Jun 8, 2018

The White House | June 8, 2018 | ~ A raw, unfiltered look at the ‘Crisis Next Door’ ~ | Blogger: [💊BIG PHARMA DELIGHT - JUST SAYING - Alice Marie Johnson was given a presidential pardon and is NOT 'just' a nice grandma. She was sentenced as a female infamous crime lord, smuggled in tons of cocaine from 1991-1994. She was tried on charges of cocaine conspiracy and money-laundering charges⚠️] .. BUT --- The American addiction epidemic kills more than 50 than anything else and it's NOT only a US problem... The heroin consumed in Europe is primarily produced In Afghanistan, which is the largest worldwide supplier of illegal opium. The other producer countries is Myanmar, which mainly supplies the markets in East and Southeast Asia, Pakistan and Laos, followed by Mexico and Colombia, which are considered to be the largest Heroin Suppliers to the United States (UNODC, 2011). The Global opium production is estimated to have fallen since 2007, where it reached a record level, and it is due to, first of all, a decrease in Afghan production from 6 900 tonnes in 2009 to approx. 3 600 tonnes in 2010. The latest Estimates of total potential heroin production are 396 tonnes, which is a decrease of approx. 667 tonnes in 2009 (UNODC, 2011) ... A large part of the Danish population has chronic pain, and many of them use opioids for pain management. There may be serious side effects associated with prolonged Opioid consumption, for example, aggravation, which appears to exacerbate existing pain. The consumption of both strong and weak opioids is higher in Denmark compared to those other Nordic countries. In particular, the consumption of the weak opioid tramadol is significantly higher (2015-16, SUU, Bilag 693 - Kortlægning af opioidforbruget i Danmark) ... |

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump travels to Quebec, Canada, to participate in the 44th G-7 Summit with American allies.

A raw, unfiltered look at the 'Crisis Next Door'

"I thought I had it under control. I didn't know it would be this addictive," Kyle said. "I didn't know how far I'd go to get more."

Kyle is a young man from Dallas, Texas. His story is one of four videos unveiled yesterday by the Trump Administration as part of a joint public awareness campaign on opioid addiction. The ads were produced in partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Ad Council, and the Truth Initiative. The goal is to show young adults how destructive an opioid addiction can become.

Each video features a true story of different young adults that go to extreme measures to get access to a prescription. Highly addictive drugs can have this effect, particularly on young people. According to the Truth Initiative, an opioid addiction can take hold in as little as five days.

These ads will be the first of many from the White House. "There are many, many facets to the opioid crisis, all requiring varied and unique solutions," said Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who is leading the White House opioids effort.

See the 30-second ads and learn more about the campaign.

Go deeper: President Trump is taking action to stop youth opioid abuse

Verdensalt.dk | June 8, 2018 | ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes ~ |

A Message from my Higher Self | June 8, 2018 | ~ Channelled through Mike Quinsey ~ | .. Dear Ones it may seem incredible that out the chaos and disruption that is taking place on Earth, you will move onto a path that will change everything, and finally lead you back to a high level that in reality you are most familiar with. Growth comes through experience, and you are given opportunities that will achieve that goal .. |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

Your patience is remarkable and to be commended as you have known that important events are affecting you and your world. They have been near to being revealed for quite a long time, and you will be rewarded in more ways than one and will know by now that nothing can prevent the changes from taking place.

The planet itself is also going through critical changes, and has been so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns you have been experiencing. The final outcome will be to your satisfaction and joy as the extremes you experience, will no longer take place. As you no doubt realise, the weather plays an important part in many of your experiences perhaps more than you realise, and one of its most important roles is where your food production is concerned.

Again be reassured that any problems will only be temporary and looking into the far future, you will have food replicators and able to draw water that can be used for drinking from the air around you. Those who are responsible for pointing you in the right direction are always preparing new innovations or systems that will lead you into a future where life becomes more pleasant and much easier. Dust has always been a problem, but again that will eventually be taken care of by units that will remove it and purify the air around you.

As you might expect, being in a New Age brings with it many new inventions and different ways to what you have always done in the past, that are less expensive and less time consuming. In fact you will progressively find that as a result you will have much more time for yourselves. That will be very useful inasmuch that you will [have] ample time for your hobbies or interests that you follow.

You might for example be one who likes to travel the world and see how others live, and the methods of travel will be quite different to now. There will be ultra-speedy links to all parts of the world and much through underground travel, independent of the track system you currently use.

COBRA \\ Michael 432Hz | June 8, 2018 | ~ The Hymn of the Rose) ~ | .. My Ode to Isis Astara, ode to the Divine Goddess. Played and recorded live with a Korg microStation. Of course tuned to 432Hz. Play on a Hifi system for best audio experience. Melody came via my higher self; originating from the Light World. As if all Light Beings sang like one choir .. |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Press For Truth | June 8, 2018 | ~ Detained A Second Time, Guns Drawn Italian Police Barge Into Hotel Room #Bilderberg2018 ~ | .. we journalists were pampered – at Bilderberg we're harassed by police .. |

Dan Dicks was detained for a second time while covering the annual Bilderberg meeting in Turin Italy but he didn’t get it quite as bad as journalist Josh Friedman who was in his hotel bed when police officers barged into his room with guns drawn demanding to know who he was! They later explained that they were looking for a “terrorist” but still wanted to know what he was doing there and why he was covering Bilderberg. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Josh
Friedman of Free Man Post about his horrendous experience while covering this years Bilderberg conference.

Activist Post | June 7, 2018 | ~ Conspiracy Theory Proven Fact as Cops Remove Senator from Walmart Converted into Detention Center ~ | .. One of the country’s most powerful lawmakers then demanded to speak with a supervisor. Instead of complying with his wishes in the name of transparency, the shadowy government workers called Brownsville police on the U.S. Senator. After 10 minutes of waiting and being confronted by local police, he was denied entry and forced to leave .. | Blogger: 'Nothing is certain but death and taxes' and Russiagate and a lot of Deep State collusion going on ... 🤨 |

By Jack Burns

In 2015, Snopes attempted to fact-check “rumors” that “began to swirl in April 2015 when several Walmart stores around the U.S. were abruptly closed due what Walmart claimed were “plumbing problems.“ Walmarts in Pico Rivera, CA, Livingston, TX, Midland, TX, Brandon, FL, and Tulsa, OK, all suddenly closed their doors, with Walmart corporate announcing that some of those outlets would be shuttered for six months or more. We now know, even though Snopes has not updated its web page, that at least one of those Walmarts is a detention center to house children of immigrant families.

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) attempted to enter the converted Walmart in Brownsville, TX to inspect the living conditions of immigrant children who had reportedly been separated from their parents and were rumored to be kept in cages and concrete floors of the converted Walmart. Merkley streamed live on social media his attempt to enter the facility but was denied entry by Homeland Security.

All the windows and doors to the facility—which is a shuttered Walmart—have been blacked out with window tinting. Merkley arrived and was immediately asked to leave by a female government worker.

One of the country’s most powerful lawmakers then demanded to speak with a supervisor. Instead of complying with his wishes in the name of transparency, the shadowy government workers called Brownsville police on the U.S. Senator. After 10 minutes of waiting and being confronted by local police, he was denied entry and forced to leave.

I was barred entry. Asked repeatedly to speak to a supervisor—he finally came out and said he can’t tell us anything. Police were called on us.

Children should never be ripped from their families & held in secretive detention centers. RT if you agree this is WRONG.
Later, in a Facebook live video, Merkley remarked:
When an organization has something to hide, not allowing members of congress to see it, in a democracy, is completely unacceptable…What’s going on is an effort to prevent the press from being able to report to the American people what is happening. And that’s simply unacceptable.
Later on in the video he added:
So far, as far as we know, no member of Congress has actually been allowed to see what’s going on with this program.
The detention facility is run by Southwest Key Programs, who promptly issued an apology to the Senator from Oregon on Wednesday for disallowing Merkley entry to its converted Walmart on Padre Island Highway in Brownsville. The statement reads:
We regret having to turn away Senator Merkley at our Casa Padre shelter. The U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) prohibits any facility from allowing visits that have not been approved by them, even if it is a U.S. Senator. With ORR approval, Southwest Key shelters have welcomed elected and other public officials at our facilities in the past, and will continue to do so, because we are proud of the caring environment we provide these children. We have reached out to the Senator and connected with his staff because we would like to see this happen.
After the video began gaining traction, the White House lashed out at the senator, claiming that he is “spreading blatant lies” about the reality of the situation.

“Senator Merkley is irresponsibly spreading blatant lies about routine immigration enforcement while smearing hardworking, dedicated law enforcement officials at ICE and CBP,” deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley told Fox News.

“He voted against closing the ‘catch-and-release’ loopholes used by child smugglers, and his reckless open borders policies are responsible for the permanent separation of thousands of American families who have been forced to bury their loved ones,” Gidley added. “No one is taking a public safety lecture from Sen. Merkley, whose own policies endanger children, empower human smugglers and drug cartels, and allow violent criminal aliens to flood into American communities.”

What’s more, DHS press secretary Tyler Houlton said Merkley was actually able to visit the facility—in spite of the video showing otherwise.

RT - Russia Today | 8. June 2018 | ~ Sweden 'begrudgingly' approves construction of Russia’s second gas pipeline to Northern Europe ~ | .. The Swedish government has granted a permit for the construction of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in its territorial waters, despite reservations .. | Blogger: [RUSSIA - MOST AGGRESSIVE IN THE WORLD] .... BUT, Sweden and Denmark's anti-Russian moves, has FAILED! Why? Money, money, money. Must be funny. In the rich man's world....🤑 |

Radio24syv | 8. Juni 2018 | ~ Statsministeriet undersøgte ikke centrale dokumenter i Tibet-sagen ~ | .. Også Statsministeriet kan have afgørende materiale om Tibet-sagen, som kommissionen aldrig fik udleveret. Det er ikke kun Udenrigsministeriet og Rigspolitiet, der muligvis ligger inde med centrale emails og dokumenter, som Tibetkommissionen aldrig fik adgang til. Også Statsministeriet kan have afgørende materiale om Tibet-sagen, som kommissionen aldrig fik udleveret i foråret 2016, da kommissionen indhentede materiale hos en række myndigheder, der skulle kaste lys over det grundlovsbrud, som Tibet-aktivister blev udsat for under de kinesiske statsbesøg i 2012 og 2013. Det fortæller Radio24syv på baggrund af indhold i kommissionens 2000 sider lange beretning .. |

LÆS VIDERE:  https://www.radio24syv.dk/udvalgte-nyhedshistorier/statsministeriet-undersoegte-ikke-centrale-dokumenter-i-tibet-sagen

TV2 FNYS | 7. Juni 2018 | ~ Danmark får medansvar for ny Nato-specialenhed ~ | (In English:) - NATO Special Operations Forces (SOF) - Denmark, with the Netherlands and Belgium, in charge of establishment of building a NEW special forces mobile operating unit and headquarters, which can be inserted where needed, around the world .. | Blogger: [🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿Military Buildup - The World at War III🏴󠁡󠁦󠁷󠁡󠁲󠁿] ... Danmark, den krigsførende nation (Oprustning, Eskalering og Militarisering)... Forlig booster Forsvaret med 12,8 milliarder kroner ... Spørgsmål: -- Er det fordi Danmark har et mindreværdskompleks og slaver til USA's militær-industrielle kompleks? Above Top Secret: Fogh varslede støtte til USA et år før Irakkrigen, det viser et klassificeret mødereferat fra Statsministeriets topsikret arkiver ... Thule og den kollektive fortrængning "Danmarks hemmelige atompolitik på Grønland" ... Terrorbekæmpelse: Dialog eller jernnæve, baseret på 'falske fakta'... Omvendt, hvis alle disse midler kunne konverteres til forbedring af velfærden, stoppe NAFTA, TTP, TTIP, nedrustning i stedet for oprustning, legalisering af cannabis for at redde kræftsyge, stoppe plast i havene, skattefri elbiler, fri energi o.s.v.... Der er nok at tage fat på ... |

Arkivbillede. Foto: Yves Herman / Ritzau Scanpix
LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-06-07-danmark-far-medansvar-for-ny-nato-specialenhed

Secureteam10 | June 8, 2018 CET | ~ TERRIFYING "Phantom Energy" Targets MORE Citizens ~ | Blogger: Update & follow-up on what happened in Cuba and now, also with US personnel in China of 'sonic attacks' (directed-energy weapon-DEW) ... ".. In their Electronic Warfare publication the Department of Defense (DOD) defines a directed-energy weapon this way: “DE is an umbrella term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated EM energy or atomic or subatomic particles.” It continues: “A DE weapon is a system using DE primarily as a direct means to damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption.” The two basic types of DEWs include lasers and microwaves. Microwaves and lasers are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum. They’re made of the same electromagnetic energy which consists of light and radio waves. This energy can be explained using either wavelength or frequency..(newworldwar.org) .." |

Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!

Destroying the Illusion 2.0 | June 7, 2018 | ~ New Sealed Record Count / CEOs Resigning / AZ Trafficking Camp / IG Report & FBI ~ |

Jason Christoff opened Physical Limits Fitness in 1994. He also founded The Revolution Weight Loss Clinic. Jason also partners with Summit Fitness Club and works with many leading fitness clubs in Canada. His passion is proper nutrition and health freedom.

Danmark Vågner | 7. Juni 2018 | ~ Northside Geo-Engineering Chemtrails med Anton Eriksen ~ |

Reddit | June 8, 2018 | ~ Trump in inexplicably decides to put his water bottle of the floor. Pence has no other choice but to follow suit ~ | Blogger: [🔦The Crowd Goes Wild - Watergate? There was zero hesitation from Pence. It's like they rehearsed it. FEMA Releases 2018-2022 Strategic Plan and The White House, Disagrees???🚱] ... Mens Pence aber efter Trump, og vi andre leger med konspirationerne, ligger EU's reform af asylsystemet i ruiner, modtog #ude-Løkke en gave, hvorved han netop har accepteret Østrigs idé om at etablere (koncentrations) lejre i Europa for flygtninge, siger politiken (og Borgmestre glæder sig bare sååååå meget over Løkkes plan om et nyt udrejsecenter)... DR LIVE, har heller ikke ligget på den lade side, og udsendt 2 dokumentarer, som er et FALSK billede på, hvad der faktisk skete under Giftangrebet i Salisbury & Terrorangrebet i Manchester... Salisbury nervegasangreb afslører et $70 Millioner stort Pentagon biovåbensprogram ved Porton Down -- Man kan noteres sig, at Skripal familien lever i bedste velgående og HVIS man havde brugt Novichok, var de DØDE på stedet, siger eksperter. Selvom OPCW holder fast på rusland-forbindelsen, sammen med England, Danmark og andre lande, har den tyske regering og tyske medier, netop meddelt, at de har NULL beviser på (ligeledes har hverken Porton Down eller den engelske regering), at Rusland står bag giftangrebet og alt jeg har på bloggen, masser af beviser på, at Angrebet i Manchester 2017 (Ariana Grande concert), er iscenesat og at den amerikanske sangerinde Ariana Grande, er en del af den sataniske pædofilordenen, der bliver misbrugt af magteliten og underholdningsindustrien ... Og hvem er Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu, som nu står foran en lysende globe spørger du? Næst efter Hitler, er han nok den mest modbydelige og livsfarlig dæmonisk mandsperson, der eksistere på jordkloden. Og Macron, som nu opfordrer G7 til at konfrontere Trump over handel, er ærkekonservativ fidusmager, som kommer fra en bankfamilie, styret af Rothschild imperiet (opfostret af pædofile, siger nogle)... PS: Jeg er kun ansvarlig for det, jeg siger. Ikke for, hvad du forstår... |



The Return of The Evil Sauron's Palantíri Orb


Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | Radio24Syv | 3. Nov 2016 - 8. Juni 2018 | ~ Velkommen til den danske digitale kommune - 'Frivillig Tvang' skal indføre IT i Rudolf Steiner-børnehave ellers.. LUKNING ~ | Blogger: UPDATE: 24.5.2018: ""Nu har ministeren skåret igennem og givet IT-frihed for børn:""Minister på direkte tv: – Det er sjældent jeg lover noget så håndfast som nu"" -- I en ny bekendtgørelse fra Børne- og Socialministeriet, skriver minister Mai Mercado (K), at "børn skal have mulighed for at bruge it i et eksperimenterende fællesskab" ... | ... November 2016: Børnehaven har søgt om dispensation men blev nægtet. I hvert fald er Børnehaven Askelæ i Svendborg kommet i fokus for at nægte at følge kommunens strategi om digital læring i alle dagtilbud og er anmeldt til Statsforvaltningen. Den holdning er de dog langt fra ene om. Kampen er også taget op i friskolerne. Både Askelæ og Odense-børnehaven Kastanjen bliver bakket op af flere end 5.000 personer, der har skrevet under på en underskriftindsamling med titlen 'Forældres frihed til at kunne fravælge IT i daginstitutionerne'.... 💬 PS: Digitaliserings- styrelsen og kommunernes digitaliseringsstrategi - Velkommen til børn og digitale medier, med gode råd til apps og pædagogiske forløb, workshops og udviklings- projekter. Digital borgerservice. Digital selvbetjening. Digital Post. Digital Pladsanvisning. Digitale bykort. Digitale byporte. Den Digitale Hotline. Digitale kommuneplan. Digital, Digital, Digital... = Smart City København. Den amerikanske moderne middelklasse og eliten som f.eks. Sillicon Valley, CA sender deres børn på Rudolph-Steiner agtigt institutioner, så de får et afbræk i deres hverdag. Her kommer man først i kontakt med digitale medier eller IT, når man er 12-13 år. Mon ikke vi ser flere skovbørnehaver og Rudolph Steiner institutioner i fremtiden? ... |

Nu har ministeren skåret igennem og givet IT-frihed for børn:???

24.05.2018: Minister på direkte tv: – Det er sjældent jeg lover noget så håndfast som nu.
I en ny bekendtgørelse fra Børne- og Socialministeriet, skriver minister Mai Mercado (K),
at "børn skal have mulighed for at bruge it i et eksperimenterende fællesskab".

Det skaber bekymring hos flere vuggestuer og børnehaver, der ikke ønsker digitale redskaber ind i børnenes hverdag – men det behøver det ikke, mener Mai Mercado. –

Det er fuldstændig valgfrit. Vi sidder ikke og dikterer nogle metoder.

Hvis man ikke har lyst til at bruge it, ipads, eller hvad nu måtte være, lader man bare være, siger ministeren og sætter efterfølgende to solide facitstreger under sit eget udsagn på direkte tv.

Ministeren vil lade det være op til institutionerne selv, om, hvordan og hvor meget it skal fylde i hverdagen. – Der kan sagtens være skovbørnehaver eller Rudolf Steiner-børnehaver, som ikke bryder sig om iPads, og derfor skal det være op til forældrebestyrelserne at bestemme, hvordan de vil bruge it, siger Mai Mercado.
(Fra norske nyhetsdryss).

Med venlig hilsen
Lars Mikkelsen



24syv Morgen giver dig en god start på dagen. Vi fortæller dig dagens vigtigste historier fra ind- og udland, så du er godt klædt på til dagens opgaver.

Flere end 5.000 forældre og interesserede har skrevet under på en underskriftindsamling,
der har til formål at sikre forældrene retten til at fravælge IT i dagtilbud. Foto: Masoud Pouia


Tusindvis har skrevet under: Vil kunne fravælge IT i børnehaven

Børnehaven Askelæ i Svendborg er kommet i fokus for at nægte at følge kommunens strategi om digital læring i alle dagtilbud. Den holdning er de dog langt fra ene om.

Skal der indføres digital læring i dagtilbud eller ej - og skal forældrene træffe den beslutning, eller er det op til kommunen?

Det er udgangspunktet i en strid mellem Svendborg Kommune og Rudolf Steiner-børnehaven Askelæ.

Kommunen har indført en ny digital vision, der kræver, at alle dagtilbud skal udnytte digitaliseringens- og informationsteknologiens læringsmuligheder.

Det afviser ledelsen af Askelæ. De vil ikke have digitale værktøjer som en del af pædagogikken og børnenes hverdag i institutionen og ser kommunens krav om IT i alle daginstutioner som uforeneligt med det pædagogiske værdigrundlag, som børnehaven bygger på.

- Jeg tror næsten, at alle forældre i Steiner-miljøet ville melde deres børn ud, hvis de stod overfor sådan et krav, som er så ultimativt, sagde næstformand i forældrebestyrelsen i Steiner-børnehaven Kastanjen, Isabel Sande Frandsen, i weekenden til TV 2/FYN.

Underskrift for frit valg

Både Askelæ og Odense-børnehaven Kastanjen bliver bakket op af flere end 5.000 personer, der har skrevet under på en underskriftindsamling med titlen 'Forældres frihed til at kunne fravælge IT i daginstitutionerne'. 

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects | Apr. 7, 2013 - June 8, 2018 | By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. | ~ What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts ~ | Blogger: [🌬️Nanobots, Nanosensors, Nanoparticualtes - In Our Bodies, Brains, In & On Everything🤯] ... (Chemtrails, HARRP and Morgellons & GMO) ... 💭PS: How to remove Aluminum in a child: (Vitamin B12), C-Vitamin, E-Vitamin, Curcumin, Saffron, Organic Soybean oil, Peanut Oil, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil etc. etc. .... 💭 PSS: ONE of the best videos explained in layman's terms (or just explained without any BS) by Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock to all the NEI-SAYERS... | Verdensalt.dk: -- Medical Science Proven Facts or Leaked Documents In Which NO Tin Foil Hat IS NEEDED (Egocentric bias or Cognitive biases ) ... -- 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, there are a wide range of mechanisms driving gluten (wheat) associated neurotoxicity. In addition, it is now known that the brain contains very specialized receptors for glutamate, and that glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain, ⚠️"""accounting for 90 percent"""⚠️ of all cortical neurotransmission (e.g. classical Parkinson's disease, diabetes, cancer growth and cancer invasion, GMO contamination and MUCH, MUCH more)... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, scientists have been aware of aluminum’s neurotoxicity for decades (e.g. Autism and many other illnesses, helps from other substances from the vaccine to penetrate deep into the Blood-brain barrier causes neurological disorders)... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, how Rockefeller's oil industry conquered medicine, finance and agriculture... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, military documents confirm “Chemtrails” originated in the US Air Force... 💣WE KNOW FOR A FACT, super-hydrophobic surfaces (SHSs) are bio-inspired, artificial microfabricated interfaces, in which a pattern of cylindrical micropillars is modified to incorporate details at the nanoscale (Super-Hydrophobic surfaces in medicine & nano-programming)... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, that NOTHING, can stop the CIA or intelligence services with their Deep State mega corporations incl. the medical-industrial complex and alike, to create these UberSoldiers, terrorist zombies, (and our normal sick and dying populations), stimulated by antidepressants, serotonergic psychedelics, MKUltra, Psychological operations (PSYOP)... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, controllable physical & etheric implants exist in humans and doctors around the world, has found them in soldiers and among the normal population (ultimately, etheric implants exist as a result of a belief system buried within the psyche of humanity)... 💣 WE KNOW FOR A FACT, that the IPCC warns NOT to stop Chemtrails, aka ‘Solar Radiation Management’. Solar Radiation Management STOPS the important sunlight particulars and Tachyons from entering the human body. The 'hidden hand' is trying to slow down the human awakening process(development and ascension) and frequency raise coming from the Sunlight by spraying certain metal into the environment in order to reflect or reduce certain frequency of light. They call it 'solar radiation management’ etc. ... I COULD GO ON (and on) ... |

Linderman Unleashed Radio Show March 28th 2013 Broadcast. Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering programs which have been implemented in secret without public consent. Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. The Internet is littered with stories of "chemtrails" and geoengineering to combat "global warming" and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many ­dozens every day are littering the skies..... READ MORE


Early morning compelling new pictures from the 8th (and 7th) of June 2018 in the North Zealand of Denmark ...