May 3, 2015

Jesus via John Smallman: Humanity Is Demanding to Know the Truth…May 3, 2015

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2015

Humanity is Demanding to Know the Truth, Humanity is Demanding Change, and Humanity is Being Heard!

We in the spiritual realms are very much aware of your restlessness as you wait hopefully, intending to be patient, for humanity’s awakening.

We are also very aware of your doubts about the Divine Plan as the media continue to report seemingly endlessly about further groups of people all across the world undergoing intense suffering, while nothing appears to be happening to relieve the suffering that so many are already undergoing, and have been undergoing for such a long time.

What is occurring across the world is truly the climax that is leading to the release of humanity’s ancient karmic inheritance, a release that is an essential aspect of your awakening process. That karmic inheritance is seen unfolding whenever thoughts, words, or actions that are not in alignment with God’s Will, with Love, direct people’s lives.

As you have often been told recently, and as I need to reiterate, enormous attitudinal changes have been occurring in many cultures and races across the world over the last one hundred years.

The two world wars in the first half of the twentieth century really started the process because the suffering of many who were involved was so dire, and because of the international news coverage that carried the horrific news to every part of the planet.

Tom Heneghan Update - May 3, 2015




Thursday   April 30, 2015

It is What it is But it is Going to be a Forthcoming Train Wreck Within 24 Hours

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that a massive credit and liquidity crisis tied to worldwide crooked banks has now reached massive, catastrophic mode. 

Reference: The 40% escalation in the Swiss franc exchange rate that took place over one month ago in less than a half hour. 

Trillions and trillions of cross-collateralized derivatives between all worldwide banks will implode as HSBC Hong Kong is now holding the bag. 

David Wilcock Newest Update on World Changes and Consiousness - May 1, 2015

Notes of this audio by


This is a follow up to the Consciousness Life expo
5 million year old history of the solar system was discussed in the event in February and only major points from that talk will be discussed today.
The history of the Illuminati is much more complex than what we think.
Benevolent ET contact describing service to others in legends and myth throughout history, all suggesting a major shift in consciousness and way of life at this time in history.
Zeropoint energy. When you cool things down below 278 degrees kelvin they should be very still, no motion or heat; the so called "absolute zero point." Instead of no movement or energy, there is a vast amount of energy. A coffee-cup sized volume of space has enough energy that it could instantaneously boil off all the worlds oceans.
Scientists tell us because of conservation of momentum, there should be no energy there, but the further we zoom down into the quantum lengths, there is more energy. Therefore, if we go further then that the energy level should be huge. And it is. So called 'free energy' is very possible.
Scientists have recently theorized the Universe is made of a singularity or single geometry. The Amplituhedron. A single geometry which all things are derived from, according to the breakthroughs of late. These scientists said they can describe all interactions within 7 permutations of this primary geometry.

Mentions the Hexagon shape seen at the pole of Saturn, which organizes the material. Earth has magma which is organized similarly.

JP: Hemmelig nazi-gruppe klar til blodig terror efter befrielsen - Varulvene – Hitlers terrornetværk i Danmark 3. Maj 2015

- Indtil for tre år siden mente mange, at beretninger om SS-terror-netværk i Danmark var en myte - tilfældigt fund dokumenterer det modsatte.

Da der på Hitlers fødselsdag den 20. april 1946 blev smidt en tysk håndgranat ind gennem vinduet hos landbetjent Poul Egebjerg Andersens hjemmekontor i Tinglev, blev attentatet - der heldigvis kun anrettede store materielle skader - kædet sammen med den SS-netværket Werwolf- på dansk Varulvene.

Men intet kunne bevises - og det handlede snarere om en hævnaktion udført af en 15-årig dreng- og i årene, der fulgte, hældte flere og flere til den anskuelse, at den hemmelige nazistiske terror-organisation mere eller mindre var en myte.

I de første efterkrigsår blev Varulve-netværket i Danmark ofte omtalt, men i begyndelsen af 1950'erne blev det glemt.

Væsentligst fordi de påstående planer om terror heldigvis aldrig blev ført ud i livet.

Men i 2012 ændrede historien om det nazistiske terror-netværk sig ganske markant:

Ved et besynderligt tilfælde blev der på loftet på Københavns Politigård gjort et bemærkelsesværdigt fund, der dokumenterede, at der virkelig havde eksisteret et ganske aktivt og veltilrettelagt terror-netværk i Danmark efter befrielsen.

Ideen til nazisternes Werwolf-netværk var SS-lederen Heinrich Himmlers, og han satte for alvor gang i sine planer i sensommeren 1944.

Det var hans tanke at danne et terror-netværk, hvis opgave det var at fortsætte nazisternes kamp i det tilfælde, at Tyskland skulle blive besat - hvad det som bekendt blev, da Det Tredje Rige led dets definitive nederlag i foråret 1945

San Diego UFO! Best Footage Ever? Project Bluebeam? Groundbreaking Video Emerged This Week! - May 3, 2015

The Arcturian Group Message: Dear Beloved Volunteers to Assist Gaia – We ARE the Arcturians - 3. Maj 2015

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer. 

Kanaliseret af Suzanne Lie 
©2015 suzanneliephd

Beloved Multidimensional Leaders,

Within the NOW of Suzille’s last evening, we instructed her to prepare a Manual of many of our blog
posts since January 2015. This Manual included much of what we have been sending to YOU, via our ONE wearing an Earth vessel. All of you, our dear Leaders, are also wearing Earth vessels, but are in constant contact with your Multidimensional SELF.

During the course of our “time” (according to your Earth vessel) and our “NOW” (according to your SELF) we will assist you to deeply and intimately unite your current Earth vessel with your higher dimensional expressions within the ONE of the NOW.

We would like to say that this Unity would continue infinitely within your time-bound consciousness. However, you will only experience that deep sense of Unity with SELF while you are in a higher state of consciousness.

Hence, you can begin your class NOW by reviewing the messages that we have sent since the beginning of YOUR time of January 2015. WE (meaning the consortium of ALL your higher dimensional expressions) are gathering into ONE blissfully awaiting your NOW in which we can deeply and consciously unite.

oom2: I Understand and I Forgive You

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room : Astrology of May 2015 - Better Days Just Ahead - May 3, 2015

A sampling of language about the transiting trends . . . .

1. From Astrologer Carl Beaudreau .. Rethinking Almost Everything

Astrology Status - Better Days Just Ahead

[Except for the Venus and Pluto aspects at the end, all of the aspects mentioned here are in the attached composite chart for the New and Full Moons in May.]


Amid lingering inner and outer turbulence and fresh, new obstacles, a new space is opening for healing and progress.

Despite confused thoughts and feelings, mixed signals and conflicting expectations, there will be moments of clarity, communication and cooperation. Things will be accomplished.
We will be able to reconcile our rapidly evolving inner needs with the demands of our most important relationships. Supportive social networks will grow and strengthen.
Current planetary alignments hold great promise. For all the turbulence and confusion, we are moving into promising new territory. Just maybe not as smoothly or as quickly as we expected based on memories of the good ol' days. It’s time to stow your pessimism and expect better things.

The Astrological Backdrop

In astrology, there’s never just one thing going on. That's especially true nowadays.
In May, aftershocks from the exact Uranus/Pluto square and the recent eclipses, etc., are still rumbling through the across the landscape.

The Neptune/Chiron/Nessus grouping in Pisces is still bringing old pain to the surface. A square to this group from Saturn continues to make us acknowledge error and look for deeper, better, truer answers.

The Upside

Ordinary fear based treatments and success stories with cannabis curing cancer

Published May 3, 2015 Verdensalt

Perhaps we are well aware of strong lobbyist and Big-Pharma-medicine-industry-power-wheel-influence and government control, so let's not go there!

What's #1 reason why we always swear to our godly doctors for ordinary versus extraordinary treatments - fear and despair! Perhaps we don’t trust ourselves as much anymore? Why do we give up fighting, when it means life or death? It might seem, when your life is hunky-dory, everyhting is possible, there's nothing that could pull you apart - right? However if you experience life-threatening illnessess, like terminal cancer disease, fear and our subconscious mind could overtake the rational thinking and put your body in despair and survival mode. You cannot hold on to rethinking if any alternative natural treament or medicin exist, cause when your fear raises, your energy does down to null.
When fear hits us, we take a position of "blocking, fixation" up to 86 percent. Remaining 14 percent are totally based on survival instincts (eating, sleeping etc) - link
Total surrender to doctors' diagnoses, claiming to be the victim and forcing yourselves to trust, regular medical science. Perhaps we strongly beleive, that enrolling to hospital for treatment, simply means, there's no flip side of the same coin? Meaning, doctors subscriptions to take the red or blue pill, giving a choice, doesn't matter - because either way, there's a cure, Right? Are we stong enough to say no to any treatment by public or private hospital sector? The concept of a right to refuse treatment was built on basic rights to privacy, equal protection under the law, and due process. In other words, involuntarily or voluntairly hospitalized patients still have a right to decide what happens to their bodies.

Does chemotherapy even work or not? If it worked, why do people die in great numbers? In fact, if you Google “chemotherapy doesn’t work,” “chemotherapy is poison,” or “chemotherapy kills,” you’ll get thousands upon thousands of hits. In the case of “chemotherapy kills,” Indeed, the top two autofill choices I get on Google for “chemotherapy kills” are “chemotherapy kills more than it saves” and “chemotherapy kills you.” 
Big Pharma would suffer a severe financial blow if something natural was allowed to be used for a wide array of health problems. The medical mafia would lose a grip on its treatment tyranny, and all the auxiliary wings of the cancer industry would lose their businesses raising money for “cancer cures” from Big Pharma, even as many already do exist outside the Medical Mafia matrix. This is especially true when it comes to the highly vilified plant – cannabis.... link

Success stories with cannabis curing cancer 

'Major hypocrisy': US govt-funded agency admits marijuana can kill cancer cells

The institute has revised a page on its website entitled “DrugFacts: Is Marijuana Medicine?” citing a recent study conducted by a group of scientists at St. George’s University, London.

In an emotional account of overcoming his death sentence, 33-year-old David Hibbitt tells the world how he cured himself with cannabis oil from a bowel cancer that was unsuccessfully treated with chemotherapy, radiation, and even surgery.

Stan Cannabis Walks Out of Hospice“After nine months of taking two different forms of cannabis oil, one, a cannabis capsule infused with organic coconut oil around 10:30am and high THC oil about an hour before bed, dad was given the life changing report, ”No evidence of recurrent disease”.

Message to the World from Brave Mykayla

9 Year Old Girl Who Used Cannabis To Cure Her Cancer Shares A Message With The World