Jul 19, 2016

The Hydrogen Bombs in Turkey: Erdogan - Friend of ISIS and Obama - (Acc. to former Special Advisor, Danish Defence Commission, Hans M. Kristensen, the director of the NIP at the Federation of American Scientists, underground vaults at Incirlik hold about fifty B-61 hydrogen bombs--more than twenty-five per cent of the nuclear weapons in the nato stockpile... A delegation of U.S. senators visiting Europe in 1960 was shocked to find hydrogen bombs loaded onto German planes that were on alert and crewed by German pilots; thermonuclear warheads atop missiles manned by Italian crews; nuclear weapons guarded and transported by "non-Americans with non-American vehicles." The theft or use of these weapons by nato allies became a grave concern. "The prime loyalty of the guards, of course, is to their own nation, and not to the U.S.," the Senate delegation warned in a classified report. Incirlik is about seventy miles from the Syrian border, and since last October American aircraft and drones based there have been attacking isis forces. Its proximity to rebel-controlled areas in Syria and the rash of terrorist acts in Turkey led the Pentagon, a few months ago, to issue an "ordered departure" of all the family members of American troops at Incirlik. They were asked to leave immediately.Although Incirlik probably has more nuclear weapons than any other nato base, it does not have any American or Turkish aircraft equipped to deliver them. The bombs simply sit at the base, underground, waiting to be used or misused...)

Syndicated News

The Hydrogen Bombs in Turkey

By Eric Schlosser
Posted 2016-07-19 00:01 GMT

Among the many questions still unanswered following Friday's coup attempt in Turkey is one that has national-security implications for the United States and for the rest of the world: How secure are the American hydrogen bombs stored at a Turkish airbase?

The Incirlik Airbase, in southeast Turkey, houses nato's largest nuclear-weapons storage facility. On Saturday morning, the American Embassy in Ankara issued an "Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens," warning that power had been cut to Incirlik and that "local authorities are denying movements on to and off of" the base. Incirlik was forced to rely on backup generators; U.S. Air Force planes stationed there were prohibited from taking off or landing; and the security-threat level was raised to fpcon Delta, the highest state of alert, declared when a terrorist attack has occurred or may be imminent. On Sunday, the base commander, General Bekir Ercan Van, and nine other Turkish officers at Incirlik were detained for allegedly supporting the coup. As of this writing, American flights have resumed at the base, but the power is still cut off.

According to Hans M. Kristensen, the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, underground vaults at Incirlik hold about fifty B-61 hydrogen bombs--more than twenty-five per cent of the nuclear weapons in the nato stockpile. The nuclear yield of the B-61 can be adjusted to suit a particular mission. The bomb that destroyed Hiroshima had an explosive force equivalent to about fifteen kilotons of TNT. In comparison, the "dial-a-yield" of the B-61 bombs at Incirlik can be adjusted from 0.3 kilotons to as many as a hundred and seventy kilotons.

Hvad mon George Orwell ville tænke om vores overvågningssamfund? I dag har Politiet i udlandet tilladelse til aflytning i Danmark (Blogger: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste får med regeringens terrorpakke øgede muligheder for at aflytte danskere i udlandet. Sådan lød det i 2015 fra tidligere Forsvarsminister Nicolai Wammen(S) og indenrigs- og økonomiminister Morten Østergaard (R). Søren Pind anno 2016, som lige har været på Bilderberg møde, fortsætter ufortrøden i samme spor. George Orwell og hans fremtidsroman ”1984” fra 1949 om det gennemkontrollerede Big Brother-samfund synes for længst gjort til virkelighed..)

Det er tirsdag uklart, hvornår Højesteret træffer afgørelse.

Politi i udlandet får tilladelse til aflytning i Danmark

DR. Nyheder -

Advokat går til Højesteret med protest imod, at udenlandsk politi kan aflytte en bil på dansk jord.


ORLANDO, CIA SHOOTING, PRINCE BORN, 13 MURDERED INDIANAPOLIS (Tory Smith: "..Healer and Survivor are my Life Themes - Hello I love to read information out of DNA and have done hundreds of readings. Most of my time over the past 48 months have been fighting child traffickers. They constantly invade my home and try to kill me, but Heaven is not ready for me, so I will stay here with you. I arrested 457 Draco beings, and they were taken by Father Om to His Temple...")

Published on Jun 13, 2016
This isa poor quality video due to attacks against me. I have been in bed for the past 11 days. Mike Pence has murdered another chhild and so has Greg Zoeller. .I will do a detailed report as soon as I can

Police in Thailand Put Down Weapons and Join Protestors ("..The protesters explained that their goal was to destroy the political machine of former Prime Minister Thakskin Shinawatra, who is accused of widespread corruption and abuse of power..")

Danny F. Quest, We Are Change.org, July 15, 2016

The following surprising turn of events took place in Thailand where the local police were ordered to
harass and block protesters in a special holiday in memorial of fallen kings. Instead, they decided to put down their shields and helmets as a sign of solidarity with the people’s cause.

The protesters explained that their goal was to destroy the political machine of former Prime Minister Thakskin Shinawatra, who is accused of widespread corruption and abuse of power.

Credit: Political Blind Spot (only in Thailand)

The present Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, is Thakskin’s sister and is seen as a puppet of her brother. In a move to topple the Shinawatra government, protesters planned on storming the Bangkok Metropolitan Police Bureau. This act was devised and led by protest leader, Suthep Thaugsuban.

But what police did instead surprised many. Their lowering of arms and joining with protestors marks a turning point in the protests and a potential shift in power.

The following video shares the triumphant merging of both sides.

To watch the video go, to http://wearechange.org/police-thailand-join-protestors/

It is an inspirational act for law enforcement workers to take the initiative and stand up for what is right. Who knows what changes could take place if other countries followed suit?

Hilarion's Weekly Message - July 17-24, 2016

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 
© 2016 therainbowscribe

Beloved Ones,

Upon the higher planes of existence there is much activity, much that is taking place. The world as you know it is going through purging on all levels. It entails sifting through, working through and dissipating many layers that go back through generations. To the uninformed observer, it seems the world is going mad but this is not the case, there is a higher purpose at work and this is what you, the Lightworkers must remember and keep in focus. It is a sign that the greater Light is making its presence felt upon your world. There are, however, other forces at work which try to counteract the effects of these higher frequencies and energies by creating havoc, pain, and suffering amongst the people of the world.

And so you have two distinct polarities vying for control of this world. Those of the Light, who hold the Light are very well aware that their participation is crucial and it is a participation on a non-violent basis, they understand that their participation is on an energetic level, on a level of intention so that the Light and the Divine plan can prevail. As the layers of cleansing occur, much that has been held within the DNA and the hearts of every person upon this planet is coming to the surface, is being brought up, cleansed, purged and is very uncomfortable. It is sometimes debilitating, but always, the after effect is one of greater freedom within.

Red Alert! Shout Out! by Anna von Reitz - July 19, 2016 CET (Montague : ".. The Vatican/Zionist plans for humanity must be prevented. This Estate Claim and Lien is the frst step forward in exposing the Vatican and what it stands for. Its EVIL tentacles are spread far and wide. The Vatican controls so much more than you could ever imagine, including banking, wars, corruption of all sorts. It cannot and it must not survive..")

Anna Maria Riezinger, also known as Anna von Reitz because my actual name is German and a mile long. I am an American Common Law Superior Court Judge in Alaska where operation of the Seventh Amendment Courts started up again in conjunction with the Common Law Grand Juries more than a year ago and I also serve as a Federal Postal District Court Judge for the Western Region.....
This Estate Claim and lien has been recorded and is now being forwarded to Pope Francis.

Probably a first in world history.

This is coming from Anna Von Reitz and James Clinton Belcher, of the Alaska State Superior Court. 

It consists of three parts, with 4 separate files which are all in PDF format.

(1) Estate Claim Letter/Notice of Beneficiaries  1 document
(2) Public and Private Lien  1 document
(3) Judgment and Findings   1 document in 2 separate PDF files.

I am sure many of you will have questions about these very important documents that show the world who we are and who the culprits have been for centuries in the enslaving of the world, and who by their silence has allowed all this evil to happen.

You might not all agree, and in fact I myself don't agree with some of what is said about the Church at the beginning, but be that as it may THESE DOCUMENTS ARE IMPORTANT and nobody has ever done anything like this before now, in the entirety of human history.

The evil we are fighting is so pervasive world wide that it can't be fought on a smaller than world wide arena.

Message from Montague on Sunday July 17, 2016

Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen
© 2016 Montague Keen

Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.

Negotiations continue, deals are being made, and those who are willing, give up their control and work alongside humanity, pleading to be allowed to remain on Earth. It is necessary for them to return to humanity all that they have fraudulently taken. Though they want to remain, they are still reluctant to give up their wealth and status. All that they have, they stole from humanity, and it must be returned. So many of you are only beginning to realise that these ruling classes who took over the Earth have no right to be on Earth, and can only remain if humanity agrees to them staying and working together with you. The complete TRUTH must be exposed so that everyone understands the situation. The truth of who you are, how powerful each and every one of you is, has been kept hidden from you. Your connection with your Creator was severed by religion. All religions must answer for their crimes against humanity.

It was brought to Veronica's attention that two brave souls have begun a legal claim for restitution against the Vatican on behalf of humanity; ANNA MARIA and JAMES CLINTON. Again, I say to you, this is yet another first step. Humanity against the Vatican. Humanity has not yet even scratched the surface of the Vatican's crimes against it. There is so much to uncover at the Vatican, as it is the total opposite in every way to what it pretends to be. The Vatican must answer for its crimes against humanity. I say to you, be prepared, because you have no idea of the enormity of its crimes. The Vatican/Zionist plans for humanity must be prevented. You do not have a choice, your survival depends on it. This Estate Claim and Lien is the frst step forward in exposing the Vatican and what it stands for. Its EVIL tentacles are spread far and wide. It cannot survive in the Light. Don't let the Vatican take you down with it, as it cannot be allowed to survive. The Vatican controls so much more than you could ever imagine, including banking, wars, corruption of all sorts. It cannot and it must not survive.

Benjamin Fulford FULL update, but partial transcript - July 19, 2016 CET (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis)

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Chaos everywhere as current world order continues to collapse while new age begins

Udgivet af Benjamin den 19. Juli 2016

The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2. Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.

Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.


The Pentagon sources suspect Erdogan used light shows like that as part of a staged the coup attempt against himself in order to give him an excuse to purge the Turkish military and law enforcement agencies of rivals. One Pentagon source said that “because Erdogan renewed ties to Mossad and may steal US nukes at Incirlik to arm ISIS, the coup is far from over.”

Chinese government sources, however, had a very different interpretation of events in Turkey. They say the Turkish government was attacked because it was moving away from NATO and towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The Turkish government is also negotiating with the Iranian government to create a Sunni/Shia Muslim alliance and renew the Caliphate. The Khazarian mafia front organization ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is trying to stop this by creating a fake Caliphate and acting in disgusting ways designed to make everybody hate Muslims. What is at stake is the $2 trillion in oil and gas money coming out of the Middle East every year.

With such high stakes, Erdogan is now a high priority assassination target and we can expect a lot more trouble in the Middle East before the dust settles. However, if Turkey is working in tandem with Iran and mending fences with Russia and Egypt as well, they appear to have the strongest hand.

Now let us take a look at what is happening in France. Here we have a wildly unpopular government staging fake terrorist attacks in order to extend martial law. The government is doing this because the Italian banking system is collapsing and will take the French banking system down with it. So, in order to distract the French people from the financial troubles they need to create a fake external enemy to unify the country around.

Videos of the aftermath of the attack in Nice where a truck supposedly killed 84 people and injured another 200 appear to show a trail of real bodies (gathered up from hospitals around the country?). However, a friend working at the Japanese national broadcaster NHK’s news desk says NHK reported for about 4 hours that the truck in Nice was full of weapons and hand grenades. However, a CNN reporter on the scene reported the weapons were all fake, after which CNN, NHK and others dropped the “full of weapons” meme from their coverage. Then there is the fact the impoverished alleged killer sent $100,000 to his family before the incident.

Also for some reason, the corporate media decided to completely ignore what looks like a spectacular attempt to blow up the Eiffel tower on the same day. Maybe there were too many witnesses to the fakery there so they decided to just pretend that little stunt never happened. A video of this incident has now been deleted from the net, but a photo can be seen here:


No matter what though, the French fascist’s Gladio operations are not going to stop the revolution that is unfolding in that country.

In any case, both the French and Turkish smoke and mirrors shows distracted from far more important events taking place in the Asia. We can confirm from our own CIA and Chinese sources what Neil Keenan has reported about UN Secretary General Bank Ki Moon and David Rockefeller going begging and not getting anything.


We can also add new information about the Emperor of Japan’s announced resignation

Ban Ki Moon was in Korea and China trying to find gold to keep the Rockefeller’s UN Corporation in business and to ask for the job of President of South Korea. He was told to buzz off. After that David Rockefeller phoned his “old family friend” Emperor Akihito and asked for gold. Akihito told Rockefeller that........

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author) 

Shitstorm: Nu viser det sig, at Nordea var det danske BK Medicals bankforbindelse, mens der ulovligt blev overført millioner af kroner til skattelyselskaber (BK Medical ApS betaler millioner i bøde for mulig bestikkelse, bedrageri, skatteunddragelse og overtrædelse af den amerikanske lovgivning...CEO for Nordea, Casper von Koskull, har tidligere været ansat i det øverste power struktur som MD og Partner hos Goldman Sachs. Vi ved adskillige russiske Nordea chefer har virksomheder i skattely. En af de virksomheder blev skabt, mens Nordeas nuværende administrerende direktør var formand for Nordea Rusland. Konspirationen er nu om Nordea's ledelse har haft snablen nede i denne form for aktivitet og var vidende om danske BK Medical sagen og lignende sager. Næste spørgsmål ville være, hvem som drager fordel af denne form for eksponering af Nordens største bank, sidste gang gik det voldsom ud over Danske Bank's image. Denne vedvarende dårlig omtale omkring fup, svindel og bedrageri i den finansielle sektor må betyde, at der snarligt kommer et paradigmeskifte. På et eller andet tidspunkt bliver Venstre samt Finansministeren, Claus Hjort Frederiksen, som dækker over bankerne, fanget på det forkerte ben...)

Direktør: Nordea overførte millioner til skattely uden at stille spørgsmål

Nordea var det danske BK Medicals bankforbindelse, mens der ulovligt blev overført millioner af kroner til skattelyselskaber.

Læs videre: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/penge/direktoer-nordea-overfoerte-millioner-til-skattely-uden-stille-spoergsmaal


Danish medical company and its US parent, pays massive fine to avoid action on corruption in US, engaged in a scheme with its distributor in Russia (As always Global Elite Banksters and the Medico-Industrial Complex goes free. Money and Power is so addictive for politicians like drugs are for BigPharma industry, but the citizens will end up paying the price...)



Wingmakers: For ca. 33 år siden blev der fundet en række huler i det nord­lige Mexico. De indeholdt avancerede kulturgenstande, moderne malerier, videnskabelige afhandlinger samt en enestående filosofisk skriftsamling (Stig Bøje Pedersen - R.I.P- 2006. Denne artikel bliv udsendt for mere end 10 år siden, wingmakers er stadigvæk en af de mest betydningsfulde videnskabelige og antropologiske opdagelser. Cabal/NSA stod bag om den teknologioverførsel, hologrammet af bedrag og måske vigtigst af alt, den suveræne Integral proces og den sande betydning af The Grand Portal)

Læs også: Wingmakers – en ‘røverhistorie’ fra virkeligheten

Download dokumentet her!
Af Stig Boye Petersen

En af de mest foruroligende videnskabelige og antropologiske opdagelser blev gjort i en canyon i det nordlige Mexico. En hemmelig, ”sort” afdeling inden for NSA – National Security Agency – der er ansvarlig for udenjordiske kontakter og tilegnelse af udenjordisk teknologi – bragte deres opdagelser ind i deres laboratorium for at hyppe deres egne kartofler. Denne hemmelige organisation går under navnet Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO).

Der blev fundet 23 kamre og tunneler, der forbandt dem. De var hulet ud i en enorm, naturlig klippe. Inden i dette godt skjulte sted var der utrolige kulturgenstande fra en kultur af ubestemmelig oprindelse. Man fandt vægmalerier i hvert eneste af de 23 kamre, forskellige fremmedartede teknologier, avanceret musik og besynderlige, indkodede hieroglyffer. Det så ud, som om det var et historisk museum fra en fremmed race. Forskerne kaldte den for ETC eller Ex­traterrestrial Time Capsule (tidskapsel af ujordisk oprindelse).

Ved hjælp af kulstofdatering kunne alderen fastslås til omkring 700 år efter Kristus; men det var først i 1997, at man fandt ud af hieroglyfferne. Disse mennesker kaldte sig WingMakers – hvad man måske kunne oversætte som ”de, der giver andre vinger”. Der var i hundredvis af sider med filosofi, fotografier, poesi, ny fysik, musik og kulturgenstande. Et enkelt af hulemalerierne har jeg valgt at bringe her i bladet.


På hjemmesiden, hvor de første resultater er lagt ud, er der bragt 16 A-4 sider af deres filosofi. Og det er ikke for meget sagt, at den siger sparto til alt, hvad der hidtil er fremkommet på denne planet. Jeg har oversat disse sider, og i det følgende vil jeg gengive lidt af den. Filosofien er imidlertid så avanceret, at selv hærdede mennesker inden for UFO-sagen vil have svært ved at gafle den. Jeg har derfor i det følgende valgt at omskrive filosofien og at lægge den 3-4 planer ned. Hvis der alligevel er nogen, der ønsker at stifte bekendtskab med de 19 A-4 sider, som det fylder på dansk, er de velkomne til at kontakte mig og få siderne tilsendt. Men pas på, at I ikke knækker hjernecellerne.

Det suveræne Integrals Livsprincipper.

Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, July 19, 2016

I am Ohmnipure, and I am another Mushaba being who is making itself known to all of you. With the beginnings of the Essence of Mushaba, it was the understanding of all of existence that there would be an opening of the Light and Love that was in peril on earth at this time, and that the opening would bring the truth forth in so many that it would be impossible to withhold all of the strength that can and will bring the truth to the people of this planet and beyond

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

I am here this morning to give you a piece of information that is long lasting, while at the same time instantly appreciated. It is some news that hits the headlines and is not represented as it is originally created. What I have to tell you is that there is coming a new awakening for many people who today do not understand why they are feeling as they do in the past few days, and yet are in an expression of interest as to what is not in their agenda at this time.

I am Ohmnipure once again, and I would like to explain why I have been speaking through this one as of late. She is the heritage keeper of me, and it all began with the creation of the universe. I am a Mushaba being and I was in the group of Mushaba beings who came to this new universe to carry out the destined expression of what has been taking place since life began in this universe. There will be more on that in the times to come, so for now I will bring you the news of the day.

Corbettreport: Behind the CIA's Failed Coup in Turkey: Was It Only a Dry Run? (Also: WikiLeaks will release 100K+ docs on #Turkey's political power structure...)

Published on Jul 18, 2016 

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19275 As we predicted last year, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized last weekend...but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? Joining us today to dissect the mayhem is Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras of Newsbud.com.