Feb 27, 2022

❌🐆📺 ~ (Trump Commander-in-Chief + Putin Vs. Globalists) KERRY INTERVIEWED BY PATRIOT DAVE V#2 (PROJECT CAMELOT TV NETWORK) ~ | Blogger: I listening in to the first 20 minutes, that got me started this morning! Plus, Kerry Cassidy's reference to her article "WAR GAMES" below plus VT Today... |

Trump + Putin Ukraine WH Op. Clean out the D.U.M.B.s and Pedos and criminals in Ukraine. 11 Biolabs Target. Reps,  Anunnaki, tunnel system and Devils Mountain.  COVID Scandal Payback. Corona = Alien A.I. derived (Kerry got evidence + interviews last 2 yrs). Juan O Savin (aka JFKjr). Jim Carrey (aka Joe Biden + other actors + clones) Clinton as Pres. = WW3





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