Jun 15, 2019

🛦RT | ~ Chinese company making F-35 parts?! Embarrassing ‘discovery’ further erodes ‘Huawei spying’ hysteria ~ | .. Axing America’s Android: Huawei files to trademark own mobile operating system worldwide .. | Blogger: [🛦🛫""" Meet the MOST expensive weapons program in the world and ultimate failure-- The Lockheed Martin F-35 """ 🛬🛦] ... |

© Reuters / Axel Schmidt
After a Chinese company was found manufacturing circuit boards for the F-35 jet, the UK Ministry of Defense insisted there is nothing to worry about, rendering the fuss over omnipresent Beijing spies increasingly silly.

For at afgive sin ultimative støtte til Danmark ankom den nye chef for det multinationale F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO), den amerikanske viceadmiral Mathias W. Winter, til TERMA A/S i Herlev i Oktober 2017 -- 

(satire) -- 💸💸💸 📝Memo Fra Generalerne på Charlottenlund Fort: Kære folkevalgte!....🛦🛦🛦Vi æder lige DKK 200M yderligere fra skatteyderne, fordi vi tror på Danmark bliver tæppebombet med terror de næste par år, samt 260M til et nyt hangar, tænkte vi fra Forsvarsindustrien og kampfly-kontoret, med hatten i hånden overfor jer politikere, som er de GLADE givere. F-35-kampflyet er desværre blevet en smule dyr. Ud over de allerede bevilget 56,4 milliarder kroner samt vedligeholdelse, skal i nok regne med, at regningen løber op på en SVIMLENDE OVERPRIS på omkring mia. kr. plus-minus, der kommer MÅSKE, flere omkostninger. 
F-35 blev fremlagt som en jagerfly, der kunne gøre næsten alt det amerikanske militær ønskede, men det viste sig at være en af de største 'boondoggles' i den seneste militære indkøbshistorie!!. Hertil kommer den ikke kan manøvrere i Arktis, uforudsete 'små' defekts af tekniske udfordringer gør, den ikke kan flyve og bliver grounded, næsten hver dag. 7 danske F-35 kampfly skal stå på base i USA i overgangsperioden og ja, den lille nuance, at det faktisk er amerikanerne som ejer F-35-reservedele og sender tophemmelige informationer tilbage til militær kommandoen i USA. Det skal dog ikke hedde sig, vi ikke er GLADE for vores nye 'kommende' fly som virker, lad os sige omkring """2030""" hvor 7'ende generation kommer og erstatter F-35... Men, fortvivl ikke kære politikere, det er jo ikke OS eller JER, men de danske naive BORGERE, som betaler PRISEN...PS: Det er jo ingen hemmelighed, at 'Nice-to-know' ikke er 'Need-to-know', derfor fortæller vi jer heller ikke ALTING....
Vores varmeste hilsner går til Søens folk (som Dronningen altid glemmer), The Rand Corporation (Den u-barmhjertige samaritaner), Terma A/S, Forsvarsministeren Claus Hjort Iceman Vader for at holde kaje, som også er blevet rigeligt belønnet af Terma A/S og DR-formanden, Michael Christiansen samt Torsten Jansen fra Lead Agency AS, som har hjulpet os gevaldigt og af den grund, haft økonomiske interesser i valg af kampflyet (foruden McKinsey, Niras, Struensee og Co, Deloitte og RAND Europe samt Center, regional- og turismeforskning, der har været involveret i evalueringsarbejdet)
... En lige note på vejen, af naturlige grunde, kender i ikke ALLE detaljer, det gør den amerikanske præsident Mr. Trump heller ikke, vi er jo trosalt en del af den lukkede hemmelighedsfulde Forsvarsindustri... Nååå ja - vi glemte lige at sige, Terma A/S er dansk forsvar- og rumfartsproducent. Deres største samarbejdspartner er nemlig, Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin sammen med USAF, henter sit Guld fra det uduelige F-35 jagerfly til sine hemmelige rumprogrammer (SSP) via Skunk Works® som er et officielt pseudonym for Lockheed Martin's avancerede udviklingsprogrammer, tidligere kaldet Lockheed Advanced (som ligger 1km under jorden og det siges har et lige så stærkt et forsvar, som Area 51 samt Area S4).... Nu skal i bare tage det roligt, tildele os alle de midler i et konstant væk, så skal vi nok sørge for, at beskytte danske interesser med vores amerikanske allieret venner ... ~ Hilsen, Forsvarskommandoen (FKO), Kampflykontoret og konsulenterne ...

⚕️ Preventdisease | ~ We Understand The Minds of Others Because Our Cells Do ~ | by KAREN FOSTER | .. Anything that is captured in the subconscious will directly affect us in the form of emotions, circumstances and events. There is more and more research investigatng what thoughts and ideas govern our mind .. |

Psychologists and philosophers have long suggested that simulation is the mechanism whereby humans understand the minds of others. However, the neural basis of this complex process had not been identified until a group of researchers identified a type of neuron that had not previously been described that actively and spontaneously learns from decision-making by other individuals and simulates their mental processes.

It was not known whether specific neurons contributed to advanced social knowledge, such as simulating the decisions of other individuals. The dysfunction of these simulation neurons might be involved in the restriction of social knowledge, one of the symptoms of autism and, through hyperactivity, may give an exaggerated version of others and play an important role in social anxiety, the authors speculate.

The study, published in Cell, one of the journals with the highest impact factor, is the result of research led by Wolfram Schultz, a scientist at the University of Cambridge (UK) involving Gustavo Deco, ICREA research professor with the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) and director of the Center for Brain and Cognition (CBC) at UPF.

Anything that is captured in the subconscious will directly affect us in the form of emotions, circumstances and events. There is more and more research investigatng what thoughts and ideas govern our mind.

The work suggests that these so-called "simulation neurons", found in the amygdala, a collection of nerve cells in the brain's temporal lobe, allow animals (and potentially also humans) to reconstruct the mental state of their social partners and, therefore, predict their intentions.

The simulation of decisions is involved in social learning

🤥 Battleforworld | ~ New York Times apologizes for misreporting on Skripal incident, Trump & CIA ~ | Blogger: [The Skripal Incident Big Lie Won’t Die] ... |

BATTLE FOR WORLD / CALEB MAUPIN | June 14, 2019: The video highlights that New York Times journalist apologizes for reporting inaccurate information regarding the Skripal case. The CIA used inaccurate information to brief President Trump which led to the expulsion of Russian diplomats.

⚡A4nu.dk | ~ Lige nu: Skypumpe vælter biler ved sygehus ~ | .. Tage er revet af huse, både løftet op fra kajen på land og masser af træer er væltet: -Mine kolleger har aldrig set noget lignende, siger politiets vagtchef .. |


📯Conscious Life Expo Talks 2019 | ~ 💗 Bashar The Past, Present & Future Are Within You t 💕 ~ | Blogger: [💫What things in 3-D Matrix of illusionary life are simple, yet complex at the same time?😵] ... BASHAR'S FORMULAR #1: "Act" every moment you can, whatever it contains, your biggest (highest) passion or more excitement than anything else. "Do" it to the best way you're able too in whatever circumstances present themselves to you, to do. "Take" it as far as you can, until you can take it no further. "Keep" acting on the next thing that excites you more than anything else, over and over and over, again. "Take" these actions over passion with 'zero' insistence, 'zero' assumptions as to what the outcome ought to be. "Stay" in positive outcome no-matter what happens. Knowing you will always get the benefits from it, if you do so. ""DONE"... Thanks to Bashar... AMAZING lecture in life... |

🦅Natalie Glasson | ~ 💗 Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and Your Being by White Eagle and Silver Birch 💕 ~ | Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa |

White Eagle and Silver Birch

Kanaliseret af Natalie Glasson 
© 2019 omna.org

We are Silver Birch and White Eagle, since our incarnation on the Earth we have worked to assist the Earth from the etheric side of the veil rather than the physical side. We are devoting much of our time to acting as spiritual teachers for many to call upon in order to gain enlightenment, wisdom, and guidance. We are working closely with the World Teachers Master Sananda and Master Kuthumi to directly influence the spiritual education and advancement of humanity. As we link with you now, we come forth as a united source of energy sharing our thoughts as one beacon of light.

The Universe of the Creator has its own rhythm and vibration of light, like a beat that is within the fabric of everything, and a bond that unifies energies. As light and energy can be extended from the Creator to generate different aspects and forms, so the rhythm of the universe can be divided to create new rhythms which have a purpose formed by the Creator. The Earth has its own rhythm, when you activate your senses to a certain degree or level of growth then you are able to hear and feel this rhythm which can sound akin to a melody pulsating through and around the Earth. From this melody which is unique to the Earth new melodies are formed, these melodies are formed to sustain the existence of the nature worlds, humanity and everything that manifests physically and spiritually on the Earth. Each person has a snapshot of the Earth’s complete rhythm, while the Earth’s complete rhythm is a small section of the Creator’s complete rhythm.

As a person opens to the light of the Creator and begins to sense the manifestations of the Creator then they achieve a new level of integration. Integration could be seen as the adoption or blending of new rhythms and melodies in order to hold a larger section of the Creator’s complete melody. Every new melody created adds to the wholeness and completeness of the Creator. The Creator’s rhythm can also be experienced as light; however, it is a pulsating energy which manifests as a distinctive sound, it could be compared to the heartbeat of the Creator. If you imagine that you are the Creator and you hold your own heartbeat, as you extend your energies into your surroundings you are distributing small sections of the sound of your heartbeat which then manifest as extensions and yet still exist as the Creator. This is how the Creator’s universe was shaped as a sanctuary for the Creator and us as soul aspects of the Creator to evolve, accept and learn. With this explanation we gain the understanding that ascension or spiritual advancement and integration is a process of blending the many sections of the Creator’s rhythm or heartbeat in order to access a greater link with our essence; the Creator.

☀️Meg Benedicte | ~ 💗 Solstice Gateway 💕 ~ | .. The massive upgrades this year are preparing us for the powerful 2020 Ascension Activations. All is leading toward Soul embodiment and multi-dimensional living .. |


This Monday’s Full moon arrives at 25° Sagittarius, propelling us into the Solstice Gateway corridor that aligns with the supermassive vortex at the galactic center. The Solstice on Friday, June 21st, occurs in zero point energy – the hinge point between matter and virtual matter. It is the universal fertile space for transformative alchemy. In this sacred space we are birthing alive a new world paradigm.

This is such a monumental event as Gaia aligns directly with the galactic center and universal zero point. You may be experiencing the increasing intensity already, as the planet maneuvers into position with the Great Central Sun at 26° Sagittarius.

As we ascend into zero point, all discordant frequencies erode, cancelled by phase interference. What no longer harmonizes with universal Oneness and unity consciousness is dissolving. We are approaching a tipping point in human consciousness, as we spiral higher and higher. The massive upgrades this year are preparing us for the powerful 2020 Ascension Activations. All is leading toward Soul embodiment and multi-dimensional living.

Just as a symphony reaches a crescendo, your human energy is rising in frequency towards a threshold point. As you surge higher, you experience an opening sensation of freedom, lightness, clarity and liberation! The lower, denser constraints in the body, heart, mind dissolve and release, unleashing more of your deeper potential and creative spirit.