Jul 5, 2020
🗞️🥳🧨 ~ SoTW's Special Teaser For Tomorrow! ~ | Blogger: To keep the number of articles or blog posts down to a minimum below 10 or so, here's what awaits you as of latest news and information: 👉Unprecented extreme weather! 100-degree day in Siberia, cold and snow in Norway during June of 2020 and extreme weather ‘record’ likely in Arctic Circle. A Strange Swarm of more than 22,000 Earthquakes has rattled South California for the last 4 years👉👉General Flynn takes the oath that Q recently posted, and finished with "Where we go one we go all." As did Sidney Powell--What does it all mean? President, Kanye West, 2020 throws Twittersphere into tailspin as they imagine possible First Lady Kim Kardashian(😂 - like watching a rerun of the movie "Idiocracy" from 2006)👉👉👉Simon says; urges everyone to stop believing all the commentators, saying that Cabal is about to be taken down and are finished! They are NOT! Cabal is still much alive and powerful and are waiting to finish Trump off!..Keep your eyes open on Ghislaine Maxwell - if she goes to prison, says Simon, you bet your bottom dollar, there will reports, her trying to kill herself!.. Mandatory face coverings in Scotland and Wales with £60 fines if not wearing masks in shops from July 10 & Simon says, the increase cases of CV in America could be partly due to “recirculated air” in airplanes makes people more likely to get sick... Sex trafficking and drugs is booming, south America's drug cartels expand their business and superpowers have a ball, says Simon and talks about Secret Societies and a Freemasonry Building owned by Cabal of Washington DC, they have a address - 911 W. 5th Avenue Spokane, WA 99204 - the architects who designed the Twin Towers, their number was 666 on the street, so, Simon says, it's not by chance. In order to create the future, 'they' must uphold the past...|
👼 ~ 💗 You are all extremely powerful beings (Jesus through John ) 💕~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended.. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them.. Humanity is awakening NOW, and that is the divine Will and, therefore, humanity’s Will, because there is only One Will, the Divine Will, YOUR Will! Therefore: Relax! Enjoy these last few moments when it seems that separation from Source is real, knowing, as you do, that ALL is divinely taken care of, and your return to Joy is imminent and inevitable" ~ Jesus👈] ... |

channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
PS: Jesus Christ were 125 years old - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muhammadan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973 ...
Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended. There is much resistance arising as people all across the world come to the realization that they are being asked to conform to rules and regulations that are ineffectual in controlling the ‘pandemic,’ while severely restricting their basic human rights. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them.
Truly, the collective awakening of humanity is very close, and so it makes the most sense for you to prepare to celebrate rather than to worry yourselves unduly by attempting to guess what will happen next, either locally or globally. You do know that the divine plan is unfolding perfectly, the only possible way for it to do so, therefore continue to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises. When you do that you open your hearts to invite Love to enter, which It does immediately, and then It flows powerfully into your energy fields to interact most beautifully with the energy fields of any one about whom you think, even only momentarily, and of course also with anyone to whom you talk, text, Zoom, or meet in person in order to commune, uplifting and inspiring them as they feel the loving energy surrounding you and which is enveloping them in those moments of togetherness.
🎁 ~ 💗 GAVER - Fuldmånemeditation og Online healing i morgen💕 (Sofie Rose) ~ | Blogger: Verdensalt eeelsker gratis ting og taknemmelighed for, at gøre noget for andre, som netop, Sofie Rose, har gjort med denne Fuldmånemeditation...🙏 |
Ved hver fuldmåne indspiller jeg en kanaliseret og healende fuldmånemeditation.
Fuldmånemeditationen ligger her på siden 0 - 2 dage før fuldmåne og 2 - 7 dage efter fuldmåne.
Fuldmånen i juli topper søndag den 5. juli kl. 6.44
Fuldmånemeditationen er klar, og energien vil være aktiv frem til nymånen den 20. juli.
Fuldmånen i juli topper søndag den 5. juli kl. 6.44
Fuldmånemeditationen er klar, og energien vil være aktiv frem til nymånen den 20. juli.
👯♀️🗜️⚖️~ Put your trust in Govt? Body Language Ghost, Spiro Skouras Calls The Jail Holding Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein Filthy Rich on Netflix ~ | Blogger: PS: O-M-G! How disgusting is that? The Prince of Wales has collected more than £1m from people in Cornwall who have died without leaving behind a will, under archaic rules relating to the Duchy... Sorry, but i find it offending, that the Royals who is already filthy rich have more earnings from dead people!... |
📸💰🏃♂️ ~ (#TvindLivesMatter?) Proof of Life? Caught in Costco. A Covert Commercial Empire Run Through Tax Havens. Paid by the State and Taxpayers Money? ~ | Blogger: [👉Mogens Amdi Petersen has tried to hide from govt for 41 years. Interpol's global most-wanted list (and FBI's wanted list in 2001) for 14 years, tax fraud of just over DKK 100 million kroner, walks freely inside Costco, in the city of Ensenada, Mexico, close to Tvind's headquarters, TG Pacifico, with his harem of woman, protecting him👈] ... Which, are very sad of course, but comes to no surprise to me, at least on SoTW... With all due respect, I don't give a rats ass about Amdi, founder and leader of Humana People-to-People and the Tvind Teachers Group, that has since August 2013, been on Interpol's Most Wanted list, and is being sought by his native Denmark for serious financial crimes. Four of Petersen's aides are also Interpol fugitives - let them rot up there, we don't need them(Pardon my French)... 😩But I do care about the "system" that let them loose, our danish govt having blinders on, the state-sponsored project 'The World's Best News' is partnering with 'UFF Humana', a controversial relief organization with links to Tvind... 🙀Although five leading Tvind people have been wanted via Interpol for four years, and Tvind is suspected of tax fraud and serious financial crimes in several countries, Danish municipalities paid at least DKK 190 million to Tvind in 2016. It shows a statement made by kommunen.dk and the DR program (Afsløret) Revealed on the basis of a public access to the municipalities of the country...🤦This story kept me thinking about we have one of the hardened criminals of Denmark, still on the loose, for 41 years, literally laughing his ass off, and we (the people) has to pay the Church Tvind empire, by taxes in Denmark, while he is in hidden, eating Tex-Mex burrito and drinking Tequila... And Mexico do not have an extradition treaty... Makes me sick to the core that it is even possible to continue beyond 2020... 🤑People are asking me if it's about the money missing - noooo -- It's about how Tvind empire has destroyed kids future, and brainwashed adults, like Jehovah Witness, Mormons and Scientology... I have been shown how poorly the municipalities handle the vulnerable (young peope) who most need help. It is simply incomprehensible to me that so many municipalities do not keep track of their investment; don't pay attention to the fact that they actually get the quality they pay for... We see young people being placed on housing offers where they do not fit in at all - and where there is no necessary professionalism. We have also seen that Tvind lets underpaid foreign workers without professional qualifications be included in the work with children with very complexed problems, who cannot take care of themselves. In other words; social dumping in an area where professionalism, specialization and continuity are needed most.... |
🥺🦠🧨 ~ This 4th... (Truthstream Media) ~ | Blogger: [👉Painted with very dark colors, but some of the things that Aaron and Melissa is showing us, is true and not only in America👈] ... I have in person celebrated several Independence Day in United States, but i'm glad this year, was not one of them, since the crazy 'Planned-Demonic-Agenda' is taking place, and it has only just started... DID YOU KNOW, that the (planned) Coronavirus has cost global economy 400 MILLION full-time jobs, a recent UN labor agency report has revealed?... Around 30% of Americans didn’t make their Housing Payment in June and in Denmark, I CANNOT sell my house, due to the Coronascare and going bankrupt soon... Just wait until the financial breakdown is coming to a city near you, by year-end 2020 or 1st quarter of 2021 - that's their MASTERplan, anyway... You be the judge of that, and as always, use your own Spiritual Discernment... |
👼 ~ 💗Just Hours Till Lunar Eclipse Global Activations July 5th (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: Eclipses are evolutionary gateways that initiate unpredictable change in a short time. As the world patriarchal system continues to erode and lose favor, there is a rising swell of evolved masculine that functions in unity consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn is shaking up rigid, control structures, governments, and politics.. For society to survive we need to replace the destructive operating system of greed, competition and uncontrolled consumerism with a New Earth system of collaboration, compassion and community building. The way of the ego-driven world is dying. It is unsustainable. This series of eclipses is the jumping off point into the New Earth operating system. The majority of the world is calling for a united global community, we are marching for change. The control system and its authoritarians will not survive the changing consciousness. The divine masculine is here to stay!👈] ... |
In just hours we enter the third and final Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Gateway at 13º Capricorn. Eclipses are evolutionary gateways that initiate unpredictable change in a short time. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn also forms a T-square with Mercury and Mars. There is a powerful masculine component active in this gateway. Being a full moon eclipse, this is affecting our emotional relationship to the masculine energy.
Is the masculine energy still a patriarchal influence in your life, or are you healing and evolving into embodying the pure divine masculine presence? As the world patriarchal system continues to erode and lose favor, there is a rising swell of evolved masculine that functions in unity consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn is shaking up rigid, control structures, governments, and politics. What we seed during this eclipse will last until the next eclipse series at the end of this year (November 30 – December 14).
🧧5️⃣📶 ~ UK PM Johnson to phase out Huawei's 5G role within months (The Telegraph) ~ | Blogger: [👉Research how the Brain-Implants, AI 'Soul' Chips, Vaccine-ID, Digital ID-Cards, Government-Issued Arm Bands, Wearing Face Masks in Public, 4++, 5G, Wi-Fi 6E fit the Agenda👈] ... Amazing news really, eliminating any CCP NWO influence, but just because Huawei tech is phasing out, doesn't mean that 5G-network platform is going bye-bye... Quite the contrary... PS: I've been working with Banking Cisco High End Infrastructure Equipment, Firewalls, Telecommunications etc. for 10 years... AND introducing 1,200 Megahertz of Wi-Fi or 5G using super high-frequency radio airwaves is NOT good for any unique heart and soul frequency, electric field and Auras... Higher frequency (shorter wave- length) radiation associated with 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunic- ations already in place. With millimeter-wavelength exposure and the 'constantly' pulsating, makes the heart and brain functions going bananas. That means invisible, artificial, microwave radiation emitting, magnetic waves, pulsating at 3 billion to 30 billion X per second... |
(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to begin phasing out the use of Chinese tech giant Huawei's technology in Britain's 5G network as soon as this year, The Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.
Officials are drawing up proposals to stop installing new Huawei Technologies equipment in the 5G network in as little as six months, and to speed up the removal of technology that is already in place, the newspaper https://bit.ly/3f12gST reported.
The move comes after the nation's spy agency GCHQ raised new security fears over Chinese technology.
⚙️🧑🔬 ~ This Scientist Says He’s Built a Jet Engine That Turns Electricity Directly Into Thrust ~ | Blogger: [🚀Wuhan University named Jau Tang's Plasma Propulsion Tech, NASA's The "impossible" EmDrive engine, Quantum Space Engine, Fuelless Engine motor, Zero-point energy (ZPE) or Free Energy - WHATEVER - nooooobody comes even CLOSE to David Adair's achievements or Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden🥇] ... "A rufless former SS Gestapo officer, Arthur L.H. Rudolph, German-born rocket scientist who helped develop the American program that took men to the Moon (or created Space Stations from Alien tech - Operation Paperclip), influenced USAF and was a part of Groom Lake secrecy (later on named Area 51)"👉👉SoTW attended the live videocast at Conscious Life Expo 2018 and enrolled David Adair's worldshop and listen to his story, that the U.S. military secretly gave him support to build his rocket in 1969. An expert in space technology applications, David Adair, is also known for his account of extraordinary experiences at Area 51 as a mere teenager .. David Adair had close contact to Arthur L.H. Rudolph, that he wished for ("Truth" Drugs in Interrogation, for what he knew)... Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion. From that point on, he says he caught the eye of government agents, but not just any agents, the top brass, Area 51-clearance-level agents. He says his work was later acknowledged by Stephen Hawking and Werner von Braun, but the story of his interaction with the military at a young age involves clandestine military bases and Nazi scientists (i bet you, Peter Madsen would die for David Adair's knowledge bank). Adair says he was a child prodigy when it came to astrophysics and rocket science, voraciously reading through all of the relevant literature he could find at his local library. According to his story, when a local librarian noticed he was correcting the flawed data in astrophysics texts, she was amazed and ordered him hundreds more. Adair became enamored with space travel, designing rocket propulsion systems with cryogenic fluids. Eventually this led to his creation of a new type of system that had never before been created, the electromagnetic fusion containment engine. With this engine, he says, his rocket could propel from zero to 8,654 mph in just over four seconds...🏷️PS: All my videos of David Adair has been removed by Google / Youtube... |
Source (futurism.com)
This past autumn, a professor at Wuhan University named Jau Tang was hard at work piecing together a thruster prototype that, at first, sounds too good to be true.
The basic idea, he said in an interview, is that his device turns electricity directly into thrust — no fossil fuels required — by using microwaves to energize compressed air into a plasma state and shooting it out like a jet. Tang suggested, without a hint of self-aggrandizement, that it could likely be scaled up enough to fly large commercial passenger planes. Eventually, he says, it might even power spaceships.
Needless to say, these are grandiose claims. A thruster that doesn’t require tanks of fuel sounds suspiciously like science fiction — like the jets on Iron Man’s suit in the Marvel movies, for instance, or the thrusters that allow Doc Brown’s DeLorean to fly in “Back to the Future.”
But in Tang’s telling, his invention — let’s just call it a Tang Jet, which he worked on with Wuhan University collaborators Dan Ye and Jun Li — could have civilization-shifting potential here in the non-fictional world.
“Essentially, the goal of this technology is to try and use electricity and air to replace gasoline,” he said. “Global warming is a major threat to human civilization. Fossil fuel-free technology using microwave air plasma could be a solution.” (READ MORE)
Space technology expert and former Area 51 rocket designer David Adair will show you visuals and graphics of what the Aerospace Community had intended to build in space with the Shuttle program. These projects have never been seen before or announced to the public.
Learn about: Space Stations, Space Manufacturing, Space Based Medicines and Micro-Gravity Processing that the Aerospace Corporations wanted to build but were told NO by NASA because it was ‘too much industrialization of space’. Prepare to be amazed at the possibilities that exist! Meet and hear from one of the most exceptional rocket scientists of our time.
🗽🌠🎆 ~ Trump claims 99% of US Covid-19 cases are 'totally harmless' as infections surge - 4 July celebrations speech ~ | Blogger: [👉'Anybody need any ventilators?' Trump says huge US Covid numbers are due to testing but FAKE NEWS media won’t tell the story👈] ... In the meanwhile, rest of the world and W.H.O. went abeshit over recent numbers rise and CDC director warns 2nd wave of COVID-19 could be worse etc. etc... |
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