Jun 27, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Tears in my eyes: All you need is 'unconditional' love) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ June 27, 2023 ~ |


Free Guy: While we wait on the “Special forces group" from the Light Forces - The Benevolent Alliance. The RV Reboot, the New Quantum Financial System, N.E.S.A.R.A & G.E.S.A.R.A, the EVENT, Planet X (the King planet, which Is coming), Spiritual DNA Activation, Spiritual Paradigm Shift, The Solar Flash Event 💘 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 💖... 

Dear Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are different, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' (Source) name, Amen....  So be it, and so it is!.. 🙏 

P.S.: A traditional wedding ceremony has old religion rituals and implications, and is a 3D concept, but it's still a loving intended process (it was for me as well - not anymore - divorced my Ukrainian wife). On the other hand, spiritual marriage (or chaste marriage) comes from the original divine law that marriage should be the union between soulmates who are attracted to each other by divine magnetism and not (only) by the animal magnetism of sexual activity... 👸💍🤴💟... |

📰🍿❌ ('Rockefeller contr. Biden Horror Show ends July 10th w/ Trump re-instated as Pres. + JFK Jr. as VP.') DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ June 27, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: I call DC reports for "Rumors And Gossip Repeaters". A wishful thinking would be that this shit-show will break down this summer and we get a EBS-alert with a lockdown. According to my Higher Self June / July / August of 2023 many things will happen. However, for now, everything you see and listen to, is kinda smokescreen of lies (and truth) abt everything. Simon Parkes said in a March 2023 Simon & Mahoney show; 'Restored Republic via a GCR by DinarChronicles hasn't changed their RV dates and forecast, since 2015 to confuse the Deep State or Cabal' (you can say that again Simon). We're all so damn tied... | 

Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of June 27, 2023



Compiled Tues. 27 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Trust The Plan
Biden Implicated in Massive Foreign Bribery Schemes
Supreme Court Refused To Hear Brunson Petition, Again
Iraqi Dinar Revalued and International, Making the GCR Pending
Complete the Circle
Green Light Worldwide
It’s A Wrap

Something Big is Coming
All the Right People are Scared, Very Scared
It’s Show Time!

The Real News for Mon. 26 June 2023:

  • Last weekend a Japanese General told BENJAMINFULFORD.NET that the Rockefeller controlled Biden Horror Show will be over by 10 July 2023 with Trump re-instated as President and JFK Jr. as Vice President. Last Nov. 2020 the Military counted official water marked voting ballots that verified Trump won every state in an over 80% vote.
  • On July the 15th, we will have guidelines to monitor and secure this new economy. From that point on, we will be under Gold Standard Protocols.
  • Either Sat. 10 July or Sun. 23 July would be theInauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. in a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.
  • Tues. 25 July was Queen Diana’s Coronation date.
  • Jim Rickerds said BRICS was releasing their new commodity backed International currency by mid August – which would be the death of the Petrodollar.
The Real News for Mon. 26 June 2023:
  • The Dutch Elections have been manipulated again. The party of BBB, which was founded to stand up for the farmers in the Netherlands, is a puppet of the World Economic Forum – paid for by Bayer Monsanto (whose flag is Satanic). The election research is done by IPSOS, also a member of the WEF. Game over.
  • Top Secret Classified Fake Alien Invasion Exposed: The government was at least 300yrs ahead of society with technology, they have Artificial intelligence humanoid robots, nanotechnology/particles, laser weapons like (Star Wars), they also have access to star gates known as portals. Most ancient technology was better than what we see today. That technology and more has been suppressed and hidden from society. We have been talking about a Fake alien invasion set up by the government for a while now. They have a holographic technology called project blue beam 7D where they can make holograms literally come to life. They have had this technology for decades and now it has been improved in many ways
  • List of DUMBS by State: https://bestnewshere.com/list-of-dumbs-by-state-in-case-of-nuclear-war-complete-list-of-military-underground-bases-in-usa-must-video/  

Complete report below 

Restored Republic via a GCR... by tim

✊♾️💖 ~ (Spirituel terrorisme - rettet mod sig selv?) Er du Lightworker eller Darkworker? Sandhedsbevægelsens nye spiritualister og hvad BRICs står for eller gamle satanister med USA's Kabbalah verdensherrrdømme? Er du til frihed og fred eller krig og konflikt? Benægtere af Placebo / KillSh0T vaksiner eller gladelig modtager? Service til Andre eller Service til Selv?. Spiritualitet: et samlebåndsprodukt, unika eller ”booste” jeget? ~ 27. Juni 2023 ~ |


"Følelser opstår i maven ↠ sender impulser til vores underbevidsthed ↠ tanker bevæger sig gennem vores sind ↠ manifestere sig enten dårligt eller godt, universet skelner ikke..." 

~ Free Guy på SoTW

Free Guy (fortsat) Jeg er berømt, andre mennesker ser op til mig, misunder mig og beundrer mig, altså må jeg være nogen. Penge, magt og anerkendelse, i vores kultur, et symbol på virkelighed. Husk nu bare på, at træerne gror ikke ind i himlen. Du ER hvad du har LÆRT!. PUNKTUM! Energierne ændrer sig hele tiden, det gør vores 'Core Values' også, men ikke nødvendigvis vores "adopterede tankemæssige mønstre", som næsten alle "voksne" lider af. Krise, indre vrede og belastningsreaktion, men vi nægter stadigvæk, per autoreaktion, at oplyse os selv om, at verden er anderledes, end det vores 5 autoriter har lært os. Det handler ikke altid om at tilvælge, karrieren, jobbet, partneren og få børn, det handler i højere grad om, at får mere fokus på, hvordan vores autoriteter, har skabt den «propaganda», «agitation» og «hjernevask», sammen med medierne, som alle har med ensidighed i påvirkningen at gøre. Vi kan SLET ikke begribe, vi er vores egen VÆRSTE fjende, hvis vi ikke tror på, at vi MENNESKER, indeholder det guddommelige livslys og selvstændige valg, til at tænke og handle, NØJAGTIGT, ud fra det, vi selv, ønsker, i livet. At, vi ikke har brug for at blive guidet af samfundsorden, som tvinger os én retning, alene. Andre ting kommer også op, til overfladen! De traumatiske barndomssymptomer, (traumer i barndommen følger med ind i voksenlivet), begynder at dukke op i slutningen af tyverne. Lav selvtillid, Fobier, Lavt selvværd, Personlig udvikling, Angst, Stress, Sorg o.s.v. o.s.v. MANGLEN PÅ TROEN TIL VORES EGET ENORME POTENTIALE. Hvornår vågner danskerne op til dåd? Det sker netop nu, efter en nøje planlagt guddommelig kontrakt, som er underskrevet, inden man kom ned til jorden, igen. Et nyt fundamentalt og skelsættende paradigmeskift, er undervejs, som vil ændre, menneskedens opfattelse af tidens tand, som ingen havde set, komme. Det er utvivlsomt den allerbedste tid, at være i live lige nu på vores planet. Vi har alle sammen valgt, at blive hængende, bedt om og spurgt til, fordi tidsperioden netop nu, oplysningens tid, er på vej... | 

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Se sommerlig dronning Margrethe ankomme til Aarhus i festligt feriehumør | BILLED-BLADET (billedbladet.dk)

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(17) Facebook

📢🎯💊 (Kerry to Greer's 2 major lies: 'all aliens are good & the SSP CIA PSYOP' - 'Kiss my ass.'!) Kerry Cassidy Live At Truth Tour San Diego June 24, 2023: The Adrenochrome Highway And The Lies They Tell Humans ~ June 27, 2023 (Free Guy: 30 min talk out of 10 hour video. Starts at 26:15 minute marker) ~ |


⚔️⚠️👽 (FLASH SITUATION UPDATE) What in the world is happening in Russia? Gene Decode seem to know everything what's going on. Everything is tight together says Gene, including the Titanic submarine that was a Alliance move to take out Stockton Rush, Hamish Harding, Shahzada and Suleman Dawood and Paul-Henri Nargeolet and money connections. Tight into the Palestine situation, the 60000 pounds of ammonium nitrate in California and a lot of very dark and bad stuff. Also says Gene, on the Titanic, there's a lot of Alien tech they do not want out from there, says Gene Decode. ~ June 27, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Gene Decode talks about  The Moscow coup with Putin by Progoshin and the Wagner Group playing a brilliant 5D Chess Game. Gene Decode says "Progoshin" (or some other guy) was trying to recruit soldiers that was against Russia, and himself, was recruited through CIA, by MI6 to mislead on all the Ukrainian talking points given false front troop movements paid with 6,66BN dollars. Gene Decode also talk about US that wages global color revolutions to topple govts for the sake of American control all over the world. Gene discuss Steven Greer's 6 month free energy declassifications demand on the black project - or else! All the Project Blue Beam, Fake Alien Invasion, CBDC, 15-minute-cities, fake Climate Change etc. etc. SoTW totally agree with Gene that Greer assumptions there's NO aggressive E.T.  exist, is wrong and ONLY good E.T. exist (ordered by Clintons). Gene says they are using hyper super soldiers with non human genetics AI in Belarus and Bamut. Gene lastly airs a funny clip on the show in regards EU and Biden trying to make up sanctions against Russia... |   





Denmark begins training Ukrainian pilots for F-16s — RT World News
Stormagter drøftede Ukraine til hemmeligt møde i København - TV 2


What In The World Is Happening In Russia?

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Monday, 26-Jun-2023 13:12:24


By Michael Snyder

The entire world has been stunned by the events of the past 48 hours. The leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was leading a convoy of heavily-armed troops to Moscow, and the mainstream media in the western world was salivating over the prospect of a Russian civil war. The “regime change” in Russia that western leaders have desperately been hoping for seemed like a realistic possibility, and that sparked a frenzy of speculation on social media. But just like that, it was over. All of a sudden Prigozhin was heading into exile in Belarus, and we were told that his troops would be heading back to the front lines in Ukraine.

So why was there such a dramatic turnaround?

I wish that I could tell you. Just hours before the deal was announced, Prigozhin and his forces had seized a regional military headquarters in Rostov-on-Don…

Within hours of a 400-vehicle convoy rolling onto Russian soil from Ukraine, Wagner troops seized control of Russia’s regional military HQ in Rostov-on-Don.

They rode heavy military machinery, tanks and trucks.

And at that time, Prigozhin was pledging that his forces would be “going all the way”…

Prigozhin bragged his men — believed to be better equipped than the Russian army — did not need to fire a single shot as they took control of the HQ.

He said: “The border guards greeted us and hugged our fighters. If anyone gets in our way, we will destroy everything. We are going all the way.”