Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams.....
Jun 17, 2018
👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | June 17, 2018 | ~ Simon Parkes Update - Connecting Consciousness ~ | Blogger: PS: () - brackets - comments from [Highlights - Simon says:] ... BILDERBERG meeting with special invite - a cardinal from Vatican to give his point of view (of NWO loose and wins) | AMERICAN-BRITISH holidays - not this summer of 2018 - preparing the swearing-in of top/senior judges. Soon to unseal the 35.000 indictments | ITALY. Trump's takes on China dominance. Two versions 1. Europe is WORSE than China. 2. Europe is more EVIL than China | TRUMP'S Trade-war is all about getting to the Cabal in EU and hurting their profit | KOREA-DEAL, not a surprise. Trump has on purpose not been feeding the MSM media, like Obama/Clinton would have done. NO WWIII is going to happen | TOMMY ROBINSON UK (wife-beater) - Simon talks about why people jump on the bandwagon so fast. Tommy has apparently many alias (not his real name) and violently assaulted his girlfriend in 2005, judged and sentenced for beating up womens. Part of EDL, far-right extremist group, a hooligan and Europol is well aware of his evil deeds. Has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court and much more (wooow didn't know that😕) | ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry of Ritual Satanic Abuse | ....Q&A.... [ LISTEN TO MORE]) |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams.....
Intellihub | June 13, 2018 | ~ 9-1-1 call reveals Mandalay Bay security staff’s reactions during last year’s active shooting ~ | .. 9-1-1 call audio from the night of the shooting reveals that there may have been more going on inside Mandalay Bay than authorities have suggested .. Three minutes into the call it becomes apparent to the officer that there was also a second active shooter in the high limit Crystal Room located on the casino level .. |
Learning-Mind | June 17, 2018 | ~ You Were Raised by an Emotionally Abusive Mother If You Relate to These 6 Things ~ | .. It stands to reason that if you grew up in a loving family environment, you’re likely to be a well-balanced individual. But if you had an emotionally abusive mother, what would the signs be? .. |
Before we list the signs of an emotionally abusive mother, let’s talk about the different types of maternal attachment. It wasn’t until the late 1940’s that researchers, in particular, John Bowlby, started exploring the significance of the maternal role in child development. Bowlby coined the phrase ‘Attachment Theory,’ which stipulated that for a child to grow up as a healthy and well-balanced individual, it was necessary to experience a warm and loving relationship with its mother.
However, not all children have this warm relationship. Some experience neglect, they are ignored, they are frightened, they can even be smothered with affection.
Bowlby believed that there were four types of attachment:
Secure attachment
When a mother fulfils all its child’s needs and the child forms a strong and healthy loving bond, then this is a secure attachment. The mother is consistent with her behaviour towards the child and sensitive to its needs.
The child feels secure enough to explore its surroundings without the mother nearby. Although it will be distressed when the mother is gone, it is soon placated upon her return. These children grow into healthy individuals.
When a mother fulfils all its child’s needs and the child forms a strong and healthy loving bond, then this is a secure attachment. The mother is consistent with her behaviour towards the child and sensitive to its needs.
The child feels secure enough to explore its surroundings without the mother nearby. Although it will be distressed when the mother is gone, it is soon placated upon her return. These children grow into healthy individuals.
Anxious-avoidant/insecure attachment
When a mother is distant and unresponsive to her child’s needs, the child becomes anxious and distrusts the mother. The child acts indifferently to the mother and does not trust them to fulfil their needs. They are not confident enough to explore their surroundings without the mother and act emotionally indifferent upon her return.
These children grow up to be quite emotionless in their relationships and often swing from clingy behaviour to outright hostility.
When a mother is distant and unresponsive to her child’s needs, the child becomes anxious and distrusts the mother. The child acts indifferently to the mother and does not trust them to fulfil their needs. They are not confident enough to explore their surroundings without the mother and act emotionally indifferent upon her return.
These children grow up to be quite emotionless in their relationships and often swing from clingy behaviour to outright hostility.
Anxious/ambivalent attachment
A mother that is sometimes responsive and at other times neglectful sends mixed messages to her child in that she cannot be trusted.
These children never know where they stand and show a mixture of helplessness and resentment towards the mother. Growing up they are likely to be passive-aggressive and show signs of insecurity.
A mother that is sometimes responsive and at other times neglectful sends mixed messages to her child in that she cannot be trusted.
These children never know where they stand and show a mixture of helplessness and resentment towards the mother. Growing up they are likely to be passive-aggressive and show signs of insecurity.
Disorganized/disoriented attachment
When a mother swings between two extremes, such as smothering their child with love and then acting aggressively, children do not know how to react in these circumstances. They can be depressed, violent, passive or apathetical.
They are likely to grow into individuals with no boundaries, who manipulate others for their own benefit and can fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
When a mother swings between two extremes, such as smothering their child with love and then acting aggressively, children do not know how to react in these circumstances. They can be depressed, violent, passive or apathetical.
They are likely to grow into individuals with no boundaries, who manipulate others for their own benefit and can fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
What are the signs of an emotionally abusive mother?
TALES FROM OUT THERE | June 17, 2018 | ~ Leaked Image of Barack Obama Dressed as Satan Goes Viral ~ | Blogger: 🤫🖖🤘 Seems that no evidence of image manipulation, photoshopping, internet's TinEye, technicians filters to alter images, proofs any foul play was committed ... hmmm ... Former President Barack Obama is well know i many circles as the 'hidden hand' with accomplices like Bush/Clinton families etc... Some even say, that Barack Obama Is A HOMOSEXUAL! And Michelle Obama Is A MAN.. Is Barack Obama's birth certificate a forgery? .. In the SSP communities, they claims, that CIA groom Obama & Basiago as future Presidents with Jump Room to Mars, back in the summer of 1980 ... Who knows... PS: there's no doubt, that Artur Davis, former prominent Obama backer, shows on this pictures ... |
A disturbing image of former President Barack Obama dressed as Satan has
emerged online. | 17. Juni 2018 | ~ EU-topjob til Helle Thorning-Schmidt? I EU hedder hun bare Helle og er tilbage på rygtebørsen ~ | .. Et af EU's dominerende medier, Politico Europe, sætter igen tidligere statsminister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (S), i spil til et EU-topjob .. | Blogger: [👛 Oh Man! Lykkeridderne på grænsen til korruptions løkkeland. 'Teflon-Dronningen-Gucci-Helle' og 'Bilag-Lars-underbukse-gate'🐮] ... (kun 4 SKANDALER? Skatte-sagen, Puttede datteren i privatskole, Rabat på tøj hos Sand, Helle og lejebilen) ... Nej, nej og atter nej... 🤨. Nu hvor det rygtes, HT er mulig kandidat til posten som EU-præsident, så kan hun jo tage lugtePeter med a.k.a. #PrivateLarsLøkkeSugarFondensSpring-Op-Som-En-Trold-I-En-Æske med på en gang drengegade hopperi i udlandet (bare vi er fri for dem)... De er simpelthen så bundkorrupte, hele bundet!!!. Men den almindelige dansker og især kvinder, anser Helle Thorning, som Dronning over alle, lidt ligesom, Crooked Hillary..😒... ✋ADVOKAT: Helle Thornings organisation begår menneskesmugling. ✋Ambassadør arbejder for LøkkeFonden, Statsministeren i ny sag om dobbeltrolle. ✋S-R-SF-regeringen stod bag lockout af lærerne i 2013, planlagt af Thorning og Corydon ✋ Corydon og Goldman-Sachs til hemmeligt møde i 2013 - Fritz Schur, Anders Fogh, Bjarne Corydon og Helle Thorning er alle med i klub Bilderberg. Sjovt nok er Goldman Sachs også med i klubben.. Men hvad tror du? Er der blevet talt DONG-salg i korridorerne til Bilderberg-møderne??...PS: PENGESKABELSEN -- Det, mange ikke er bekendt med, er, at Henrik Sass Larsens Mened om Pengeskabelses- privilegiet! (bevises af partiet JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab)... PS: spørgsmålet er, om PET, fortalte HT om den Falske Flag begivenhed, 'Terrorangrebene i København 2015, også kendt som Angrebet på Krudttønden', på forhånd... Ja beklager, siger blot tingene, som de er og der er LANGT flere hemmeligheder, fejet ind under gulvtæppet, end du eller jeg, nogensinde kommer til at opdage, som dansker i dette land (Statsministeriets hemmelige arkivskab, Forsvarsministeriet og Rigsarkivet) ... |
Politico Europe nævner Helle Thorning om en mulig kandidat til posten som EU-præsident. Arkivfoto: Henning Hjorth/Ritzau Scanpix | | 12. Juni 2018 | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | ~ Jens Kramer Mikkelsen står til gigantisk fratrædelsesgodtgørelse på mange millioner kroner – men du må ikke vide hvor stor ~ | .. Københavns tidligere social- demokratiske overborgmester Jens Kramer Mikkelsen, står foran at gå på pension hos det kommunalt finansierede By & Havn. Med den følger en formodet fratrædelsesgodtgørelse i millionklassen, som embedsmændene forsøger at holde skjult .. | | 17. Juni 2018 | ~ Joachim B. til 74-årig borgers kritik: "Det er jo den evige klynk og jammer" ~ | .. 74-årig bornholmer og Liberal Alliances arbejdsmarkeds- og erhvervsordfører Joachim B. Olsen røg ind i en kort, men hård, ordveksling på Folkemødet på Bornholm.. - Vi har aldrig haft så mange fattige børn i Danmark. De evige besparelser på dagpenge og alt i himlens navn, I har fundet på. Jeg er gammel idrætsleder, og der var nogle, der ikke havde råd til at dyrke idræt. Dem fik vi besvær med senere hen, de begik kriminalitet og kom i bander. De blev udstødt fra det sociale fællesskab. Og I vil have flere skubbet ud af det sociale fællesskab. Jeg kan ikke fatte det - I liberale er bindegale! .. |
Joachim B. Olsen skød hårdt igen, da han blev angrebet af 74-årig bornholmer. Foto: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix (arkiv) |
Tech Times | June 9, 2018 | ~ Anti-Stress Vaccine Could Soon Make Brains Resilient To Depression ~ | .. Probiotics-based Immunization For Stress .. |
effective mood enhancers.
The vaccine has the potential to protect the brain with long-lasting anti-inflammatory effects, thereby making people more resilient to the physical and behavioral effects of stress. The authors of the study said the probiotic-based immunization could fight posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression in the future.
The vaccine has the potential to protect the brain with long-lasting anti-inflammatory effects, thereby making people more resilient to the physical and behavioral effects of stress. The authors of the study said the probiotic-based immunization could fight posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression in the future.
Jason A World News | June 17, 2018 | ~ Something is Wrong in America! ~ | .. WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS? America News 2018 Jason A Kate Spade Anthony Bourdain .. | Blogger: [MSM notorious fake news sites with a predilection for publishing sensationalized and exaggerated stories, dumbing us down] ... No doubt in my mind, that the tragic death of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain was conducted by killers from Clintonland, poorly disguised as suicide - protecting the deep state’s use of pedophilia or Big Pharma profiteering (to save us all) with common drugs and medications (vaccinations) to treat depression / fear / anxiety etc... |
america news 2018 jason a kate spade anthony bourdain
Infobalkans | June 17, 2018 | ~ US congressmen urge defense secretary to scrap jet sale to Turkey ~ | .. Forty-four members of the US Congress, including Greek-Americans Gus Bilirakis of the Republican party and John Sarbanes for the Democrats, have written a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis urging him to cancel the planned delivery of more than 100 F-35 fighter jets to Turkey.. Erdogan has refused to back down from the Russian deal and has repeatedly demanded that Washington honor its contract and supply the F-35s. Failure to do so, the Turkish president recently warned, would force Ankara to look for jet suppliers elsewhere, possibly even Russia .. | Blogger: [Even the most honest among us lie, cheat, or push boundaries now and then...] .. Governments and military corporations, do it EVERYDAY... While, Govt auditors recommended Congress to withhold funding for F-35 program, Danish and other EU's leading countries continues their scam, depriving taxpayers money, paying for world's most costfull weapons program in history, which does not work... |
RT - Russia Today | June 17, 2018 | ~ Was it a UFO? White object pierces Russia’s night sky, puzzles & awes locals (PHOTO, VIDEO) ~ | .. A huge white object flashed in Russia’s sky in the night to Sunday. While some feared that aliens had entered Mother Earth or that war had broken out, the explanation was rather earthly .. | Blogger: Well, looks more like the Unidentified flying object spotted by pilots over Arizona in April 2018 and more of the same type, many places near military facilities (satellites, missiles and reused SpaceX rockets etc.)... |
People across Russia took to social media to post dazzling pictures and videos featuring a mysterious object flying over them in the night to Sunday. Searching for an explanation, some said it could have been a UFO. Others said the white oval object leaving a massive trail could be a sign that Russia’s state of the art ICBM Topol-M had been launched.
COBRA | June 16, 2018 | ~ Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation ~ |
Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
From now on, those groups will be supplementing the planetary Cintamani energy grid in transmitting the energies of Compression Breakthrough. They will also serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala.
Positive emotional connections between members of the planetary Soul Family mandala will speed up the process of the Compression Breakthrough.
Many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have already been created and you can join them. Over 50 groups are already listed here:
Many more groups are being created daily, and if you have a physical group that meets regularly and has three people or more, you can have it listed on the above list so that people who live in your area can join. To have your group listed, please contact
Dagbladet Information | 16. Juni 2018 | ~ Banker ser ingen problemer ved gebyrstigninger ~ | .. Flere banker bliver nu undersøgt for, om markante gebyrstigninger er i strid med loven. De melder hus forbi .. Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen undersøger, om store gebyrstigninger på hævninger i udlandet er i strid med loven. Fem banker er omfattet af undersøgelsen. De to, Ritzau har fået svar fra lørdag eftermiddag, afviser, at de har gjort noget galt .. | Blogger: [🤑Omvendt gebyrpolitik giver to banker stor succes💸] ... Siden 2013, svor to banker ikke at indføre gebyrer på småkunder, selv om eksperter forudså, at det ville blive deres død. I dag har det vist sig at være den helt rigtige beslutning, siger de to banker – Lån & Spar og Arbejdernes Landsbank. Bankerne er drypvis kommet på gebyrlisten, efter at Danske Bank i januar under stor opmærksomhed præsenterede sit nye kundeprogram med betaling for kunder, som banken ikke tjener på. Alle har de indført større gebyrer end Danske Bank .. |
Jason A World News \\ Of Sound Mind And Body \\ Anonymous Official \\ Angel of Doom Productions \\ Vigilant Angel \\ | June 17, 2018 | ~ Something Mysterious is Happening Worldwide! (and bizarre news stories) ~ | Blogger: [🔭Hydraulic Fracturing, HAARP, EISCAT, Chemtrails, DEW, Weather Modification, Weird Deformed Animals Findings & Animals Fall from the Sky, Hail Storms, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Sinkholes, Massive Cracks, Sonic Booms, Bible Prophecy Signs in the Sky, Tsunami, Flooding, Hard Rain, Drought and Wildfires All At Once - What The Heck Is Going On❓] ... PS: PART II (part I) from Anonymous about "Chemtrails" is also a MUST-SEE ... (forget about Meghan Markle) ... DID YOU KNOW, that Private Cloud Seeding (Weather Modification) Companies or modern cloud seeding dates from the late 1940's?? BUT, the meteorologists, James Pollard Espy 1785–1860 a.k.a. 'Storm King', stimulating rain by controlling forest burning in 1830's.... THAT'S WHY YOU CANNOT TRUST 'THE WEATHER CHANNEL', Danish DMI or any "" Meteorological services"" around the world... (Book 'War and the weather' by Powers, Edward, Publication date 1890, Topics Rain-making) ... | | Arkivskabet | 1. Feb 2018 - 17. Juni 2018 | ~ Indkøb af nye eltog for 11 milliarder sendes i udbud - Nu har DSB fået grønt lys til at indkøbe nye el-tog ~ | Blogger:[🚆Here We Go (again) !! 🙄. How Can Electric Trains be Green? Why hydrogen trains are the BEST choice for mankind, but Predatory Capitalism and the Rise of the “Global Corporatocracy”, cannot profit from zero-emission trains] ... (DSB - Den Sanseløse Bankerot) ... Transportminister Ole Birk Olesen (LA) skal jo hele tiden sørge for, at 'pleje og nurse' de private og lukrative selskaber som lever af at tilbyde fossile brændsel som Maersk Oil, og alle de privatejet energiselskaber - de regeringsvenlige kompaner ... ""20 milliarder kroner eller funny money 'kan' regningen komme til at lyde på for skatteborgerne, at få eltog i hele Danmark??"" ... Tyskland vil introducere verdens første nul-emissions passagertog, drevet af brint. Niedersachsen har allerede bestilt 14 af slagsen, fra det franske firma Alstom. 5 delstater i Tyskland har allerede købt 60 togsæt. Forventet åben for offentligheden, December 2017.. Hvorfor er der pinlig tavshed fra den danske dagspresse, centraladministrationen, Arriva, Movia og DSB? Independent skriver, at der er udvist interesse fra Holland, Danmark og Norge? Har du hørt noget? NASA har brugt flydende brint til at drive sine raketter ud i rummet siden 1970'erne. Sveriges hovedmål er, at udelukkende at operere på vedvarende energi i 2040.. Spanien vil køre på 100 procent vedvarende energi, lover Energiboss. Men vent, de snakker om "vindenergi".. Hvor er brint- og fri-energi evolutionen?? Jeg studsede over en meget flot præsentation som hedder "..Hydrogen Link - En Grøn Nordisk Hydrogen Transport Korridor.." , men fra 2005. Har du set eller hørt om den nye skabelsen af et netværk af tankningsmuligheder for brint, der kan føre til etablering af en ”brint- korridor” mellem Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Tyskland?... Ja, der er store miljøfordele ved at køre med elektriske tog i stedet for dieselmotorer (NOx'er og partikler fra dieseltog m.m.). Men, hvorfor lærer man ikke af Tyskland, vores naboland? Elon Musk kan vi ikke regne med, han er en Deep State operative .. Hvorfor introducere Danmark ikke også nul-emissions passagertog, drevet af brint (Hydrogentoget - Coradia iLint)?? ... Hvordan beregner Folketinget og embedsværket, elektricitet, bæredygtighed og grøn omstilling? Hvorfor producere vi stadig, elektricitet fra fossile brændstoffer? Ikke alt elektricitet kan betale sig at producere fra vindmøller, som også koster penge at drive. Fossile brændsler betragtes som ikke-vedvarende, fordi det ikke kan genopfyldes på en menneskelig tidsramme. Det betyder, at i sidste ende udtømmes Jordens kul, naturgas og olie reserver, og elektricitet vil ikke længere, kunne produceres på denne måde ... Hvordan sikre vi os, at de eltog der produceres og miljøregnskabet kontra diesel er en rentabel forretning og strømmen der produceres via biomasse, affald og kernekraft der hentes fra udlandet, ikke koster Danmark og skatteyderne og forurener verden, mere, end det ekstra tog-elforbrug der skal dækkes via kul- eller vindkraft?.. Hvordan sikre vi, at togproducenten ikke er fra den italienske mafia, som snyder os (igen)? ... I 2001 var regningen for at få eltog i hele Danmark: 4,6 milliarder kroner - for elmaster og -ledninger og det blev stemplet som urentabelt for samfundet. Prisen på at elektrificere resten af de danske jernbane-strækninger er steget med omkring 50 procent siden 2001, viser nye beregninger, som Ingeniøren har foretaget sammen fagfolk. Med andre ord, i 2008 steg det med 50 procent, regningen blev til 6,9 milliarder kr. 2018, skal 150 nye eltog til en samlet pris på cirka 11 milliarder kroner og hertil har man IKKE beregnet omkostninger til elmaster og -ledninger, omskoling og specialuddannelse af togpersonale, valg eller udskiftning af togoperatøren, prisen på at udfase og skrotte de skandaleramte IC4-tog og IC3, prisen på udskiftning af Banedanmarks sikringsanlæg osv. osv. Så bliver regningen vel på 20 mia. kr.? Vi kan vel med garanti sikre os, at den italienske togproducent, AnsaldoBreda, der stod bag IC4, ikke længere er velkommen. Men den italienske mafia spiller stadig et pus - to italienske firmaer ramt af korruptionssag - nu skal de bygge danmarks tredjestørste bro (storstrømsbroen) ... Vi ved, at NoX fra DSB's dieseltog gør luften farlig for passagererne. Dansk Jernbaneforbund, forskere og organisationer, langer hårdt ud, efter DSB. WHO har for nylig hævet klassifikation af dieseludstødning så den nu 'betragtes' som definitiv kræftrisiko. Partikler (soot) befandt sig allerede i den kategori. I Danmark består den offentlige trafik i høj grad af dieseldrevne køretøjer, og for DSBs vedkommende oven i købet af alvorligt forældet materiel, som forurener mange gange mere end tilsvarende nyere materiel. I 1999 havde DSB et udbud på nye dieseltog. Om dette udbud, der siden skulle resultere i ordren på IC4 togene, skrev DSB bl.a. således: ”.. Der er ingen standardtog i Europa, der er gode nok til danskerne. I forbindelse med bestillingen af 60 nye togsæt, ønsker DSB derfor at få bygget sine egne kvalitetstog.. ” ... Men kære DSB og politikere, nu er chancen for i endelig kan gøre nytte!!! I england og Wales, hopper de på samme limpind: De skal også ud at købe, men for svimlende summer som; 80,000,000,000 mia. kr (£9.4bn) ... ".. Rail electrification is an important part of the Department's carbon strategy. Typically an electric train emits between 20% and 35% less carbon per passenger mile than a diesel train. This benefit will only improve as the electricity generation industry reduces its carbon levels. Electric trains also have zero emissions at the point of use, of particular benefit for air quality in pollution hot spots like city centres and mainline stations such as London Paddington .." PS: Jeg ved godt, at Nordjyske Jernbaner, har købt 13 nye togsæt af mærket Alstom Coradia LINT (41), men det skulle efter sigende være et dieselmekanisk 2-vognstogsæt fremstillet af Alstom i Tyskland. Altså ingen nul-emissions passagertog, fra Alstrom, til Danmark ... |
Alstom's hydrogen train Coradia iLint (zero-emission train) - VS. - Alstom Coradia LINT 41 (traditional diesel) |
LÆS VIDERE: DSB får grønt lys til at indkøbe nye el-tog
Kilder: 👉
INFOWARS | June 14-15, 2018 | ~ FALL OF THE DEEP STATE – 34-HOUR LIVE ANALYSIS: RELEASE OF THE IG REPORT (VIDEOS) ~ | .. Find out what’s really been going on behind the scenes in Washington .. | Blogger: WHETHER you hate or love The Alex Jones Channel - Trump breaks his silence on IG report: 'Total disaster' for FBI ... |
The Deep State is in its death throes as President Trump continues beating the globalists at their own game.
With the much-anticipated Thursday release of the Inspector General’s report, justice may be soon forthcoming for the conspirators involved in the coup to overthrow our president.
Hailing the IG report release, Infowars is hosting a special 34-hour broadcast starting at 8AM CST on June 14 through the 15th at 6PM.
We’ll have special guest hosts and exclusive videos, and we’ll also take your calls during this interactive transmission.
Tell your friends and family to tune in to see what the Russia investigation was REALLY about.
Matt Kahn All for Love | June 13, 2018 | ~ The Pain of Loss ~ | .. In his most personal sharing filmed at a soul gathering in early 2017, Matt guides you through life’s deepest pain to discover the heart of surrender with peace, love, compassion, and grace .. |
Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. Både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi. Tillige har Matt Kahn en virkelig god lun humor og logisk tilgang.
Matt Kahn er en spirituel lærer, mystiker, og intuitiv healer. Hans spontane vækkelse opstod ud af en ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse i en alder af 8, og hans direkte erfaringer med opstegne mestre og ærkeengle hele sit liv. Matt fungerer som en bro mellem den mystiske riger og rejsen af opvågnen. Mange åndeligt søgende har oplevet forbløffende, uforklarlige fysiske og følelsesmæssige helbredelser, og har vakt til deres sande natur gennem Matts dybe og kærlige lærdomme og transmission af hellige hjerte visdom. Matt og Julie tilbyde deres klare intuitive vejledning og kærlige tilstedeværelse, at fjerne alle opfattelser af forhindringer i dit liv og for energisk, at støtte dig gennem alle aspekter af den åndelige rejse og oplevelse af opvågnen.
Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. Både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi. Tillige har Matt Kahn en virkelig god lun humor og logisk tilgang. | June 17, 2018 | ~ Epileptic boy has first seizure in months less than 24 hours after 'life-threatening' confiscation of cannabis medication ~ | .. Seizures return after mother warned her 12-year-old son would 'surely die' without his anti-epileptic medicine .. | Blogger: Looong story short, after news coverage and outrage, the UK government or Home Office looks at allowing cannabis oil for boy again after 'life-threatening' confiscation of cannabis medication ... |
RT - Russia Today | June 17, 2018 | ~ New normal? NASA’s Predator drone flies solo in commercial airspace for 1st time ~ | .. A Predator drone with the NASA insignia has flown solo in US commercial airspace. The first flight of its kind comes amid concerns that unmanned government aircraft operations will become the new normal in the United States .. | Blogger: [👨✈️DOI Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)🤖] ... (Commercial Aviation)... A.I. Control Of Humanity - Get Used To It ... |
© NASA |
Ekstra Bladet | 17. Juni 2018 | ~ Skandale-politikers kone kendte til gangbang: Hvad hvis du kommer på forsiden af Ekstra Bladet? ~ | .. Per Zeidler arrangerede gangbangs i Østjylland, som han med glæde selv deltog i. Hans daværende kone frygtede, at medierne skulle få nys om lokalpolitikerens ekstrajob .. | Blogger: [💃Det var ikke for at tjene penge, at Per Zeidler arrangerede gangbangs i Østjylland. Han syntes det var sjovt og frækt💃] ... (Do I make you Horny Baby?) ... (UPDATE: 3-1-18:) Norsk partiformand tror på anklager om sexchikane... #MeToo-bølge efter anklager om overgreb - Lige nu deler millioner, historier om overgreb. Søndag opfordrede skuespilleren Allysa Milano, kvinder til at dele deres historier om seksuelle overgreb. Hun var bare 16 år, da hun blev udsat.. Hvem kan vi nævne i den danske halvdunkle censurerede version af 'Sex and the City' fra filmverden og politiske scene i Danmark? Mimi Jakobsen afslørede faderens store hemmelighed: Han var besat af sex.. Socialdemokraten Jeppe Kofod trækker sig som sit partis udenrigsordfører, efter at havde sex med en 15-årig pige fra DSU.. Tidligere praktikant i Venstre Susan Simonsen giver i en ny bog sin version af livet med de politiske stjerner på Christiansborg. Hun oplevede sexisme og politisk sabotage (noget alle har glemt).. Den islandske verdensstjerne Björk, anklager dansk instruktør, Lars von Trier, og de ting han gjorde mod hende under nogle film- optagelser.. Alle kan vel huske Zentropa - høj cigarføring og stødende udtalelser: ’Ålen’ er kongen af kontroverser.. Ny artikel i Berlingske: Sex og Zentropa: »Det er så banalt, at jeg sidder og gaber kæben af led over at skulle mene noget om det« Overgreb er sjældne i den danske filmbranche, men en bog beskyldte i 2013 Zentropa for grænseoverskridende omgangsformer... |
Per Zeidler stillede op til byrådet i Syddjurs Kommune, da hans sidegesjæft blev opdaget af lokale medier. Foto: Ernst van Norde (13. Juni 2018) |
Dr. Michael Salla | June 17, 2018 | ~ Amazon intervention leads to new cover for Antarctica’s Hidden History ~ | Blogger: 🛃 The Deep State (or Shadow Government) and Nazi Germany censorship, control & one-party dictatorship of NWO... Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook are in an unprecedented race towards a $1 trillion valuation--and whoever gets there first will exert untold influence over our economy, public policy, and consumer behavior ... 🚥 |
Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs was simultaneously released in the United States and Europe through on March 25, 2018. The cover illustrated a handshake between a U.S. military official, and a civilian wearing a Nazi ring and an Iron Cross cuff link. The respective flags of the United States and Nazi Germany appeared behind them. The book quickly attained No.1 best seller status in several Amazon book categories and has gained positive reviews.
On May 29, I received an email from Amazon stating: “During our review process, we found that your book’s cover image contains content (i.e. Swastika) that is in violation of our content guidelines for Germany and may infringe German law.” This led to the Kindle edition being immediately withdrawn from Amazon’s German website.
A few hours later, I received a similar email from Createspace, an Amazon subsidiary, informing me that it was also withdrawing the paperback edition from the entire European market. This meant, for example, that potential readers in the United Kingdom could not purchase the paperback edition since the cover MAY violate German law.
I received legal assistance from Duke Brickhouse, J.D., an attorney in Virginia Beach, who worked for several years as a media attorney in Berlin, Germany. He pointed out the following in replies to Amazon and its subsidiary:
The German Code prohibits a swastika’s use where it is used for propaganda. The code section (1)(3) delineates an exception to this prohibition if it “serves to further civil enlightenment”, “promotes… research or teaching”, “reporting on… historical events”, or “similar purposes”. The book and the use of the swastika on the book’s cover is in fact created for the purpose of civil and historical enlightenment, and not for the promotion of underlying Nazi propaganda intended to further the aims of the Nazi regime.Amazon stood by its decision despite repeated attempts to have them reconsider on the basis that the book clearly fit the exemptions specified in the German legal code in the use of Nazi era insignia. Put simply, the book is legitimate historical research delineating the respective roles of Nazi and German nationalist groups in setting up a secret colony in Antarctica, and their respective post-World War II activities.
What makes Amazon’s refusal to reconsider its position even more puzzling is that it does include books on its German site which prominently figure Swastikas. Here’s four examples of books which are all currently available on the Amazon Germany website.
All this raises the question of whether Antarctica’s Hidden History was being unfairly targeted; and if so, for what reason?
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