Jul 28, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (Remember: Knowledge is Power!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: O-M-G! Right in the middle of Vegas, cannot believe it.. Must-watch 2 videos... 1st video is made by US GAIA TV with several know people from the Ufology community (lack of a better word) about new evidence of Martian Refugees etc. is just now being discovered and slowly revealed (and SoTW have meet Dr Michael Salla twice - goofy guy)... 2nd video is with John Lea and interviewer, Emery Smith, SoTW have only seen him live on stage at a LA Conference and they takes us deeper into the secret projects, including the many levels of top-secret clearance and the degree of E.T. assistance in managing these programs. They even gain a bit of insight into the agenda of those running these secret programs. Plus, Mr John Lea discusses one of the major areas in the county for secret technology development and testing, right in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada... It's gonna be a mind-blowing ripley's believe it or not experience, if you're newbie... |
🥳👵😂 ~ (BREAKING KISSER) TEASER: Kirsten i A-holdet (Cilius // Bruun) ~ | Blogger: [👉'Den Korte Podcast bliver et fast ugentligt stykke lyd, hvor Kirsten Birgit og Rasmus Bruun kommer til at... Nej, vent, skal I ikke bare lytte med?'👈] ... {7 minutter fra Thanos og Monopolet}... Den berømte, berygtede og den fandenivoldske Seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit genopstår på Den Korte Podcast... Nu kan vi alle endelig få nogle "sandheder" frem på bordet igen, drevet af pauseklovnen Rasmus (hjernen bag) og af den hæderkronede Dronning og Journalist-Kisser-brochen (eller Privat-Kisser)... Dem begge, længe leve · hurra · hurra · hurra · og så det lange HU… |
https://www.spreaker.com/show/den-korte-podcast |
Den Korte Podcast bliver et fast ugentligt stykke lyd, hvor Kirsten Birgit og Rasmus Bruun kommer til at...
Nej, vent, skal I ikke bare lytte med?
📡🛩️🤥 ~ (Jagten på de 2,3 billioner dollars, eller var det 21Bn fra Pentagons fonde samt 1,4Bn dyre F-35) Flere og flere beviser på, at F-35 kampflyet i DK & NO og andre lande, nu også Schweiz, var baseret på hemmelig amerikansk indflydelse for at bidrage til det militær-industrielle kompleks og overordnet påstand (tese), om hemmelige rumfartsprojekter. Valget var banket ind med skeer på forhånd, frem for alle andre, langt bedre, billigere og stabile kampfly (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜ØKONOMI FØR MENNESKELIV: Danmarks største forsvarsvirksomhed, Terma A/S, der blev politianmeldt efter afsløring fra Danwatch i samarbejde med TV2 de havde leveret udstyr til Emiraternes krigsførsel i Yemen. Myndighederne og dansk politi, NÆGTER, at rejse tiltale, selvom Staten blåstemplede Termas eksport til krigen, samt USA og Iran og Saudi-Arabien🤛] ... 🔎VI VED MED SIKKERHED, at det kommer til at koste totalt ca. 100 mia. kr. for skatteyderne at købe, flyve, vedligeholde og uddanne piloter og personel, fra den hemmelighedsfulde danske kontrakt med Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II... 🔎VI VED MED SIKKERHED, at tidl. DR's bestyrelse, Michael Christiansen, og andre, fra Lead Agency A/S og dem, som "lobbyist-shopper" for det militær-industrielle kompleks, har tjent STYRTENDE på, kampflyet. Også Claus Hjort Iceman Vader Frederiksen sammen med kampflykontoret og konsulenterne, lyver videre om støjniveauet fra F-35 kampflyet for at få flere penge og vildleder Folketinget og RIGELIGT belønnet af Terma A/S, for at holde kaje (se billeder). Bl.a. Terma A/S, medlemmer af Dansk Metal og især, Lead Agency A/S, der agerede konsulenthus for Lockheed Martin og Statens indkøb af F-35 (Ifølge Kirsten-Birgit, DKR 24-11-17 og E.B. 2016)... 🤫NOTE: Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars... |
https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/37668/nsa-spied-on-denmark-as-it-chose-its-future-fighter-aircraft-report |
Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his
Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real
and the U.S. Military travel among stars.
Are alien UFOs a reality? That's a question that's dogged humanity since the dawn of civilization.
Here's a deathbed confession by none other than Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunk Works Director who admitted as much in his deathbed confession.
Skunk Works is a classified American super secret black project like Boeing's Phantom Works which work on top secret advanced projects, some of which are so secretive that they are even beyond US Congressional oversight.
Here's what he had to say about alien UFOs. Being a top functionary in the black project programs, his credibility is at the highest level, which means that what he has said is true.
So, are we alone in this huge universe? Read on....
🔎VI VED MED SIKKERHED, at det ser højst mystisk ud, at Schweiz lige har købt en masse F-35 kampflyet, VELVIDENDE, at der findes massive fejl og forsinkelser i produktionen (forsvaretsforum.no)...
🔎VI VED MED SIKKERHED, at US Airforce, som har ca. 400 F-35 i drift er desperat af de mange forsinkelser, mangel på dele, motorer, der slides hurtigere end forventet og konstant opgraderet, og andre driftsomkostninger, der synes at være ude af kontrol (forsvaretsforum.no)...
🤐DET VI KKE VED MED SIKKERHED, og noget som SoTW har brugt langt til at efterforske, er, om alle disse multi-mange-milliarder som samtlige lande har "ofret" på et "udueligt kampfly", er gået til Skunk Works, som er en officiel pseudonym for Lockheed Martins avancerede udviklingsprogrammer (ADP), tidligere kaldet Lockheed Advanced Development Projects?. SW, er ansvarlig for en række fly design, der begyndte med P-38 Lyn i 1939 og P-80 Shooting Star i 1943. Skunk Works Ingeniører udviklede derefter U-2, SR-71 Blackbird, F-117 Nighthawk, F -22 Raptor og til sidst, SKANDALEN OVER ALLE, F-35...
🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈 ~ (Transgender psyop exits OL on mental health breakdown!?!) Simone Biles pulls out AGAIN at Tokyo 2020, gymnast withdraws from individual all-around competition final (RT) ~ | Blogger: [ 👉USA supposedly-Women's Gymnastics rocked to 'the core' by massive 'sexual abuse' scandal. What's wrong with this picture? Is there hidden meanings in names. If the 'victims' in this USA supposed-to-be Women's Gymnastics story with the biggest names, like "Aly Raisman" (or Simone Biles) for instance, turn out to be not girls at all but castrated boys - does that prove the whole thing a massive transgender-pedophile psyop? ~ Anothervoicerev184👈] ... SoTW is not gonna say anything, people get so upset; you might however wanna look into the rumors about Venus & Serena Williams, transsexuals in women's tennis? Or why Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman and 130 other women, have accused the former USA Gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar of sexually abusing them. Or, why Olympics transgender athletes set to compete at Tokyo Games, like Laurel Hubbard. Or, why 70 celebrities who are actually transgender people. Or, many many many people are saying, that ex-pres. Obama is gay and his wife, Michelle Obama aKa "Michael" , is really a man named Michael Robinson... Are you in a state of shock yet or reject it all?... Cabal or Elites Drag Kids / Transgender / Transhumanism and The Pedophilia Agenda is huuuuge - that is why you see the 🏳️🌈 all over the place... |
⚠️📢👂 ~ (Get ready 13 Aug or any time: 7-8 days of darkness / disruption / great reset) TAROT BY JANINE SHARES AN IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! MUST WATCH!🇨🇦AND 🌍 (Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: Put ALL your trust in Tarot cards, God and ex-military prepper and survivalist - of course not. Simon Parkes (with military sources) and Michael Jaco (ex-Navy SEAL) and Roy Potter (ex-military) says the same thing - be prepared (USA and Canada).. Buuutt, SoTW listen in to what they say, from time to time. Especially when England are facing weeks of ‘pingdemic’ disruption to services and food supply and we have all these floods and drought situation going on that worsen things. Cyber attack disrupts major South African port operations and Suez canal blocked etc. etc... As of now, stuff like coffee, chocolate, steel, wood supplies will be expensive, and hard to get (Taiwanese semiconductor car, phone, computer crisis)... Please remember, it only took ONE VOICE like our Danish PM did on national TV, for people panic-buying toilet paper and food supply emptying stores, 1 hour later, at 11. of March 2020 (1+1+3+2+2 = 9/11 - illuminati signs, symbols and freemasonic numerology is everything for these guys). Denmark, was among the FIRST European countries to introduce LOCKDOWN measures, starting on 13 March 2020, please ask yourselves, why that is... |
💉🤢☠️ ~ (1st bombshell report = 1M viewers. 2nd video contains more proof of 'GO' in vakkZines = 400K) BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! (Stew + Jane) ~ | Blogger: 🧑🎓Do your homework Folks!... 😟Fake Creepy-China-Corona-Joe has confirmed that he is mulling wacko-vakkZine requirements for federal workers... 😟Israel sees probable link between Pfizer vakkZine and myocarditis cases - HOWEVER - Israeli Ministry of Health has Tuesday announced that it will allow some 5- to 11-year-olds to get COVID-19 vakkZine (5 year old to get the shot - coming to a town near you...)... 😟Denmark now offers the vakkZines, to pregnant and nursing - HOWEVER - over 1100 cases of Danish women have reported disturbances in menstruation after taken the vakkZines... 😟Gamma variant could have 'high attack rate even in fully vaxxed people' – new study - so why take the shot?... 🤔PS: WHO TO TRUST STEW or AFP or your "Swagger-in-Chief!"?... Q. What are reliable sources for fact-checking and recognizing "fake news"? Who check the fact-checkers who work for the medical-industry or lamestream media?... 👍SoTW did not used to be a anti-vaxxer - have taken several Flu Vaccination (with a live impaired virus) in the old days, and got sick, every time.. 👎This time, it's not a "vaccine"... Please do your homework... |
Rumble — PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF! The shots being referred to as 'vaccines' are absolutely poisonous, and the proof is now here!
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