Apr 25, 2020
⚠️ ~ BREAKING POLICE BRUTALITY DENMARK : Tru aldrig politiet med en eltandbørste i eget hjem ~ | Blogger: Watch this intense videoclip before police will censor it as they did with the video of 2 innocent 16 year old sex video case and 1000 young people are screened for sharing videos with jail time and heavy fined in courts of Denmark... Same goes for the false flag video shared and now worldwide censored with video of Christchurch attacks in New Zealand, as a man gets 21 months for sharing... The other link is a much-discussed clash between the police and citizens of Christiania on May 31 2018, resulted in a 51-year-old woman being sentenced to two years' imprisonment when a police officer pushed a woman hard to the ground... PS: Danish police has warned us all that they will do what it takes to prevent people from attending in larger groups or bans groups of more than ten to fight coronavirus. First place is a shopping mall and police has many other public places banned already and warnings of being heavly finned... |
Politiet udnytter den nye stramning
Syd- og Sønderjylland har med opholdsforbuddet ved Lakolk Butikscenter dermed taget den nye stramning i brug for at undgå, at danskerne samler sig for meget. Det betyder, at de kan lukke områder af, hvis de ser en mulighed for, at for mange mennesker vil være på samme sted.
Opholdsforbuddet betyder, at der ikke må tages ophold i det pågældende område, som for eksempel at sætte sig på bænkene og benytte legepladsen i området.
Syd- og Sønderjylland har med opholdsforbuddet ved Lakolk Butikscenter dermed taget den nye stramning i brug for at undgå, at danskerne samler sig for meget. Det betyder, at de kan lukke områder af, hvis de ser en mulighed for, at for mange mennesker vil være på samme sted.
Opholdsforbuddet betyder, at der ikke må tages ophold i det pågældende område, som for eksempel at sætte sig på bænkene og benytte legepladsen i området.
Rigspolitiet strammer grebet:
Færre advarsler og flere bøder
Der bliver nu lagt en ekstra indsats fra politiets side i at afholde danskerne fra at forsamle sig for mange på samme sted. Rigspolitichef Thorkild Fogde siger, at den nye strategi kommer til at adskille sig på to punkter i forhold til, hvordan det har været hidtil.
- Punkt et er, at vi kommer til at køre en mere konsekvent linje i forhold til vores sanktionspolitik. Det vil sige færre advarsler og flere bøder.
- Punkt to er, at vi kommer til at tage advarselszoner og forbudszoner i brug for at forhindre sammenstimling på offentlige pladser, siger han til Ritzau.
Der bliver nu lagt en ekstra indsats fra politiets side i at afholde danskerne fra at forsamle sig for mange på samme sted. Rigspolitichef Thorkild Fogde siger, at den nye strategi kommer til at adskille sig på to punkter i forhold til, hvordan det har været hidtil.
- Punkt et er, at vi kommer til at køre en mere konsekvent linje i forhold til vores sanktionspolitik. Det vil sige færre advarsler og flere bøder.
- Punkt to er, at vi kommer til at tage advarselszoner og forbudszoner i brug for at forhindre sammenstimling på offentlige pladser, siger han til Ritzau.
🤐 ~ BREAKING BAD: »Beskyldninger om ærekrænkelser er et middel til at gøre journalister tavse« ~ | .. Dansk Journalistforbund (DJ) har valgt at træde ind og føre sagen for OLFIs redaktør, som er blevet stævnet af Copenhagen Group A/S for ærekrænkelse med krav om størst mulig straf og godtgørelse for tort. Forbundsformand Tine Johansen undrer sig over Copenhagen Groups adfærd og kalder sagen både vigtig og principiel .. |
🔴 ~ What's Really Happening In The Care Homes? - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast ~ | Blogger: [👉MIND BLOWING VIDEOCAST👈] ... You can love or hate David Icke, but he is spot on about a looot of things... You might wanna support and go and watch 'London Real' on May 3rd, 2020 with David Icke and Rose... |
💊 ~ A danish Medicine factory in Hobro, Orifarm, has bought the rights to your daily non-prescription toxic drugs copy medicine and two factories from Japanese Takeda for 4.6 billion kroner ~ | Blogger: [👋CAN YOU SEE👀?] ... B.T. Article below: "Chronic headaches, broken mucous membranes and ulcers. Wrong and excessive use of over-the-counter medicines is not to be joked with. How many Danes choose to dont give a shit about the leaflet and waste the dosage. Panodil, Ipren, Kodimagnyl, Treo and nasal spray against colds are permanent fixtures in many Danes' medicine cabinets. Since 2001 we have become accustomed to being able to buy the medicines over the counter, at the gas station or in the supermarket, but for that reason you should not be less careful about the medicine than if it was prescribed by your doctor. Researcher and dr. Peter Gøtzsche, who is head of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet, warns, among other things. rheumatoid arthritis preparations with the active substance ibuprofen double the risk of getting blood clots in the heart. And in addition, it has also been shown to increase the risk of peptic ulcer, he states."... |
☢️ ~ You can't make this stuff up: ‘Thanks, Nurses, Doctors, Independent Journalists and Truthseekers’. Without You guys nobody would come close to the TRUTH ~ | Blogger: Really funny video enclosed by Australian comedian that MOCKS the rich & famous for Covid-19 pep talks who thanks the celebrities that ‘REALLY’ get people through🤣... |
☢️ ~ You can't make this stuff up: Research how the Brain-Implants, AI 'Soul' Chips, Vaccine-ID, Digital ID-Cards, Government-Issued Arm Bands, Wearing Face Masks in Public, 4++, 5G, Wi-Fi 6E fit the Agenda ~ | Blogger: [👉Talk about COVID 19; Atlantean Negative Etheric Implants and present Physical implants (biochips). Global Vaccination, DNA-hack, Digital Certificate and Microchip Implant. For those who has been in COBRA SCHOOL, 3-D Matrix programming, The Goddess Energy, suppressing Male and Female aspects, you already know what i'm talking about👈] ... PS: I've been working with Banking Cisco High End Infrastructure Equipment, Firewalls, Telecommunications etc. and introducing 1,200 Megahertz of Wi-Fi or 5G using super high-frequency radio airwaves is NOT good for any unique heart and soul frequency, electric field and Auras.. Higher frequency (shorter wavelength) radiation associated with 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. With millimeter-wavelength exposure and the 'constantly' pulsating, makes the heart and brain functions going bananas. That means invisible, artificial, microwave radiation emitting, magnetic waves, pulsating at 3 billion to 30 billion X per second... |
☢️ ~ You can't make this stuff up: CV19 Scamdemic Lockdown Control: Largest Unethical Human Experiment In History ~ | Blogger: I Swear that there's more and more doctors who dare to speak up (Biophysicists, infectious-disease specialists, epidemiologists, scientists or holistic natural doctors) ... 👉 US scientist and engineer, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai 👉 US anti-vaccination activist and former medical researcher, Judy Mikovits 👉 Bakersfield Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi 👉 US Scott W. Atlas, MD 👉 Danish physician Dr. Vibeke Manniche 👉 German Professor Knut Wittkowski 👉 Australian Tom Barnett👉Greek-US physician-scientist and writer, Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University👉 DHS William N. Bryan Under Secretary for Science and Technology👉 and many more ... |
Trump right again: UV light has been used to disinfect blood since the 1940s-1950s
This is for those who are suggesting the Trump is an idiot for suggesting that UV light could be used to disinfect blood.
Google "ultraviolet blood irradiation"
Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis. The early studies were carried out by several physicians in USA and published in the American Journal of Surgery. However with the development of antibiotics, the use of UBI declined and it has now been called “the cure that time forgot”. Later studies were mostly performed by Russian workers and in other Eastern countries, and the modern view in Western countries is that UBI remains highly controversial. This review discusses the potential of UBI as an alternative approach to current methods used to treat infections, as an immune-modulating therapy and as a method for normalizing blood parameters. Low and mild doses of UV kill microorganisms by damaging the DNA, while any DNA damage in host cells can be rapidly repaired by DNA repair enzymes. However the use of UBI to treat septicemia cannot be solely due to UV-mediated killing of bacteria in the bloodstream, as only 5–7% of blood volume needs to be treated with UV to produce the optimum benefit, and higher doses can be damaging. There may be some similarities to extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) using psoralens and UVA irradiation. However there are differences between UBI and ECP in that UBI tends to stimulate the immune system, while ECP tends to be immunosuppressive. With the recent emergence of bacteria that are resistant to all known antibiotics, UBI should be more investigated as an alternative approach to infections, and as an immune-modulating therapy.
[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (secure)]
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]
Please spread the word Dr Shiva.https://t.co/K7jnl8H5GR— Craig⭐⭐⭐ (@reallyugly007) April 24, 2020
What’s next, removing our gold fillings and boarding box cars?
— The GoldFish Report (@ReportGoldfish) April 24, 2020
And the sheep will do it...... https://t.co/J9FBfFTyFy
Noooooo! pic.twitter.com/tNQ6ZDgobW— Integral Journey (@IntegralJourney) April 24, 2020
🛢️📉💸 ~ Negative Oil Prices! WTF? Is The Entire System Collapsing?!?! (Answered) ~ | Blogger: Thanks for sharing OOM2... |
Source (George Gammon)
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