Apr 1, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (Gaslighting: 'Vaccine' & Passport - The Mark of Gates of Hell & 'Luciferase') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman’s 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine🌟] ... 1st real photo below is from Egypt last night March 30, 2021, in a FB group called "Telos - Lemuria - Mt.Shasta", by Marco Adriano... 2nd is circular rainbow with Sun, 3rd is a 'Chemtrail' and that is a real phenomenon also in 2021. Both, taken in Denmark, today... |
🦇🧫⚖️ ~ (CCP-CV Coverup. Former Pfizer VP massive "vaccination" roll-out -- Norway, Denmark & Belgium -- indicted for crimes against HU-manity) WHO-led inquiry ends with even more questions than it began with on coronavirus origin (60 Minutes) ~ | Blogger: As I told you on this channel, Donald Trump, his administration are not stupid... Trump has repeatedly over and over again, blamed China for a virus ("the Chinese virus"), halts US payments to World Health Organization and Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said he believed the virus that causes Covid-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China — contradicting the assessment of the World Health Organization and most public health experts. Trump says he still thinks hydroxychloroquine works in treating early stage coronavirus and every single outlet from Mainstream media (MSM) with so-called expects, disagrees and I wonder why that is (hints are inside the hidden Easter eggs)... |
Source>> A lack of transparency from Chinese officials and looming geopolitical consequences have damaged the credibility of a WHO-led inquiry into how the virus that causes COVID-19 originated. Lesley Stahl reports. "60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10. | | | |
🥳🃏😂 ~ (April Fool's Day - find tre fejl) Efter vaccine: Jens fandt mikrochips i pose fra KiMs (RokokoPosten) ~ | Blogger: [👉Corona Corporation 'Agendaen' har hele tiden været, at ødelægge de private arbejdsgivere og selvstændigt erhvervsdrivende's råderum og uafhængighed mht. dele af 'nærings- og nydelsesindustri', restauranter og barer gruppe 28, velværebranchen m.fl. Staten skal kunne assistere med 'hjælpepakker', forudbestemt man overlader en vis potion selvbestemelse til politikeres magtvælde og statens kontrollerede gigant-virksomheder👈] ... Husk på, i 2030, ejer vi ikke noget som helst, siger den nøgne boligløse fremtids-Ida-Auken Un-Agenda-21. Til gengæld, ejer Staten borgerne med kommunistisk centraliseret kontrol, flyvende elbiler, syntetisk kød, bæredygtige megabyer - men intet privatliv... Jamen, det lyder FULDSTÆNDIGT gak-gak, men, Aprilsnaren, er jo også, ankommet... Den STORE 'Joker', foruden, Jens Jakobsen's chok over Kim's vaccine-'mikrochips', er nok mht. den politisk aftale, der giver automatiske nedlukninger i kommuner med høj covid-19 smitte, helt ned på sogneniveau... Anden joker, må være, at 15 millioner vaccinedoser fra medicinalselskabet Johnson & Johnson, er angiveligt blevet ødelagt på grund af en menneskelig fejl på en fabrik i USA... Tredje, skal vi til udlandet igen, og at danskerne vitterligt tror på at VP Creepy Uncle China Joe Biden, som enten er en klon, spillet af en stuntman eller CGI-genfærd, kan gøre en forskel og at Trump, er et MONSTER, med tishår. Altså, da Jens Rohdes 8-årige datter græd af glæde, da hun hørte, at præsident Trump ikke kom til Danmark som planlagt og som Jens Rohde også siger, Trump er FARLIG, farlig for verdensfreden... Så vil jeg hellere have, at Saszeline Dreyer, kommer på banen og bliver smittet med Corona... Jeg må sgu sige, nogen gange, SKAMMER jeg mig over, at være dansker - men det er jo bare min mennig og skal ikke være din... Nu hvor Jonatan Spang er gået i baby-flyverskjul, Kirsten Birgit's avatar kvækker lidt engang imellem på twitter, Lasse Rimmer og hans kone er engang hykklere og pro-vaxxers, Amin Jensen er DDFO Frimurer, Klovn udkommer først i Juni måned, Ørkenens Sønner i December, Huxi Bach's korrekte politiske selvbillede og TV2 play kun sender gamle stand-up genudsendelser, må, Dirch Passer kopien, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, redde os alle, selvom #Me-too feministerne, flipper fuldstændigt, ud... |
Det var et stort chok for Jens Jakobsen at opdage, at den pose chips, han købte på vej hjem efter første vaccinestik, indeholdt en hel masse mikrochips. “Troede, at folk var tossede, når de talte om det,” siger han.(læs videre) |
🎁 ~ 💗 [GAVE] Fokus: Åben op for kærlighedens lethed og forbind dig med alt der er (Englemagi v. Sofie Rose) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉SR er bl.a. Reiki-healer, og mig selv, sagde hunden (SoTW). Jeg blev uddannet via TV Mediet og Reki-mesteren, Marzcia Techau - kender ikke til SR's uddannelser👈] ... Én af min tidligere spirituelle venner fortalte mig, SofieRose og hendes engle, er 'første spirituelle kraftsted', ligesom eks.vis. spiritweb, er for mange, lidt ala Tony Robbins, efter den bratte sandhed om processen under spirituel opvågning, går i gang... Og så skal man videre til mere dybere oplyste spirituelle steder... Verdensalt har 20 år plus på bagen med min egen process, og de opvågningssymptomer, der opstår, er ganske hårde og energikrævende. Det er først og fremmest ekstrem VIGTIGT, når du bevidsthedsmæssigt syntes parat og modnet til, at kigge dybt, dybt ned i 'selvet' - bestiller du en 'personlig' udrensningens-hovedeftersyn. Altså, en 'transfor- mation og opløsningen' af især, ens eget ego-kammer, gemte traumer, frigørelse af fobier og chok, gennem barndomslivet og reinkarnationer, så sker der FØRST, et personligt spirituelt gennembrud... Det er faktisk noget af det aller, aller aller sværeste, spørg bare The New Tantra (TNT) som virkelig river dit EGO i tusind stykker, har jeg fået fortalt... Har selv brugt flere (holistiske hjælpere) til at gennemføre personlige og spirituelle udviklings forskellige vækstfaser, herunder de meningsfulde kriser som os guddommelige engle, oplever på vejen mod større indre oplysning... Det kræver sin MAND/KVINDE, det nytter ikke, blot at lytte og lære, du skal 'handle' på det du siger og gør, og de fleste mennesker, herunder spirituelle, påstår hårdnakket, de er forandringsparate, men i virkelighedens selvbillede og tankemønstre flår os væk, via den 'mørke' side af underbevidsthedens forsvarsværker... |
I aften kl. 19.00 - 19.25 går jeg endnu engang live på min facebook side og videreformidler en smuk og forvandlende healing.
Hvis du vil være med, så klik ind på siden kl. 19 og jeg dukker op i en video.
📅 ~ 💗 ('Time to Take Back Your POWER!') April 2021 Predictions: a monumental month of enormous change (Joni Patry) 💕~ | Blogger: Sorry, guys!... SoTW, has left out all the Joni Patry's Cosmic Insights Shop, Jewelry Collection & Joni Patry Daily Astrology payments or anything, since that is not what is about... |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
The month of April is a monumental month of enormous change.
Here are a few dates for you to look out for:
April 1-13
Right before Mars leaves Taurus to go into Gemini we may see explosive events. We may see this in the last few days of March through to the first 13 days of April - turbulence, extremes and war-like behaviour, possibly even some type of attacks around the world.
👼 ~ 💗 ('The abuse of power already crumbling across the entire planet - divine order and sanity is restored to the people and their planet Earth/Terra/Gaia and all of its inhabitants') The Hilarion Connection©Update - April 2021 (Marlene Swetlishoff) 💕 ~ |
Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff
© 2021 therainbowscribe
Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! The disclosures of information that has been hidden from the knowledge and awareness of the Earth’s citizens keep coming up to be pondered by humanity in order for them to awaken to the crucial individual choices that must be made by every citizen upon this planet. Each citizen is part of a greater collective of consciousness that encompasses the entirety of the planet and must decide if they are in consent with all that is being presented to them. More people are awakening to the understanding that they must take a stand for a better quality of life that is available to them than is being portrayed by the media and ruling authorities at this time.
They are coming to the understanding that those who rule in each country are meant to serve the good of all citizens and they are seeing that these individuals are not doing the job they were elected or assigned to accomplish. The citizens are starting to demand these individuals to resign from their positions for they are not serving their citizens and their countries as promised and are instead trying to control, dictate and enslave the population through severe restrictions of their basic human rights. The citizens of the planet are in the midst of struggling to regain their sovereignty and freedom. So far, those in positions of authority are not seeing the writing on the wall, for it has become clear to the Earth’s citizens that these people are moving ahead in their agendas and plans without any consideration for what the citizens are demanding.
👼 ~ 💗 ('Buddha' gazing at the flower - study of existence is truly the study of the reality - very esoteric indeed') Kryon - Awakening that is in front of Humanity is simply unbelievable [Listen till the End ] 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉'Regular people all over the planet in many many belief systems where God has started to be BIGGER in them and they're starting to realize, there's something "OUT THERE" that's beyond anything, they were ever told. Let that be YOU. And let that be the TRUTH and the REALITY of these things, as you walk the REST of your LIFE here' ~ Kryon👈] ... |
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