Nov 4, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀🙋🐼👑 (Kongehuset, Hitler og Rothschild jødedom) Det, som ingen må tale om men som Martin Luther siger: ”Ingen løgne kan leve evigt” ~ 4. Nov 2024 ~ |



(Forestil dig at én dronning bestemmer suverænt over bikubens biekoloni. Arbejderbierne forsvare bifamilien, men især over deres dronning indtil de dør)...

... 1000 års Monarki og dens eksistensgrundlag, støttet af 80% royalister. Corona-bedragets CV-19 genterapi dødssprøjter, støttet af 91% af intetanende samfundsborgere. Frimurer-logen, der har problematiske elementer, støttet af medlemmer for livet og 100% integreret i Dannevang i 100-vis af år ...

... Det almenkendt at DDFO-Daisy er lesbisk og med forhold til Susse Wold (ridder af Dannebrogordenen). Ebbe Langberg, døde af aids. Prinsgemal Henrik 'bøsse'-trold døde af bøssesygdom og Daisy med et sæt tvillingesøstre i Aarhus. Grønlansk Hotel notorisk kendt for royale sex-orgier (Tarot By Janine) og Daisy hadede Elvis! ...

... 'Kun én eneste gang har Frimureriet været forbudt i Dannevang. Det skete da Schalburgkorpset overtog DDFO HQ under besættelsen fordi Nazisterne mistænkte frimurerne for, at planlægge en verdensrevolution, som jødernes forlænget arm' ...

Udgivet den 4. Nov 2024 af Verdensalt 

Konspirationsteorierne omkring Adolf Hitlers herkomst som jøde og Rothschild-familiens Ashkenazi aner, har bestået i årtier og det er ikke kun, drevet af antisemitiske følelser. For nylig gentog den russiske udenrigsminister Sergey Lavrov disse påstande, hvilket antydede, at Hitler havde jødiske rødder. Benjamin Fulford har nævnt den sataniske Hitler/Rockefeller blodlinje, i sine rapporter. Mens, andre igen siger, han var Pro-kristen (lyt til historien på linket).  

Det burde være obligatorisk lærdom i folkeskolen, at kende til den rigtigste historie; om Dannevangs Statsbankerotten af 1813, hvor Dannevang gik konkurs, grundet Englænderkrigene, som Rothschild også, var en del af. Rothschild blev alle europæiske landes kreditor, som også var i økonomisk nød under Napoleonskrigene. 

Nathan Rothschild havde håbet på dermed at tage kontrol over alle Europas forgældede lande gennem "Europas USA" på Wienerkongressen. Resten er historie. Men der findes en Holocaust-benægtelse, som ikke tror på, at Folkedrabet, kostede seks millioner jøder livet og fandt sted mellem 1941 og 1945 (meget meget ømt emne).  

Det er ikke nyt, at kongehuset har haft tophemmelige nazi-forbindelser. Men det er godt, det komme frem i lyset, netop nu. DDFO-Daisy er gået i direkte modangreb i dag, som er yderst sjældent at se (så må der nok være noget om snakken).

 Christian 10. var medlem af DDFO, idet han viste det offentligt. Danmarks seneste konge, Frederik 9., ønskede ikke at være medlem. Det som mange ikke ved er, at, Daisy, blev medlem i 1994 og hovedkvarteret på Østerbro (mandeloge) som er dobbelt så stor nede under bygningen. Altså, har de en kæmpe tilflugtsbunker med tilhørende tunnelsystem og hvad bruger de denne til og hvor fører edderkoppenettets netværk hen til?... |  

SoTW - Vi lever under illusionisternes tidsalder

SoTW- Kongehusets ”nazistiske forbindelser”: Et mørkt kapitel
SoTW - Kisser er en vred fucking independent boss-lady som ikke kan tåle kritik

🧒⛓️🩸 (Dont worry... it's still just an "theory"... NOOOT) What is Adrenochrome? SoTW; The Dark Virality of Hollyweird Blood-Harvesting Anti-aging Drug Sympathetic Nerve Stimulation ~ Nov 4, 2024 ~ |

Aldous Huxley first person to Talk abt it. Hunter S. Thompson cemented as a Drug and Terry Gilliam's movie 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' exposed to the public...

Editor's Note:
Some of the "Jason A World News Reports" are garbage others like this above is actually good. And no matter what you read, is NOT a cult Organic Christ Generation (OCG) in Switzerland. They do really good research. 
Btw, if you don't know, or wish to know, what Adrenochrome (The Alien Agenda 2029 - organ/ blood harvesting) is all about, it's a psychedelic drug (LSD). What exactly is adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline (epinephrine) oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices... | 
A113 Chemical code for A d r e n o c h r o m e. Disclosure in plain sight  (4) Facebook


🔮🎯🎱 (3 Quick Draw Predictions - 1 Outcome) SoTW' Dialogue with my Higher Self Nov 17 2024 predictions... Tarot by Izabela' Quick Draw - November 2024... Michelle Fielding' Election USA 2024 ~ Nov 4, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - recorded on phone Nov 1 ,2024 at DK Holistic ND

🥰🦁🙌 ('Taking back control in the days to come') James Gilliland & ECETI News 83 ~ Nov 4, 2024 ~ |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

'(..) This is where the billions are coming from flooding into the democratic party and the Kamala run for president. Do you know why so many democrats are scared, fear for their lives? Because they all have been a part of the election interference, despicable acts, corruption, child and drug trafficking, pedophilia, the list goes on and on (...)' ~ James

Nov 3th, 2024| Issue #83

ECETI News 11/3/24 

By James Gilliland

Taking back control in the days to come.

If you have not figured it out by now this election is all about God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Beautiful Many servants thereof and Satanic/Luciferians who are connected to what some call Satan/Lucifer, demons, royal reptilians, reptilians, factions of greys and other malevolent ETs including fallen astral beings, humans stuck in the lower levels of the 4th dimension. The servants of God include multidimensional beings, some Godlike, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, the greater family of man/woman up to the 13th dimension all adhering to Universal Law. Remember the word God or Elohim is plural so there are the bearded gods and goddesses in ancient history and the absolute. They all exist within the absolute, the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness, the multidimensional unified field of consciousness and energy in which we all reside. As one expands in consciousness, ignites the God spark within all of us, into the full flame one realizes to continue this expansion and experience more love, joy, power and wisdom one must adhere to Universal Law. Universal Law is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Acting outside of Universal Law diminishes access to love, joy, bliss the higher frequencies, diminishes one’s power and creates Karma. You cannot take these emotions and abilities by force, you acquire them by surrendering to the God within, making your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection. This is what all the true masters, saints and sages taught. You can acquire some abilities through darker forces yet these abilities come with a price. Just as amassing great wealth at the expense of humanity and the earth creates Karma, a reaction to your actions. Unfortunately those who lust for power over others, wealth, fame and fortune usually turn to these darker forces. This is what you are seeing unfold in today's elections. Everything will be revealed. The motives and true agendas will all be revealed. The influx of higher consciousness and energy is revealing everything, the masks are all coming off, everyone will be exposed for who they really are, what they have done and their true agendas.