Jun 6, 2022
👸👑💂 ~ (Watch England...It's all a "show") Hologram of young Queen. Boris Johnson confidence vote. UK finally admitted 180K died of COVID-19 Vax (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Was the Pope a Hologram too? - You bet your ass! CODENAME > ‘Internet Apocalypse’ Blame The Sun! 'London Bridge is down' Event is about to begin... |
📺📻🤫 ~ (Pedo-DDR: Hvor god er du til at bolle?) Fiktiv sex-app og kendis-søstre i sex-serie! TV 2 Play's 'Sex'. 'Mig og min pik/fisse'. Kirsten Birgits & 'Vulva-Vibeke'. 'John Dillermand'. Korsangere på gym. og 120 personers sager i DR Pigekoret (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Skal du og jeg finde os i, at DDR samt TV 2 Fnys News døende båndsløjfe rager og roder i skatteplyndredes 5 mia. årligt mediestøttede konge-kroner, mens krænkelser i DR Pigekoret er sket siden 1960, et tredobbeltsvigt af generaldirektører og branchen, vidste om det? Kan du bevise, de ikke gjorde? Er TV 2 bedre? De er notorisk kendt for sexskandaler, internt i huset. BBC, DDR og TV2 søsterkanal, som skabte massive overskrifter, nu glemt igen. Kendt BBC-vært, og afdøde Sir "OBE" Jimmy Savile, Knight Bachelor "for velgørende tjenester", der misbrugte over 1000 børn og BBC dækkede over det. Andre pædofile kan stadig være på spil på tv-stationen. Er æresdirigenten, Mortensen bedre, afdød, men historien, kommer først ud nu?. Mest vilde er, at Bojesen, fyret af Malmø Opera, og de vidste, PRÆCIST, hvad de havde med, at gøre. Vi kan ikke bevise, at DDR's CEO, MRR, er Bilderberger, men flere andre ledende danske nyhedsfolk, er. Ej heller, om hun er Frimurer. Hvad skete der med de fire frimurers dyder - tavshed, forsigtighed, mådehold og barmhjertighed?. Prins Henrik. Henry Kissinger. Mogens Lykketoft. Tony Blair. David Rockefeller. Bill Gates. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller. Romano Prodi. Paul Wolfowitz. George W. Bush. Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Tøger Seidenfaden. Hvad har disse herrer tilfælles? Alle, er Bilderberger. Fogh, står ydermere på listen over The Committee of 300 sammen med DDFO-Daisy. Generaldirektør MRR vision om nulfejlskultur blandt folk på gulvet, som ikke gælder DDR's administratorer og ledelse. Danmarks Radio har faktisk flittige, gode, kvalificerede medarbejdere - som der er mange af på DDR - skal frisættes af dette regime. Kendte en fra Netværksadelingen. Dog, ved ingen om, hvad der sker på de bonede gulve og dem som ved noget, er så enormt bange for, at stå frem, fordi, ellers ryger man i gabestokken på medietorvet, og aldrig kan få et job igen, i branchen... |
SoTW spørger altså: hvad i alverden sker der i DDR? Chikane i en 'tavshedskultur': Et tvungen licensfinansierede statsmedie og en 4 mio. kr. lønnet generaldirektør som kaldte ”et mørkt kapitel” gemt under isen i 45 år med en simpel undskyldning. Hvor mange flere mørke kapitler er der? Foruden, at dække over alt fra 5G, CV19, vaksiner, NATOs ødelæggende bombardementer, fake news og forsøg på at indføre censur i Danmark ~ SoTW
"64 tidligere mindreårige sangere i DR Pigekor mishandlet med psykisk terror samt sexkrænket af 6 voksne, af dem vi ved af. Fra midten af 1960'erne til årene efter årtusindskiftet har de råbt op men blev mødt af tavshed hos DR's ledelse. Det var kun da Ekstra Bladet og Politiken afdækkede forholdene i Pigekoret, at 120 personer turde stå frem, noget de har kaldt Angstprovokrende!"
~ SoTW hentet fra medierens dækning
Mig og min pik/fisse | Se online her | DRTV
Journalista – Klassisk Journalistik |
Vidste du, at jurist Michael Christiansen, tidligere embedsmand, bestyrelsesformand for DDR og Lead Agency, tjente millioner på at sælge konsulentydelser, og havde økonomiske interesser i valg af F-35 kampfly sammen med top-spyd-spidser, såsom, Søren Kaster og Torsten Jansen, indenfor mediebranchen og andre erhvervskonger??? Hvordan tillader vi en Pedo-DDR at have en formand som arbejdede for flyproducenten Lockheed Martin og Forsvaret via lobby-virksomheden Lead Agency??? Udnævnt til Storkorsridder af Dannebrogordenen og er også tildelt Dannebrogordenens Hæderstegn... |
⚕️ ~ 💓('Frankstein-Fish. Avoid synthetic Cannabis & sex with Vaxxed. Alliance defeated Kabal’s plan W.H.O. treaty. Summer Power outages.') MICHAEL SUSSMAN ACQUITTED, CRYPTO UPDATE, CANNABIS LEGALIZATION IN THAILAND, FRANKENSTEIN FISH, MORE (3D to 5D Consciousness) 💕 ~ |
WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown - Pauline Hanson's One Nation |
Michael Sussman acquittal will expose the corruption within the judicial system. I think this is story is not over. My analysis about crypto industry is coming to fruition as one more exchange is showing signs of problems. They are laying off staff and have been hit with a lawsuit. Thailand has joined Canada with the legalization of Cannabis, but there are hidden spiritual consequences that people are not aware of. Frankstein fish is being exposed in America, be careful of the food you are consuming. The Alliance defeated the Kabal’s plan of getting rid of the WHO treaty. Saturn retrograde will be kicking the cabals butt and forcing them to learn their lessons the hard way. Many of their crimes will be exposed, so be prepare for blackouts in America.
💀⛔✨ ('June 6th the cosmic 666 gateway initiates a clearing of the ancient codes or ‘mark’ that enslaved humanity.') Solar Eclipse Gateway (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: (SoTW interpretation) Great read!... As Meg says;📑 'Since Solstice 2012, the Matrix unlocked.📑' - that is what SoTW fells exactly... 🔖THIS is what we wish for!... 👹The dissolvement of "666 The Mark of The Beast", blocking our pineal and 3rd Eye chakra, to break free of the 3-D Matrix simulation. And then under the 📑'transmutation phase, as Meg says, that involves the continual delayering, deprogramming and dissolving of all Matrix interference.'📑 Btw, unfortunnaly, billions has received the 'mark' by; Medications, (HPV, COVID-19 and soon, monkeypox) vaccinations (microchip implants), Frankenstein-food, chemtrails, poison waters etc. etc. Buuutt, as Meg points out; 📑'Every incarnating Soul had to agree under coercion to enter the control Matrix simulation at the hi-jacked entry gates. Upon agreement, incarnating Souls received ET artificial intelligence, implants, tags, holographic inserts and tracking devices.'📑 - the last part, especially, "Physical / Etheric Implants", and those whom attended initializations, conferences and travelled with the leader of "COBRA SCHOOL", knows all about implants... 🏴☠️NOTE: Watch out for more False-Red-Flags "shooters" (Crisis-Actors or MKultra Manchurian Candidates) today... 😥List of mass shootings in the USA in May / June of 2022 has exceeded over 50 incidents - tragically is almost every single day or week now and always involve, kids or teenagers. Recent BIG ones are; "2022 Chattanooga shooting" . "2022 Philadelphia shooting" . "Robb Elementary School shooting" . "Magnificent Mile shooting" . "2022 Buffalo shooting" . "2022 Pittsburgh shooting" etc. Since start of June, 14 incidents has been registered with 23 dead, 67 injured total of 90 (wikipedia)...❤️🩹It might not seem as many, with 7 billion people in the world, Death Rate is 120 per Minute or 65 Million dies, every year. However, W.H.O. claims that 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Rather it's because of pollution, or they died of old age, toxic medications & vaccinations, etc. etc. Buuutt, every single SOUL living in a meat-avatar, counts, primary contracts or not, especially when its a FALSE FLAG event, and the "Grief's Ripple Effect". When ONE person dies, it can affect up to 100 people - remember that... |
All of 2022 we are immersed in the magical ‘2’ energy. 2 represents Divine Mother, the High Priestess, the Goddess essence. The 2022 feminine infusion will alter and transform the global operating system from the dissolving hierarchical patriarchy into a more equitable circle of collaboration, community and sustainability. This year is a threshold moment for humanity and Gaia. It is an entry point in a new direction, launching a new paradigm on planet earth.
In numerology 2022 also adds up to a ‘6’ year. The ‘6’ life path is learning how become a responsible adult, being accountable for our actions. This ‘6’ year heralds a call for earthlings to be more responsible with each other and with our beloved planet. It is time to up-level to more conscious living.
On Monday, June 6th the cosmic 666 gateway initiates a clearing of the ancient codes or ‘mark’ that enslaved humanity. Since the Fall, when the fallen consciousness swept the planetary field, an artificial top-down pyramidal hierarchy power-system has controlled the earth plane. There has been astral interference targeting incarnating Souls at the earthly entry gates. These gateways have been controlled for thousands of years by the fallen presence.
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