May 3, 2019
DKR | ~ De sande valgplakater ~ | Blogger: [🎙️Sendes på FM (lidt endnu) og ikke Dip dappe dutten dippen dap, Depp! (DAB)📻] ... {Kirsten har fået en idé til valget, der strengt taget er ulovlig – de sande valgplakater} ...Kristendemokraterne: "For Gud og Familie - Sammen spilder vi stemmen" ... Socialdemokratiet: "Hvad synes DU vi skal mene?" ... Nye Borgerlige: "STOP med at kigge ned ad LISTEN" ... Det Konservative Folkeparti: "ENGANG, var vi STORE"... Liberal Alliance:" NED med skatten eller FLER ministerposter"... Alternativet: "SEKTEN alle kan li"... Enhedslisten:"SAMMEN, stemmer vi os til andres penge"... Klaus Riskær Pedersen: "STRAM konkurs" ... Venstre: Danmarks MEST korrupte parti"... Stram Kurs: "Det, er PaluDansk" ... SF: Vi garantere IKKE noget"... Dansk Folkeparti: "NEDLÆG København"... |
Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | ~ 💗A Message to Lightworkers 💕~ | .. The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective .. | Blogger: A WORD from Caroline Oceana Ryan : "Greetings, Beautiful Being! This week's Message to Lightworkers is a little unusual, I thought. It takes two ideas that seem to be oppo- sed to one another -- how harsh the world situation can appear, and our need for laughter -- and combines them beautifully. It's hard to see sometimes, when our logical left-brain takes over, how all in this Universe is spinning in Divine perfec- tion. We look at an outer situation, and are confused as to why it has to exist, let alone why it's so difficult to resolve or get through. If you are in a tight spot right now on any level in life, please know that you can lift things into a better Light vibrationally with whatever calms you -- high vibrational music, tapping, medita- tion, a comedy show, time in Nature -- whatever helps you take on the perspective that you are Bigger than any one thing in your life, more powerful than anything that could ever happen to you. That realization is priceless. And your presence on the Earth right now is priceless. You are a powerful Light Being -- no doubt, a captain of a huge starship while in your true form in the etheric in your sleep state, or an admiral of a huge fleet. Or a healer of the Earth, or whole star systems, or all living beings. Your Light is ever-extending outward, getting more powerful all the time, and you are precious and important to all of us. Please don't ever forget that! With great Love and Light, till next time, Caroline"... |
A Message to Lightworkers -
May 3, 2018
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
COR: My friends, I am wondering what is the best way to deal with the heaviness of life at the moment.
Many feel that life in the US, for example, has sunk into various forms of chaos—hate groups have proliferated.
Individual rights seem to be slipping away, as prisons are overflowing, with heavier sentences (and more arrests) for those of color.
Schoolchildren are being subjected to police state behavior from administrators.
Refugees are jailed for months, sent back to war-torn regions, or turned away at the border.
Refugee children are jailed in detention centers without proper records kept on who and where their parents are. Human trafficking is at an all-time high.
How do we deal with all of this, and stay on keel—stay centered and at Peace, even at painful news reaches us?
If we’re here to be joyful, how can we do that in the face of our own and others’ suffering?
Someone asked recently that I ask all of you, “How do we laugh more often? Take laughter classes? The idea of a funny movie doesn’t appeal, as they are often quite crude . . . Why do people like me resist forced laughing? Is that ego, perhaps?”
I feel these two seemingly separate questions are related. Can you address both, please?
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, friends! We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
It is so that these two observations and areas of interest are powerfully related.
In asking to understand how to process information that carries the frequency of darkness or shadow, you also silently ask how to maintain your original intent in coming to Earth in the face of any opposition—and that includes maintaining your decision to be joyful, including enjoying warmth, humor, and a positive outlook on life.
We would say, that though the one issue appears to cancel out the other, they do not. They very nearly rely upon one another . . .
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Theearthplan | ~ 💗 Miracles will Occur During the Mystical Month of May 💕 ~ | by Patricia Cota-Robles |
Source: (thanks to Theearthplan & Patricia Cota-Robles)
This is such a good message to follow the previous post from AA Michael & Ronna (here).New frequencies coming in = upgraded/new tools.
I tried to summarise this, but gave up because every sentence that Patricia Cota-Robles delivered was relevant. Another update to go through at least twice. The link for Vlog 106 (for the Invocation) :
Some (very feeble) notes:
- Several activities of Light occurring throughout the month of May, expect Miracles
- St Germain now bringing in the ascended 5D Violet Flame of Grace & Forgiveness to help Humanity with their Ascension
- Use the Invocation in Vlog 106 throughout May
- Mother Mary opens her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Realms; we can ask to go there during our sleep for our healing and to expand 3-Fold Flame. She will assist our I Am Presence to work on the Yellow Gold aspect ~ upgraded enlightened Christ Consciousness
- Brand new frequencies of Enlightenment & Oneness now bathing Earth
- Reactivation of 5D 12-strand DNA in August (Jason Estes mentions that there will be a major transformation in August, which is also after the Galactic New Year)
- Mother Mary will help us remember our Service to Source. | Archive | June 14, 2017 - May 9, 2018 | ~ (TheGuardian:) Grenfell Tower: fire-resistant cladding plan was dropped ~ | .. Exclusive: Nonflammable panel system may have saved lives, expert says, and ended up cheaper .. | Blogger: [♨️THIS REBLOG IS IN HONOR TO RSBN-LIVE COVERAGE OF GRENFELL TOWER & STEVE LOOKNER'S FINAL RSBN STREAM MAY 6, 2018♨️] ... (June 14, 2017:) | Blogger: Great Fire of London - Very, very sad tragedy. All our hearts, donations and prayers go out to victims and injured people.. 🕯️😔💞... HOWEVER, you might wanna listen to this... A very FRUSTRATED reporter from Right Side Broadcasting Network LIVE has covered the London fire all night long and I'd ( heard him yelled out loud this morning, at 7.00 AM CET; 6.00 London time; -- ".. WHY hasn't any mainstream news outlets told us about casualties, any confirmations on death toll, or interviewing witnesses, any words on cause and when do they go into the building and actually rescue people??? No smoke alarms has gone of from the building when it happens (reporter gets lots of feeds and news from people). Why didn't any ceiling sprinklers going off? Many people says fire caused by new outside paint coatings and started on lower floors (some blame the owner - fire hazard), so nobody knew on top floors? Why is its only one corner that caught fire and other corner has no damage? No knocks on the residents doors, only Police yelling FIRE, FIRE on some floors. NOBODY says it's terror, but how come a new building in 2017 is caught on fire and NOBODY is accounting for it??. Only latest news, indicates that 44 people taken to hospitals (but was it bystanders, people watching or victims?). Why is it, that so-called 'victims' that came out from the building are so clean on their clothes? Someone has sent the reporter a file on a ISIS magazine that WARNED about a fire in London. Another has sent a video where a man are waving, but cannot confirms its form the london fire (video has been censored). The reporter continues; Only social media videos that indicates people are screaming from the building to get out... NEWS just came in to the reporter: 'This man managed to escape from the 17th floor with his 68-year-old aunt. He told me how he got out #LatimerRoad' (not confimred, is he trustworthy??). Otherwise TOTALLY blackout and informations VERY SLOW NEWS coming out from any outlets, since it's started 5 hours ago.." says the reporter.... He also ask: Why are the fire PICKING up again this morning? A reporter gets information that fire picking up due to plastic and wind going through the building and the tower will collapse. The the fire brigade has already backed off at this time!! Ready for Collapse! Reporter: -- VERY strange fire going on..(blogger: Lets hope they didn't use nanothermite since LOTS of burning debris falling off the tower NOW at 9.50 CET!!!!! ). Fire at Dubai skyscraper had no injuries reported. Tehran fire had 20 dead in Plasco building collapse. Will it be a collapse at London tower?... Check it out... 44 min ago - Fears burning London building could collapse with residents trapped inside ( WHAT!!!! New 9/11? Todays date: 14/6 = 1+4+6=11 -- examples of Illuminati numerology... |
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Firefighters spray water on Grenfell Tower two days after the fire in west London killed 72 people. Photograph: Hannah Mckay/Reuters |
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The entire block has been completely covered up by the massive flames on all sides with thick plumes of smoke filling the air |
- The blaze engulfed the 27-storey Grenfell Tower on Latimer Road in White City on Wednesday morning
- Horrifying pictures emerged on social media showing massive flames licking up the side of the block
- Desperate residents trapped high in the enormous residential tower were heard 'screaming' for help
- Police are evacuating panicked residents and two people are already being treated for smoke inhalation
intellihub | ~ Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook ~ | .. FBI's Las Vegas office: The agency's conclusion that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock acted alone and had no motive is unlikely to convince skeptics, who have postulated theories ranging from a gun deal gone south, to Islamic Terrorists, to a false flag staged by the govern- ment as part of a gun control agenda .. | Blogger: [🕵️And therefore Cabal's "Lame Stream" Media round the World and in Denmark, conclude: Las Vegas shooting suspect's motive remains a mystery🤻] ... {⚠️Please note, has already many times, send prayers and condolences to all the victims of this mass atrocity and their families and friends in Las Vegas} ... Soooo...Yoo-hoo!!! Attention!!!!.. According to A View to a Kill FBI bluebook, it's still a mystery(FBI investigators have 22,000 hours of surveillance and cellphone footage and 250,000 photos to look over, amounting to about 40 terabytes of data) ... First of all, I'll been visiting Vegas 2 weeks prior at MGM resort and other different hotels (conferences and shows - Michael Jackson ONE by Cirque du Soleil - Mandalay). Let me tell you, there's LOT of security, high tech cameras etc. etc.. There's no freaking way, a SHOOTER could have fired his weapons with 1,000 rounds munitions firing over an 11-minute period, with nobody noticed it, Hotel police security was aware of it, and SWAT had killed him, immediately - no WAY!!. Have you seen how many cops, securing in that town city center?? It's the most protected in U.S. Inc. due to the billions of money in circulation.. On top of that, CBC News has interviewed Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's brother, Eric Paddock, who talks to reporters in Florida Vegas and dumbfounded by mass shooting (He's TOTALLY CALM and crazy talking).. So, let me get this straight... That particular sunday's horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas once again shines a light on a nation awash in guns, Democrats are jumping straight into the gun-control debate (surprise?) ... What about the woman wand- ering throughout the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival warning people they were about to die, around 45 minutes before Paddock opened fire on the crowd - that's a NO NO ❓ ... We can also limited out the fact, that two cryptic emails Paddock sent to himself which have puzzled investigators and fueled the "gun deal gone wrong" theory - yeah a hoax, acc. to FBI ❓ ... And Shepard Ambellas that gives proof of the helicopters in the following video with sheriff's office lying - FBI is STILL not talking, why ❓.. There are so many speculations, about motives and theories surrounding Vegas shooting. I just don't know.. I do believe that Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin in the 80's and he's a gambler, but winning millions upon millions on video poker. It is strange - i'll give you that... Most crazy unsolved mysteries of them all is about when INTELLIHUB.COM (and Baltimore Post Examiner noted last year) noticed some insane weird stuff going on at Las Vegas coroner's office and Paddocks autopsy... READ MORE... 🔦 PS: under verdensalt's extensive investigation, many video proof has been censored, but check out my many posts, use search bar... |
Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook
| The Free Thought Project: Vegas Police Captain Behind Gunfire Location System Reported Missing, ‘Endangered’ | .. During the middle of one of the most secretive investigations in history, a Las Vegas police captain has disappeared and is considered "endangered.".. The Shotspotter program is part of a one-year pilot that uses sensors to triangulate the source of gunfire. It was brought about in response to the horrific shooting which took place in October |
| OOM2 \\ YourNewsWire Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Ran CIA Child Trafficking Ring | .. Alleged Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, ran a drug running and child trafficking company – making millions of dollars in the process – according to explosive new evidence that threatens to disrupt the official narrative and prove law enforcement and mainstream media are colluding to misinform the public about the Las Vegas attack |
| Fmr. military intel analyst: ‘Saudi Arabian-based risk management company was on the ground during the Las Vegas shooting’|
| Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere |
| Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere |
| Simon Parkes: Simon Parkes, life long experiencer of aliens, ufo's (family worked at MI5, NSA): After the dreadful attack in Las Vegas, shares in gun stocks have risen 3% as people believe it was staged to stop the lawful selling of guns and as a result have flocked to gun shops to buy them and ammunition making stock and bonds rebound at the exchange |
| Mike Adams the Health Ranger: First, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack which has now killed 59 and injured 500+. Secondly, there are five things that just don't add up about the official reports on this event. Why did one "lone wolf gunman" have ten rifles? How did he get ahold of a full-auto machine gun? Dozens of concert-goers reported the presence of multiple shooters? Who warned concert-goers they were “all going to die” a full 45 minutes before the shooting started? The weapon you hear on videos was FULL AUTO, which is almost impossible to acquire through legal means? Why were the exits blocked, trapping victims like rats in a maze? Why did the shooter have as many as 10 firearms in his room? |
Sarah Westall | ~ TRUTH: First Victim of War - Sandy Hook Fetzer v Pozner Redefining Free Speech ~ | Blogger: [🗣️It's A Deep State Democracy-Poisoning Golden Age Of Non-Spiritually-Minds Eliminating Free Speech😶] ... {Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well?} ... Blogger: Before You Forget -- Nok den første 🏴☠️ CIA inspireret Falske Flag-operation 🏴☠️ som har flest beviser mod sig, foruden 911.. Sandy Hook-massakren, som TV 2 Nyheder (har holdt fødselsdag for Sandy Hook den 14. Dec 2017), BT & The Mirror (og hundredvis af andre MSM media) tidligere har forsøgt, at piske en stemning op omkring, er IKKE ÆGTE. Desværre viser det sig at være en Hollywood special effect operation, hvor ingen døde (ja du hørte rigtigt)... Det her, er ikke noget jeg selv støver op fra konspirationsteorier, har også snakket med masser af amerik- anere om dette, set tonsvis af beviser på, at Sandy Hook-massakren, var den første bevislige, FF Operation. Det bedste bevis kommer fra whistleblower David Steele, en tidligere marinesoldat og fra CIA's hemmelige specialtjeneste (clandestine services) der siger, at de fleste terroraktioner i USA, udføres af false flag terror- ister, eller blev skabt af egne sikkerhedstjenester.. Kan blot konstatere, at Sandy Hook, i daglig tale kendt som Sandy Hook Hoax eller Sandy Hoax, er den første FF Ops i nyere historie, afsløret som en total fabrikeret begivenhed, propfyldt med falske omgivelser og falske ofre (det er beviseligt, at flere børn er spottet andre steder, efter de er påståede døde, under Sandy Hook massakren).. Har en del artikler omkring emnet på bloggen... Men det er jo kun dig selv som skal over- bevises, verden omkring dig, ønsker at lulle dig i søvn og skræmme os alle med frygt, for vid og sans, så vi ALDRIG, finder ud af sandheden.. Fake News MSM nyhedspressen har en bestemt agenda. Husk, jeg kender heller ikke hele sand- heden, men kan kun gisne, ligesom vores aggressive nyhedspresse som trofast støtter, Bush, Obama og Hillary regimet... Bedøm selv, jeg skal ikke være dommeren... "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts," - George H.W. Bush. Head of CIA 1976-1977... |

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PS: -- has been censored...go Figure!
(Sarah Westall) ' TRUTH: First Victim of War - Sandy Hook Fetzer v Pozner Redefining Free Speech' | ~ Video of girls dancing inside Jama Masjid goes viral, tourists entry banned ~ | Blogger: Other videos have since emerged showing other people dancing and singing at the mosque. Some Twitter users were outraged by the footage, denouncing the dancing as “vulgar.” (RT)... "Quote by Jim Morrison: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”... |
Fri, May 03, 2019, 12:04 PM#SHAME #Shahi_imam @delhijamamasjid, foreign women performed vulgar postures on a video shoot inside prayer hall of Jama masjid. Delhi waqf board should immediately take management of masjid under their direct supervision. @AIMPLB_Official @asadowaisi— Indian in Delhi (@indianindelhi) May 1, 2019
Two foreign girls dancing inside the Jama Masjid mosque and boys having fun inside the premise by making videos of film songs has turned controversial. The Tik-Tok video made inside the premise of Delhi’s Masjid has created an uproar among the mosque’s committee because of the controversy over various social media platforms. This has made the mosque’s committee to initiate action and it has banned the entry of tourists inside the mosque. The committee has decided to allow people only for prayers.
INFOWARS | ~ WATCH: THESE INFOWARS VIDEOS WERE BANNED BY YOUTUBE ~ | Blogger: [🚸STONEMAN DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING: It now appears that what started as a published, planned drill became a full-blown hoax, masquerading as a false flag for some, a new Valentine’s Day Massacre for others🔫] ... {Jones’ channel was issued a “strike,” first reported by The Verge, as part of YouTube’s three-strike policy for publishers who abuse the platform’s terms of service} ... 👩🎤National Rifle Association (NRA) on US politics' (Crisis Actors) - Did you know that David Hogg & Emma Gonzalez are related?? They are cousins!.. David Hogg is about 26(18) years of age and Emma Gonzalez, 27(19) is in fact, professional actress - "I’m scared to even go back," said one👨🎤 ... {Rifle emoji blocked from phones 'after pressure from Apple' - Smile! Say cheese!} ...I know that these so-called 'facts' will trigger a lot of emotional response. What happened in the Florida school shooting was an ATROCITY. In order to stop these events from reoccurring we need to look at the facts without emotions and agendas. Nothing is what it seems... 🛎️OFFICIAL STORY FROM LAME STREAM MEDIA 2018 : 'David Hogg, the leader of the March For Our Lives movement and Emma Gonzalez, students who survived 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Who have since gone on to become high-profile advocates for gun control'. Then we have Cameron Kasky, an American activist and advocate against gun violence who co-founded the student-led Gun Violence Prevention advocacy group Never Again MSD. (TIME:) -- Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz sits down at the defense table for a status hearing on Jan. 15, 2019, at the Broward Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. It was reported on March 16, 2019 that he told officers moments after his capture he was hearing demons'... 🛎️CLAIMS NOT CONFIRMED BY OUR AUTHORITIES: Look it up on verdensalt, or EVEN better and this is 'hilarious funny'😂: All the REAL info could be picked up by the FAKE site, a CIA Psyop (According to investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, Snopes was formed by the Central Intelligence Agency in order to spread disinformation on the internet, and stifle subversive outlets ~ newspunch)... 👉like a Operation Gladio style NATO-backed paramilitary network operation, established after WW2, originally inspired by FEAR of the USSR ... 🙋How to recognize elements at play that seem to follow the same template – a template that suggests these are highly planned and coordin- ated events, rather than the work of random, unmotivated, lone attackers (well, first of all, look at all the MSM headlines, use your common sense and then, investigate) ... If you're a critical thinker, the false flag alarm ⏰ should automatically already be going off within you... Me, Myself, and Irene might have figured it out under 10 seconds 😎... 💭 🤔I'm just spitballing here, what is the main theme or common goal for #NeverAgain #MarchForOurLives #BlackLivesMatter #White- HelmetsMatter #BlueLives Matter #EverySchoolChildMatters #AllLivesMatter etc. etc.?? (hijacked by George Soros) ... It's for our authorities to take CONTROL and implant: SEPARATION, HATISM, FEAR-MONGERING, DIVISION & CIVIL UNREST, in order to take ALL GUNS away. To let our authorities - 'SWAP your SOUL for CONTROL' ... FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 😕 ... You be the judge ... |
VIOLENT EXTREMISM Strong Cities Network, the U.N. and the New World Order
David Hogg and the Parkland Gun-Grab Psyop
Updates in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting Investigation
Scott Israel Violates Election Law With Impunity (2016)
False Flags – Are You Awake or Are You Still Sound Asleep
Florida High School Shooting Active Shooter Drill Tells All
David Hogg Can’t Add Up his Sister’s Dead Friends on One Hand.
David Hogg Says the “F” Word in Anti-gun Rant 111
Sheriff Scott Israel Sex Scandal – Teenage Affair and Abortion
Sheriff Israel Called Incompetent and corrupt by CNN (((((((((Jake Tapper)))))))))
Jaime Guttenberg: Parkland Shooting Family CONNECTED to DHS
David Hogg “Crisis Actor” Interview Proves Fake Shooting at Douglas…
Crisis Actors Busted Faking Bullet Wound to Right Ankle
No Obituaries For Parkland Shooting Dead (Project.Nsearch)
Parkland Shooting Victim – Martin Duque Anguiano- CONNECTED to PBS and ABC
Parkland Survivors Insist Multiple Shooters Fired Shots
David Hogg 2015 Grad at Redondo Shores HS in California (MRR) Parkland Videos:
New Teacher- Describes a Cop as Shooter
MSD Mom- Let Me Know Where u Are (Scott Beigel)
New Parkland Micky Mouse Evidence – MSD High School Shooting Hoax
Hoggy – Why You Acting Shai
World’s Dumbest School Shooter (Ocala, Forrest High School)
Florida HS Ankle Shooting – What’s with the DRINKS? (Ocala, Forrest High School)
Florida Sports Drink Ankle Shooter – (Ocala, Forrest High School)
3 More Parkland Actorvists
Parkland Hero – Wolverine Anthony Borges – MSD
Carlitos-Swaggy-Another Parkland Actor – MSD Hoax
DNC-MSD ACTORVIST Brandon Dasent Amos
BLM Protestor & Anti-Gun Parkland Student
MSD-“It was NOT Gunshots-It was Blanks” – Eden Hebron
MSD-New Documentary – NEW Oridnary Teens
Shooting Hoaxes Must Go on – Maryland
David Hogg’s I’m NOT a Crisis Actor TOUR
Moron Teacher Wants to SHOOT YOU-Parkland Hoax
Parkland HS Fake Dead Switcheroo (Stolen ID Photos, Allison Wyatt and Scott Beigel)
Parkland HS Walk of Shame – Student with iPhone reveals the lie
Parkland HS Political Insider Turned Teacher (Greg Pittman, Green Screen, Walkies, Blinking – Worked on Cap Hill for John East and Gov Martin in NC.)
Parkland HS Wacky Wonder Twins
Parkland HS How You Know these Teens Are Lying
Parkland HS How You Know these Teens Are Lying (FEMA Drill Badge at 2:15 – Simmunition hit at 11:15)
Parkland HS Meets Ft Lauderdale Airpot – Annika Dean is Back from the airport now playing Parkland! Drills are traumatizing for children. Sheriff israel a Key personality in both events but never mentioned on MOCKBIRD MEDIA
Parkland HS Army Smokin’ Drill – CNN Green Screen kid interviewed says police officers trained for a drill where they would be shooting blanks.
MIRROR Parkland Florida student says there were rumors of a fake shooting drill about to happen
MIRROR – Florida School Shooting – No Life Flight Helicopters! DoubleHoopNation YT
Books About the Parkland Florida False Flag School Shooting:
BOOK: The Parkland Puzzle — How the Pieces Fit Together (Moon Rock Books)
READ MORE: FBI Asked to Investigate David Hogg’s Harvard Admission
New Teacher- Describes a Cop as Shooter
MSD Mom- Let Me Know Where u Are (Scott Beigel)
New Parkland Micky Mouse Evidence – MSD High School Shooting Hoax
Hoggy – Why You Acting Shai
World’s Dumbest School Shooter (Ocala, Forrest High School)
Florida HS Ankle Shooting – What’s with the DRINKS? (Ocala, Forrest High School)
Florida Sports Drink Ankle Shooter – (Ocala, Forrest High School)
3 More Parkland Actorvists
Parkland Hero – Wolverine Anthony Borges – MSD
Carlitos-Swaggy-Another Parkland Actor – MSD Hoax
DNC-MSD ACTORVIST Brandon Dasent Amos
BLM Protestor & Anti-Gun Parkland Student
MSD-“It was NOT Gunshots-It was Blanks” – Eden Hebron
MSD-New Documentary – NEW Oridnary Teens
Shooting Hoaxes Must Go on – Maryland
David Hogg’s I’m NOT a Crisis Actor TOUR
Moron Teacher Wants to SHOOT YOU-Parkland Hoax
Parkland HS Fake Dead Switcheroo (Stolen ID Photos, Allison Wyatt and Scott Beigel)
Parkland HS Walk of Shame – Student with iPhone reveals the lie
Parkland HS Political Insider Turned Teacher (Greg Pittman, Green Screen, Walkies, Blinking – Worked on Cap Hill for John East and Gov Martin in NC.)
Parkland HS Wacky Wonder Twins
Parkland HS How You Know these Teens Are Lying
Parkland HS How You Know these Teens Are Lying (FEMA Drill Badge at 2:15 – Simmunition hit at 11:15)
Parkland HS Meets Ft Lauderdale Airpot – Annika Dean is Back from the airport now playing Parkland! Drills are traumatizing for children. Sheriff israel a Key personality in both events but never mentioned on MOCKBIRD MEDIA
Parkland HS Army Smokin’ Drill – CNN Green Screen kid interviewed says police officers trained for a drill where they would be shooting blanks.
MIRROR Parkland Florida student says there were rumors of a fake shooting drill about to happen
MIRROR – Florida School Shooting – No Life Flight Helicopters! DoubleHoopNation YT
Books About the Parkland Florida False Flag School Shooting:
BOOK: The Parkland Puzzle — How the Pieces Fit Together (Moon Rock Books)
READ MORE: FBI Asked to Investigate David Hogg’s Harvard Admission
🔴 Defensenews | ~ One of the F-35′s cost goals may be unattainable ~ | Blogger: [🛦🛫""" Meet the MOST expensive weapons program in the world and ultimate failure-- The Lockheed Martin F-35 """ 🛬🛦] ... (ZeroHedge) 'Lockheed Exec Blasts Germany's "Retrograde Step" Of Refusing F-35 Jet' ... (CNBC) 'F-35 jet program will fail without Turkey’s support, President Erdogan says' ... (Daily Express) 'USA’s new TRILLION pound F-35 fighter jet fail to impress pilots who prefer OLD F-22 model' ... (Bloomberg) 'Lockheed's Costly F-35 to Be Billions Costlier, Pentagon Finds' ... (DR- Danmarks Radio) 'Experts on 'new' crashed F35A fighter jet in Japan: flaws shouldn't worry Denmark' ... ( 'Noise Annoys: Danes Daunted by Roaring F-35s' ... (RT) 'Pentagon hiding ‘life-threatening’ F-35 design flaws to meet deadline – watchdog' (The same report also found almost 1,000 various technical problems affecting the F-35 jets, including 111 designated as Category 1 flaws. )...
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The Defense Department's goal to get F-35 cost per flight hours down to $25,000 by fiscal 2025 may be overly ambitious, officials acknowledge. (R. Nial Bradshaw/U.S. Air Force) |
.... However, reaching $25,000 by FY25 is more of a “stretch goal,” he said. “That will be very, very hard to meet. But it’s FY19 right now, and we have a number of years.”
With the government and Lockheed Martin confident that the unit costs of the F-35A will fall to $80 million by FY20, the Pentagon has turned its eye to lowering the costs of operating and maintaining the F-35. The latest Defense Department acquisition figures — obtained last month by Bloomberg News — peg O&M costs at $1.196 trillion.
During Thursday’s hearing, Air Force and Defense Department officials used ongoing concerns about F-35 sustainability as a critical argument in favor of purchasing Boeing’s F-15EX fighter jet... (...)...
HUSK - man skal ikke KUN høre på når andre konspiere - søg ALTID selv viden
PS: Det hele er ikke kun satire, linket mellem Lockheed Martin, Skunk Works og SSP - har fået via amerikanske militær kontakter og af egen interesser. Sagen om Michael Kristensen og co. kan man findes på m.fl.. Terma A/S og Claus Hjort forbindelsen står på deres egen hjemmeside, Resten, fordi jeg har arbejdet indenfor IBM og andre it-virksomheder som har forbindelse til forsvarsindustrien....HUSK - jeg kender kun til 1 procent af alle hemmelighederne....
--- [Griskhed og Grådighed samt Korruptions Pris - Hvordan de Folkevalgtes Stilletigende Accept og Dermed Tilladelse til Overdragelsen af Kontrollen af det Danske Statsejet El-, Gas-, Olie og Varmeforsyning, Vandværker, IT-koncerner, Forsvarsindustrien, Teleudbyderne, Konsulenthuse, Finansielle System m.fl. bliver Privatiseret til USA og Højstbydende] ---
Halvdelen af F-35-flåden i USA på jorden grundet tekniske problemer ifølge en ny Pentagon-rapport
.. Der er stadig omkring 1.000 mangler på F-35 .. Det amerikanske forsvar sminker tallene for F-35-kampflyet .. Norge parkerer nye kampfly for milliarder i telte - mens Danmark bevilger 260 mio. kr. ekstra til at flytte en hangar pga. flystøj ..
For at afgive sin ultimative støtte til Danmark ankom den nye chef for det multinationale F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO), den amerikanske viceadmiral Mathias W. Winter, til TERMA A/S i Herlev i Oktober 2017 .. OG JEG KUNNE BLIVE VED (og ved) ...
(satire) -- 💸💸💸 📝Memo Fra Generalerne på Charlottenlund Fort: Kære folkevalgte!....🛦🛦🛦Vi æder lige DKK 200M yderligere fra skatteyderne, fordi vi tror på Danmark bliver tæppebombet med terror de næste par år, samt 260M til et nyt hangar, tænkte vi fra Forsvarsindustrien og kampfly-kontoret, med hatten i hånden overfor jer politikere, som er de GLADE givere. F-35-kampflyet er desværre blevet en smule dyr. Ud over de allerede bevilget 56,4 milliarder kroner samt vedligeholdelse, skal i nok regne med, at regningen løber op på en SVIMLENDE OVERPRIS på omkring mia. kr. plus-minus, der kommer MÅSKE, flere omkostninger..
RT | ~ Facebook and Instagram ban Infowars, Milo & Farrakhan as ‘dangerous’ ~ | Blogger: [💕 Everyone is earning to find the truth - if you can handle it 💕] ... {⚠️VERY IMPORTANT: Any account that shares Infowars content will have it removed, and face a permanent ban for multiple “violations.” Facebook and Instagram will also remove any and all Infowars videos, audio or articles. Groups and events that promote Infowars or any of the banned “extremists” will be removed as well, a spokesperson told the Atlantic - RT😩} ... Before Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other controlled governmental CIA manipulation of news media has terminated all so-called ‘dangerous individuals and organizations,’ or 'junk news' and many other friends with benefits, will serve their master and create a Berlin Wall of Internet Censorship (or Mexican Border Wall) ... Since decided to blog about 'Sphere-Being Alliance' or Barack Hussein Obama's 'REAL' name on Facebook, whatever Deep Intelligence Services, find offending, my Google Plus has been eliminated (good thing G+ has also been terminated) and facebook postings has been removed - which made me very SAD. The only reason why i've chosen Google Blogger vs. WordPress, was to get a Facebook lookalike platform like Google+.. First they censored some of my verdensalt blog post, next, embedded pictures went bye-bye, now once in a while, a post gets through the wall of censorship, only 6-7 weeks, at a given time.. Total pageviews on - has been scrutinized .. Lucky for me, Net Censorship, with their secret web sheriffs, can only reach so far... EU Internet Law & Policy Blog (EU Cyberlaw) has a loooong reach, yes. However, forcing the local police to close down a private (Blog) - is difficult - unless your support ISIS, terrorism and or any criminal activities ... In 2017 - EU warns tech firms: remove extremist content faster or be regulated. European commission tells Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and others that legislation is being considered if self-regulation continues to fail (theguardian) ... All the way back to 2011, The Danish Ministry of Justice has put forth a proposal that would effectively make it much more difficult for anyone to use the internet anonymously. To record all sorts of info such as IP addresses, browser histories and records of who the user interacted with. That data then gets sent to the government... "to combat terrorism." Of course, what this means is that there's almost no way to be anonymous online. While it may be true that anonymity can (and at times, is) abused, it's going really far to suggest that there shouldn't be any anonymity. And giving the government that much info just screams out for it to be abused. We're definitely seeing more proposals like this... Sometimes have HUGE spikes in traffic, but neither Google Blogger or my total pageview, give me the TRUE result... The WAR to eliminate truth-seekers will continue FOREVER, but some of use will fight back... 🙏 PS: To my readers, thanks for subscribing, before they close me down... 😇 |
READ MORE>>This is genuinely terrifying. If an Instagram user even SHARES Infowars content - and I mean ANY Infowars content - the content will be removed#StopTheBias— Will Chamberlain 🇺🇸 (@willchamberlain) May 2, 2019
(AP - MSM FAKE NEWS MEDIA!?) 'World Press Freedom Day events raise alarm on fake news'
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — A rising tide of fake news and disinformation is dominating World Press Freedom Day discussions taking place this week in Ethiopia, which is hosting the event after freeing jailed journalists as part of sweeping reforms.
As the world prepares to mark the day on Friday, media practitioners and experts have raised the alarm and deliberated on ways to combat disinformation that they say is becoming a “threat to democracy.”
The relationship between the press and democracy is the main theme this year, with more than 100 events taking place around the world...(...)
(BBC - MSM Fake News media!?) 'World Press Freedom Day: How many journalists died last year?'
At least 95 journalists were killed last year during the course of their work, according to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).
The number of deaths is higher than in 2017, but not as high as peaks recorded in previous years when conflicts in Iraq and Syria were raging.
The highest number of media deaths recorded was 155 in 2006.
These figures include anyone working in some capacity for a media organisation...(...)
( 'Natural News No Longer Censored By Google After Reader Backlash'
Google blocked from its search engine 140,000 articles from Mike Adams’ website, This came in the wake of a series of strong articles written by Mike that were highly supportive of President Trump. Since has a large following, there was an Internet uproar over this move that embarrassed Google into restoring the articles to the search engine. Google claims that NaturalNews was targeted, not because of its advocacy of non-drug health care or his support of Trump, but because of a “sneaky mobile redirect” from a subdomain that was created by outside bloggers. -GEG
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