entrainment device, uses flickering light to guide your brain to experience a range of beneficial states of brainwave activity, which can be used for many empowering purposes... Unfortunately, I kinda lost all contact to the group, something with my, at that time, young (goddess gorgeous) girlfriend. I took my girlfriend side, in the (heavy) dogfighting ring, should have remained (neutral - damn it). The (groups) envy, egocentric behaviors, guru-short-sighted, misinterpretations, infight, but most of all, i was not so keen, when i realized, that Cobra's (sometimes) spiritual education, was based on money-boosting-cash-cow conferences, and the vital role (inhuman) behaviour, in front of followers or backstage (there's a looot of other stuff. I will not tell you more - i was a insider - for a very short while). True hardcore supporters can't take criticism or at least, if you (questioning) their leaders motive (don't go there)... Cobra and the resistance movement has been a vital part of my life, since i meet-up with the deceased, (foreign) Isis Astara (wauv), the next (american spouse) to Cobra - hmm😶. I was also (and still is) part of Sisterhood of The Rose, but it's not my gig, but our leader is (very) sick, and i lost 2 (girl)friends to cancer in 2019 - will not be a DEW target too😥... Remember, that we all (possesses) the pure divine (sparkle) or (spiritual insight) to move forward towards Ascension (alone) or with (support). The information he, and pleiadian group provide, is still very valid and meaningful to me, but always, take everything with a grain of salt and only, devour, what resonate with your open heart-brain-center... |

Clumps of harmful proteins that interfere with brain functions have been partially cleared in mice using nothing but light and sound.

Research led by MIT has found strobe lights and a low pitched buzz can be used to recreate brain waves lost in the disease, which in turn remove plaque and improve cognitive function in mice engineered to display Alzheimer’s-like behaviour.

It’s a little like using light and sound to trigger their own brain waves to help fight the disease.

This technique hasn’t been clinically trialled in humans as yet, so it’s too soon to get excited – brain waves are known to work differently in humans and mice.

But, if replicated, these early results hint at a possible cheap and drug-free way to treat the common form of dementia.

So how does it work?
Source (mysterious-times)

🛸 ~ Expert: UFOs frequently come close to hitting airliners ~ | Blogger: [🎵Perhaps you missed (this) and should have guessed (it) and it's not going to (stop) 'Til you wise up🦉]... Tucker Carlson with Nick Pope on a year old newscast.. |

🏴‍☠️ ~ New Year holidays TERROR ATTACK in St. Petersburg averted after US tip-off: FSB releases VIDEO of suspects’ arrest ~ | Blogger: [🤝Putin thanks Trump for foiling New Year attacks, which Benjamin Fulford and his sources say the real target was Vladimir Putin, and the attack was carried out by “nine militants from the Right Sector of Ukraine⚔️] ... {LAST False Flag attempts, to engage new FEAR into humanity by 2020 by the CIA Deep State's propaganda machinery?} ... 👉CNN has stated, that 4 plane crashes across US left 6 dead and at least 8 injured this weekend and Plane carrying Kansas basketball team forced to make emergency landing after engine SPITS FIRE... 👉(BBC) Kazakhstan holds day of mourning for Almaty plane crash victims... 👉 (RT) 'London has fallen': Shock online at vicious KNIFE ATTACK outside UK strip club... 👉(D.mail) Gunman kills two inside a packed Texas church during a livestreamed communion before he's shot dead by an armed congregation member... 👉(RT) Shots fired at Checkpoint Charlie, popular Berlin tourist spot, police say incident related to cafe robbery... 👉 (RT) At least 14 injured as suspected pyrotechnics explosion hits festival in Spanish town of Centelles... 👉??? ... |

Source (

👼 ~ 💗 Happy New Year - Welcome to 2020! (Council of Love) 💕 ~ |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak Dec 30,2019

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 ~ Denmark's first cinema BIG BIO will be climate friendly and gender neutral ~ | Blogger: O-M-G! From #MeToo movement - Danish & Swedish 'Negligent rape' law - Hollywood transgender agenda - 5G - Transhumanism - Chemtrails - Depopulation... (UN Agenda 2030)... |

Source (TV2 Nyheder)

🐠 ~ The GoldFish Report: TOP STORIES OF 2019 ~ | Blogger: [💯SoTW No. 1 News Story of 2019 : Project Veritas Exposé - [VIDEO] Leaked Insider Recording From ABC News Reveals Network Executives Killed Bombshell Story Implicating Jeffrey Epstein🏆] ... {WHY Epstein? Because there's so many involved - from danish billionaires & norwegian royals, judges, elites, leaders and freemasonry members to every single person, who has been lured into 'blackmail underage teen bribe' scheme by the (alleged) Israeli Mossad agent, Jeffrey Epstein} ... Associated Press (AP) 2019’s Top 10 Stories, in order : #1️⃣ = ⇝Trump Impeachment ⇜⇝ Immigration ⇜⇝ Trump-Russia Probe ⇜⇝ Mass Shootings ⇜⇝ Opioids Climate ⇜⇝ Change ⇜⇝ Brexit ⇜⇝ US-China ⇜⇝ Trade War ⇜⇝ Boeing Jets Grounded ⇜⇝ Hong Kong ... Louisa's 2019’s Top 10 Stories : #1️⃣ = ⇝ (False Flag) Notre-Dame de Paris fire ⇜⇝ Monster Hurricane Dorian (report of flooded secret Chinese DUMB) ⇜⇝ President Donald Trump to claim 'No Collusion' and 'No Obstruction' ⇜⇝ Democrats Purely Partisan Impeachment Sham ⇜⇝ U.S. Navy Preparing to Unveil New Guidelines for Reporting UFOs ⇜⇝ Trump Authorizes a Space Command ⇜⇝ Project Veritas – Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions ⇜⇝ Australia is on fire, literally - and so are its climate politics ... Jim Fetzer's 2019’s Top 10 Stories, in order : #1️⃣ ⇝ It looks like Democrats are going down hard for 2020 - and impeachment will not save them! ⇜⇝ Humanity Threatened by push for 5G which is even being Promoted by Trump ⇜⇝ The Arrest and "Death" of Jeffrey Epstein ⇜⇝ VA Legislators threaten 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities with National Guard! ⇜⇝ Jury Awards $450.000 damages for defamation by local conspiracy theorist! ⇜⇝ Did Obama play role in the Jussie Smollett fake hate attack in Chicago? ⇜⇝ Covering completly fake New Zealand Mosque Shooting banned by Twitter ⇜⇝ Califonia comes apart at the seams: bizzare wildfires, excrement galore, stunning failure of state and local government ⇜⇝ Alleged "White Supremacist" gets life term for staged car attack in Charlottesville ⇜⇝ Mainstream Media goes over to The Dark Side and doesn't even try to conceal it... |

PS: Wife, 29, of Google whistleblower who exposed meddling in the 2016 election is killed in a car crash after 'she lost control and veered into the path of a tractor-trailer' (Louisa's report) Source (

Dec 29, 2019

🛰️ ~ Sky "Convoy" of Lights Nearly 1000 MILES Long! Visible for TEN Solid Minutes ~ | Blogger: Wooow! What was that?🙀... SpaceX's Starlink satellites or a Stargate?... |

🌩️ ~ 💗 New MASSIVE White Spikes in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space 💕 ~ | Blogger: "12/29 09:00 UTC – The situation changed suddenly at 23 UTC when a series of movements began and led the amplitude values to reach Power 72 at 7 UTC, from that moment onward the amplitude remained on values between Power 65 and Power 80 with the peak maximum at Power 82 at 1:30 and 2 UTC.."... |

Space Observing System
Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске

Source (Disclosure News Italy)

🧘 ~ 💗 Age of Aquarius Activation Videos and Joint Cobra/Fulford Interview (Cobra) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [✌️Victory of the Light!🕯️]... |

Source (cobra2012)

Age of Aquarius activation videos have been created in more than 20 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!

👼 ~ 💗I AM GRATEFUL AFFIRMATIONS - 2020 Focus 💕 ~ | Blogger: You can compare Anrita Melchizedek's New Earth I AM Grateful Affirmations with Steve Nobel's YouTube channel (The Soul Matrix) ... |

A beautiful series of New Earth I AM Grateful Affirmations for Awakening and Awakened Souls by Anrita Melchizedek 

❌ ~ FBI and Crowdstrike Concealed the Real Source of the DNC Data Breach (Seth Rich) and Framed Russia ~ | ... New Qanon Drop #3764 ... | 28 Dec 2019 - 7:23:27 PM

28 Dec 2019 - 7:23:27 PM
DNC server(s).
Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?
Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack''break-in' by Crowdstrike [Ukraine]?
Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?
Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]📁
How does one provide content to WL?
>person-to-person [1]
Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]
The (Source(s)):
>Feeder [1]
>Recipient [1]
Interning for the DNC can be deadly.
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?
Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?
NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]
Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].
FISA is only the beginning.
The hole is DEEP.

Mordet, der har affødt vilde konspirationsteorier: Nu sender forældrene gribende appel


25. maj 2017 - 13.49

(Verdensalt Arkiv) --

Blogger: Check lige hvordan Berlingske Media, trækker os alle ned i sølet blandt de stærkt højreorienterede kræfter, sammen med alle tosserne der deler ud af “tinfoil-hats”, hvis vi tror på konspirationen om Seth Rich.

BT spiller på vores følelsesregister, vi skal være medlidende i familiens sorg.

Det er vi skam også, men fordi 'nogle' af os har en (anden) teori sammen med hundred-af-tusindevis af andre amerikanere, kan vi ikke (alle), besidde en personlighedsforstyrrelse.

Vi er ikke alle styret af det egohumanistiske netværk.

Fra den Danske Frimurerorden og Rotary netværksorganisationer til de politisk korrekte naive medkompetanter.

Denne sag lugter af betændt politisk motiverede drab.

BT skriver; " .. Avisen Washington Post bragte torsdag en gribende appel fra Seth Richs forældre, Mary og Joel Rich, hvor de bønfalder medierne og andre om lade deres søn for fred og lade være med at politisere deres søns død.." 

Efter min egen mening, kommer denne sag med garanti til, at feje den amerikanske regering væk, som kuglen på nedbrydningskranen.

BT proklamere: ".. Teorien er, at Seth Rich, som arbejdede som organisator hos det demokratiske parti i Washington, lækkede fortrolige oplysninger om Demokraterne til russerne, og at mordet på ham var et cover up..". 

Der figurere så mange teorier derude, men tror på, at den påståede Wikileaks e-mails, som forbinder Podesta-brødrene til den læge, der overså Seth Rich, før han døde, er sandt. Washington D.C. politiets rapport siger, at Seth Rich overlevede de første skud og døde senere på hospitalet.

💚💣👑 ~ Kongehuset bruger 'sund fornuft': Her er deres CO2-bomber ~ | Blogger: [🙅‍♂️"Klima-hyklere: Her det royale CO2-bluf. Moral er godt - dobbeltmoral er dobbelt så godt" ~ E.B.🚯] ... {Her er kongehusets CO2-udledning, uden grønne ord} ... 1️⃣ I pendulfart med Forsvarets helikopter EH-101... 2️⃣ Flyvende farmor : Antal af rejser med Forsvarets EH-101-helikopter og CL-604 Challenger-fly... 3️⃣ CO2-bomben Dannebrog : Kongehuset sprutter tonsvis af CO2 ud ved brug af Dannebrog... 4️⃣ Dobbelt-udledning : Ved flere lejligheder både flyver og sejler de kongelige til fjerntliggende destinationer... 5️⃣ På sort familieferie : Derudover bruger kongehusets medlemmer også Dannebrog til private rejse... 6️⃣ Fyrer for gråspurvene : Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen opvarmer tusindvis af kvadratmeter i slotte, kongehusets råder over... 🔎Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden. Kongehuset ønsker dog ikke at være ulydige overfor folket. Formelt er kongehuset hævet over loven, og myndigheden til at drage for eksempel kronprins Frederik til ansvar ligger hos dronning Margrethe, men reelt overvåges kongefamilien af en kritisk offentlighed og rådgives af centraladministrationen. Konstruktionen forudsætter, at kongehuset følger den rådgivning. Når jeg udgiver blog indlæg omkring Kongehuset, ønsker jeg ikke, at vække utilsigtet følelser op i folk omkring illoyalitet og upatriotiske sammensværgelser, formidler bare en realitet, set ud fra mange års interesse i tabloidpressens dokumentation(BT, information m.fl.) og de få som 'tør' kritisk journalistik. Er helt klar over, der er mange som opfatter vores konstitutionelt monarki som en hellig institution og statshoveder som urørlige og trofaste mod vores nation. Dog, kan vi konstatere, 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magt- vælden... 🕵️‍♂️PS: Nu hvor Kristoffer Eriksen (tidligere Radio24syv-profil) rykker ind i Ekstra Bladets chefredaktion, og ifølge DR P1, skal hans team, udelukkende lave, kritisk journalistik og bliver en gravergruppe, for, at finde frem til sandheden.. »Både Pernille og Kristoffer forstår, hvor vigtigt det er at turde, hvor andre tier, fordi alt for mange journalistiske medier lader sig spise af med halve forklaringer og hele løgne fra dem, der bærer de gyldne kæder,« siger han i pressemed- delelsen... |

Kilde (ekstrabladet)

Margrethe og co.'s CO2-udledning modsiger egne forblommede ord til statsbesøg, åbninger og nytår

✖️22 ~ Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056 ~ |

Source (X22Report)
The [DS]/MSM are spinning stories but they are getting caught up in their lies, they are now blaming each other and pointing fingers. JS tells us to watch [JC] and [JM] something is about to happen. The DOJ wants an extra week for Flynn's sentencing. Did the patriots stop a missile launch in NK, reports are strange and the gift was the opposite. Trump sends a message, the movie plot is about to change and the move will never be the same.

💔 ~ Nearly Half a Billion Animals Feared Dead From Australia’s Fires, Including 8,000 Koalas ~ | Blogger: Let us pray for Australia & California wildfires killing animals, destroying homes, farmers land, with many residents who can’t afford wildfire insurance and New Zealand volcano eruption. The cascadia subduction zone - Earthquake landslides at Mount Washington Volcano, Kadavu, Fiji, Unusually strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) weather phenomenon triggers severe droughts in Australia and Indian summer. In Europe Severe weather and floods cause deaths across Western Europe, and the world's affected populace in regards to water pollution & flooding, earthquakes, extreme weathers, (Drought, Heat Waves, Heavy Downpours, Floods), and fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🌪💦☔️ ... |

Source (The Mind Unleashed)

Ecologists from the University of Sydney estimate that 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have been killed.

(TMU) — Nearly half a billion animals are feared to have died as historic bushfires continue to devastate vast regions of Australia, including almost a third of koalas in their main habitat in New South Wales (NSW).

According to one report from the the Sunday Times, ecologists from the University of Sydney estimate that roughly 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have been killed either directly or indirectly by the horrific inferno that has been sweeping across the country since September.

The number includes about 8,000 koalas that were burnt to death along the mid-north coast of the state, which lies 240 miles north of Sydney. (READ MORE)

🔮 ~ 💗 January Predictions and Spiritual Insights 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🌟"2020 is a year of Major, Major Awakening - Scientifically, Spirituality and of course, Metaphysically" ~ Joni Patry Vedic Astrological🌟] ..."Around these two dates January 27th -28th many scandals will surface and the truth will be known. Sex trafficking is a big part of this dark and corrupt world. Cover ups are now revealed. Oil prices begin to rise and the stock market begins to sink, but there will be many ups and downs with great volatility till the month of September. "... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

January Spiritual Insights

There are incredible and intense aspects starting out the year indicating a year of massive change and transformation. We will witness things never before in this year. The solar eclipse that occurred December 26th involves Jupiter with Ketu, and Saturn with Pluto. Now the Lunar Eclipse will activate the deep seated indications of this powerful Solar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, which are the full Moon with Rahu and Ketu, bring to fruition the indications of the Solar eclipse.

Jupiter will be conjunct Ketu at 14 degrees Sagittarius on January 8th. There is a wave of Divine energy prevent throughout this year. Everything that is happening this year is being directed by a Divine Force to change humanity for the better. It may seem like a destructive force but this is part of the Divine plan.

The most important effects that will evolve out of this year will be a deep spiritual transformation that will manifest miracles around healing and technological discoveries with energy. The entire concept of energy is changing and how it is used in healing the mind and emotions. These amazing discoveries in science, medicine and healing change how many view the world and have an effect on world consciousness.

Those who judge with hate and vengeance will not be a part of the cosmic awareness that is surrounding the earth at this time. It is time to see beyond the current illusion to understand the profound lessons being bestowed on humanity. The unconscious masses will be consumed with superficiality, but the greater effects of this spiritual transformation will have its effects for years to come.