Jul 3, 2018

Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | 2016 -2018 | ~ Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd -- mindst korrupte-rapporten, som altid får mig til at smile! ~ Historisk overskud i de GULD 1.000 største selskaber og ledere, mellemledere samt direktørerne spinner guld på lønninger, bonuser, aktieoptioner, incitamentsordninger og himmelråbende vanvittige aftrædelsesordninger ~| Blogger: [🤑Ønsker ikke angribe nogen som helst, blot anskue den lederudvikling og virksomhedskultur i Danmark💸] .. (OG, private samt NGO- statslige- organisationer og virksomheder) der vil være mig magtpåliggende at fremhæve, grådighedens skyggeside... Vi kan blive forarget eller blot trække på skuldrene af de private virksomheders misbrug af pengene. Men, når det kommer til misbrug af skatteyders offentlige midler, NGO'er, statsstøttet organisationer og virksomheder, er det en helt anden snak. Dog, virker det på mig som om, det også er i orden, måske fordi vi selv er en del af problemet? (stillesigende accept). Fx. Non Governmental Organizations(Red Barnet, Unicef osv.) som ingen tør snakke om, er private foreninger og organisationer, der har snablen nede i statskassen. Det er en hel industri af private virksomheder og sære privatpersoner, der bruger løs af skatteydernes penge. Mange af dem laver uden tvivl et godt stykke arbejde. Men i mange tilfælde går det helt galt. Man kan simpelt hen ikke stole på folk i pengesager. Offentlige midler og indsamlede penge har det med at havne i forkerte lommer. Hvor der er penge, er der plattenslagere.. Vi er efterhånden blevet tudet ørerne fulde af Danmarks Radio's misbrug af licensmidler, hvad med centraladministration og kommunerne? Det stopper kun, når vi starter med, at stoppe alle embedsmænd og politikere, som fordeler og omfordeler skatteydernes pengestrøm til det offentlige cirkus, der også dækker over den private sektor og magteliten... Psykopater, narcissister og magtbegærlige ledere trives fint i moderne virksomheder. Enticementet for at holde lav profil, slavisk følge generalernes anbefalinger, gennemføre omstruktureringer, omskrive historien og tage æren for successer eller fraskrive sig ansvaret for fiaskoer, lyve lodret og hele tiden er fløjtende ligeglade med den skade, de gør på andre mennesker, er -- Penge, magt, dominans, prestige, berømmelse og succes -- “I dag har både private og offentlige virksomheder en vis grad af kaos over sig. Den typiske moderne organisation er præget af fleksibilitet, omstilling og udskiftning, og den er som skabt til personer med psykopatiske træk”, siger Sanne Udsen, ph.d. i erhvervsøkonomi, konsulent og bogaktuel med “Parasitter i habitter” om personer, der forgifter arbejdspladsen. “De kan udfolde al deres charme og karisma og bliver samtidig hjulpet af, at deres sande adfærd bliver usynlig, fordi viden går tabt i et miljø, der er præget af konstant forandring. De nøglemedarbejdere, der kan huske en sag eller et forløb, har for længst trillet deres rulleskuffer et andet sted hen”. Tillid er udbredt på danske arbejdspladser. Vi stoler i det store og hele på hinanden. Vi fortæller helst sandheden, vi taler nogenlunde pænt til og om vore kolleger, vi får ikke pludselige raserianfald, vi forsøger at holde, hvad vi lover. Helt anderledes fungerer Sanne Udsens parasitter i habitter m/k. Parasitterne udnytter andres arbejdsindsats og gode idéer. De misbruger andres penge og fortrolighed, og de lyver. De tænker typisk kortsigtet og først og fremmest på sig selv... |

  Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd 

Danmarks absolut rigeste blev 129 milliarder rigere sidste år

  • NET's CEO, scorer 700 mio. kr., oveni sin normale løn.
  • Fire fyrede Mærsk-direktører får 153 mio. kr. 
  • Joachim scorer 22 mio. på nyt hussalg. Prins Joachims formue bugner efter endnu en ejendomshandel i millionklassen
  • Millioner til Pandora-chef: Tak fordi du blev..det historisk stærke regnskab 12,5 millioner kroner i bonus til topchefen. Det overgår hans faste løn på 8,8 millioner kroner og løber inklusiv aflønning i aktier op i et samlet vederlag for det forgangne år på 24,7 millioner kroner.
  • Udskældte Nykredit hiver stort milliardoverskud hjem på 5,3 mia. kr. -- tjener også 5 mia. kr. midt i kundestorm 
  • Rebien Sørensen, Novo Nordisk, løn på 22,7 mio. kr. samt gyldent håndtryk 65,7 mio. kr. 
  • Christian Clausen forlader Nordea og kriserne - med 140 millioner i hånden
  • SAS i krise - men topchefen scorer lønforhøjelse på 35 procent, 10,8 mio. kr.
  • Mindst 35 forsvundne millioner kroner fra mystisk russisk bankkrak er kanaliseret gennem Jyske Bank 
  • Kæmpe millionbonus: Så meget tjener Danske Banks topdirektør – 50.000 om dagen – bonus på knap 2 mio .kr. og løn på 18 mio.kr. 
  • Et år som direktør = 175 mio. kr. i bonus. 
  • Sprogkonsulent forgyldes: Evalueringsinstitut bruger 5.448.750 skattekroner på korrekturlæsning 
  • Byråd med telefonitis : 313.920,60 kroner brændt af på et år
  • Nets-medarbejdere skal dele mere end to milliarder kroner
  • Dong-chef scorer over 30 mio.kr. på børsnotering. 2017 og 2018, særlig børsintroduktions-bonus på 20 pct. årlige løn på 9,2 mio.kr. 
  • Samtlige DONG-lederer score op til 1,5 milliarder på børsnotering 
  • DR-chefer skummede licensfløden i 2016
  • Lønfest på genbrugspladsen : Vestforbrændingens direktør tjener langt mere end Lars Løkke. Vestforbrændingen – Vejle Havn version 2.0
  • NGO-chefernes lønfest: Helle Thorning - årsløn på 2.5 mio. kr. -- Dansk Røde Kors: 1,23 mio.kr. -- Unicef 1,2 mio. kr.....

Journalista.dk | 3. Juli 2018 | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | ~ Stoppede frivilligt efter mindre end to års ansættelse : Bureaukrat scorede langt over millionen i fratrædelsesgodtgørelse ~ | .. Pengene sidder løst hos de danske kommuner, når det handler om aflønning af de øverst placerede embedsmænd. Det kan de tale med om i Varde Kommune, hvor en direktør efter kortvarig ansættelse kunne rydde sit […] .. |

LÆS VIDERE: http://journalista.dk/stoppede-frivilligt-efter-mindre-end-to-aars-ansaettelse-bureaukrat-scorede-langt-over-millionen-i-fratraedelsesgodtgoerelse/

Cropcircleconnector | English Crop Circles: June - July, 2018 | Blogger: What is Crop circles? - sometimes called corn circles in the UK, are geometric designs of flattened or knocked-over crops... Hoax or not, still strange and unexplained phenomena! Some say, that these strange things were initially made by two Englishmen in the late 1970s, who thought up the idea in a pub when they should have been reminiscing about the good times with their beshhtt friend evah (rationalwiki.org).. Foster Gamble from Thrive movement tells us that; Thousands of extraordinary geometric patterns have appeared in crop fields in more than 50 countries throughout the world.. There has been a lot of controversy about the origin of these designs. While some crop circles are created by pranksters to undermine the possibility of a non-human source, most crop formations are actually done in a way that defies current earthly science or technology. Laboratory studies have indicated that the nodes of some of the stalks get blasted out on one side, which can only be replicated by highly localized microwave heating. There are often anomalous electromagnetic effects and magnetic particles found as well…something hoaxers with planks would have trouble accomplishing... |

WND EXCLUSIVE | July 3, 2018 | ~ MOM ACCUSES POPE OF COVER-UP OF SON'S SEX ABUSE ~ | .. Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires in 2002 at time .. Journalist Atila Sinke Guimarães backs up Varela’s story, charging a media cover-up is still underway, “probably due to pressure from the Vatican.. |

READ MORE: http://www.wnd.com/2018/07/mom-accuses-pope-of-cover-up-of-sons-sex-abuse/

alien-ufo-sightings | July 3, 2018 | ~ Holidays to the MOON to be offered within a decade for as little as £8,000 ~ | .. THE MOON could be your next holiday thanks to Moon Express, a travel company which aims to make lunar trips a reality for tourists within a decade .. Moon Express wants to start offering holidays into space for £8,000 a ticket. Founded in 2010 by billionaire entrepreneur Naveen Jain, the company has been granted permission to travel from the earth to the moon. It’s the only private firm to get the approval by the US Federal Aviation Administration. Since permission was granted in August, Moon Express has begun work on sending an unmanned vessel into orbit next year .. | Blogger: (express.co.uk) - "Humans living on the MOON? Scientists find ideal location for LIFE on the rock's DARK SIDE"... 👨‍🚀 YEAH! In your dreams, buddy - 👾 human operations, extraterrestrial operations, or joint human and extraterrestrial operations. If you are going to hide something from the eyes of astronomers, the “dark side” of the Moon is the perfect place to do it... |

READ MORE: http://alien-ufo-sightings.com/2018/07/holidays-to-the-moon-to-be-offered-within-a-decade-for-as-little-as-8000/

Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | 3. Juli 2018 | ~ BT Nyheder: YouSee i kæmpe bommert: Kunder trukket flere gange for samme regning ~ | 7. Marts 2018 | ~ Avisen.dk: Kæmpe kaos hos TDC: 1.85 millioner kunder kan være ramt ~ | Blogger: Hmmm .. 🤔 tænkte Verdensalt.dk og så begyndt vi at grave, for at finde ud af, hvor, TDC's ejerskab, ligger hos. Desværre er der begrænset midler, Cavlingprisen til de gravende journalister, må vente .. Vi ved, at sidste år (2016/17), fik TDC Group/YouSee assistance af Forsvarets Efterretningstjenestes cyber-enhed, i undersøgelsen af det store tv-nedbrud nytårsaften 👴🏻 52-årig blev anholdt for stå bag 👴 (lidt ligesom svindel med refusion af aktieudbytteskat og SKAT overser momssvindleres trojanske heste, hvor en ældre konsulent 👴 fra SKAT fik hele skraldet, og alle andre, gik fri) .. Stort set samtidigt med TDC Group (YouSee) nedbruddet, i 2018, kom nyhetsspeilet.no ud med en lammende nyhed, at TDC Group som leverer tv-platform til norske NextGenTel, er bundråddent og korrupt i broderlandet, Norge.. Det er måske lidt groft sagt, men venligboerne på det norske magasin, har gravet en historie op, som ingen andre snakker om og slet ikke NextGenTel, som nægtet at udlevere dokumentation og stadig nægter, at person- oplysninger, er videresolgt. Nemlig, at Norges tredjestørste bredbåndsudbyder, NextGenTel og TDC's partner, sælger og svindler med kundeoplysninger, som sælges under bordet. Altså, blev sagen præsenteret for myndighederne i 2016, og det er blevet dokumenteret, at Nextgentel i hemmelighed, sælger sine kunders oplysninger for yderligere profit .. Salg af kundeoplysninger er ikke ulovlig i sig selv, men ifølge Personopplysningsloven (lovdata.no) skal kunden informeres om salget og et samtykket SKAL, være indgået. Desuden SKAL salg af oplysninger indberettes til Datatilsynet, som det heller ikke er gjort. Manglende underretning til Datatilsynet og salg af kunders adresser af bopæl, til tredjepart, er en LOVOVER- TRÆDELSE .. Oplysningerne har også ført frem til, at selv kunder med en ""hemmelig adresse"" eller ""reserveret mod udlevering af adresse"" er OGSÅ, blevet videresolgt. Vi snakker om at, Nextgentel skovler flere hundrede millioner af kroner ind i overskud, hvert år. Nyhetsspeilet, syntes, det virker højst mærkværdigt og blodigt uretfærdigt, at nogle af Nextgentels kunder som kæmper økonomisk og næppe har penge i banken, er Nextgentel opsat på at udnytte kunders retmæssige anonymitet eller udnyttelse af private personoplysninger, økonomisk. SÅ MAN KAN STILLE SIG SELV DET SPØRGSMÅL: GØR TDC GROUP DET SAMME I DANMARK? ... Datatilsynet i Norge, fattede mistanke (blev gjort bekendt med) i 2016 og efter sagen rullede, besluttede Datatilsynet, at udarbejde en ny skabelon for databehandleraftale (hvordan man skal behandle eller opbevare kundeinformationer), fordi de fandt bevis på flere tilfælde, af udlevering af regelmæssige person- oplysninger og kunder forbeholdt for hemmelig adresse, nævnt på tv2.no. Men disse tilfælde ridsede KUN op i overfladen af sagen og involverede blot ""ulovlig udlevering"" og ikke selve ""salget af personoplysninger"".. Nextgentel indrømmede derefter KUN DET, der tidligere blev bevist og dokumenteret. Nextgentel blev dømt til at betale det næsthøjeste strafgebyr Datatilsynet NOGENSINDE har udstedt og blev advaret om, at flere overtrædelser af personopplysningsloven (lovdata.no) ville få ALVORLIGE konsekvenser for Nextgentel. Dog, er de norske Myndighederne LAMMET. Bevis og dokumentation for at SALG af personoplysninger SKER, blev indsendt til Nkom (National Communications Authority) og Datatilsynet. Begge reagerer nu ved, IKKE at ville behandle sagen. De er godt bekendt med love og bestemmelser og kunne hurtigt se, hvad sagens dokumentation, viste. (SKANDALØST, hvis du spørger mig) ... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.bt.dk/samfund/yousee-i-kaempe-bommert-kunder-trukket-flere-gange-for-samme-regning



Steve Nobel | July 3, 2018 | ~ The Sirius Transmission: The Opening of the Vortex ~ |

As the channel Lazarus tells us, Sirius is the portal of the Goddess as She returns to birth a new age of enlightenment on the Earth. The heliacal rising of Sirius takes place on July 26th. It is concurrent with the annual opening of the Sirius stargate known as the Lion’s gate – called the Lion’s Gate because the Sun moves into Leo at this time. The constellation of the Lion, guards the entrance to the Sirius Stargate. The energy of the Lion’s Stargate continues through until August 12th. The potent energies of change are most potent at this time. They are also available for us to use, at a less potent force during the rest of the year.
_____________________________ “When the Vortex opened it filled you with Light, a Light that will change, grow, transmute and transform you. Through it flowed the Light and Love that can allow you to transcend what has been, and to create what will be. It is through the gateway represented by the brilliant blue-white star Sirius – that all the energy enters your universe – the energy that is your very Soul and Spirit, the energy of your Higher Self”.
“This is a time of new birth and of new life. It is the time of the grandest transmutation, the grandest transformation and yes, of the grandest transcendence that has ever occurred. The Goddess is returning and She brings with Her a Light, a Light that once lit, cannot be extinguished.” The

Opening of the Vortex of Sirius. By Lazaris

Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org | July 3, 2018 | ~ QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State ~ |

In a July 1 post, QAnon referred to the latest count of over 40,000 sealed indictments filed in U.S. Federal District Criminal Courts since October 30, 2017, and linked these to prosecutions being led by the U.S. Attorney for Utah, John Huber. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber back on November 13, 2017 to work with the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, in investigating a wide range of criminal and civil law violations by government employees brought up by Republican lawmakers.

If QAnon’s claim is shown to be accurate, then such a large number of secret indictments will have the effect of removing corrupt Federal officials, which will decimate the Deep State and its power over the US political and financial system.

It’s worth beginning this examination by noting that the military intelligence group QAnon, has just been included in a Time Magazine listing of the “25 Most Influential People on the Internet”. While there have been an increasing number of mainstream news articles debunking QAnon, the worldwide interest in QAnon’s posts has been rapidly increasing due to mounting evidence that President Trump’s White House is secretly behind the disclosures.

Just as the Deep State has been using the mainstream media to leak classified information that is damaging to the Trump White House, Trump is doing the same through QAnon in order to expose the Deep State. Therefore, the QAnon information represents a visible sign of a clandestine information war being conducted by the Trump Administration and the Deep State to gain public support for competing agendas.

In the July 1 post, QAnon asks who is filing all the sealed indictments, and points to an article published by Breitbart News, which has often been cited for close analysis by those following QAnon’s disclosures.

READ MORE: https://www.exopolitics.org/qanon-links-us-attorney-with-thousands-of-sealed-indictments-decimating-the-deep-state/

South China Morning Post | July 3, 2018 | ~ China brings Star Wars to life with ‘laser AK-47’ that can set fire to targets a kilometre away ~ | .. China has developed a new portable laser weapon that can zap a target from nearly a kilometre away, according to researchers involved in the project. The ZKZM-500 laser assault rifle is classified as being “non-lethal” but produces an energy beam that cannot be seen by the naked eye but can pass through windows and cause the “instant carbonisation” of human skin and tissues. Ten years ago its capabilities would have been the preserve of sci-fi films, but one laser weapons scientist said the new device is able to “burn through clothes in a split second … If the fabric is flammable, the whole person will be set on fire” .. | Blogger: We have absolut know idea, how advanced technology & military applications kept in secret, out of the public eye on Earth. Not to mention MIC-SSP-weaponry - that will blow your mind ... |

Laser guns, such as this one from the Chengdu Hengan Police Equipment Manufacturing Company, are becoming increasingly accurate and powerful. Photo: Handout

Daily Mail Online | July 3, 2018 | ~ Could Boston Dynamics' fearsome robots help the world? CEO Marc Raibert says his terrifying creations may act as servants rather than killing machines ~ | Blogger: [I Love Exotic Gadgets!? 🤖Kuri Home Robot, is about to hit the mainstream market, home assistant robots. Preorder for $100. Eventual retail price of $799. You can soon buy a sex robot equipped with artificial intelligence for about $20,000. Lookalike - Ex Machina model, whatever you desire. But what about being the new owner of your personal A.I. life-size robotic wildcat, named, SpotMini? Going for sale, SOON! Price - unknown. SPOOKY OR CREEPY!!!😵] ... |

READ MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5808325/Maker-fearsome-animal-robots-slowly-emerges-stealth.html


You can soon buy a sex robot equipped with artificial intelligence for about $20,000

Awakening Our Truth | July 3, 2018 | ~ Archangel Michael Karmic Retribution Full moon in Capricorn by Chloe Hudson ~ | Blogger: 3 minute blessings & karmic retribution balancing. How to understand what's happening to this revolution and capricorn full moon. Emotional shake-up is upon us ... 🌕🙃 |

Archangel Michael Karmic Retribution Full moon in Capricorn by Chloe Hudson

Archangel Michael speaks on this Capricorn full moon and how a closure in karmic construct is creating temporary experiences of the Mandela Effect.

Catch Chloe Hudson of World Peace Projects co-hosting with Viking of Wolf Spirit Radio every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 1-3pm PST in studio A of Wolf Spirit Radio.

listen live or catch the recordings here on YouTube. Link to show: http://wolfspiritradio.com/radioshow/


▪️For healings and channelings: 


The NY Times | July 3, 2018 | ~ In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant ‘Ghettos’ ~ | .. COPENHAGEN — When Rokhaia Naassan gives birth in the coming days, she and her baby boy will enter a new category in the eyes of Danish law. Because she lives in a low-income immigrant neighborhood described by the government as a “ghetto,” Rokhaia will be what the Danish newspapers call a “ghetto parent” and he will be a “ghetto child.” Starting at the age of 1, “ghetto children” must be separated from their families for at least 25 hours a week, not including nap time, for mandatory instruction in “Danish values,” including the traditions of Christmas and Easter, and Danish language. Noncompliance could result in a stoppage of welfare payments. Other Danish citizens are free to choose whether to enroll children in preschool up to the age of six. Denmark’s government is introducing a new set of laws to regulate life in 25 low-income and heavily Muslim enclaves, saying that if families there do not willingly merge into the country’s mainstream, they should be compelled. For decades, integrating immigrants has posed a thorny challenge to the Danish model, intended to serve a small, homogeneous population. Leaders are focusing their ire on urban neighborhoods where immigrants, some of them placed there by the government, live in dense concentrations with high rates of unemployment and gang violence. Politicians’ description of the ghettos has become increasingly sinister. In his annual New Year’s speech, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen warned that ghettos could “reach out their tentacles onto the streets” by spreading violence, and that because of ghettos, “cracks have appeared on the map of Denmark.” Politicians who once used the word “integration” now call frankly for “assimilation.” That tough approach is embodied in the “ghetto package.” Of 22 proposals presented by the government in early March, most have been agreed upon by a parliamentary majority, and more will be subject to a vote in the fall .. | Blogger: [🗯️DENMARK - 👱👱👱'We fight for a homogeneous ("race-clean") nation '👱👱👱' .. #STOEJBERGGATE & THE DANISH PEOPLE'S PARTY (DPP) - ADOPTED FOR RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA. IS THE WORLD FINALLY WAKING UP?💔] .. (It starts with patriotism and national feeling, and it ends in fascism and then in Nazis-sm)... TODAY, a new report from a danish newspaper, has just came out - the much-discussed law against 'illegitimate begging' has ONLY hit foreigners, writes Kristeligt Dagblad. 52 foreigners have been sentenced by law since it was introduced, but NO Danes. 32 of those convicted are from Romania, at least five from Bulgaria.. Another INSANE LAW: ""Denmark passes law banning burqa and niqab"" - Also in France and Belgium, a TOTAL ban, has been introduced. Artificial beards, ski masks, helmets, scarfs and balaclava. Clown masks and halloween costumes, are also affected by new law and in Austria, man dressed as shark arrested. WHAT!!!! It's ALL ABOUT CONTROL, SURVEILLANCE & FACE RECOG- NITION ... | PS: How do we create, as Werner Erhard quotes; A World That Works For EVERYONE? 💗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 👳🧕 |

An intersection near Mjolnerparken, a housing project in Copenhagen that is classified as a ghetto by the Danish government.CreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times

Rokhaia Naassan, center, with her back to the camera, resents the new mandatory preschool program for “ghetto children.”CreditMauricio Lima for The New York Times
READ MORE: https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/07/01/world/europe/denmark-immigrant-ghettos.html


SPACE | July 3, 2018 | ~ Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27 ~ | .. The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is just a month away. The total phase of the "blood moon" eclipse of July 27 will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earth's natural satellite will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color. From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last nearly 4 hours. The eclipse won't be visible to viewers in North America, except via webcasts. But observers in much of Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful, given cooperative weather, according to lunar scientist Noah Petro, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. [In Photos: The Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse of 2018] .. |

Skywatcher Giuseppe Petricca took this image of a "supermoon" total lunar eclipse on Sept. 27, 2015, from Pisa, Italy, about 2 minutes prior to the beginning of the totality phase.Credit: Giuseppe Petricca

READ MORE: https://www.space.com/41007-blood-moon-2018-longest-lunar-eclipse-guide.html