Jun 23, 2018

Berlingske | 23. Juni 2018 | ~ 12-årige Frida og veninderne kan få HPV-prik i skoletiden ~ | .. I et forsøg på at få flere piger vaccineret mod livmoderhalskræft tilbyder Københavns Kommune nu, at piger kan få HPV-vaccine, mens de er i skole. Godt tilbud til travle børnefamilier, mener forældreforening .. | Blogger: [⚠️Berlingske Medias ejer siden 2006, britiske Mecom Group plc, og 'De Persgroeps', der omfatter i dag bl.a. Belgiens bedst sælgende avis, Het laatste Nieuws, en del af det korrupte MSM-media, som er sponseret af bla. den mørke stat og den farmaceutiske propaganda mafia i fuld aktion💉] ... Verdensalt.dk udviser ingen tegn på “krokodilletårer”, det er ÆGTE tårevædende...☹️ DET HER ER SKANDALØST. Mit håb er, at forældrene og de unge teenage piger, ikke bliver gruppepresset. Total mind-control... |

Københavns Kommune tilbyder i en forsøgsordning, at 12-årige piger kan blive vaccineret på skolen i skoletiden, hvis deres forældre takker ja. Her er det veninderne Signe Raecke (tv.) og Mette Marie Petersen (th.) som skiftes til at blive vaccineret og støtte hinanden i processen. Foto: Thomas Lekfeldt
Frida Arenkiel ler beklemt, da vaccinatør Sebastian Haibrock omsorgsfuldt forsikrer, at det er helt okay, hvis stikket resulterer i en lille tåre.

Hun nikker nervøst, mens lokalet på Kirkebjerg Skole i københavnerbydelen Vanløse fyldes af hendes overfladiske vejrtrækning.

Den 12-årige skoleelev er bange for nåle.

»Frida, skal jeg sætte Titanic på?« spørger veninden Astrid og hiver resolut sin iPhone op ad baglommen og scroller sig frem til Celine Dions hit »My Heart Will Go On«, som straks efter strømmer ud af mobilens højttaler.

Helt uden tårer får Frida Arenkiel sin HPV-vaccine mod livmoderhalskræft, og det hele er ovre, inden fløjtetemaet ebber ud, og pigerne kan vende tilbage til klasseværelset.

»Tak for sangen, Astrid,« siger Frida Arenkiel lettet og fortæller, at det sved lidt, men at stikket ellers ikke var smertefuldt:

»Og man slipper jo for skole imens, og så tror jeg bare, at det er rigtig godt at blive vaccineret.«

LÆS VIDERRE: https://www.b.dk/nationalt/12-aarige-frida-og-veninderne-kan-faa-hpv-prik-i-skoletiden

Before It's News \\ Bertrand Daily Report \\ ZeroHedge | June 23, 2018 | ~ Major RICO Lawsuit Filed Against Deep State….This Is the Beginning +Video ~ | Blogger: [🚨Filed Lawsuit -- #UNIVERSALCLEANUP: Rico Complaint Filed Against Clinton Foundation 1:18-cv-01422 by Fmr Secret Service Agent🚨] ... This is the REAL DEAL folks! ... |

By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

The “ZeroHedge” article below does not give the full impact of what this latest 4D Chess move by the Trump Administration via a former Secret Service agent’s RICO (Civil) Lawsuit against the top players in the Clinton criminal cabal enterprise is meant to do.

Agent Gary Byrne and a team of lawyers have begun an extensive lawsuit, citing the infamous “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) suit against what some call the Democrat Deep State.”

This is NOT your ordinary / everyday frivolous lawsuit against the Clintons, but is meant to (possibly) keep intact any Statute of Limitation issues that might slide when the Grand Jury begins (soon) with indictments. What’s critical is the “Discovery” portion of any lawsuit that forces the defendant to bring forth documents and records.

The lawsuit cites nearly everything Americans are wanting adjudicated, including “Murder for Hire” by the Clintons and Seth Rich’s murder after Seth downloaded approximately 44,000 Clinton / Podesta emails and “sold the emails to WikiLeaks,” according to his parents initially (until Clinton’s hit team threatened the parents).

Donna Brazile, the former CNN and later DNC Chairperson has stated her “life was threatened” after she went rogue on Hillary Clinton.

The lawsuit is going after every operation of the Clinton’s enterprises, individually, along with several Far Left media outlets including George Soros and John Podesta.

The only drawback with this lawsuit is that Judge Paul L. Friedman is a Clinton appointee.

This of course might also be part of the 4D Chess game the administration is using in-order to force accountability and justice under the law.

The other aspect and strategy is to put the Clintons et al on the back burner for now and then (if) this lawsuit is successful under Civil Liability, would strip the Clintons and others in the lawsuit of all their bank accounts and property under the RICO Act.

However, it is my understanding the RICO Act can only be used in a Criminal Case, but never the less, if Agent Byrne gets a settlement for the death threats against himself reference the book he wrote about his service with the Clintons, and other claims in the lawsuit, the legal crisis alone for the Clintons will be enormous.

Once that happens….the Federal Prosecutors and the Grand Jury have a solid case that could result in TREASON against the United States. As an option….”Q-Anon” has stated several times, a Military Tribunal is also on the table.

President Trump has taken-off the gloves and things are beginning to happen. Agent Byrne needs to take every precaution necessary in-order to stay alive, because this lawsuit can and will be very damaging.

—-Dave Bertrand

Michael Trimm Breaks Down Lawsuit Against the Clinton’s.


RT - Russia Today | June 23, 2018 | ~ ‘Incompetent enemies’: John McAfee blasts ‘poisoning’ attempt from his hospital bed (PHOTOS) ~ | .. John McAfee says he has survived an attempt on his life after his “enemies” tried to poison him. The cyber- security pioneer made the startling claim on Twitter and shared images of himself lying in a hospital bed covered in tubes .. “My enemies managed to spike something that I ingested,” McAfee wrote. “However, I am more difficult to kill than anyone can possibly imagine. I am back.” .. |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/usa/430643-mcafee-poisoning-attempt-enemies

Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | TV2 NYS | 26. Marts - 23. Juni 2018 | ~ USA har der i år været mindst et skoleskyderi hver uge ~ | Blogger: [🎵I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic. You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere. Imagination, life is YOUR CREATION. Come on Barbie, let's go party!🎵] ... O-M-G! 🤨 ... Stemningen var nærmest euforisk!!! 😁😂 (check denne video ud) ... Fra den overbetalte DRs USA-korrespondent Johannes Langkilde og licenshesten, til TV 2 USA-korrespondent Jesper Steinmetz (Author of Come on America - Korrespondentens dagbog) og den elefantastiske beretning om LØGNEN om #Skoleskyderier .. Ja undskyld, men NU, må det være NOK! ... Hr. Steinmetz fortæller i denne video, at det er de unge under 18 år, fremtidens vælgere, som har taget kampen op og agter ikke at stoppe før, substantielle ændringer er sket, i den amerikansk administration .. Hvor ved han det fra? Hvilken ændringer Hr. Steinmetz??? At skoleskyderi og terrorrelaterede episoder er baseret på politisk propagandist 'black' operationer? NEJ, det får man sandelig ikke, at vide. Har verdensalt.dk beviser - jeg poster ikke om andet på bloggen, dagen lang... Washington Post som er et søsterloyal talerør for censureret Danmark og andre landes medievirkelighed (Mainstream media (MSM), har allerede været ude og ""cementere"", om 'det falske billede af Emma González som gik viral via højreekstremistisk hjemmesider, hvor Parklands teenagere er skurke' (siger de) .. The Washington Post har også regnet sig frem til, at 'mere end 187.000K studerende er blevet udsat for våbenvold i skoler, siden Columbine' ... HVAD SKER DER!.. Det er beviseligt, at eksempelvis Sandy Hook skolemassakren, er TOTALT ET HOAX. INGEN, jeg gentager INGEN, kom til skade, og de børn som siges, at være 'døde', faktisk, har vist sig flere andre steder på billeder, når de er teeangere. Andre episoder, ja så DØR børn og unge, i disse, for nogles vedkommende, MEGET mystiske omstændigheder, der kan, for manges vedkommende, betegnes som, Falske Flag operationer på skoler og terrorrelaterede episoder (EU & USA)... Hr. Steinmetz, fortæller endvidere, at de (million-milliard) demonstranter, som er ankommet til Washington DC, er symbol på den kvindeprotestmarchen (Pussyhats), dagen efter præsident Trump, blev indsat... KAN du se det? TV2 laver en propaganda video, som er foranlediget af Obama/Clinton/DNC regimet MOD Hr. Trump... Lige efter denne video, dukker NATURLIGVIS en anden op, nemlig, om Stormy Daniels, superpornostjernen, som fortæller sin version af sandheden (I feared for my safety after threat to 'Leave Trump alone' -- de laver en Monica Lewinsky på Trump) ... PRØV AT HØR: Jeg stemmer på ingen partier i verden, som for 90 procents vedkommende, er lig med politikere som er; magtliderlige, pengebegærlige psykopater (der findes 250.000 psykopater i Danmark ifl. Netværket MOR) .. Men, Hr. Trump er vestens fjende Nr 1 og han kæmper for, at komme korruptionen til livs. Tænk lige på, hvad der ville ske, hvis Lars Løkke, blev udskiftet med en Trump-karakter i Danmark.. Whoa! ... Verdensalt.dk er en simpel landevejs-vagabond, der trodser autoriteters magtvælde, og fortjener sikkert bo i et skur i skoven, sammen med de andre PTSD ramte krigsveteraner, sølvpapirhatte og komplotmagere, men jeg holder min næse ren og samvittighedsfuld, fra fristelsens kokain og de kraftfulde virkninger (ikke sandt, Medina & Jakob Engel-Schmidt) ... De 12.000 blogindlæg (per 23. Juni 2018) , verdensalt.dk har skubbet over desken, siden 2014, hvis bare 1 procent er rigtige, så har jeg gjort min pligt, her på Mother Gaia... Amen ... PS: Der er en grund til mennesker bliver syge med kræft, ondt i sjælen og depressioner og ingen agter, at tage ansvar for sit eget liv, hvis vi er underdanige overfor systemet, hykleriet vil ingen ende tage ... |


LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-03-20-i-usa-har-der-i-aar-vaeret-mindst-et-skoleskyderi-hver-uge


Stormy Daniels to '60 Minutes': I feared for my safety after threat to 'Leave Trump alone'

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | 2015 - 2018 | Geoengineering: a weapon of mass destruction - Saudi Princess (ترجمة اللغة العربية) |

http://StopSprayingUs.com/support - A Saudi Princess described the ongoing geoengineering program as a weapon of mass destruction, a method of slow poisoning which threatens all life on earth. HRH Princess Basmah Bint Saud, daughter of King Saud, said Saudi skies had completely changed in the past four years, and now looked like those of London - which had also vastly changed. She said geoengineering threatens the world's water and food supply, and without water there is no life. When you tinker with Mother Earth, you court disaster.

Geoengineering was one of the key points of the new power in the world, she said. Those behind the program had huge resources, but were playing a dangerous game with the planet's equilibrium through geoengineering, transhumanism, nanotechnology and reckless playing with DNA.
She spoke at the Istanbul Security Conference on December 5th, 2015, where she gave a keynote speech on "Global Justice and Ethics in the Changing World Order." http://IstanbulSecurityConference.org

NN | June 23, 2018 | ~ ALL FAKED! Fake photo, fake news, fake media and the engineering of fake outrage to push an open borders invasion of America (Pictures & Video) ~ | Blogger: [🙄"Folkemødet er en løgn - for politikerne møder ikke folket" Knud Romer talte udkanten og folkets sag, da Altinget mødte forfatteren i Københavns Lufthavn CPH. Tusind tak for ingenting, Christiansborg!Facebook opslag🗯️]... (Folket flået på Folkemødet: Vil ikke være til grin for egne penge. Pengemaskine: De store spillere presser priserne op og folket ud af Folkemødet, når der skal findes overnatning - bt.dk) ... Tror du VIRKELIG PÅ, når Journalist Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, Leder af Excit Mentor Khaterah Parwani og Teamchef for Foreningen BABA Asim Latif, STORTUDER på Folkemødet, med Tidligere folketingsmedlem for SF, Özlem Cekic, i HÅNDEN????😢😭... Tror du så også på Rasmus Bruun's, krokodilletårer, der gik lige i hjertekulen?🤣 ... |

Danish MP Özlem Cekic meets a man who sent her online abuse because of her Muslim heritage. She collapses in front of millions of viewers all over the world... (GIVE ME A BREAK)



ALL FAKED! Fake photo, fake news, fake media and the engineering of fake outrage to push an open borders invasion of America

(Natural News) The now-infamous “family separation” photo you see below, taken by John Moore and licensed by Getty Images, has become the emotion-infused rallying cry for fact-devoid Leftists to demand unlimited open borders that would flood the United States with illegals.

It has now emerged that the photo is “fake” in the sense that the girl wasn’t separated from her mother at all. Young girls cry for a million reasons: They’re sleepy, they want more ice cream, they don’t like the food, and so on. But the deceptive left-wing media claimed this girl in particular was crying because she was forcibly separated from her mother by U.S. Border Patrol.

That claim, we now know, is a complete lie.

But it fits the convenient narrative of the insidious Left — which cares nothing about actual facts — and so the photo has been widely circulated on Fakebook and even used to raise nearly $20 million in donations for pro-open borders front groups (see below). The people who donated money to the campaign were duped, of course. The photo is a “fake.” The girl was never separated from her mother. The entire fundraiser is fraudulent, fake news.

Reporting continues by Bob Price of Breitbart.com:

The father of the tearful two-year-old Honduran migrant girl who became the face of the “family separation” news coverage says that his young daughter was never actually separated from her mother when caught by U.S. Border Patrol. Instead, he says, his daughter and her mother are together in U.S. custody at “at a family residential center in Texas.”

Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, 32, told the UK Daily Mail that his wife Sandra, 32, had taken their daughter, Yanela Denise, on a dangerous journey to the U.S. on June 3 without telling him. They had since been in touch, he said, and he learned the two had been detained together but never separated.

Getty Images photographer John Moore took the famous photograph of Yanela Denise standing on the ground and looking up in tears while a McAllen, Texas, Border Patrol agent searched her mother next to a patrol vehicle.

The image spread like a California grassfire. Time Magazine used a cutout of the little girl on its recent cover, where she was depicted confronting President Donald Trump.

Multiple news outlets used the photograph as a symbol of the pain of families being separated by U.S. government officials. A Facebook fundraiser that used the photograph to solicit funds to help reunite families has already raised nearly $20 million, becoming the single largest crowdfunding campaign in the history of the social media platform.

Getty Images captioned the photograph by indicating that the mother and daughter had been “sent to a processing center for possible separation” (emphasis added).

Now, Hernandez says that his wife and daughter were never separated by Border Patrol agents and that they remain together.

Hernandez also told the Daily Mail that he did not support his wife Sandra’s decision to leave their home and travel through dangerous conditions to seek political asylum in the U.S.: “I didn’t support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day.

“I don’t have any resentment for my wife, but I do think it was irresponsible of her to take the baby with her in her arms because we don’t know what could happen,” he told the Daily Mail.

He said she had talked about going to the United States for a “better future” but she did not say she had made the decision to take the 1,800-mile trip — paying a “coyote” smuggler $6,000 to take them.

Here’s a recent photo of the family riding in what appears to be a luxury vehicle, with the mother smiling and the daughter riding along:

Fakebook allows “fake” photo to raise $20 million, openly supporting a fraud while claiming to be cracking down on “fake news”

PFC \\ Upliftconnect | June 23, 2018 | ~ There is Something Extraordinary Happening in the World ~ |

Everything is changing, have you noticed?

A few months ago, I freed myself from society, I’ve released myself from the attachments I had and fear that locked me to the system. And since then, I started seeing the world from a different perspective. The perspective that everything is changing and most of us have not even realized that.

Why is the world changing?

In this post I’ll list the reasons that lead me to believe this.

1. No one can stand the employment model anymore

Each one is reaching their own limit. People who work in big corporations can’t handle their jobs. The lack of purpose starts to knock on the door of everyone, as a desperate scream coming from the heart.

People want to escape. They want to leave everything behind. Look how many people are trying to become entrepreneurs; how many people are going on sabbaticals; how many people are depressed in their jobs; how many people are in burnout.
How many people are depressed in their jobs; how many people are in burnout?

2. The entrepreneurship model is also changing

A few years ago, with the explosion of the startups – thousands of entrepreneurs ran to their garages to create their billion dollar ideas. The glory was to get funded by an investor. Investor’s money in the hand was just like winning the World Cup.

But what happens after you get funded?

You become an employee again. You have involved people who are not aligned with your dream, that don’t give a damn about the purpose and everything turns into money. The financial return starts to be the main driver.

Many people are suffering with this. Brilliant startups start to fall because the model of chasing money never ends.

We need a new model of entrepreneurship. And there are already many good people doing this.
The rise of collaboration

3. The rise of collaboration

Gaia | June 23, 2018 | ~ Limited Time! Choose a Topic & Watch FREE Gaia Videos ~ | .. Travel down a new road with Gaia, a member-supported conscious media company. Join our community of seekers, dreamers, and doers to empower your own evolution of consciousness. Discover over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles to inspire and encourage curiosity. Everything is waiting for you; which path will you choose? .. |

Strange Sounds | June 23, 2018 | ~ Ocean disappears in the Gulf of Thailand (pictures and videos) ~ | .. The strange phenomenon is back. A strong water receding was reported along several beaches situated in the Gulf of Thailand. According to residents, such a strong tidal phenomenon – with water disappearing over more than 2 kilometers away – wasn’t experienced in the last 20 years .. No, this is no tsunami warning… Waters disappear dramatically along beaches in the Gulf of Thailand in June 2018 .. |

This phenomenon was so intense that water disappeared over more than 2km from the shores
READ MORE: http://strangesounds.org/2018/06/ocean-disappears-in-thailand-pictures-videos-june-2018.html

JustInformed Talk | June 23, 2018 | ~ Q ANON: UPDATE ON Q&A SATURDAY!! ~ | Blogger: to summarize this video: Tom Arnold (actor) Fake & Wild goose chase on CNN, a publicity stunt, trying to setup Trump (take him down), before the 2018 midterm elections. Kirstjen Nielsen is at the forefront of the defense of Trump's immigration policy, violent Antifa movement or protesters, attacking & bullying her, outside her house, on restaurants and more... |


Divine Frequency | June 21, 2018 | ~ Full Disclosure Trumps Space Force Announcement - Contact in the Desert 2018 ~ |


The full disclosure movement is in FULL THROTTLE as we barrel through the beginning of conference season spreading truth to the MASSES. Learn about the latest happenings, from book launches to conferences. Hear about the journalist and researcher Teresa Yanaros' experience at Contact in the Desert 2018 and more. Trump's Space Force announcement comes a little too late as Divine Frequency in conjunction with others in the community, some affiliates of the Full Disclosure Project, work tirelessly to prove to the world that we're already IN space! And the reality of the secret space program is JUST the beginning. The sheer implications of such a force are insurmountable. Once we realize the depths of the lie we realize that we are not powerless, but we must CHOOSE to accept our personal sovereignty. It's time to tap into our co-creative power. It's time to reach out and BE the change we are waiting for. The time is NOW. We ARE the disclosure. Divine Frequency http://thedivinefrequency.com/ http://patreon.com/teresayanaros/ Divine Frequency Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/10039... What is Magic? Book by Teresa Yanaros http://bit.ly/whatismagicbook http://sterlingnicolebennett.com/ http://enlightenedabby.com/

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 22 June, 2018 | ~ Schumann Resonance Update ~ | Blogger: DISCLAIMER - People in my group, the inner-circle of COBRA, has said, that Disclosure News Italy is not trustworthy with many examples, however, verdensalt.dk, thinks some info is still worth to blog about, Schumann Resonance, is one of those things. People from the spiritual communities also lie, cheat and steal, to get our attention, some are actually deep state informers and infiltrators etc. In this particular case, Disclosure News Italy gets their info from, Space Observing System - Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске , which is the leading observatory, regarding collecting the Earth Resonance. Once again, if your belief system tells you about myth of Russian bots, are killing us all, well, turn away from this blog site, there's so much going on, under the radar (behind the scene), that makes you sick and worrying... YES, every single state, country and intelligence services and military, sole purpose is to deceive, mislead, delude, beguile & war-profiteering. However, true hardcarore benvolent beings are doing their best to help us humanity in our own, awakening process.. My advice, is only to pick up info that resonates with you, leave the rest untouched, once your ready, pick-up the leftovers from residues up again, look at it, analyse and examine it and pick only the info that resonates with you, leave the rest untouched, and continue, this process... Same goes for your LIFE PATH, COMPATIBILITY, DESTINY, & CAREER!. The first real step towards getting your sh** together is admitting that you don’t have it together in the first place. Admit that you're EGO & MONEY, is controlling you, STOP blaming others, RENSE out every muscle spasm for BAD life traumas, wrong choices, bad karmas, detox, detox detox... You are responsible for your happiness, nobody else, even if you think ONE GURU can cure your EGO, for all bad things and beliefs in the world... |

Schumann Resonance Today 6/22/2018 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us! RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz. Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
  • Activity continues with several spikes above 40 Hz. even today. After a period of calm it restarted at 4:50 UTC with several peaks strongly above 40 Hz. The massive excursion above the upper chart limit was at 10:50 UTC for about 20 minutes. From the chart we can foresee that some more spike are in action right now.
  • As suggested we arranged the images in an Archive page where all of them are arranged in chronological order for and easier consultation, you can find the link in the banner below.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7 Source


The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm
Schuman resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity.

The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.


NEWSBREAK.dk | 23. Juni 2018 | ~ DMI lover markant bedring: Vi skal bare vente lidt på den... ~ | Blogger: [🌡️Forskere afviser chemtrails som sludder og sladder. Rygterne om et hemmeligt og sundhedsfarligt atmosfærisk program har floreret i årevis. Det er altsammen en LØGN🌩️] ... SOLEN KOMMER, siger DMI til de danske uvidende borgere, men fortsætter til verdensalt.dk; - altså, det er jo ingen hemmelighed, at lyve, er jo lidt ligesom at kysse naboens hund, men chemtrail-folket og landbrugsorganisationerne har også noget at sige, for ikke at tale om magteliten profit på vejrderivater, men det er en anden snak.! Godt nok, påstår, en gruppe svenske aktivister, der har udført prøver på regnvand i nordvestlige Skåne, bemærkelsesværdige doser af uran, aluminium og arsen i regnvandet, som går ned i grundvandet, det var 2012. I dag er vi DMI i samarbejde med Miljøstyrelsen, meget mere raffineret og tillader blot chemtrails over områder, hvor landmændene skriger mest efter regn, vi er trods alt, blot underlagt Sundhedsstyrelsen og regeringens kontrolfunktion....PS: Spørger du OS, DMI, om vi kender til Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Solar Radiation Management, Klimatilpasning, HAARP i Tromsø - Norge, Avanceret EISCAT i Sverige og Norge, Nanofibre fra Chemtrails, Virus, HPV, RFID, Hjernekontrol, og andet godt, så aner vi simpelthen ikke, hvad Du snakker om... 🤞🤞🤞 . Solstråle blokering, psykologisk manipulation, eller menneskelige befolkningskontrol, - "Følelsesmæssig dysregulering", "udbrud af følelser og en" manglende evne til at kontrollere adfærdsmæssige eksplosioner? ", indgår ikke i vores vidensdatabase, snak med PET eller CIA og Det militær-industrielle kompleks ... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://newsbreak.dk/vejret-den-23-juni-2018/?image=2

Secureteam10 | June 23, 2018 | The REAL "Truth" About Antarctica? | 175K - 3M views |

Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!

ECETI - Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence | June 23, 2018 | ~ News Update ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

Planetary News

June 20, 2018: Over the past 125 years the earth has only been in this cosmic planetary position 6 times, during each of those six times some historic events occurred on the planet with regard to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.



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The International Tribunal for Natural Justice launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse at an inaugural seating in Westminster, London on April 16-18th 2018. The filmed testimonies are now available via this Official Commission site to the Press, Public and all interested institutions and organs of government. The principal intention behind this Commission is not to instigate witch-hunts or target individuals, but to set in motion a culture that ensures restoration of truth, disclosure and reconciliation around the subject of human trafficking and child sex abuse. Our goal is to achieve in 9 - 12 months what governments and leaders of the world have failed to do for centuries - shed the full light of truth on the nature and extent of the human trafficking and child sex abuse pandemic. Seatings will be taking place in Washington, the Hague and Rome in the months ahead. An Official Commission Report will be published and issued to the world-at-large at the Declaration event in Rome at the close of the Inquiry.