Jun 13, 2016

Banned & blocked: Facebook & Reddit censor users after Orlando massacre - June 13, 2016

Facebook and Reddit have taken down pages and deleted posts discussing the Orlando shooter’s religion and a page by "Islamophobe" Pamela Geller.
The Stop Islamization of America Facebook page was deleted in the wake of the attack, according to Geller.
The page, which has more than 56,000 likes and was created in 2010, said Facebook’s “sharia police shut down truth-tellers while jihad, Islamic Jew hatred, and terror pages proliferate.”
The page has since been reinstated although Geller claims she is still blocked on the site for 30 days for a post criticizing President Obama’s response to the Orlando shooting.
It does not appear that she created a "Stop Homophobia in America" page, even though that is emerging as the shooter’s main motive.
Read more: https://www.rt.com/viral/346494-facebook-reddit-censor-orlando/

Breaking News! Omar Mateen Did Not Act Alone! Proof of False Flag Conspiracy | Conspiracy Theories


DAHBOO 777 astutely caught the following video feed. Watch the short clip, notice how the interviewee is cut off when he mentions that more than one person was involved.

This was caught Live, On Air! A witness to the Orlando Pulse Night Club Shooting describes what happened inside!

You surely noted that in the interview above, the man begins to reveal one of the most important details to surface in the Orlando tragedy.

The interviewee is suddenly cut off and dropped from the broadcast. What was he saying that would cause him to be cut off? As you heard, he was saying that there was “someone” holding the Doors, stopping people from getting out of the nightclub. This means that Mateen did not act alone. By definition, this is the very definition of conspiracy. It can clearly be said now that the Orlando event is a conspiracy involving more than one person. Let the investigation begin and follow the correct path.

Kirsten-Birgit og 'Den korte Radioavis' fra Radio24Syv får Victor-prisen, opkaldt efter 'Vrisne Victor' af Ekstrabladet som den eneste journalist i Danmark der "Tør – hvor andre tier" (Kan i huske Mads Palsvig investment banker, første offentlige optræden omkring det korrupte nuværende monetære system, sendte han 2300 indbydelser til samtlige politikere og journalister, ikke en af de rapyler dukkede op... FRYGT)

Afbrydes midt i live-udsendelse: Kendte radioværter får kæmpe hyldest

Hvem har gjort sig fortjent til Ekstra Bladets Victor-pris i 2016? Følg med i afsløringen her 12.30



VT today: Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England - June 13, 2016

Slowly the myths of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler and World War Two are being broken down and the real history of the 20th century is gradually being established

This article by Yuri Rubtsov was originally published in 2009 at ru-polit.livejournal. It was translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ on 14th May, 2016

It is a truly excellent piece of writing and does a great job of drawing back the curtain to expose the truth behind Hitler’s rise to power and the creation of Nazi Germany. They were both the result of financing from Wall Street and the assistance of US big business. The history books printed in the West are all deeply wrong, and deliberately so I might add, about the rise of Hitler and the Nazis; there are great secrets to be kept hidden and many of them would have deep repercussions in the modern world, should they become widely known. Furthermore, if people were to learn how the tricks of the past had been pulled off, then they would be much harder to fool today; therefore this article is imbued with much relevance to today’s world where the same old trick of creating a dictator in order to profit from later crushing them has been repeated many times – Saddam, Gadaffi, they were all called ‘the new Hitler’ at some point, marking them out for death; same old tricks, just different names and faces.


Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

More than 70 years ago was the start of the greatest slaughter in history.

Continued reading.....http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/06/11/hitler-was-financed-by-the-federal-reserve-and-the-bank-of-england/

Matt Damon Rips On The Big Banks, Trump, & The Media - June 13, 2016

Posted: 11 Jun 2016 11:30 AM PDT

Source - Collective Evolution

by Mark Denicola

Matt Damon broke out into the mainstream world in a big way by writing and starring in the film

Since then, he has been one of Hollywood’s biggest and most recognizable faces, starring in The Bourne series, The Ocean’s series, and many more —including the 2015 best picture nominee The Martian.

But Matt Damon is a lot more than a talented actor; when it comes to intellect, he sits well above the Hollywood standard.

Good Will Hunting, which happened to take home an Oscar for best original screenplay in 1998.

Read more »


Kirsten-Birgit's besked til troldehæren - 13. Juni 2016 (Så blev det igen tid til at kalde troldehæren til kamp. Skarpsindig som du er, har du udpeget Bertel Haaders danmarkskanon som næste mål)

Kære Troldehær

Bertel Haarder har undervurderet sin fjende. Han har pisset på jeres General og dermed på jer. Tiden er derfor inde til at genopføre slaget ved Dunkerque, ikke i det nordvestlige europæiske krigsteater, men i nutidens cyberkrigsteater. Jeg kan se, at mange af jer på nærmest intuitiv vis, allerede har nærmest pulveriseret Danmarkskanonen, så det på nuværende tidspunkt stort set er umuligt at skille fiktion fra fakta i de indsendte forslag. Det skal I have tak for. Et sidste fremstød er dog forsat nødvendigt. Vi skal nemlig smadre det Bertel Haarder holder allermest kær. En gang for alle skal vi hælde gift i den brønd der er pseudo-borgerinddragelse. Lur mig om Bertel ikke havde håbet på, at Andelsbevægelsen, Højskolebevægelsen, Den danske model (ikke Tina Kjær), Folkeskolen eller Foreningsdanmark ville indgå i hans politiske svanesang over de danske værdier: Danmarkskanonen. "Hvordan kan det undgås?" spørger du, kære trold - "Ved at du som trold foreslår netop det”, svarer jeg. Genialt ikke? Læs derfor Oberst Vikings angrebsplan nedenfor, og ikke mindst: Mor jer indtil de politiske kampe skal kæmpes på ny!


Forslagsindsamlingen løber helt til oktober. Væbn jer derfor med tålmodighed og indgiv ikke alle jeres bud i løbet af de næste 24 timer. På den måde kan Bertel og hans lakajer ikke bare stryge de forslag der er kommet umiddelbart efter udsendelsen af denne angrebsordre, og den definitive sejr er sikret.

De kærligste hilsner,

Jeres general


Ærede general Birgit

Jason A YouTube Channel (I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events..) - June 13, 2016 CET
