Apr 17, 2018

summit.presidents.eu | April 17, 2018 | ~ PRESIDENTS SUMMIT - LEADING WITH PURPOSE ~ | .. JOIN 3000 EUROPEAN BUSINESS LEADERS IN COPENHAGEN .. | Blogger: O-M-G! 😖😲😨VIP TICKET - €3000 (sold out) - FULL ACCESS TICKET - €1199 ... This is INSANE!!!. Don't they know that Cinton's is part of a Satanic Pedophilia Network Cult and Chelsea Clinton Wishes Church Of Satan?? These people are unimaginable dangerous and they apparently belong to the danish power elite!? Any questions? ... |

TV2 FNYS | 17. April 2018 | ~ Blev sendt i fængsel for at fjerne værdiløs traktor fra sin ejendom ~ | Blogger: (Hvis) det er sandt, at Hr. Jakobsen har handet i god tro, og kom i fængsel med en sort plet i hans straffeatest, på grund af en tvist om en traktor, som angiveligt ingen værdi havde, så LEVER vi under et skandaløst retssamfund. Hvor de små insekter af uskyldige småborgerlige individer, altid bliver maltrakteret og straffet, mens de virkelige svindlere af samfundet, forvandlet frø fra "Little Shop of Horrors" til kødædende planter, en del af magteliten eller centraladministrations bærme (demokratiseret diktatur og enevældige politikere og DJØF vælde) æder sig mætte af os insekter, fra samfundets laveste lag. (og) sådan har det altid været ... Any questions? |

Agner Jakobsen blev mandag løsladt efter at have siddet i Aalborg siden torsdag. Han blev fængslet af fogedretten på grund af en tvist om en traktor, som angiveligt ingen værdi har. Foto: TV2 Nord
LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/lokalt/2018-04-17-blev-sendt-i-faengsel-for-at-fjerne-vaerdiloes-traktor-fra-sin-ejendom

Destroying the Illusion | Apr 16, 2018 | by Jordan Sather | ~ The 5 Minute Redpill: Secret Space Program ~ | Blogger: Long time before DestroyIllusion became a world-know YouTube celeb, 'to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos', verdensalt.dk, has always been a keen follower of military secrets and Secret Space Programs in particularly. It's actually very, very hard to talk to someone about this subject, outside USofA ... 🛸👽🛦👨‍🚀 |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

SIGN UP! - Secret Space Program Webcasts - https://goo.gl/48Aeyg

Huffington Post Articles on Secret Space Program/Gary McKinnon - https://bit.ly/2qyM8kA YouTube Video: "9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon" - https://bit.ly/1gwVqzC 
U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds (6.5 trillion) - https://reut.rs/2h26v42 
MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending - https://bit.ly/2FEhqwy 

://www.destroyingtheillusion.com (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!)


Verdensalt | Archives | 2016 - 2018 | ~ N.E.S.A.R.A Update ~ | Blogger: Always use your own spiritual discernment ... 💱💱💱 |


Udgivet første gang den 19. Juni 2014,  opdateret den 19. Juni 2016 af Verdensalt

N.E.S.A.R.A. betyder "The National Economic Security And Reformation Act". (Ikke til at forveksle med "The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act" eller "The National Economic Security and Recovery Act") 

G.E.S.A.R.A. betyder "The Global Economic Security And Reformation Act" 

NESARA: Full Disclosure Coming Soon!!! (Full Interview)

Mit indlæg går i sin enkelthed ud på at gøre konteksten forståeligt og mere spiselig for vise den enorme kraftfulde betydning det har for de forenede Stater samt verden, hvis den bliver iværksat og stadfæstet. Seneste inspiration er hentet fra Message fromMatthew PS: NESARA indbefatter en 'reform' eller 'lovbestemmelser' eller 'Reformation Act'. 

Bemærk: At skrive en historie om NESARA kræver en større finesse samt lokalisering af diverse fodaftryk fra nettets univers, klistre brudstykkerne sammen for at skabe sandheden. Selv i dag, er relativt få mennesker klar over denne amerikanske lovgivning eksistere, som er underskrevet af præsident Bill Clinton i 2000, fordi de, der vidste om det var bundet af en "Gag Order" og Bill Clinton og andre Illuminati-medlemmer (amerikanske højesteretsdommere) af regeringen er pålagt en ed. Efter sigende er disse amerikanske lovmæssige "bestemmelser" på over 500 sider, jeg smider bare nogen af de vigtigste punkter ud i æteren(Liste med 19 punkter)

Læs videre: http://www.verdensalt.dk/2016/08/hvad-betyder-en-rvgcr-og-nesara-for-os.html

http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/ )


The National Economic Security And Reformation Act is global prosperity program on the cusp of being announced and activated.

This program is backed by deliverable precious metals well upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars (40 zeros).

This money will be used to buy all corporations and banking cartels.  

NESARA will also zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. 

NESARA monies were originally scheduled for release in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking conspirators prevented the disbursement through a corporate pan-global control of all mainstream media outlets, and nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. 

However, when the NESARA global prosperity program is openly and publicly announced, perhaps in this Year of Golden Jubilee (September 2015-September 2016) it will permanently change human civilisation in every related way.

The entire 8 billion human population will benefit from NESARA.  And the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.

Few understand there is more than enough gold to back all human currency in circulation.  This means  each and every human being could become an instant multi-millionaire without debt of any kind--if just given the resources.

NESARA is about sharing the stored gold resources of humanity for humanity with humanity by humanity around the planet and fairly. 

NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems and operators in place worldwide to deliver said monetary equality--consistently.

Sheldan Nidle | 17. April 2018 | PAO - Planetary Activation Organization | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki ... |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 


When NESARA/GESARA is formally in place, all the dark's skullduggery will be stopped in its tracks. Once this occurs, Lightworkers will be called upon to step in and rebuild a world based on cooperation, harmony and peace. More is taking place behind the scenes than could ever be reported in your many news outlets.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Balik. Let us resume our look at what is happening around your world. The dark's unrelenting arrogance, which is not permitting it to face your new and growing reality, is further allowing the Light filter in behind them. This is making it possible for the Light to merge in new and better coalitions, which are also allowing prosperity to break out of the endless delays caused by the dark. The Galactic Federation is stepping up its penetration of the growing flaws in the dark cabal's old strategies. The GF has realigned a number of defense fleets and assigned them closer to the Earth. These forces have consistently defeated the dark whenever it has chosen to hold to its position of power and fight. The situation is now reaching the critical point when the dark can no longer choose to resist. It is desperately attempting to find some ploy that will work effectively against the Light. The cabal is losing ships and personnel, a dilemma that is taking a toll on its sense of power.

Thus the dark is attempting to uncover a new strategy for its battles to allow them to maintain control. This likewise is creating serious losses in the dark's defensive and offensive forces. They are realizing that they can no longer maintain their control and persist in delaying your evolution. The Light is embarking on a mopping-up operation to clear the way for inevitable victory. It appears to us that the long-awaited dispersal of promised prosperity is inching closer to being realized every minute of every passing day. The forces of Light are weaving in a new approach that is proving quite successful. This strategy will ultimately bring forth many new developments…the revaluation of currencies, gold backed money, GCR, disclosure, release of technologies, first contact, etc.

We are in the transition phase from dark to Light. This increase in Light is also slowing down changes that are manifesting on Gaia. The dark is using earthquakes, weather wars, chemtrails, fires, among others, to destroy the planet and her people. Recent changes are enabling the Light to slow down these calamitous earth events that the cabal is bent on continuing. When NESARA/GESARA is formally in place, all the dark's skullduggery will be stopped in its tracks. Once this occurs, Lightworkers will be called upon to step in and rebuild a world based on cooperation, harmony and peace. More is taking place behind the scenes than could ever be reported in your many news outlets.

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report (Full Video) | Apr 17, 2018 | ~ Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3 ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: NO excerpt from the Full Report ... Still Out of Office - Please don't wait for updates from Verdensalt.dk. The process of Spiritual Awakening is doing your own research and never to trust any single source. Become like doctor WHO - An eccentric yet compassionate extraterrestrial Time Lord zips through time and space to solve problems and battle injustice across the universe ... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, DenInternationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3

Udgivet af Benjamin den 16. April 2018

The insane religious-fanatic Zionists who have been trying for years to start Armageddon have failed yet again in their latest attempt, this time in Syria. They now face serious repercussions, possibly starting with a revolution in France.

Before we get into the details, let’s remember what it is we’re dealing with here. It is difficult for sane, reality-based people to understand that the Western political and financial establishment has been hijacked by religious fanatics who are trying to carry out their interpretation of Biblical prophecy with the murder of 90% of humanity and the enslavement of the survivors. Nonetheless, overwhelming evidence shows this is exactly what is going on.

We will not lay out, yet again, all the evidence here; we will just look at what U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been up to. The Kushner family bought a building on 666 Fifth Avenue in New York at way above market prices.

And yes, despite a major attempt to scrub this information from non-“conspiracy” websites, we can confirm that Lucent Technologies was based there and was developing an implantable RFID chip. Here is an article from a science magazine about what these chips are intended for:

We must also remind ourselves that Kushner is a member of the radical Chabad sect that aims to have 2,800 slaves for each of its followers after the rest of humanity is killed. In other words, it is possible to factually confirm that the son-in-law of the president of the United States is part of a group that is trying to actually turn the following Biblical prophecy into reality:
Revelation 13:16-18“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name…and his number is 666.”
At this point, it is worth reminding readers that this verse is from the New Testament and not the Jewish Old Testament, so this is not a Jewish plot and these people are not real Jews, but rather worship Satan. Once again the old adage, “Truth is stranger than fiction,” is turning out to be true.

Now we can start to pin this to recent news events. First, take a look at the photograph in the following link of Trump meeting with Chabad leaders on March 29th:

After meeting these people, Donald Trump signaled his reluctance to go along with their crazy plot by announcing the U.S. was going to withdraw from Syria. So what happened? Why did Trump suddenly order the attack on a Friday the 13th, of all dates?

The answer, according to CIA and other sources, is that the Khazarian Zionist crazies, desperate as their control grid collapses, carried out a massive campaign to force the U.S. and Russia into World War 3 and thus start their long-planned Armageddon.

The key was the raid on the offices of Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, on April 9th. The aim of the raid was to find material with which to blackmail Trump and thus force him to order an attack on Russian troops in Syria and start WW3, according to CIA and Pentagon sources. Since Trump’s Atlantic City casinos went bankrupt in 1991, 1992, 2004, and 2009 and since Trump was likely to have been bailed out by Russian gangsters and other dubious characters, there can be no doubt that plenty of blackmail material was found.

The U.S. military responded by posing for the following picture on the night of the raid.

“The message is that the U.S. military is solidly behind president Trump,” and “the message to the cabal is indicated by 9 on the left and 11 on the right,” Pentagon sources say.

The U.S. military nonetheless went ahead with the April 13th attack on Syria because…

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Nyhetsspeilet.no | 14. Oktober 2015 | ~ (In Danish:) 3 nemme trin som vil frigøre fri-energi til hverdagsbrug ~ | (In English:) .. 3 Easy Steps To Make Free Energy. Magrav-Power Universal System "FIRST FREE-ENERGY DEVICE". We show you how to get free energy, what it does, what it costs and where you can buy it .. | Blogger: PS: Some say it's a hoax like Neil Keenan & Group K with their Healing Computer, Free Energy devices etc. - You Be The Judge ... |

Nyhetsspeilet.no er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med fem væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****

3 enkle steg til fri energi for deg

Vi viser deg hvordan du kan skaffe deg fri energi allerede nå, hva den yter, hva den koster og hvor du kan få kjøpt den.

Endelig kan du skaffe deg fri energi til ditt hus, din bil, campingvogn, hytte eller hva det nå måtte være du trenger energi til – samt mye mer – på 3 enkle steg.

For en presis vurdering av Magrav-enhetenes reelle effekt i praksis, se produkttesten
Test av Magrav Power Universal System hos Nyhetsspeilet.no.

På fredag den 16. oktober 2015 distribuerer Mehran Keshe fra Keshe Foundation under en konferanse i Roma i Italia, ut sitt første parti av fri energi-enheter til verden. Om mannen bak plasmareaktoren leverer som lovet vil dette gi enorme ringvirkninger verden over. Norge og resten av verden kan omsider skru av oljekranene og gå over til fri energi som er 100% ren energi.

Se også:
» Virker Keshes plasmateknologi?
» 15 faktiske ferdigbygde Magrav plasmareaktorer
» Keshes utrolige plasmarevolusjon – Del 1
» Plasma bringer fred til hjemmet ditt
» Komplett handleliste for din egen Magrav plasmareaktor
» Hvordan lage din egen fri energi Magrav plasmareaktor på hele 30 kW
» Magrav Power fri energi-reaktoren delt ut til verden
» Garantert 3 enkle steg til fri energi for deg – nå!

Manualen tilgjengelig

Manualen til den serieproduserte Magrav Power plasmareaktoren finner du på Keshe Foundation:

Manualen er en ryddig og oversiktlig guide for hvordan øke belastningen korrekt over 21 dager. Den samme oppskriften bør benyttes for igangsetting av den hjemmelagde magraven. Det er vesentlig at du følger manualen for å bygge opp nanosjiktet i huset ditt riktig og uten å potensielt ødelegge enheten.

Hva yter den?

Keshe har produsert to utgaver av sin plasmaenheten ifølge nettsidene deres. Magrav-Power Universal System er for ditt hus og Magrav-Power Car System er åpenbart for bilen din. Sistnevnte vil gi permanent tilgang på strøm til el-biler, men den vil også skape et plasmafelt rundt bilen din for bensin- og dieselbiler slik at den konsumerer mindre drifstoff. Hvor mye mindre er uklart så langt.

Det vi vet er at når man snakker om plasmaenergi så er det et ukjent begrep for folk flest, men dette er grensesprengende teknologi som vil kunne revolusjonere verden skal vi tro Keshe. Dette er også den første generasjonen som vil bli erstattet av nyere generasjoner med sine forbedringer.

Begge utgavene yter mellom 2,2 – 3,2 kW ut av boksen. Den er derimot reaktiv sier Keshe. Det vil si at den kan gi deg det du ber om hva nå han legger i det. Første utsendelse er 16. oktober 2015 med to påfølgende distribusjoner som kommer kort tid etter dette.

Hva koster den?