Sep 13, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) 💕~ |

EXTRACT: (Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 6 September 2019)

Kyron April 2019. The most important thing for you to return to your Higher Self.

There is no returning to the way it was, the new normal if there is such a thing will be a road that never ends, constant change and with it will come new things, and they will always be better than the day before. There is a Creative Source that I represent that you are in. There is to be no channeling in the future, you will think alike and know what to do.

“Who are you” it cannot be explained, you are derivatives from the Central Source that is God. So many groups are part of you but they were once corporeal – all of them. There is an energy on your planet that has no rules but is packed with emotions and it is LOVE. Emotion is something forever at the core of everything and is LOVE. There is a love connection between all of you, if you allow it. The higher your DNA operates the more love there will be in the cells of your body – the Love of the Creator.

None of you are at Home, you are on Earth working. Do you know where Home is, it is where I am from it is where you are all from. I want to tell you this, when you are with me and there is the parity and a sonority of love, a confluence of love you cannot even imagine or fathom where you are from, and that is the part of you that wants to connect with you and is the part you are looking for and if you could put a name to it or a situation to it, it is the part of God that wants to reconnect to the part of you, it is the part of you on the other side of the veil that is literally blind to that part. You have awakened to the possibility that there is more to you than meets the eye.

Definition: Corporeal – Physical world. Sonority – difficult to understand. Confluence - flow together.


🇶 ~ A message from Finland to the Q-patriots around the world (Jarmo Ekman) ~ |

🧨 ~ (Friday: Venus-Day) - Tulsi Gabbard Suggests Government Is Run By A “Small Group Of Political Elite” ~ | Blogger: [😘FIGHTING FOR HAWAIʻI. Tulsi Gabbard could well be the only genuine Anti-war, Anti-Globalist, Anti-interventionist & Anti-LGBTQ legislation candidate👼] ... Verdensalt has said this for years. Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone who has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - "I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” ... Yes, verdensalt is an outsider, i'm NOT a american and yes, Congress- woman Tulsi Gabbard, is a democrat, not being a "puppet" for Crooked Clinton, Washington or big corporations, that's for sure... |

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard at the Presidential Gun Sense Forum in Des Moines, Iowa, August 10, 2019. (Gage Skidmore)


  • The Facts:
    In an interview of Fox, Tulsi Gabbard appears to have suggested that the government of the United States is run by a small elite group of people and that this needs to change.
  • Reflect On:
    Does this statement not line up with what the evidence about the US government has shown for years? What does this mean for how we engage in the political system? Are voices truly heard?

🧊 ~ Possible Underwater MEGA Structure / Coastal Antarctica ~ | Blogger: [🐣Wow! Giant egg of melting on Greenland glacier water which is to smooth of edges for a natural phenomenon. Are bizarre 'square clouds' proof US CONTROLS by HAARP?🔲] .. |

🍿 ~ RV/Intelligence Alert - "Lined Up" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - September 12, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

President Trump is expected to make announcements within the next 7 days.

John Bolton was fired as he was suggesting war against North Korea and Venezuela.

Meanwhile, a stock market crash may occur in the near future.

Growth stocks are exceeding value stocks in performance and the Federal Reserve rate cuts aren't having the desired effect.

The US Dollar is still expected to devalue significantly (possibly a 50% drop) in the near future.

♻️ ~ Vestforbrænding må sende plast på deponi (dknyt) ~ | Blogger: [ANOTHER SCAM] .. Denmark's largest waste management and energy company cannot document promise of 75% from recycling of household plastic. Not even 31% - perhaps 0%?. Vestforbraending should have been outsourcing plastic waste to foreign companies and pass it on for recycling, but instead has been placed inside storage facilities or send to Germany, Sweden and they, sent it to China, Malaysia... 🔺PS: After China banned the import of plastic in 2017, Malaysia began buying discarded plastic from China's former exporters, including the US, UK, and Australia. Illegal recycling factories in Jenjarom quickly seized the opportunity to get rid of the waste, with many of them either burying or burning scraps.. So even from 2017, before the ban was enacted, which was in March 2018, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, other countries that were kind of on those trade routes started accepting, or companies within them started accepting these plastics. And rapidly, those countries got overwhel- med with the quantities and the state of those plastics and just simply ran out of the capacity or desire to actually recycle them. So there's a lot of civil opposition to these plastics. And quite soon after - like, towards the end of last year - end of 2018 and through the first half of this year, these countries successively announced bans on importing plastic from Western countries - and even going to the extent that Malaysia announced in June that it was going to start shipping these wastes back. It said it was going to - it had eight containers of plastics that were going to be shipped back to the U.S., Australia - wherever they had come from - as a way to say, we do not want to be your dumping ground. Keep your recycling at home... |

Interview: Ikke engang 31 procent genanvendelse kan Vestforbrænding dokumentere

Efter sommerens afsløringer om at Vestforbrænding har givet forkerte tal om genanvendelsen af husholdningsplast, står det nu klart, at affaldsselskabet kommer til at deponere indsamlet plast i et deponi, fordi der efter nytår ingen aftager står klar til sortering og genanvendelse, skriver Ingeniøren.

I flere år lovede affaldsselskabet, at mindst 75 pct. af plastaffaldet blev genanvendt, men der var ingen dokumentation for, at plastaffaldet reelt bliver til nye produkter. Aftagernes oplysninger om genanvendelsesprocenter holder ikke i virkeligheden, og Vestforbrænding valgte i juli at annullere det udbud, der skulle sikre sorteringen af københavnernes plast efter 31. december i år, hvor kontrakten med det tyske sorteringsanlæg Alba udløber.

Den danske transportvirksomhed HCS havde ellers allerede i juni undet plastudbuddet, og planen var, at et svensk sorteringsanlæg med navnet Swerec skulle sortere plastaffaldet og sende det videre til genanvendelse fra det nye år. Men den plan er nu afblæst. Peter Basland, som er direktør i Vestforbrænding, vurderer, at selskabet først vil finde en ny aftager til plasten 'en gang i det nye år', så noget af plasten skal mellemlagres i en periode.

Læs hele historien i Ingeniøren

Staggering photos show one small town covered in 19,000 tons of plastic waste
'Waste' Examines The Global And Local Afterlife of Recyclables
Vestforbraending - Denmark's largest waste management and energy company

🧔 ~ Danmarks Indsamling 2017: Ring til Lars Ulrich og Mads Mikkelsen (DR) ~ | Blogger: [🆘Så skal vi til det igen. Danskerne sidder lystig med mobiltelefonens MobilePay parat med flankeret af topunderholdning og kendte danskere. Tv-værter (børnetv), radiostjerner(teenager-radio) samt filmstjerner 📱].... DR's 'mind' kontrolleret pengemaskine som på tiende år, har indsamlet 1 milliard kroner, som ingen ved hvor er. For 11. gang i træk samler DR, (senere TV2) og en række nødhjælpsorganisationer, humanitære organisationer ind til verdens mest udsatte lande. I år er temaet for Danmarks Indsamling ’Intet barn må sulte’... ☝️Jeg har nævnt det utallige gange før, det er en svær pille at sluge, men indsamlingsshows går hovedsageligt til regninger, løninger, arrangørerne bag showet, teleudbyderne, administration, krigsherrer af diktatorer og andre som skummer fløden, som multinationale selskaber. Danske virksomheder smider heller ikke penge efter projektet uden at få noget tilbage via gratis reklameplads, alt velgørenhed giver skattefradrag. Det medicinske industrielle kompleks får også store summer via Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Det er helt klart den største malkemaskine i historien, for vores 'establishment', som styrer verden, men danskere, er hjernevasket, især børn og unge, som presser forældre, til at deltage, aktivt... |

Forord: Vi ønsker ALLE at hjælpe verdens fattige til at få bedre levevilkår. Tag bare et land som Afrika, hvor de fleste danskere aldrig har sat sin fod. Vi aner i princippet ikke en fløjtende fis om udviklingslandene, end det vi bliver stopfordret med af selv samme nyhedskanaler, som også driver diverse indsamlingsshows. Tænk lige over det! Måske er vi bare en lille smule for blåøjet og naive og blevet forledt til at tro, at vores medlidenhed og godhed kan hjælpe Afrika, fordi kontinentet mangler kapacitet til at hjælpe sig selv. Men realiteten er en anden. For selvom rigtig mange mennesker i Afrika er fattige, er kontinentet et af de rigeste i verden, når det kommer til naturressourcer. Tal fra et nyligt studie foretaget af 12 britiske og afrikanske udviklingsorganisationer viser, at imens Afrika hvert år modtager i omegnen af 198 milliarder kroner i udviklingsbistand, overføres der mere end seks gange så meget, eller hvad der svarer til 1.200 milliarder kroner, fra de afrikanske lande til multinationale selskaber og lande i den rige del af verden. Disse penge forsvinder ud af Afrika primært som konsekvens af en blanding af vestlige virksomheders skatteunddragelse og ulovlige udplyndring af naturressourcer, multinationale selskabers profitjagt og udgifter forbundet med klimaforandringer forårsaget af den rige del af verden...

Udgivet første gang den 20. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Indsamlinger til udviklingslandene og de fattige børn i den tredje verden "Afrika, Asien, Syrien" - TV-shows og internationale donarkonferencer - hvor er tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse, ensomme og udsatte familier i Danmark?

Som altid smider jeg nogen boldte op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af konspirationsteorier eller sandheder, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers. 
Der var masser af tunge raslebøsser i taskerne, når godhjertet mennesker stiller op gang på gang hver søndag, som indsamlerne ved Kræftens Bekæmpelse eller når massen af hjælpeorganisationer råber om hjælp. Økonomien - er det mest stillede spørgsmål hos Røde kors som påstolere, at for hver 100 kr. der doneres, går 30 kr. til katastrofer og nødhjælp. Jeg kan ikke modargumenter, lyder rigtigt nok!? Om hvorvidt Røde Kors a/s - Privatiseret humanisme, som staten vil have den - eller andre hjælpeorganisationer har inddraget muligheden for korruption, snyd og bedrag inden hjælpen faktisk når ud til de nødstedte, er en anden snak. Her har vi jo udfordringen, ikke sandt? Lad os lige stoppe op et øjeblik og resonere over essensen i et problem: Kan vi uden tvivl, blive overbevist om, at uanset hvor mange penge vi smider efter landsindsamlinger, private nødhjælpsorganisationer eller humanitære formål i udlandet, vide, at det gør en forskel? Svaret er nej. Men, når vi ser billeder, fortællinger samt nyheder fra hotspots om sult og underernæring blandt børn i de tredje lande, sker der en kemisk reaktion hos os mennesker. Først og fremmest en skyldfølelse, vi gør ikke nok for omverden. Forarget over det overhoved kan finde sted, i vores trygge andedam af overdådig, vestlig rigdom - så handler vi. Vi så det mht. danskere der rejste til Lesbos for at hjælpe flygtninge.
Hr. og Fru Jensen kan slet ikke begribe de aftaler og hemmelighedskræmmeri hele denne branche er styret under. Alle kan huske showet og shitstormen omkring Melodi grand prix i 2014 der kostede 334 millioner kroner og efter massivt pres, udleverede DR hemmelige kontrakter.

Men hvem har indkodet det selvevaluerende destrueringsprogram i vores hjerner? Hvordan kan vi redde andre, når vi ikke engang kan redde os selv uden afhængigheden af det danske sociale sikkerhedsnet? Start med at hjælpe vores hjemløse, ensomme og udsatte familier, asylcentre og flygtninge i Danmark! 

Vi kunne starte med mediebranchen og de som tjener på disse underholdningsshows. Det viser sig nu at en It-fejl hos TDC opkrævede en million for meget i sms-donationer der fik ud over 3.301 kunder, som i sidste weekend donerede til indsamlingsshowet via sms. MEGA Pindeligt! 

Uden tøven, poster vi penge via ind via SMS og internettet hjemmefra via Indsamlingsshows som er omgivet af god energi. Vores elskede statsminister, den lille  svindler Løkke, sidder og tager imod kald fra borgere og virksomhederne får masser af reklameplads via reklamestriben på skærmen. Kendisser og TV-værter med tåre i øjnene, moser os igennem et tæt pakket program, som primært består af underholdningsindslag og intimiderende indslag for, at få flest mulig penge indkasseret. Efter showet går vi alle i seng og føler, vi har gjort en forskel. Der er dog ingen som ANER hvor pengene ender henne... 

Det er ingen hemmelighed, flere Shitstorm har ramt TV 2 og DR'I er snart værre end de IS-banditter' var en af kommentarne, tilbage i september 2015. Danmarks Indsamlingen (Når mor kalder) i 2014 blev der samlet 87 millioner ind, men 15,5 af disse gik til at dække indsamlingens udgifter. Det fremgår dog ikke af den pressemeddelelse, som DR sendte ud efter showet. Bertel Haarder om indsamlingsshowHolder øje med DR. 

Fik et flashback til min ynglings film "Fletch Lives" hvor Farnsworth Ministries church snyder  menigheden, bliver stopfodret med informationer omkring folks synder og helbreder derefter. Hvorfor smider vi penge efter 'shows' som 'føder' medicinalindustriens (farmaceutiske industri's håndslangere ligesom Kræftens Bekæmpelse) forskning via lægemidler, som igen levere os kræftmedicin som er det rene gift for vores kroppe?

😘 ~ BT Royale, DR & Danish National Fundraising 2019. 71,708,044 Millions Was The Result of The Danish Collection (Verdensalt Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👸There's Something About Mary who Is Crossing The Line: Feminism, George Soros' #Metoo, Fake TV-shows Called "Strength The Girls of The World". A Taxpayer Political Controlled 'Emotional' DR Fund-Raising Cash-Cow Circumcision Prevention 'Fatima' Novo Nordisk Show. 12 Biggest NGO's Gathered For The World's Exposed Girls👧🏿] ... HAVE YOU ASKED YOURSELVES IF ANYBODY SURVEILLANCE THESE 12 PROJECTS & IF ALL MONEY GOES TO THESE GIRLS, BESIDES ADMIN COST & BENEFITS NOVO NORDISK CANCER-INSULIN & 12 NGO'S SEX TRAFFICKING SCHEMES??... 👊Nothing and i mean in N-O-T-H-I-N-G, about boys gender inequality affects men too. Boys are equally like girls targeting as sexualization in the world... When do we see a REAL fundraising show, that benefits 100% of the collected money targeting the 64,500 poor children in DK, existence of female paedophiles, PTSD & stress affected Run-down Kids and Adults, Honor veterans, Homeless, Beggars, Immigrants and Refugees, Lonely & Vulnerable families in Denmark?🤗Mind-controlled danish families with their kids, hugging and sending millions away, while Farnsworth Ministries church cheats the congregation shares crocodile tears with companies tax deducted news crawlers/ticker gets maximum coverage. And Audi cars for free and other gifts and music blasting with emotional scenes from Africa sparkles scenes of horror into the living rooms👉DID YOU KNOW, that NBE has interviewed My Vitriol Frontman Som Wardner of today and his says: The Marxist Left & Men Testosterone Elephant In The Room: 'Less tips goes out to feminine Uber drivers, than men (discrimination issues) but turns to be the opposite case, waitresses also get more tips and UK centrepoint charity for homeless fundraising is like; society feels more sympathetic towards woman, than men. Men die younger, takes more risks, more homeless men and takes low jobs, mens suicide is higher' (listen to more) ... {🎀"Basically, it's about justice, says Protector from the organization "Women deliver", who went beyond neutral in 2016.. 'Why should a girl see her brother going to school, while she stay behind, grinding away at home and her options become zero?, "Crown Princess Mary said in the DR1 feature 2018}👉DID YOU KNOW, that Soros gave $246 million to partners of Women's March, and controls all #LivesMatters Campaigns??🌍WHO REALLY SAVES THE WORLD??🤔.. Danish Refugee Council - Fundraising record 2017 - DKK 15M, but DKK 4M goes to admin costs. Does this NGO organization have a financial interest in inviting "a lot of" people or (ghosts) up to Denmark, to make money out of them? 80 pct. by the Danish Refugee Council (international), takes place in the field round the world and therefore NOT in DK📰Journalist returns from Syria, reveals all she saw, including corrupt humanitarian groups🙉Creative enthusiasts in worldwide Private charities and NGOs will increasingly replace the welfare state's heavy bureaucracy. Otherwise, we will be overtaken by emerging economies that do not have the same sentimental relationship with primary schools, public hospitals, kindergartens and public pensions. It turns out, however, that relief organizations (privatized humanism) and NGOs are cold as ice, 'fussy' government-backed organizations such as (Red Cross) and (Save The Children International), used be runned by Helle Thorning, create money for ALL other purposes than humanitarian aid, in the most vulnerable countries. In the beginning of 2017, the theme of Denmark's fundraising was 'No Child Must Starve'.🏴‍☠️ Verdensalt has mentioned it countless times before, it is a difficult pill to swallow, but fundraising shows benefit mainly to whoever sent in most money (Novo 1M, Novo Fund 2,5M) and bills, salaries, organizers behind the show, telecom providers, administration, warlords of dictators and others, who hive off the best bits, as multinational corporations... |

CARE Danmark, Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Dansk Folkehjælp, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Oxfam IBIS, Læger uden Grænser, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, PlanBørnefonden, Red Barnet, Røde Kors, SOS Børnebyerne og UNICEF Danmark.

Kronprinsessens feminisme går over stregen

DAVID ICKE: NBE Talks To My Vitriol Frontman Som Wardner About Brexit & The Grown Of The Marxist Left

💚 ~ TV 2's store klimaindsamling får hård kritik fra forskere ( ~ | Blogger: [🙉Lokkeduerne fra Haitis & Afrikas fattigste børn er udskiftet med Træer. Er det hele Fup og Svindel? Tager det 80-100 år før det giver os noget på Klimaregnskabet? Danmark opretter Produktionsskove til fældning op til 80%! Vidste du det? Lyt til 24Syv Morgen🙈] ... |

Indsamlingsshow vil plante 1 million træer, men får kritik for at misinformere om, hvad der virker, når klimakrisen skal tackles.


🪐~ The Hubble Space Telescope Just Gave Us A Jaw-Dropping New Video Of Saturn’s Rings (Forbes) ~ | Blogger: [卐'Sieg Heil' Saturn, NASA & 3-D Matrix of Illusion. The Dystopian Archon A.I Cyborg Machine Controlled Influence🔋] ... {BEFORE you turn this down, you should listen to what Cobra, Simon Parkes, David Icke, George Kavasillas and Alfred Lambremont Webre, has to say on the subject} ... SORRY, to push out a dramatic headline this morning, but received news feeder or notifications all the time, and yesterday, one from, saying something like we all should 'praise to high heaven' that Saturn's Rings exist in living color (perhaps the situation stinks to high heaven?)... And Saturn with it's rings is amazing to look at, in NASA's 'Pan Over Saturn' video, unless it's created for the purpose to deceive us, an illustration or Computer-generated imagery (CGI)?... 🧐 MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION❓ : Are we humans somehow connected to (advanced computer on the Dark Side on the Moon, controlling the Artificial created Saturn Rings), The Veil, Etheric Archon Grid or The Matrix - a electro- magnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 13 km (8.6 miles), prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth? (COBRA seems to think so)... FIRST of all, it's V-E-R-Y hard for all of us to imagine, there's a group (on a higher level) who are defined as The Orion/Draconian/Reptilian Empire (The Chimera group / Yaldabaoth, Lord of the Archons), who came to earth in humanoid physical bodies 26,000 years ago and quarantined the planet (i mean, C'MON)...🚩 I think it's Simon Parkes & Alfred Lambremont Webre who has explained their own interpretation how The Saturn & Moon Matrix is a Mind Control Platform for Earth...🚩 David Icke, has also made a video about the 'spider' (force which is not human) called "Who Built The Matrix?" (lower level of our controllers)... 🚩 George Kavasillas said there are 7 chakras each connected to a ring of Saturn and aligned with the Human anatomy and physiology and five others for a total of 12 and each is aligned to a 'replicated' strand of our original 12 strands of DNA. "The chakra interface system was also designed to interfere with the way we perceive the sun's light and energy" this means it is getting in between us and our Sun. Saturn is an aspect of the jealous god with a small 'g' of religion who has been portraying itself as our Creator and is the creator and keeper of time and the synthetic false light matrix on our Mother Earth.... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt truly believe the existence of a 3-D Matrix of illusion (I've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; encapsulating and prevents humans use of 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, and Sunlight, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... (As always use your own spiritual discernment) ... |

Saturn and Its Rings Look Truly Spectacular in This Hubble Telescope Portrait

🤫 ~ RT Editor-in-Chief Simonyan blocked on Facebook for unclear reason (NNN) ~ | Blogger: [😯"Facebook bans public figures, and says they’ll ban users who continue to share certain content now too – are you next?" ~ NNN🤐] ... |

RT Editor-in-Chief ‘s Facebook account has been blocked for allegedly “violating community standards.” When announcing the ban, Simonyan complained of pervasive censorship exercised on the social media platform.