Apr 13, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

♿👯‍♀️✋ ~ Nye anklager mod Weinstein ~ | .. Voldtægtsdømte Weinstein anklages i ny sag for at have rørt en kvinde "intime steder" og frihedsberøvet hende .. |

Kilde (Kendte.dk)

🛸 ~ UFO armadas across United States during lockdowns confirmed by NASA space-based footage, dozens of videos ~ | Blogger: [👉SoTW - been there - done that: I 'stormed' Area 51 and it was even weirder than I imagined. Little A'Le'Inn (yes). "Mad" Mike Hughes hideout (yeah). "back gate" to Area 51 (yes sir). MUFON & International UFO Congress (of course). Together with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta seeing 20-30 UFO's (Absolutely). Sedona UFO and Vortex Tour (I confess). Talked to people within the US-MIC (you bet your sweet bippy I did)👈] ... Waaaauuuv!! Don't you dare to tell me these "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" is either weather balloons, chinese lanterns, flocks of birds, kites, parachutes, and drones not to mention, "beep, beep" or "meep, meep" as the Road Runner's sound... no way hosay!...PS: It might be Dr. Evil a.k.a. Elon Musk's million 5G antennas and 45,000 satellites, buuuutt, i doubt that😉... |

Source (intellihub)

Could this be the real reason for stringent lockdowns and massive military deployments worldwide?

By Staff Writer -
April 12, 2020

(INTELLIHUB) — Dozens of eyewitness reports and videos of UFO armadas flying over the United States and other parts of the world over the past week have now been confirmed independently via NASA International Space Station (ISS).

The objects in the footage appear to be intelligently controlled.

Detroit last week

“This is why they want us to stay in the house,” the man filming dozens of craft exclaimed. “This is why the f**k they want us to stay in the f**kin’ house nigga!”

“It ain’t the coronavirus nigga — it ain’t radiation nigga — what the fuck is this?” he asked. “What is this… in the sky right now… what’s goin’ on?”

“What is them?” the man questioned. “Them not stars either.”

The object then vanished as quickly as they appeared.

“They [are] literally vanishing, disappearing, like they turning off their shit” he explained. “They was just doing formations and shit dog… crazy… I thought I was trippin.”

“This shit not no helicopters, not no drones, none of that!”

April 2, location unknown…

April 5…
Related video filmed on Tuesday, April 7…

💣 ~ BOMBSHELL: Taxpayer-funded NIH funneled $3.7 million to Wuhan virus research lab believed to have engineered the coronavirus bioweapon ~ | Blogger: [🐰Happy to see that Mike Adams is back to his old tricks and while we're in the conspiracy section and looking at that golden egg...open it, and a red-pilled Easter Bunny pops out! Viva la red pill!!!🐣] ... |

Mike Adams
We have two bombshell stories for you today. First, a bombshell story that proves the NIH under Obama funneled millions into the Wuhan BSL-4 lab that engineered the coronavirus.

This shows how the NIH was using taxpayer funds to allow the communist Chinese military to build and acquire deadly biological weapons that are now devastating the world.

Also today, RFK, Jr. has unleashed on Bill Gates, exposing his vaccine depopulation agenda and how Gates is an evil operative of the Big Pharma cartels that use humans for medical experiments.

Finally today, the Truth About Vaccines docu-series is about to launch for 2020, and it's now a must-see series about the coming vaccine dictatorship that will mark you like cattle and inject you against your will.

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Elites fighting desperately against Global Slave Revolt ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the Full Report: "Pentagon sources say “Cabal tunnels stretch from Mexico to Canada, so war on…"... Mexican Cartels was declared to stop the flow of drugs, arms, humans, children, terrorists, and money.” There is also a crackdown taking place in Israel the Pentagon sources say, noting “Israel under Passover lockdown may make it easy to round up war criminals and terrorists.” The culling in Israel appears to have started with the “coronavirus death” of former Israeli Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron who has called for the murder of Jews who marry non-Jews. This war is by no means over and the elite are fighting back hard. This is seen, for example, in the call to vaccinate everyone with what is likely to be a cocktail of toxic substances including microchips, CIA sources say. The Cabal killed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s daughter and granddaughter in... [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Elites fighting desperately against Global Slave Revolt

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on April 13, 2020 CET

There can be no doubt about it… Planet Earth is in the middle of a Slave Revolt!

We are living through times that will be written about thousands of years from now. We are witnessing the overthrow of an ancient control system involving murder, lies, and bribery. The inbred family group controlling this system of Babylonian debt slavery is called the Khazarian Mafia… or more simply the Cabal. The epicenter of this revolt is the United States.

Although there are huge clouds of disinformation being spewed out by all sides, let’s try to summarize what’s going on. The trigger event was the bankruptcy of the Cabal owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION on February 16th, 2020, a date that will live on in history. The Chinese, in essence, told the Cabal they would no longer accept their debt certificates. Instead, they said that from now on payment is required in gold or other things that really exist.

The Cabal, anticipating this event, tried to bow the Chinese into submission with a failed biological weapons attack and a more successful electromagnetic attack using 5G and satellites. This attack probably caused millions of casualties in Wuhan, China, according to CIA sources who secretly visited Wuhan after the attack.

Meanwhile, the bankruptcy of the U.S. Corporation triggered an undeclared civil war in the United States that is still raging on. Here is how British MI6 intelligence views the situation.

“It appears to be the restoration of the First Federal Republic over the second secret (Masonic) illegal constitution. The collaterals suggest the CEO of the Colony Corporation of the District of Columbia has been sworn into the correct constitution. Civil war is on the horizon there.”
That is why U.S. President Donald Trump no longer uses the Presidential seal.

Pentagon sources say: “Martial law is complete as all 50 states are under disaster declarations, joint special operations command (JSOC) has received marching orders, and Trump declares himself a wartime president.” That’s why one million reserve troops have been mobilized.
“It appears the top dogs of Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and others, may have been detained or kept under house arrest,” the sources say.

At the same time several U.S. states, notably California, have declared themselves independent from the regime in Washington DC. California Governor Gavin Newsom said that “as a nation-state” California would acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide and might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.” https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-09/california-declares-independence-from-trump-s-coronavirus-plans

Two separate personal contacts living in California report they have seen tanks on the streets there. There are also multiple non-natural earthquakes being detected around the Area 51 base in Nevada and the military underground bases in California.

Pentagon sources say “Cabal tunnels stretch from Mexico to Canada, so war on…

(Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

🔫 ~ Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook (SoTW Archive) ~ | .. FBI's Las Vegas office: The agency's conclusion that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock acted alone and had no motive is unlikely to convince skeptics, who have postulated theories ranging from a gun deal gone south, to Islamic Terrorists, to a false flag staged by the government as part of a gun control agenda .. | Blogger: [🕵️And therefore Cabal's "Lame Stream" Media round the World and in Denmark, conclude: Las Vegas shooting suspect's motive remains a mystery🤻] ... {⚠️Please note, verdensalt.dk has already many times, send prayers and condolences to all the victims of this mass atrocity and their families and friends in Las Vegas} ... Soooo...Yoo-hoo!!! Attention!!!!.. According to A View to a Kill FBI bluebook, it's still a mystery(FBI investigators have 22,000 hours of surveillance and cellphone footage and 250,000 photos to look over, amounting to about 40 terabytes of data) ... First of all, I'll been visiting Vegas 2 weeks prior at MGM resort and other different hotels (conferences and shows - Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil - Mandalay). Let me tell you, there's LOT of security, high tech cameras etc. etc.. There's no freaking way, a SHOOTER could have fired his weapons with 1,000 rounds munitions firing over an 11-minute period, with nobody noticed it, Hotel police security was aware of it, and SWAT had killed him, immediately - no WAY!!. Have you seen how many cops, securing in that town city center?? It's the most protected Mafia U.S. Inc. due to the billions of money in circulation.. On top of that, CBC News has interviewed Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's brother, Eric Paddock, who talks to reporters in Florida Vegas and dumbfounded by mass shooting (He's TOTALLY CALM and crazy talking).. So, let me get this straight... That particular sunday's horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas once again shines a light on a nation awash in guns, Democrats are jumping straight into the gun-control debate (surprise?) ... What about the woman wandering throughout the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival warning people they were about to die, around 45 minutes before Paddock opened fire on the crowd - that's a NO NO ❓ ... We can also limited out the fact, that two cryptic emails Paddock sent to himself which have puzzled investigators and fueled the "gun deal gone wrong" theory - yeah a hoax, acc. to FBI ❓ ... And Shepard Ambellas that gives proof of the helicopters in the following video with sheriff's office lying - FBI is STILL not talking, why ❓.. There are so many speculations, about motives and theories surrounding Vegas shooting. I just don't know.. I do believe that Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin in the 80's and he's a gambler, but winning millions upon millions on video poker. It is strange - i'll give you that... Most crazy unsolved mysteries of them all is about when INTELLIHUB.COM (and Baltimore Post Examiner noted last year) noticed some insane weird stuff going on at Las Vegas coroner's office and Paddocks autopsy... READ MORE... 🔦 PS: under verdensalt's extensive investigation, many video proof has been censored, but check out my many posts, use search bar... |

Blogger: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. |


Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

  • Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself? 
  • QWhy did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ)
  • QLas Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why? 
  • Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about? 
  • Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started? 
  • Q: Did Trump & Saudi delegates had a secret meeting at MGM about the crackdown in Saudi Arabia before the shooting took lace, and if so, how did they escape the mercenaries (FF ops)? 
  • Q: Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead, but nobody is investigating. Why? 
  • Q: WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? WHAT was Paddock planning to do with a car full of bomb-making materials? Gunman Stephen Paddock had 19 guns inside his hotel room. How is this possible with hundreds of CCTV cameras and most advanced surveillance in the world i Vegas?
  • Q: Cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman?
  • Q: Hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage?
  • Q: Why didn't campus police and LVMPD intervene, we've talking about 15 minutes a least of nonstop shooting?
  • QWhy did Las Vegas SWAP units waiting it out before breaking into the room were paddock were shooting at 32nd floor?
  • QHotel says 4 officers were on 32nd floor as Las Vegas shooter fired. Should they have acted?
  • Q: Why are some eyewitnesses claiming that other shooter fired from other floors and other hotels?
  • Q: FOX: Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers. Why don't we heard about this?.. Have so many other questions, so many why's of the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting... |

The Free Thought Project: Vegas Police Captain Behind Gunfire Location System Reported Missing, ‘Endangered’ | .. During the middle of one of the most secretive investigations in history, a Las Vegas police captain has disappeared and is considered "endangered.".. The Shotspotter program is part of a one-year pilot that uses sensors to triangulate the source of gunfire. It was brought about in response to the horrific shooting which took place in October | 

OOM2 \\ YourNewsWire  Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Ran CIA Child Trafficking Ring | .. Alleged Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, ran a drug running and child trafficking company – making millions of dollars in the process – according to explosive new evidence that threatens to disrupt the official narrative and prove law enforcement and mainstream media are colluding to misinform the public about the Las Vegas attack |

intellihub.com: Fmr. military intel analyst: ‘Saudi Arabian-based risk management company was on the ground during the Las Vegas shooting’|

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere |

Simon Parkes: Simon Parkes, life long experiencer of aliens, ufo's (family worked at MI5, NSA): After the dreadful attack in Las Vegas, shares in gun stocks have risen 3% as people believe it was staged to stop the lawful selling of guns and as a result have flocked to gun shops to buy them and ammunition making stock and bonds rebound at the exchange |  

💋 ~ 💗 Landsmoder Mette-mus: Jeg ved godt, det er en svær tid for mange af jer ~ | Blogger: HAR DU SET DET - har du set det!!???... Vores eeeelskede Statsminister viser forståelse og respekt og omsorg i en ventekjole? eller er det en gammel retro blå vintage skovmandsskjorte fra Julemærkehjemmet?... Nej, undskyld! Kunne ikke dy mig, Mette F. snakker med endnu en Landsmoder, Jacinda Ardern, som næsten 100% kender til det Falske Flag begivenhed, som fandtes sted under angrebet på moskéer i Christchurch i New Zealand, hvor bl.a tre af Bestseller-ejers børn, blev dræbt i terrorangrebet i Sri Lanka's bombeangreb, som var gengældelse for skyderiet mod Christchurch (Med al respekt til Bestseller-familien - naturligvis). Lidt besynderligt, at Fru Frederiksen, ringer op til New Zealands premierminister, præcist 1 år efter (15. Marts 2019) at terrorangrebet, fandt sted, hvor en hvid kristen mand, gik amok på muslimer, anden påskedag, hvor vi bliver mødt, af Jesus... Men jeg er også en dum konspirationsteoretiker, som selv, skulle skydes ved daggry... Den officielle Christchurch historie lugter som et falsk flag i rent ægte Gladio-stil. Vi kommer måske aldrig nogensinde til at kende den fulde historie, fordi der har været mange mega mistænkelige masseskyderier, hvor hele sandheden, aldrig, er sluppet ud: Parkland, Vegas, Sandy Hook, Pulse-natklub skydningen, Bataclan-natklubben, Batman-skyderiet, alle de franske, lastbilangrebet i Stockholm og præsidentskyderierne, helt tilbage til JFK. Det findes en del mere, som Verdensalt har snakket en del om på bloggen... |

Et opslag delt af Mette Frederiksen (@mette) den

🐍 ~ Simon Parkes: Von der Leyen ~ | Blogger: [👉President Ursula Von der Leyen has a pretty cynical view of the Human Race. Deprive Elderly any contact to the world and demand COVID-vaccination, will not only leave them Lonely, Isolated and Distressed as of now, before they get vaccinated, it could kill them off👈] ... Europe's population over 65 is around 100 million elderly people... I'm shocked, stunned and saddened beyond words to learn of this proposed. Perhaps it's EU, W.H.O. / C.D.C. and Bill Gates foundation plan all along to (kill) as many old people as they can, I get that. It has always been the planning of a 'dirty bomb' depopulation UN Agenda 21/2030, but to listen to EU's president saying it out loud, makes me SICK, to the core... WE KNOW that the corona-crisis has hit the elderly hard and also undeveloped countries (that nobody talk about), but no visits, limited opportunity to get out and insecurity are the reality for many elderly people in nursing homes and in home care. At the same time, muscular capacity and mobility may decrease with the elderly if they lie down and do not walk and exercise - it's vital. The many elderly people need rehabilitation so that they can be helped back to a life of healthy strength again. At the same time, it is also important to have guidelines on how the elderly can get in touch with their relatives again. Not to mention the scare scenario that isolated "demented people" get depressed or become severely outreach because they don't understand what kind of situation they are in. In a normal daily life, it is the relatives and volunteers who, together with the elderly, make sure that they come out. The staff takes more care of the essential functions such as personal care and cleaning... |

Simon Parkes Official
The Evil European Union through its President Ursula Von der Leyen (the title Von is a German elite title) has called on all older people living in the European Union to stay indoors until September and don’t come out until you have been vaccinated!
Thank God Britain is leaving this den of snakes!

👼 ~ 💗 Deep and lasting changes are occurring everywhere (Jesus through John ) 💕~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "There is much confusion about numbers – numbers of people infected, and numbers dying due to the infection – and the accuracy of the counting leaves much to be desired. So do not be in fear for yourselves or for your loved ones as the conflicting reports about the pandemic fill the news channels. There is only Love, so open your hearts to Love and allow It to dissolve your fears."... |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2020 johnsmallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Easter Sunday

We are One, there is only One, therefore everyone is safe! Despite the fear that is being powerfully encouraged by governments across the world and which is constantly being reported on the mainstream news, ALL are safe. Yes, some will lay down their physical bodies and transition to the spiritual realms, that is one of the aspects of life in form, but that happens every day, year in year out, with the numbers rising and falling according to the seasons – more in the winter less in the summer. There is much confusion about numbers – numbers of people infected, and numbers dying due to the infection – and the accuracy of the counting leaves much to be desired. So do not be in fear for yourselves or for your loved ones as the conflicting reports about the pandemic fill the news channels.

There is only Love, so open your hearts to Love and allow It to dissolve your fears. You experience what you focus your attention on whether you desire what you are focused on or whether you do not. Focus, therefore, on joy, on peace, on faith, and on Love. There are very few among you who do not know someone who is constantly cheerful, upbeat, relaxed, at peace with themselves and with everyone else, and who is also healthy, and that, of course, is because that is how they have chosen to live. Therefore, be in joy, celebrate Easter, the anniversary of my resurrection – and therefore of yours as well – and know that the collective awakening is truly very near. Every sentient being is infinitely loved by Mother/Father/God, and is unconditionally accepted just as they are, without judgment of any kind.

✨ ~ Jason A World News: Something Biblical is Going On! ~ | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic and VERY christian religious in nature, like Trump's speech, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world... 'That Is Impossible' youtuber, by the other hand, some weird and disturbing video clips, some of them are REAL, some of them, NOT... You be the judge... |

⚔️ ~ 'We Are The People' Must Act NOW: Aktindsigt Gennemtrawler Corona-reglerne og Politiets Actioncards. Tyskland Tør, hvor andre Tøver (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Politiet kan hjælpe Sundhedsmyndighederne med at tvinge Folk i behandling. Tvangsvaccination er en realitet. Ældre skal måske isoleres et år. Betjente kan skaffe sig adgang til 'privatbolig', godkendt af dommer, i hastende tilfælde, uden dommerkendelse. Overtrædelse af et påbud om tvangsbehandling straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 6 måneder. Politiet har uden retskendelse adgang til lokaler, værksted, hvilken som helst sted, hvis over ti personer er samlet et sted👈] ... {🙋‍♂️HER NOGET GODT: Ifølge forsamlingsfriheden grundlovens § 79 vil politiet I-K-K-E kunne skride ind, hvis der afvikles en anmeldt demonstration foran Christiansborg. Heller ikke selv om demonstranterne står som sild i en tønde🙋‍♀️} ... Vores Landsmoder Mette-mus 'nye' aller bedste ven, Phillip Faber, bliver tilbudt tv-programmer, ridderkors og kopper med sit ansigt på, og Allesmor, Dronning Margrethe, har tabt småkagerne på Kilma-rant og beskytter KongePrinsen for at tage på 3 måneders skatteyder betalt skiferie i Alperne... Skatteministeriet får igen (igen, igen, igen) en sønderlemmende kritik i en endnu I-K-K-E offentliggjort rapport fra Rigsrevisionen. Der er ikke en skid styr på momsområdet, som tegner sig for over 200 milliarder - kommer det bag på dig og så midt i den værste krise, landet har set, siden 1929?... I en mail stemplet som 'fortrolig', fra Oberst og vicedirektør i Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse Claus Pertou Brixensen, fremgår det, at Fire fra Forsvaret er sigtet for svindel, og vi har kun set toppen af isbjerget endnu... Vores Alleshelt? Brostrøm: 'Det er en kæmpestor succes'... Og Mens Brostrøm er i ekstase over sig selv, bliver CV-patienter TVANGSfodret med ALLE former for Malaria medicin, som er dødensgiftigt og det Svenske SVT, har en række læger spurgt indtil, som ønsker at være anonyme, HVORFOR man vil flytte alvorligt syge hen på et felthospital og risikere deres liv på grund af de dårlige forhold. Det kaldes sågar et eksperiment, hvor man leger med mennesker liv... Jeg vil ikke efterligne Buster Larsens berømte udtryk; et "LORTELAND", men hvis Transparency International igen (igen, igen, igen) kårer Danmark som det land i verden, hvor den offentlige sektor opfattes som MINDST korrupt, så ryger de i SoTW-fængslet... I en tid, hvor DR-serie om Danmarks vilde natur bruger tamme dyr -- Man kan sige meget om radiovært og journalisten, Ditte Okman, fra Det, vi taler om, som altid handler om ligegyldigheder, elastiske vaginaer og Coronasex, under sidste udgave, og under 2.time, flipper Ditte Okman HELT UD, men hun har en pointe, om hvor vanvittigt det står til i landet her under disse Coronatider hvor TV2 og journalister lyver, konspirationerne dominere, og hvordan regeringen kan justere og misbruge COVID 19 i årevis, for at lukke ned for aktindsigter, indføre 'Draconian laws' og som Ditte siger, 'justere politik' og skabe 'precedence' for en KONSTANT 'undtagelsestilstand', uanset om det er CV, klimaet eller hvad det nu er som er FARETRUENDE... Og lige på det punkt, rammer de PLETSKUD i Det, vi taler om' panel... GUD BEVARE DANMARK. DET ER IKKE VORES 'ALLESMODERE' SOM REDDER OS UD AF SUPPEDASEN.. |



💉 ~ The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand ~ | Blogger: [👉"The Usual Suspects:" These 'Truth' videos is about Corona ventilators, pumping up CV-numbers, police brutality around the world, W.H.O / C.D.C., Bill Gates, Vaccines, RFK Jr, 5G and Dot-connector👈] ... Amazing Polly is highly recommended by many, inkl Simon Parkes... The Health Ranger Reports, runned by Mike Adams, by the other hand, is now working for Alex Jones's InfoWars, who is taking huge money from big corporations and conspiracy theories made Alex Jones, veeeery rich. Mike Adams is saying that "David Icke is WRONG about claiming the coronavirus is a "hoax." It is very real and very dangerous."... For me CV is real, but David Icke has some amazing things to say about the connections to Bill Gates and the vaccine industry, 5G and other stuff, that makes sense to at SoTW. For me, Mike Adams has gone rogue, like Drudge Report, has been bought up by DNC tower of deception... PS: I know that Jonathan Pie is mocking Trump, SoTW is a Trump-supporter for what he stands for as an Non-Deep-State Operative, but WHY are Trump trusting CDC/WHO/Anthony Fauci and all the FAKE medical advices?... |

Source (Amazing Polly)
Source (Anonymous Official)
Source (TheDC Shorts)
Source (Jonathan Pie)

The Center For Disease Control has become the Marketing arm of "Global Heath's" vaccine mania. What person is the main Vaccine Maniac? Bill Gates. RFK Jr seems to agree. Lots of info in this video.