Feb 17, 2019

⚪ Disclosure News Italy | ~ Schumann Resonance Update - Amplitude of Nearly 100 Hz 🥰 ~ | [🔭 Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat" (Schumann's resonances), fluctuates BUT IS NOT RISING dramatically, despite a New Age meme that alleges it. The authors have been unable to substantiate a rising SR in the literature and Ben Lonetree's readings directly contradict it. SR is stable; it is NOT rising. Those who say it is are ignorant, dis- or mis- informed and parroting the mistakes or lies of others. Though it varies between geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement has remained 7.8 cycles per second ~ sedonan- omalies〰️] ... (😮I know what you're thinking, please don't shoot the messenger - As I have repeatedly stated many times on this blog, always use your own spiritual discernment. Cobra has also talked about SR in Brazil and on other occasions) ... "At the same time, alternative community is finally beginning to realize that Schumann resonances are NOT increasing: Schuman resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity. The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionosp- heric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly ~ COBRA (excerpts from Disclosure Process - May 17, 2017) ... |

Schumann Resonance Today 2/17/2019 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us! RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
  • 2/17 – 08:08 UTC A total white chart is developing. The massive activity is continuing without any interruption, the highest peak is still the one from yesterday at 67 Hz. even if one receiver measured today an amplitude of nearly 100 Hz. at 5:15 UTC. From the last report the amplitude has practically been all the time above 40 Hz.
  • 2/16 – 22:11 UTC Update The increase is continuing, all white since the last update. The maximum peak has reached 67 Hz.at 17:30 UTC while the average amplitude in the last few hours has increased as well.
  • 2/16 – 17:17 UTC Once again, for the fifth day in a row, we are seeing an increase in activity and amplitude. Today has been quite massive, at least from once it started at 12 noon UTC. The spikes are actually ongoing and until now we saw a peak at 59 Hz. at 14:30 UTC and a less powerful one at 40 Hz. just at the time of publishing, 17 UTC. If there will be the continuation of this massive activity we will do one more update tonight or tomorrow morning.
  • We added a new chart below, we’ll try to post it daily to show the actual peaks above 40 Hz.
  • Frequency means how many wave cycle happen in a second, 1 Hz. means 1 cycle per second, 40 Hz. means 40 cycles per second, Amplitude is the size of the vibration, how big is the wave, the chart shows the frequency variation in Hz and the amplitude using the white color.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7 Source

The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm
Schumann resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity.

The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.

modkraft.dk | ~ Det griske og forkælede kongehus. Kong Harald nægter at abdicere, således gør Danmarks dysfunktionelle familie nr. 1. Jens Høvsgaard har gravet i kongehusets økonomi og forbindelser ~ | .. Jeg har aflagt ed til Stortinget, som jeg mener varer livet ud. Så enkelt er det,« siger Norske kong Harald til avisen .. | Blogger: Måske skulle man lytte lidt til 'Det, vi taler om: "Prins Joachim tager apanagen med til Frankrig, selvom det er i direkte strid med Grundloven"... Bare det, at nævne ordet DR, risler noget koldt ned ad ryggen... 😂💩🌪️🎅Underhold- ningsværdien bliver altid forhøjet tifoldigt, når selv samme institution som sandsynligt har plagieret ('The Queen and I' - Novelle af Sue Townsend 1992) og censureret den ellers uskyldig droppede radiojulekalender, 'Jul i republikken', demonstrativt angriber en konkurrent, for at bringe stumper af nogle afsnit, latterliggør DR's ledelse, endnu mere end før... Når/hvis de genetisk modificerede politikere på Borgen bestemmer sig til, at tvinge licensen over skattebilletten, går jeg under jorden. Nægter, at indlogere mig under den mest korrupte Stat-i-Staten, som DR er blevet til (de har for meget magt)... Vi skal jo passe på, vi ikke overgår til kommunisterne og ser RØDT - Johanne Schmidt Nielsen spiller nemlig PRÆSID- ENTEN i Republikken. DR er dødsensbange for at blive slammet, det polariseret samfund og DF/Venstres rangorden, inden medieforliget.. 'Jamen, så er du en medløber, du SKAL betale, som os andre, i et moderne samfund kan INGEN slippe for medieafgift og kun betale til det, vi ønsker.' - ja, det er vi jo tvunget til, ellers må vi rejse ud af landet?.. ☝️ Husk lige på: "Licens er noget vi giver hinanden" og "Skat – det er noget, vi ta'r fra hinanden!"... 🤴Prins Joachim, har en STOR nyhed: Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim, skal agere kongelig tv hofvært under sloganet: "En helt ny verden for mig". Siden Joachims familie har været en del af danskernes identitet i mere end 1000 år, og han har derfor danmarkshistorien tæt inde livet skal han i en ræk- ke serie programmer, stille skarpt på, hvem vi danskere er, og hvad vi er gjort af. Dog, flytter han gudskelov til Paris. Skal han lege Kongens efterfølgere, nu hvor prinsgemalen er død?... (Er kongehuset korrupt? Spurgte Information.dk engang ) ... Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal?.. Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelands- kærlighed og borgerdyd... |

Jokke tager apanagen med til Frankrig, Pind angriber Riskær og Joan Ørting trækker i land (2)

Det griske og forkælede kongehus

I begyndelsen af 2012 satte journalist Jens Høvsgaard sig iflg. egne oplysninger til at grave i kongehusets økonomi og forbindelser. Det var begrænset, hvor megen adgang han fik til at interviewe kongehusets stab, men ud af det er kommet en læsværdig bog.

Når man som denne skribent længe har været stærk modstander af fænomenet ’kongehus’ i både teori og praksis, får man rigeligt stof til at fodre sin modvilje.

Selv en midt-imellem småtvivler vil nok også hælde mere til at sætte minus ved de kongelige efter endt læsning. I og med at de fakta der bringes virker overbevisende, og der ikke forekommer at være mange overdrivelser og kun få gratis konklusioner i bogen. En del har man også hørt stumper af før.

Bogens perspektiv er de økonomiske forbindelser og deres implikationer. Normalt er det det udemokratiskee ved at have et arveligt kongedømme, der er fokus på. Det er ’forældet’ og tænk, de stakkels kongelige må ikke stemme.

Derudover kan man, som statskundskabsprofessor Tim Knudsen har skrevet om, også se det betænkelige ved at have et statsoverhovede, der hverken må ytre sig om noget af interesse eller blande sig i regeringsdannelsen.

Især er det demokratisk betænkeligt, at monarkens specielle status undergraver den klassiske tredeling af magten. I Danmark fik vi jo i 1901 en negativ form for parlamentarisme, iflg. hvilken regeringen ikke må have et flertal i folketinget imod sig. Når der ikke er et folkevalgt overhovede, der har noget at skulle have sagt, kommer den udøvende og lovgivende magt meget tæt på hinanden, især når der er tale om en flertalsregering.

Det har sin historie. I 1920 tog Christian d. X sin tilsyneladende grundlovsfæstede ret til at udnævne og afskedige regeringen bogstaveligt – en bestemmelse, der i øvrigt lever videre i 1953-grundlovens §14. Han vippede simpelthen den radikale regering Zahle af pinden efter strid om Sønderjyllandsafstemningen.

Det kom han ikke godt fra, og siden har monarken holdt sig i skindet og kun handlet per instruks i regeringsudnævnelser- og afskedigelser, faktisk af den, der skal udnævnes til statsminister.

Reelt er der herved et konstitutionelt vakuum. 1920-kongekuppets forløb gennemgås i bogen, toppet op med Margrethes orakelagtige kommentar (citeret fra en portrætbog) om, at Zahle ”havde ret, men han var ikke i sin bedste ret.” (s. 58). Nå ja, der står jo også i grundloven, at regeringsformen er indskrænket-monarkisk (§2).

Disse overvejelser blegner, for det er slet ikke det, der er det reelle indhold i dag, hvor kongehuset er blevet symbolet på, at der er en dansk nation i vor internationaliserede tidsalder. Det bruges til at formidle dansk erhvervsliv og vores ypperste over grænserne og er selv blevet globaliseret.

Da Joachim hjembragte sin hongkong’ske forlovede, var der da også mange flommeord i den retning. Efterfølgende har udviklingerne internt og eksternt i huset mere vist, at vi har fået et godt nyt symbol, Danmarks dysfunktionelle familie nr. 1. Og hvad gør en dysfunktionel familie: den bruger konsum til at redde sig, som bedst den kan.

Awakening5dhealing | ~ Supermoon LightWarrior Activation ~ |


Hold onto your hats lovelies, the coming super moon is gonna be a doozie. Already we are feeling it’s uber rays of truth, transformation and trust. February’s super moon follows a trinity of portals and a super blood moon eclipse cosmic extravaganza of collective expansion! We are riding waves of profound upgrades. Be fearless by surrendering to love. Leo to Virgo combines passion with pragmatism. Expect to examine in microscopic detail all that is out of alignment, toxic or oppressed in our lives, our psyche, our soul. Time alone, heals all wounds. Sharing with comrades lightens the energetic load of truth and transformation. We can see again, clear as day.

Trauma fractures our souls. Hold your inner child, nourish and love them. Self care isn’t just switching to a less stressful job or becoming vegan. Meditation, hydration, healing and relaxation are the building blocks of self care. In the fourth realm self care is mindbodysoul care. It is restoring full working order to our motherboards. Cutting cords, dissolving tentacles, coaxing curses, breaking hexes, ancestral and karmic. We do this by embracing a source of love outside ourselves. Call it what suits, god, goddess, divine light, Source, Spirit, rainbow unicorn, universal love… Know it is angelic, pure and blissful. Trust all that is good, joyful and positive.
The transition from light worker to light warrior is a complete core shakedown. The empath who doesn’t give up must do just that. Self preservation is a whole new world. Quantum leaps in dimensional time and space don’t just happen. We take the leap. We find our faith, our external source of love, loyalty and light. Christ light cascades over Gaia, captured in the hearts of many lost people. Allah, Angels, Archangels, Chariots of the Gods all in love are of higher vibratory fields. Peace, compassion, joy, gratitude, mindfulness and meditation are keys to unlock the gates of 5d goodness. Know that in all the darkness we see there is crystalline fire lit at the heart of planet earth. The planet is on our side. Allies in the sky fight battles of frequencies, a war of dimensions for our liberation. Redemption is in our hearts. It’s with us always. We know more of who we are with each karmic shedding.

Gangsta mode people, head down, spider senses on, streetwise in all realms, always. As we unravel our truths we retrieve our fragmented soul. We restore, realign, integrate. Embed in higher wavelengths by being true to yourself, kind to yourself and respectful. Mirrors are portals to other dimensions, astral big brother. So too is our strange enigma of a moon. Hard wired to our mind body soul beings we ebb and flow in her silver rays. Trust her. Manifest your dreams. Be patient, creating dreams takes time. Be lit. Know we will see transformation reflected from our inner to outer world. Hold love space. Meditate. Listen to gut, guides, intuition. Energy is Everything. Peace is always possible 💫💖🌀

JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab Nyhedsbrev | ~ Vi har det bedste partiprogram i Danmarkshistorien, det skal spredes ud. Her er nogle memer, vi har lavet ~ | Blogger: Kun dele af nyhedsbrevet, da resten er for medlemmer... |

Aluna Ash- 9D | ~ Super Full Moon In Virgo- Energy Update ~ |

ZeroHedge | ~ Man Jailed After Police Find 3D Printed Gun And US Lawmaker Kill List ~ | .. I didn’t buy a gun, I built the gun,” he said in the recorded phone call. “The upper, I printed a lower, and I built it -- installed the trigger and did all that stuff. I built it.” .. | Blogger: INFOWARS: IT’S REALLY HAPPENING: NANCY PELOSI THREATENS GUN CONFISCATION AMID NATIONAL EMERGENCY.. In a stunning admission of the left’s draconian plans for America, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned that a Democrat president will declare a national emergency to confiscate firearms because President Trump somehow set a precedent declaring a national emergency to secure the U.S. southern border .. |


Folkets.dk | ~ Trælse tal: Skat på indkomst nu HØJERE end da Løkke-regering tiltrådte ~ | .. Man er sin egen lykkes smed. Lyder et liberalt og borgerligt motto. Men i Danmark er man først og fremmest smed for staten og resten af den overdimensionerede offentlige sektor. Og Lars Løkke Rasmussen har ikke formået at sænke skatten så almindelige danskere får lov at beholde mere af deres lønindkomst selv. Faktisk er indkomstbeskatningen steget under V, K, og LA med Dansk Folkeparti som støtteparti. Det fremgår af et dokument som skatteminister Karsten Lauritzen har udfærdiget til skatteudvalget. I dag skal man altså aflevere en større andel af sin løn til det offentlige end man skulle inden den borgerlige regering tiltrådte i 2015. Det skal dog siges til regeringens forsvar at det samlede skattetryk er faldet en smule i samme periode. Det kommer vi tilbage til. For sådan noget med skatter og afgifter er jo noget der fylder meget i debatten. Liberal Alliance slår sig op på at "ingen kæmper hårdere" for skattelettelser .. |


UFO photos | ~ UFO cluster of spheres emitting ectoplasm or condensation? ~ | .. They were photographed with Canon EOS 60D with a standard 18-55mm zoom lens in Denmark above Odense city on May 25, 2017, at 2.39 pm local time .. |

Humans Are Free | ~ Water-Powered Car Inventor Dies in A Restaurant Screaming 'They Poisoned Me' ~ | .. Did you know that water-powered cars have existed for years? If you didn’t, it’s probably because they haven’t been given proper media coverage .. | Blogger: [🚰Biodiesel, Bio-Ethanol or Alcohol is added to petrol to save a buck (une arnaque). Why not use purified or salt water fuel device? Like they do in the State Police of Ohio, to save taxpayers money?. Because it's illegal method acc. to the oil industry🛢️] ...{its so, so, so simple, like making Colloid Silver or Hydrogen Fuel Cell; anode and cathode - place it in water (+-) add electricity runned by a powerful alternator or battery, rising air bubble, water molecule splits, out comes chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen! Hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), pure clean water vapors goes out, left is hydrogen, bring it forward into the car-engine - c’est top. 1 liter pure clean water = 100 km} ... 💧Like their do in Japan and another proof of the existence of free energy devices, in which, Meyer, specifically emphasized that tap water, purified or salt water could be used as fuel for the engine... 💧Something that, Steven M. Greer, in "Unacknowledged", talked about in his movie... Stanley Meyer created a Zero point quantum energy field, like a round donut shaped object, had many times more Energy, what you put into it, because it was tapping into zero point energy quantum vacuum energy field, that had a national security uproar on it before he even got it patent... it was seized and shut down, says Dr. Greer in this amazing movie (see it on Netflix)... 💧Anywho, you want another crazy story on free energy devices? (Sorry, verdensalt can't find my old link on the blog, properly taken down by the National Security State) ... DID YOU KNOW, that back in 2010, just before Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, the Cabal/Illuminati/oligarchs (whatever), had a nuclear bomb or missiles intentionally placed under water, or by some "energy weapon", in order to create earthquake and tsunami? In fact it was JUST before, the Inventor Kohei Minato of Japan that had alleged to have invented a working all-magnet motor, as well as an electromagnetic variation that was described as "ultra efficient" -- or overunity as some would say. A france video (enclosed) explains at their website, peswiki, how the first free energy motor in Japan, was NOT stopped by Western banksters...💧 BUT, according to my source and friend, a holistic doctor in Denmark, who has proof or drawings of these free energy devices, said, that Japan introduced water powered cars in 2010 and before that (2008). Japan turned down full stop of these Japanese auto companies (like Toyota) to introduce water powered cars into the public domain, and in response, Oligarchs ordered a drilling ship, to drill 2 under- water holes, 10km out from shore, in 4 km depth, with 2 stolen murmansk, atomic missiles. The 15 ship crews dies, except 1, who is in hidden, going to be used in military tribunals... As i recall, Benjamin Fulford has stated that Japan was hit by a earthquake machine (HAARP), by shooting up a billion watt microwave, into the ionosphere... Whatever their did, Japan was sabotaged... A few years ago Netanyahu threatens Japanese foreign minister, by demanding 65 billions, and warning another Tsunami, would happen, if demands was not meet... 💧 PS: A us citizen invented a water fueled lawn mower and was put to jail, because he didn't pay taxes, so they claim (so sad and hysterically funny, at the same time) ... 💧PSS: the video called JAPANESE WATER POWERED CAR!! (enclosed) runs only on a 300W "Water Energy System (WES)" where WATER is the only FUEL (you can add salt water, normal water, tea, rainwater, it doesn't matter) This Japanese guy, acc. to sources, is gone! like in bye-bye, some claims... |


Chronology of the Fukushima Disaster - And Similar Strike Today -- Energy Weapon Debunked

GAOG | ~ Masterpiece of Satire: Risk of Dying Laughing ~ | .. This is a masterpiece of political satire. Whether you agree with it or not, I predict you’ll die laughing. No further comment. Thanks to Len, (says Steve Beckow) .. | Blogger: [🛡️Trump; The Antidote To The Deep State/Cabal or World's Worst Enemy?⚔️] ... Verdensalt will not censor anything on this blog, not even the elefantastic incredible american popular spiritual site 'Golden Age Of Gaia', with Steve Beckow, a founder and editor-in-chief (formerly the 2012 Scenario, lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada), in which verdensalt has been followed for many years... GAOG truly believe, that former Pres. Barack Obama is still and has always been, their saviour (quotes from Matthew Ward, Archangel Michael and many others)... But yes, Trump may be laughable, but he's also do not (seem) taking orders from The Deep State, and negative military might, as other presidents has in the past. Trump may be laughable, and we know that there was exposure of Saudi-Israel alliance' with proof of protectionism supports from US inc. Riyadh responsible for murdering dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Trump has argued that punishing the kingdom hurts the US more as it would alienate the key Middle East ally and jeopardize billions of dollars in arms sales. In accord with these facts, verdensalt finds it absolutely repulsive, but nobody knows the real truth behind the scene, except i truly believe, that Obama, Bushes, Clintons, Netanyahu, Macron, Merkel and other wordly Deep State players, is the worst barbarians of the Earth (sorry, my language). Trump may be laughable, Qanon (could) still be a CIA Psyop and the lobbying swamp of GoLDMaN SLaCKS, Rothschild banking is flourishing in Trump’s Washington, but Trump is NOT like ANY other presidents and (perhaps) Donald Trump is the only one that has the balls to hit a home run for the American People?.. I've seen enough evidence for a lifetime, The Three Stooges are Obama, Hillary & Bush, most dangerous species on Earth, if you ask me. But, every soul on the planet is working through some kind of karma. Whether you were the perpetrator or the victim, it’s inevitable that you’ll have experienced traumatic past life events that created karma. In this life your soul will seek to heal from the consequences of those actions. Karma is simply the universe seeking balance, and an opportunity for the soul to achieve profound spiritual growth by healing the events of the past. Karma and your soul are inseparable!.. Yes, Trump may be laughable, egocentric behaviour or narcissistic personality and breathtaking self-admiration, but like Obama, entered office when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deception, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality still were rampant. Trump may be laughable, verdensalt still thinks Obama became a slave of the 'system', keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything he wanted to do for his country and the world, and he made compromises or complied with their demands because of death threats to his family and primary supporters. Trump may be laughable, no Christian Messiah, like Obama and other presidents, however, he has pushed the Cabal/Illuminati up into a corner, whether you like it or not, supported by benevolent souls, who wants to see the world change, to a peaceful place in the universe...|

Steve Beckow: President Obama... Staunch Lightworker or Cabal Stooge?

This is a masterpiece of political satire. Whether you agree with it or not, I predict you’ll die laughing. No further comment. Thanks to Len.

British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read


(Caricature of Donald Trump is by DonkeyHotey.)

The following was found at LA Progressive:

Someone on Quora asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:


A few things spring to mind.

Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.

For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.

So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever.

I don’t say that rhetorically. I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman.

But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers.

And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface.

PFC \\ Ground Crew Command | ~ 144k Mass Meditation TODAY – Love Bombs to Shut Down Draco Portals ! ~ | Blogger: [received by mail or shared to groups:] -- If you’ve been following Serial Brain on Kauilepele’s blog, you know that there are human bots coming up as we speak towards the USA from portals that have been opened up in Central America. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador experienced horrors in the 80s unparalleled by anything seen anywhere else EXCEPT Congo in 1996 (and Rwanda 1994 to prepare the energies for the Archon invasion that took place in Congo). See a parallel here? Portals opened up to invasion by some VERY dark beings. And according to Serial Brain’s analysis of Trumps’s speeches….these beings are headed towards EL PASO, TEXAS as we speak. Trump has asked for a “human wall” to defend humanity. But the 144K can do something even better….. LOVE BOMBS MEDITATION to shut down the DRACO PORTAL…. …..a kind of energetic Arch of Baal…. ….that’s been opened up in EL PASO, TEXAS. El Paso means…THE PASSAGEWAY in case you don’t speak Spanish. Time to shut this down with OUR LOVE! BE THERE… (thanks to Hanneke & PFC 💖) ... |


🔴 David Wilcock: LIVE NOW → (LIVE 2/16, 4PM PT!) | ~ Ascension through the Ages ~ | .. I’m Live Now with thousands of our community members for the second episode of my new Docu-Series, Ascension through the Ages .. | Blogger: [🤪Mads Christensen talks about saving the world with conventional use of electric vehicle powered solar panels, (Swanson's law), Earth's photosynthetic capability, sea water & gigantic desalination plants.. David Wilcock has a whooole other setup in place, in his own wisdom teaching👨‍🔬] ... Well, my last post on this blog, was about a danish media darling, Mads Christensen: How to save the globe! (Anyone who has had biology at school will remember God's great miracle. It must save us from the climate crisis, says Mads Christensen) ... {PS: Swanson's law, Moores Law, who ca- res, its still conventional wisdom or pseudoscience & 60 yrs ago Bell Labs reverse-engineered alien technology to make the first transistor} .. 🤫DID YOU KNOW; "Everyone including Corso said that the Roswell crash really happened, and we were able to “reverse engineer” many very useful technologies from it. This incl- uded computer chips, solid-state transistors, lasers, LED lights, fiber-optic cables, infrared night vision, Velcro, Kevlar and non-stick cling-wrap. In addition, other technologies remained classified – including free energy, anti-gravity, energetic super-healing systems and warp drive / portal travel ~ David Wilcock (from: Part II: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure) ... 📍Sooo... According to David Wilcock who has a LOT more understanding about deep awakening universal knowledge, talks about Dr. Luc Montagnier in this video below (17 minute marker) among many, many, many topics.. In 2011, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier demonstrated that DNA can be spontaneously formed out of merely hydrogen and oxygen. He started out with a hermetically sealed tube of pure sterilized water and then placed another sealed tube next to it, which had small amounts of DNA floa- ting in water. Montagnier then electrified both tubes with a weak, 7 hertz electro- magnetic field and waited. 18 hours later, little pieces of DNA had grown in the original tube, which consisted of only pure sterilized water. This new science tells us that the universe is constantly conspiring to make biological life, whenever and wherever it can... 📍David Wilcock also talks about (as in former David revelations), he has direct access to insiders who share very unique and compelling insights into the revolution, transpiring in our world. As a result, we know that the National Security State has been hiding an astonishing wealth of ancient extraterrestrial ruins, crashed technologies, recovered bodies and reverse-engineered interstellar craft and humanoids, who lives with us for thousands of years, including proof from worldly religions, like Christianity (and Jesus, was an alien shape-shifter, aliens in oil paintings etc) .. The National Security (Deep) State also have ongoing, direct relationships with multiple intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. The scope and power of what lies hidden in these various underground vaults could literally transform us into the Star Trek age overnight... 📍David continues discussing The Law Of One (the RA Material). Karma is GOOD. All you have to do is being NICE. Being loving, smile at people, make them feel happy, spreading LOVE, JOY, and guess what's gonna happent? YOU START MAKING MONEY & ATTRACT FRIENDS etc... 📍At 55 minute marker, David talks about 'What is The Event & Military Tribunals? .. Both Wilcock and Cobra tell us that The Event will be the sudden beginning of the collective ascension process. It will initially manifest with a “galactic pulse”, a solar event that is said to occur every twenty-six thousand years or so. This pulse will release a blindingly bright light arriving directly from the central sun which in the past has triggered a mass ascension (a quantum leap in spiritual evolution) on Earth each time it’s occurred. As an avid scholar of ancient texts, Wilcock claims that this phenomenon is described in the Bible and in Zoroastrian, Hindu, Greek and Roman texts, and that 35 ancient cultures hid the science of this cycle in their mythologies. He adds that there is now scientific data and also insider testimony that support this idea of a solar pulse event.. (enjoy the wisdom teachings from David Wilcock)... |

Links: 👉

Swanson's law
Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure
Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now: David Wilcock
What is The Event?