Feb 9, 2020

👼 ~ 💕 No more Self Punishment (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |

Photo by Ann Albers in Northern AZ

Let us replace punishment with love

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

For every choice, the soul knows there is a vibrational consequence. For every action, there is a ripple of energy that travels throughout the universes. With every thought, a vibration is experienced throughout creation. There is nothing ever said, done, or thought without affecting the entire cosmos. You are that important! Your thoughts, words, and deeds are important – each and every one of them.

With every loving thought, word, or deed, you elevate the cosmos. With every self-punishing thought, word, or deed, you block the love of the Source and instead attract others who would willingly take out their pain on you as well.

Can you imagine a world in which there was no self-deprecation, no self-punishment, no self-criticism, but only self-love?

Can you imagine a world in which a mistake is not punished, by rather met with a simple explanation of the consequences and a loving guide to help you through navigate these consequences and learn from them?

Can you imagine a world in which criminals were not loathed but rather seen as needing compassion, education, and a loving system to remove them from harming others, and reform them?

Can you imagine a world in which you looked in the mirror each morning and said to yourself, "Good morning precious, beautiful, divine soul?. Whether you meet your goals today or not, you are trying. Whether you feel your best or not, you are no less Divine! I love you dear God within me! I love me, my human self. I will do my best today." Can you imagine?

🧘‍♂️ ~ 💗 I strid med loven: Alternative behandlere flytter ind i kommunale sundhedshuse 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🌟FØRSTE gang, og sikkert også sidste gang, verdensalt SKAMroser kommunerne for, at gøre noget RIGTIGT, for borgerne🌟]... |

Arkivfoto: Kraniosakralterapeuten på billedet har ingen relation til artiklen.

Kilde (politikensundhed.dk)

Flere kommuner udlejer lokaler i de lokale sundhedshuse til alternative behandlere. Det er en uheldig blåstempling, mener flere kritikere. Og så er det tilmed ulovligt, vurderer ekspert.

Hvad har et par praktiserende læger, en body-sds-behandler, en tankefeltterapeut og Region Sjællands distriktspsykiatri til fælles?

Jo, de har alle sammen en klinik i Faxe Kommunes kommunale sundhedscenter, hvor de bor dør om dør med en lang række andre sundhedsaktører.

Sådan ser virkeligheden ud i en række af de mange kommunale sundhedshuse, der de i senere år er skudt op med deres mix af kommunale, regionale og private sundhedstilbud, der spænder fra det konventionelle til det aldeles alternative.

Minimum fem kommuner har således inviteret alternative behandlere som kraniosakralterapeuter, body-sds-behandlere og afskeds- og tilgivelsesterapeuter ind i de kommunale sundhedshuse, viser Politiken Sundheds research. Og det møder kritik fra flere sider.

»Det undrer mig, at man tager ikke-autoriserede sundhedspersoner ind. I udgangspunktet bør alternative behandlere ikke være til stede i offentlige sundhedshuse. Noget af det er jo decideret fup,« siger Radikales sundhedsordfører, Stinus Lindgreen og tilføjer:

»Man blåstempler noget, der ikke fortjener en blåstempling.« (LÆS VIDERE)

🎁 ~ Gave: En healende lydfil til dig ~ | Blogger: [🌕Fuldmånemeditationen💝] ... |

Kilde (Sofie Rose)

Ved hver fuldmåne indspiller jeg en kanaliseret og healende fuldmånemeditation.

Fuldmånemeditationen ligger her på siden 0 - 2 dage før fuldmåne og 2 - 7 dage efter fuldmåne.

Fuldmånen i februar topper søndag den 9. januar. ❤️

⚔️ ~ New Proofs for the Existence of Military God: The head of the Department of Defense tried to alleviate the (Rigsrevisionen) The National Audit Agency of the Kingdom of Denmark's extremely harsh criticism of the lack of control of possible fraud in Danish Ministry of Defence Estate Agency (MDEA) ~ | Blogger: [👉Despite a series of (devastating) errors in 2019 of The Ministry of Defense, Thomas Ahrenkiel, the spy-boss who took over as the Top Head of Department at the MoD, Top Secretary of Defense Ministry & Director of the Danish Intelligence Service, has been acquitted in nepotism case and fraud in the ministry of defense estate agency👈] ... New evidences has come forward in 2020, that Thomas Ahrenkiel (deliberately) downplayed the importance of fraud, in a tic-tac-toe gangsta move, in a report from The National Audit Agency, because of (MASSIVE) Fraud and Corruption in MDEA (SoTW calls a spade a spade) ... WHO THE HECK IS THIS GUY?🕴️ and why is he being (protected) by Deputy Prime Minister, Martin Rossen and Defense Minister, Trine Bramsen???👥... Well, first and foremost, Thomas Ahrenkiel, is a (Bilderberger) and befriended former CIA director David Petraeus, Henry Kissinger's associates, Deutsche Bank, Santander, AXA Group, JP Morgan, HSBC, BlackRock and Goldman Sachs, oil firms Royal Dutch Shell and BP, manufacturers Siemens and Airbus, media groups Bloomberg and The Economist, tech titans LinkedIn and Google and others, during the Bilderberg meeting of 2015 in Austria (And 2016). And like Thomas Ahrenkiel, Lars Findsen, Director, Danish Defence Intelligence Service was at the Bilderberg in 2019... BESIDES THAT, he is also (rumored) to being linked to pro-Israel false flags with Nato General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, who is linked to the 'false flag' attack on Norway.... Has he befriended our King, Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark? (unknown). AND PLEASE; don't insult my intelligence -- When Prince Frederik of Denmark has been seen with the Top Brass Military Leaders in secret meetings and caught RED HANDED, don't tell me, Frederik, has not been "activated" as a KING, like Trump refer to and blames, all the time...PLEASE remember, that danish politicians and the Rothschild (controllers) are all supporters of US Democratic Party, including Former US Ambassador to Denmark Rufus Gifford & Aleqa Hammond (Former Prime Minister of Greenland) startling cases of abuse of danish tax kroners, misappropriation and alcohol abuse... Is, Thomas Ahrenkiel, a member of The Danish Order of Freemasons? (unknown), he's not listed by (WikiMili The Free Encyclopedia) but Ekstra Bladet - a Danish tabloid newspaper, published by JP/Politikens Hus in Copenhagen, has had a extended coverage about this secrecy and Ole Dammegard, from lightonconspiracies, has just released (a list) of ALL Swedish Freemasons.... |

Se beviset: Chef i Forsvarsministeriet forsøgte at formilde kritisk rapport

issuu - Karrierevejviser 2012
  1. Spørgsmål: Hvorfor skal sagen ikke have konsekvenser for Thomas Ahrenkiel?
  2. Spørgsmål: Men det fremgår af redegørelsen, at svindlen for måneder siden har været på dagsordenen til et møde, han har deltaget i, og at han har fået en e-mail om sagen, som han bare ikke har læst. Har du stadig tillid til ham?
  3. Spørgsmål: Da du blev opmærksom på sagen, sendte departementschefen straks et rejsehold til ejendomsstyrelsens hovedkvarter i Hjørring. Til at lede rejseholdet udpegede Ahrenkiel i første omgang den chef i departementet, som du nu har valgt at fjerne. Hvad siger det om departementschefens dømmekraft?
  4. Spørgsmål: Sidste år viste en undersøgelse, at Ahrenkiel havde været inhabil, da hans kæreste, som arbejdede i ministeriet, blev tildelt en bonus. Han forklarede dengang, at han ikke kendte reglerne. Nu læser han ikke sine e-mails og har ikke sikret et system, hvor han får de væsentlige oplysninger. Hvilket indtryk efterlader det?
  5. Spørgsmål: Har I talt om, at det ikke er første gang, at han bringer en minister i fedtefadet.