Oct 7, 2022


Restored Republic GCR as of Oct. 7th, 2022

(Excerpts) from Full reports: 

Compiled Fri. 7 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Restored Republics of the World Timeline:

  • Thurs. 6 Oct. Belarus President Lukashenko: “From October 6, all price increases are forbidden. Forbidden! From today. Not from tomorrow, from today. Therefore, from today, price increases are prohibited.”
  • On Sat. 8 Oct. Donald Trump and Steve Bannon will speak live about the United Kingdom’s Cabal, the 2020 elections, the Deep State in United States, the fake death of Princess Diana and much more.
  • Also on “Sat. 8 Oct. we will see the beginnings of the drive to remove Biden from office – led by Democrats. Kamala Harris will be declared ineligible to be President due to citizenship issues, so the next in line Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, will be declared President.” …Juan O Savin
  • On Sun. 9 Oct the Hunter’s Moon will rise at 6:28 pm and set the following morning (Mon. 10 Oct) at 7:43 am. Hunters become the hunted: Treason, Sedition. How do you remove a liability? 6:00 can be dangerous.
  • In Mid October the arrested leaders of the Chinese Communist Party will be absent from a CCP meeting that will convene to make amendments to their constitution and lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a Democratic State.
  • The last week in October would experience a Communication Blackout with the EAS (Emergency Alert System) active.
  • Sat. 29 Oct. to Tues. 8 Nov. was Juan O Savin’s guess of the date referred to by Q followers as the “Ten Days of Darkness.” There would be a shutdown of all US communications (TVs, cell phones etc). The Internet will be taken offline under Project Odin and replaced with a secure Internet on the new Star Link Satellite System
  • Sun. 30 Oct. Will Hillary get arrested between 7:45 and 8:30 am EST?
  • Sat. 5 Nov. Game Over!
  • Sun. 6 Nov. Trump Presidency made public!
  • The 8 Nov. Election: I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward

Timeline according to WhipLash347, [Oct 6, 2022 at 5:29 AM]

  • Starting Point When THE STORM Begins. General Michael Flynn will lead the armies. Ready to serve again? Daniel 7 2 , 7 17 & 12 1. 13 Days, 30 in case
  • Three Day Event – Hostile Takeover Twitter/Currency? Q500 Fire & Fury.
  • Ten Days of Darkness Worldwide Televised Sit Down Event, Further Arrests. XRP – SEC – RV, GCR, Precious Metal Standard. UBI, God sends down his Angel’s to guide us all in the next phase of Planet Earth. All those in Federal Witness Protection Program.
  • 30 days to Sun. 6 Nov.: Trump Presidency Made Public [19th President] then GESARA Announced.  All Kings, Queens, Royals, Govt’s, Judges, Police & Lawyers MUST STANDOWN WORLDWIDE. Corrupt ones arrested. Retraining in Constitutional Law.  Trump to call up a new VP = JJ.  They will then Stand Down too. Trump is the Last President. Daniel 2.21
  • 120 days for WW Blockchain Elections. Trump becomes KING. JJ as his JACK? 7 KINGDOM’S incoming to share the Wealth.
  • 6 months – To Recover
  • 18 months – 2 yrs to 2024. Global Martial Law. TRUMP hands over to JJ as King in 2024. Then….TBC

The Real News for Thurs. 6 Oct. 2022:

🏴‍☠️ (FLERE MÅ DREJE NØGLEN OM) Goddag mand, økseskaft - er vi tilbage til Energikrisen 1973? 2. verdenskrig med varemanglen, rationeringsmærker og jødestjerne, grundet Russiske "atom-ragnarok"? Har du tyverisikret dit brænde og træpiller? Røde Kors efterlyser varmt tøj. Hurtigfærger sejler langsommere, stiger i priser og aflyser afgange. Hele den offentlige sektor, skruer ned for varmen og slukker lyset. Slagtere og bagere, er de første, til at dreje nøglen om. Hr og Fru Jensen tænder ikke varmen, men LED- og stearinlys, biopejse og gasfolket i hus, flygter. PET holder aktivt øje med Rusland og danske valg. Imens, planlagde de sammen med Den Mørke Stat, Globalister og CIA- Coronakrisen og alle falske røde flag såsom; Gaslækagerne i Østersøen 2022, Skyderiet i Field's 2022 og Terrorangrebene i København 2015? Det lyder som lunatisk galimatias?? Nu mangler vi bare Kinas nye system for social kontrol, Bill Gates' digitale QR kode tatovering, overvågningschippen i vaKsinen bliver aktiveret og staten, afskaffer kontanter, og indfører obligatorisk og proprietære protokoller på kryptovalutaer ~ 7. Oktober 2022 ~ |

»Lev med det« Danske pensionister stikker af til udlandet for at spare penge...

Prisen på olie er faldet – men nu mødes kartel for første gang i to år - TV 2
Chef for dansk kontraspionage: Valget skal gennemføres uden påvirkning fra fremmede magter (jyllands-posten.dk)
LIVE: Energikrise, inflation og stigende renter | BT Forbrug - www.bt.dk
Biden advarer om største risiko for atomkrig siden Cuba-krisen - Google Search

(20+) Groups | Facebook

😎 (Freaky-Friday: 777 Happy Bombed B-day, Mr. Putin! Time-2-Bring Down DC DEMS!) Todays Crazy Quotes & Videos (SOTW; "NOTHING IS TRUE EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED") ~ 7. October 2022 ~ |


♬ Struttin - thumpasaurusmusic

Biden warns of nuclear ‘Armageddon’ — RT World News
Russia ready to send gas to EU via Nord Stream 2 (rumormillnews.com)
Poland seek to house US nuclear warheads to deter Russia | Daily Mail Online
Russian Hypersonic Missiles Superior to Anything NATO’s Got, French Media Says - 02.10.2022, Sputnik International (sputniknews.com)

(28) Watch: Afghans Run Alongside U.S. Military Plane At Kabul Airport - YouTube
😮✈️📙 ~ (Dude, you are not gonna freaking BELIEVE this - undeniable proof of a White Hat sting FF ops inflatable prop!?!) FAKE PLANE FLAT OUT TRUTH (MIRRORED) (LindaB2 Archive 2021) ~ | 

⏰ (Viral Video) The Charlie Ward Show: Insiders Club W/Charlie, Simon & Mahoney (SOTW; IN DOUBT-WHY NDA'S? RECOMMED EVERYONE TO WATCH F.START-END. THAT INCL. WW CC-COORDINATORS! FREE LINK) ~ 7. October 2022 ~ |


✨ (Dark- Vs. Earth Alliance. Implants, DEW & Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons) Voice to God Technology, False ET Experiences, and LOVE (SOTW: SOUNDS LIKE 'C.O.B.R.A. R.M.' ESOTERICAL WISDOM- WE'RE NOT ALONE-YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?) ~ 7. October 2022 ~ |
