Photo by Ann Albers in Northern AZ |
Let us replace punishment with love
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
For every choice, the soul knows there is a vibrational consequence. For every action, there is a ripple of energy that travels throughout the universes. With every thought, a vibration is experienced throughout creation. There is nothing ever said, done, or thought without affecting the entire cosmos. You are that important! Your thoughts, words, and deeds are important – each and every one of them.
With every loving thought, word, or deed, you elevate the cosmos. With every self-punishing thought, word, or deed, you block the love of the Source and instead attract others who would willingly take out their pain on you as well.
Can you imagine a world in which there was no self-deprecation, no self-punishment, no self-criticism, but only self-love?
Can you imagine a world in which a mistake is not punished, by rather met with a simple explanation of the consequences and a loving guide to help you through navigate these consequences and learn from them?
Can you imagine a world in which criminals were not loathed but rather seen as needing compassion, education, and a loving system to remove them from harming others, and reform them?
Can you imagine a world in which you looked in the mirror each morning and said to yourself, "Good morning precious, beautiful, divine soul?. Whether you meet your goals today or not, you are trying. Whether you feel your best or not, you are no less Divine! I love you dear God within me! I love me, my human self. I will do my best today." Can you imagine?