Jun 20, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Space Force protects Earth and Mars colonies) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ June 20, 2023 (Free Guy: Make a fast choice SoTW; Skip living on the surface and volunteer to go straight to the future Mars colonies I would says yes pls - right off the bat. So be it and so it is) ~ |

"High Commander Val Nek and his supervisor give us an update from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It is common throughout the universe for societies to expand and colonize on different planets. Earth will send colonies of Terrans to Mars (in the future). The US military have made agreements to create underground settlements on Mars with the assistance and technology of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. SpaceX and other companies are manufacturing space stations to be stationed around Mars for planetary protection, which will be run by Space Force."

hunter biden - Google Search
Hunter Biden to plead guilty to federal tax charges, strikes deal on gun charge
Biden Gets Pulled across the stage by a democrat rep - YouTube

📴🤥📲 (Hofnar for Lucifer Okkulte Oktober) Ikke engang luskeri men decideret rendyrket bondefangeri af værste skuffe. Eller rent faktisk, nærmest særledes groft spinderi, når Traitor-Troels påstår, at PET, CFCS og FE ikke kan genskabe SMS'er, og ved ikke, hvordan man kontakter Apple. Hold nu op med at være så dumnaive. Traktor-Troels ENESTE formål i denne verden, er, at beskytte SVM-regeringen og sin egen taburet, samt forlænge 'Jakob den Retfærdige' Elle bælle manns kurophold, i så langt tid som overhoved muligt. PUNKTUM. Mai Market-Mercado 'lader' også som om, at hun er, rystet. ~ 20. Juni 2023 ~ |

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 🍁⚔️🎃 ~ (October: The Smoking Gun of Illuminati Intentions!?!) Key NATO and Allied exercises Night Hawk 2021 (SoTW) ~

- Mette (Mord) slog 17.000.000 mink ihjel - og fik kun en flot næse for det...

- Det vil tage 16 millioner år, siger ekspert om sidste mulighed i sms-sag... 

Som Kirsten Birgit sagde i én af hendes nyhedsindslag i 2019 på Radio24syv; "Politiet er i stand til at gendanne en ubådsbyggers mobiltelefon der har ligget i 8 måneder i en sejlrende i Køge Bugt, men ikke en mail fra deres egen server. Tænk lige på det, næste gang du får en moralprædiken samt bøde på 1000 bobs af en betjent, fordi, du ikke har lys på cyklen."... |

Free Guy (fortsat) De fleste politikere og deslige, som sidder på betydningsfulde positioner i den 1 million store centraladminstration, er løgnagtige magtmennesker, og deres projekt, er et luftkastel. Problemet er, vi borgere er alle blevet narcissister og vælger politikere frem for ideologier og partier. Jeg er ikke en ekspert i at genskabe SMS'er, men var engang, Cisco og FW ekspert i én storbank og IBM. Selvom man benytter sig af end-to-end-kryptering til iMessage, iCloud og eller E2E-krypterede beskeder, hvis man ville, kunne de genskabes, af eksperter. Bare spørg NSA, hvad de er i stand til. IBM havde desuden en sikret afdeling (M.A.S.H.) i Greater Copenhagens ”Silicon Valley”, som arbejdede, for det danske forsvar og har fået en masse ting, at vide. Men, det er også bedøvende fucking (undskyld) lige meget, fordi, du og jeg, får A-L-D-R-I-G at vide, hvad der stod i disse beskeder. Naturligvis, giver det mindelser om Watergate-skandalen. Mette-Mord, er alligevel ikke hende, som bestemmer. Det gør Frimureriet, VL-grupperne og udenlandske højstående Satanister, der kommer fra The Satanic Temple (»Temple of Lucifer«) og Church of Satan, som lavede en event. En slags Okkult Oktober Havesting (nedslagning) af dyr! Halloween er en invitation til ondskab, død og evigt mørke og sådan har det ALTID, været. Prøv-li-å-hør-her! Peter "Raket" Madsen, fik rodet sit liv op på dage! Overhørte 24syv nyhedsstrømmen (5. April 2018) fra retsreporter, Marie Louise Toksvig, hvor VILD OG VANVITTIGT det var, at man kan opsnappe ting fra en mands computer, eksterne HDD, USB-sticks, genkalde gamle internetsøgninger, slettede filer, gamle telefoner, logninger og lagring andre steder (eks.vis lagerplads i skyen/Cloud), optagelser fra CCTV kameraer, dvs. hans færden o.s.v. Det tog eksperter et slitsekund, at gennemtrævle Peter Madsens liv. Et helt liv. Du hørte rigtigt. Politiet med PET's (FE) hjælp er så teknisk overlegne, man ikke drømmer om det. Og Telestyrelsen og danske teleoperatører, hjælper gerne til. De har logget ALT hvad du laver og jeg mener A-L-T. Det er stadigvæk strafbart for folk der arbejder for staten, at sige; Danmark lod USA og NSA, spionere gennem internetkabler... | 

Sadistisk tortur-ring afsløret: Aber tortureret verden over – Ekstra Bladet
Decapitated, Gutted Animals Found in Texas Linked to 'Satanic Ritual'—Officials (newsweek.com)

The Church Of Satan on Twitter: "Satanic Bible: “Don’t kill animals” Holy Bible: *Dozens of stories of God demanding animal sacrifices* News: “Some animals got killed” Christians: “IT MUST BE THE SATANISTS!!!”" / Twitter

Baphomet - Wikipedia

👼 ~ 💟 (A Must-Read) Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline Split, Solar Flash/Ascension? | Archangel Michael, Commander Ashtar, and Mother Mary via Dancing Dolphin ~ June 20, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Oooh man! As you may or may not know, impatience, it's one of the greatest human diseases on our planet. Impatience generates agitated energy. And the result is, it limits effectiveness & our potential.... Like Free Guy, I've also been very, very, very impatience because I'm a 'energy coach' always feeling the 'collective.' I'm 100% ready to let this shit-show stop and get us through next stages into the New Golden Age of Gaia. However, that's not how the piano plays. Megan Rose talks about there's 70% NPC's (normies) living on Earth. Simon Parkes talks about only 20-30% is awake and Michelle Fielding has channeled the Galactic Federation that has said, we are finally ready to live inside the completed version of a New Golden Age in 2032... Which makes me depressed on SoTW, I have been on this journey for 20 + some years now and cannot wait until 2024 for Joe Biden (and other leaders) to resign and 2025, as COBRA RM talks about the "Solar Flash". Buuutt, it all depends on HUmanity awakening processes and The HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA... Below has been shared by mail. PAO/Galactic Heart - Colleen and Sheldan Nidle's newsletter (original from voyagesoflight)... |


METATRON: Arch Angel Michael is first.

Greetings, Lightworkers! This something that need not be talked about. It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future. It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light. These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your Lightworker friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries. Because no matter how it plays out, dear hearts, you will all be taken care of!

I realize that it has been very difficult for the Lightworkers. You have had a hard time your whole lives. You have used your shields and protected yourselves as much as possible, but many arrows still pierced your hearts. Those with closed hearts and minds felt threatened by your willingness to step outside the norm, your curiosity, and your bravery. They were jealous so they taunted and ridiculed you. I say to all of you---kudos for standing your ground!! Even if this cruel treatment made you go silent. You still stood your ground and continued your pursuit of the truth, of the light and of spiritual knowledge. You were true to your Soul. So, kudos to all of you! Congratulations! Bravo!

You are a special group! Lightworkers and Starseeds, you’re doing an outstanding job! If this so-called timeline splits at this very moment, you have no concern. Those of the lower vibration will go their way and you need not worry what happens to them. They have chosen their path. You have chosen to search out the light and to gain knowledge.

Those of you who have planned to become Humanitarians, you are prepared for that positive outcome. So, if the RV happens--you are prepared and ready for your Redemption Appointments. You will share your heart about what you wish to do, then let the chips fall where they may.

If the “solar flash” (Ascension) that you have heard about arrives first, you will be gently guided on a new path. Those of you who are ready for your next leap will be ushered on a path towards that outcome. Your Soul and Higher Self have absolute choice over what you want to do! This is not something that is done to you. I will not go into details about that, but just know that everything will be done for your highest good. So, I say this with the most love and respect to all of you: I wish you to be at peace and not to worry about what may happen.

🏴‍☠️🕵️‍♂️😥🔫 ~ (Crown Prince MBS & Trump Alliance - The Greater Israel Project?) Mass Shooting at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas (Free Guy reblog Apr 2022: 🤫 N o b o d y is talking about biggest and worst mass shooting in American history anymore. Why did the mainstream media just tried to rush right past it like it never happened or at least didn't investigated this tragic event in 'real time'? No courageous undercover journalists dare to report or ask questions against the MSM media narrative. Why? Three reasons [READ MORE]... Free Guy on SoTW still have lots of questions... June 20, 2023 ~ |


Another Day, Another False Flag Shooting? 

USA: 23 Shot, 1 Fatally, at a Juneteenth Celebration in Illinois... Africa: At least 41 killed in rebel attack on Ugandan school near Congo border... Denmark: Gunman kills three in Field's shopping mall.. |


Free Guy in Danish: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan og eller via helikoptere. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. |

Source:  (missing sorry - many websites and videos has been taken down or censored) 

(SOTN) 📑"The HARVEST massacre on October 1st 2017 in Las Vegas has been the most complex and inscrutable ‘false flag’ operation in U.S. history... This CIA-directed psyop, was also executed by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community who are relentless in their efforts to overthrow the Trump Administration. As always, this extremely purposeful psyop was specifically designed to distract the American people from the Democrat’s exploding “Uranium One” scandal.  The fake Russia-Trump collusion story was, in fact, concocted because the Democrats knew they had to muddy the waters. The DNC did not expect Trump to win last November; Deep State also knew that President Trump was privy to the entirety of Uraniumgate.  Hence, the Deep State Democrats resolved themselves to associate Team Trump with Russia collusion when it was the Clinton Crime Family, the DNC and the Soros Money Machine who were really the guilty parties..(..) "📑

Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

Three Reasons of whys: 

No#1: 'Sensationalism is what sells' (‘Loch Ness monster captured!’) - screamed the headline, with a photo showing a diver clutching the neck of something looking like a plesiosaur. This particular mass-circulation US tabloid often has similar ‘sensational’ reports which occasionally seem pro-creationist...

No#2: Dr. Evil's company owners (iconic evil megacorporations) like CEO of MGM, Georg Soros and others, sold off most of MGM company shares (Over $300 million in MGM shares) in the weeks leading up to the Las Vegas shooting (Wall Street financial advisor Kip Herriage has discovered evidence of insider trading with key players directly involved in the Las Vegas attack...

NO#3: CIA mockingbird (6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America) has since 1950s attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes... 

Free Guy: 👉👉👉
  • Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself? 
  • QWhy did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ)
  • QLas Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why? 
  • Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about? 
  • Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started? 
  • Q: Did Trump & Saudi delegates had a secret meeting at MGM about the crackdown in Saudi Arabia before the shooting took lace, and if so, how did they escape the mercenaries (FF ops)? 
  • Q: Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead, but nobody is investigating. Why? 
  • Q: WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? WHAT was Paddock planning to do with a car full of bomb-making materials? Gunman Stephen Paddock had 19 guns inside his hotel room. How is this possible with hundreds of CCTV cameras and most advanced surveillance in the world i Vegas?
  • Q: Cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman?
  • Q: Hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage?
  • Q: Why didn't campus police and LVMPD intervene, we've talking about 15 minutes a least of nonstop shooting?
  • QWhy did Las Vegas SWAP units waiting it out before breaking into the room were paddock were shooting at 32nd floor?
  • QHotel says 4 officers were on 32nd floor as Las Vegas shooter fired. Should they have acted?
  • Q: Why are some eyewitnesses claiming that other shooter fired from other floors and other hotels?
  • Q: FOX: Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers. Why don't we heard about this?.. Have so many other questions, so many why's of the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting... |

The Unlikely Alliance Between President Donald Trump & Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman

The Free Thought Project: Vegas Police Captain Behind Gunfire Location System Reported Missing, ‘Endangered’ | .. During the middle of one of the most secretive investigations in history, a Las Vegas police captain has disappeared and is considered "endangered.".. The Shotspotter program is part of a one-year pilot that uses sensors to triangulate the source of gunfire. It was brought about in response to the horrific shooting which took place in October | 

👽🛸😘 (The best of Tucker UFO's is Real & Steven's 6 mth free energy declass) Elon Musk Live: Watch NOW before they silence me ~ June 20, 2023 ~ |

© Verdensalt.dk - compilation - Aerospace and defense companies - Fox Mulder: "I Want to Believe"

Free Guy: Watch this before Google Gestapo takes it down... Tucker's video is shared by Alex Collier private Telegram channel. Delivered by Elon Musk (clone)... SoTW is not kidding!. This is the BEST I'd seen of Tucker Carlson aaand not so sure I trust Dr. Greer anymore - a stooge of Hillary Clinton (Clone) Rockefeller Initiative. Buuutt, prove me wrong. Both of these celebs has worked with powerful government body as employees of the so-called Deep State. That doesn't mean, they haven't gone through spiritual stages - from darkness to light - enlightenment, or awakening processes... | 

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity(During a 1993 Alumni Speech at UCLA, Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin (and UFOs)

Free Guy:  ABOVE pic - this is part of the Solar Warden Armada fleet - some say it's actually a REAL photo (sorry missing article)