Oct 5, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀️👨‍❤️‍🧑🤳 (ErruDumEllaHvad) 300.000 + danskere siger ja tak til 2023 DNA-vax med kunstig genterapi-massage via Flu-Shot og CV-19 "dødssprøjterne." Som DK-første naturlæge der startede i 1968 sagde til SoTW; 'så er de sgu også selv ude om det.'. SoTW kan huske den praktiserende læge Stig Gerdes, der provokerede vidt og bredt i sin voldsomme og succesfulde kamp mod HPV-vaccinationen. Han sagde ordret til dkdox.tv;📑"Jeg tror, det er selvfølgelig ikke noget jeg ved, at HPV-vaccinen er en forløber til COVID"📑. Længe leve filmen 'Bastarden', Prins Christian (“The Circle Game”) – en kongelig rejse - Dokumentar og Alex Van Facebookopslagh som ny statsminister? Neeej, siger mit højere selv i dag. "Nakotika-Manden", bliver aldrig til noget andet end, varm luft i canal grande. Søren Gadekryds, ville heller ikke retsforfølge Vanopslagh, politiet har netop droppet boligsagen, selvom har selv siger, han har brudt reglerne for gratis folketingsbolig. Imens, vil en rasende havvindmølle-monster, LLR (Den er lusket, løkke rundforvirret), brænde Berlingske på koran-bålet. En fnisende Lille Havfrue, mæætte siger; nej, der findes (stadig) ikke plastikøer. Mit højre selv siger 3 gange i træk, at Militær-Medico-Mette, går af i 2024. Gud bevare Dannevang ~ 5. Oktober 2023 ~ |

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Politiet stopper efterforskning af Vanopslaghs boligsag - TV 2

Danmark poster 100 millioner i fælles EU-indkøb af ammunition til Ukraine - SeniorNews.dk

👨‍💼🏛️⭐ ('Trump and the patriots are now setting up the old switcheroo.') Ep 3179b - EAS Test Activated, Speaker Of The House, Optics Are Important, In Position, On Target ~ Oct 5, 2023 ~ |


joe biden removes dog - Google Search

⏩✨💘 ('Fast forward a few thousand years, and here you are, on the cusp of the greatest paradigm shift the Universe has ever witnessed.') EOL: The Greatest Paradigm Shift the Universe has Ever Witnessed (I am Kejraj) ~ Oct 5, 2023 ~ |


Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

For thousands of years humanity continued its descent into the lower realms of Earth, until many reached the lower sub planes of 3D. This occurred due to two things, lack of love, and abundance of fear. It is clear why this unfolded, how things arrived to this point.

The dark entities, mostly non human in origin, played their games very well, on and off Earth, in manipulating the human collective on many levels. They hand picked their human puppets to run the show on screen. While the masters worked behind the scenes.

Since the fall of Atlantis, all was done to keep humanity not only enslaved, but in the darkest mindset possible. Some of this was done through the will of participants, while some of it was done against the freewill of many. If you read or listen to messages from the higher dimensions, they’ll tell you it was all done with prior agreement, however, I disagree.

⚠️🎃📱🍔🤭 (10-4 Good Buddy! FEMA National Alert Zombie Apocalypse Nothingburger) At least I was right on SoTW. NOTHING HAPPENED. Phil Godlewski (or a good impersonator) even made a zombie joke about it as well. The EBS test was a controlled WHITE HAT operation or a NOTHING-BURGER. Many people were TRAPPED in a crazy conspiracy theory panic. When will people come to the realization that we are in the most exciting part of trust "THE PLAN" (not the Man or System). So, what was the EBS test for? It's to FINALLY prepare you for the REAL ONE. It's coming soon. Buckle up buttercups! ~ Oct 5, 2023 ~ |

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation.