May 26, 2018
Limfjord Update | 26. Maj 2018 | ~ Når det regner på præsten drypper det på degnen ~ | Blogger: [☀️Når det regner på præsten drypper det på degnen⛈️] ... Det gode gamle ordsprog kan godt omskrives og bruges om Landbrugsorganisationerne som jeg tidligere har sagt i spøg, har bestilt chemtrails-folket til Landmændene. Og eftersom magteliten skal tjene penge på vejrderivater, så går FN's fødevare- og landbrugsorganisation (FAO), der styrer den internationale kamp mod sult, tørke og orkaner via HAARP og Chemtrails, i aktion ... Lørdag eftermiddag har flere kraftige regn- og tordenbyger ramt store dele af Sjælland ... |
Fair Bidragssats Opdatering | 25. Maj 2018 | ~ Hvor langt er det nye realkreditinstitut? GDPR og Nykredit valg-rygter ~ | Blogger: Blot et uddrag fra nyhedsbrevet - er SÅ træt af disse genbekræftelses-mail i min indbakke, fordi der er panik på drengen, før data-deadline ... |
The Common Sense Show | May 26, 2018 | ~ Tsunami Risk Rises- Kilauea Entering a Permanent State of Eruption ~ | .. (Kilauea Has Gone “Permanently” Active) - Things on the big Island of Hawaii have gone from bad to worse. However, as I reported three weeks ago, this is not an local problem as I published strong indicators that the entire South Pacific region was in danger and that danger would extend to the West Coast of the United States .. |
Spirit Science | May 25, 2018 | ~ Secrets of the Pineal Gland ~ | Blogger: [🍬Afkalkning af ens Pinealkirtlen, hvordan vi forbedre vores vej til Ascension, åbning af pinealkirtlen - Koglekirtlen🍸] .. ØV! videon er VÆK! Nok en af de bedste øjenåbnere på nettet! 💡 ... (ejet af amerikanske DuPont ) - De Danske Sukkerfabrikker og Danisco - Den milliard store hvide mands sukker industri, som blokerer for åbningen af Koglekirtlen og gør os dødsyge ... |
Ancient traditions knew of the pineal and enshrouded its mysteries in their lore. They knew that the pineal plays a role in our spiritual development and communication with spiritual beings. But with an increasingly toxic world, many people do not know of the innate gifts inherent to an open pineal.
Hey everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well, not to worry - behind the scenes we’ve been working really hard to get to the place where we can create and share a never-ending stream of videos! We even moved into an actual office, and with a small animation team, we’re ready to start cranking out videos! We’re hoping to publish the next Spirit Science episode next monday, and they should continue to roll out from there! We’re also especially excited to be working with Gaia to help share some rather meaningful content. They’ve offered to share a couple of exclusive videos with us to help get the energy rolling, and we were so blown away by their library of content, that it’s such an honour to be able to share it with you today! Thank you Gaia, you guys are amazing!!
To you, our humble audience - thank you for all of your patience and love over the years. We’re so happy to get this motion rolling once again!
It is the dawn of a golden age! See you soon! With tremendous love, Patchman, Jordan & the team at Spirit Studios
Afkalkning af ens Pinealkirtlen, hvordan vi forbedre vores vej til Ascension, åbning af pinealkirtlen - Koglekirtlen (15. Aug 2014)
Jeg forestiller mig, vi alle kan åbne Pinealkirtlen via vores tredje-øje,
tunnellen mellem det fysiske og den spirituelle verden. Det tredje øje styrer de forskellige biorytmer af kroppen. Hvis vi er de-aktiveret, overgår vores system til en Zombie tilstand. Den trance af sløvhed, frygt, angst, depression, sygdomme, manipulation, uvidenhed og livet i vores 3D - basal set. Hvis den er aktiveret, når det tredje øje åbner, kan det føles som et tryk ved bunden af hjernen. Vores bevidsthed og sanseoplevelse kan drastisk forandre sig til det bedre, hvis vi arbejder gennem meditation, yoga og andre ting. Rigtigt mange mener, det er hele grundlaget for at højne vores frekvens, vibrationer og bevidsthed mod Ascension og 5D. Min egen åbning, ihvertfald starten på denne process, var under Kriya Yoga for mit tredje-øje. Pinealkirtlen er først nået mit bevidsthedsniveau indenfor de sidste par år.
Herunder Youtube videoen af Erin Janu, en Quick-guide til udresning eller afkalkning kan forebedre vores modtagelse via Pinealkirtlen gennem vores vaner, højne vores frekvens, hvordan vi spiser og lever. Det er ingen hemmelighed hvor farligt flour i tandpasta er, som også findes i specialfremstillet madvarer for ens krop og koncentrationen af tungmetaller så som kviksølv. (Kviksølv som også findes i dine plomber i tænderne)
The GoldFish Report | No. 227 | May 22, 2018 CET | ~ COUNTRY ROADS W/ WINSTON SHROUT: THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY ~ | Blogger: Louisa with her Qanon and Patriot glasses .. 👓 |
A Message from my Higher Self | May 26, 2018 | ~ Channelled through Mike Quinsey ~ | .. Humanity is beginning to understand how their presence on Earth is affecting the planet, and is looking to move away from those things that continue to support the negative vibrations .. |
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight
Time is beginning to pass even faster than previously and it is a definite sign that the changes are speeding up. Much is waiting to be revealed that will bring into being changes that are very desirable and will be welcomed by all. The old is slowly being replaced by the new that shall make it clear that the New Age is underway.
Humanity is beginning to understand how their presence on Earth is affecting the planet, and is looking to move away from those things that continue to support the negative vibrations.
In this respect much progress has been made through the creation of smaller groups of dedicated people that are doing their best to bring harmony to everyone. It is also attracting more people who seek to bring more Light to the Earth. The positive effects will snowball and help raise the vibrations even further, and it is all being achieved in very arduous and trying circumstances.
The division between those of the Light and those of the negative vibrations is increasing all of the time, and it will reach a point where it will result in a great upliftment in consciousness. Over a period of time there has been a move to create more harmony upon Earth, and it is succeeding to the point where not just the threat of war has been eliminated, but peaceful co-existence is being pursued that will bring the peoples of different countries together. The futility of war resulting in the deaths of millions of souls is seen as repugnant, when co-operation can be achieved with friendly exchanges and a determination to make wars a thing of the past. It shows that the willingness of many countries to join together in a common pursuit of freedom and happiness can now be achieved.
The people are being encouraged to think New Age and being given ideas that should hasten their advancement that will bring into being life and time saving inventions. The knowledge has already been given to those in a position to act upon them, but there will continue to be opposition from those who like to keep the “status quo.” Be assured that nothing will be allowed to prevent the advancements that the new inventions will give you. Those who stand in the way of their introduction will be removed and none will be able to block such advancements.
The younger generations have a different kind of mind set, and the ability to see ways of bringing peace about where the older generations have failed. It is no criticism of their attempts to solve the problem, but sometimes you can be so involved in it that you cannot see a way out. Clearly the people have had enough of warfare and the consequent loss of life, and yearn for a solution to stop the carnage and waste of human life. Karmic lessons have been learned and there remains nothing to be gained by prolonging pointless death and destruction. It is time to put all differences aside and learn to live together as one, in happiness and loving cooperation.
Folkets Avis | 26. Maj 2018 | ~ Hold blikket på brættet ~ | .. Kommer du til at smugkigge? Læs vores guide til korrekt adfærd på stranden så du ikke krænker kvinder.. Det er ikke længere comme il faut for mænd at se på kvinder. I takt med at feminismen har fået overtaget den ideologiske styring af samfundet er det opstået et kastesystem I det feministiske kastesystem er manden en lavere rangerende race. Derfor er hans eventuelle blik på kvinden også en form for overgreb i sig selv. De lavere kaster må ikke se på de højere kaster. Det har feministerne udviklet en hel teori omkring som de kalder the male gaze. Altså, det hanlige blik. Ja, som vi alle ved, er kvinder i en højere livsform end mænd, og mænd bør slå øjnene ned ved møde med disse pragteksemplarer af den menneskelige art. Men rolig nu! Nu er det ikke sådan at ethvert blik er kriminelt .. | Blogger: Søren Pind blev engang anklaget for at have gloet sultent på en kvinde på trods af, at han var blind på det pågældende øje...🤣 |
Jason A World News | May 26, 2018 | ~ Tim Allen Exposes Hollywood! (2018-2019) ~ | Blogger: Just loooove Tim Allen. My own name brother - 'Timinator'... More and more celebrity comedians takes a stand against the Hollywood's satanic pedophile cult & 'the political correctness' - Totalitarian Mind Control ...🦁🐺🙏🤟 |
Look at What's Happening Across America! (2018-2019)Facebook:
Website: jason a world news 2018 2019
bus autism students teacher public schools us
Berlingske | 25. Maj 2018 | ~ Claus Hjort: USA kan lære af den danske krigsmaskine ~ | .. (In english:) A Core Ally In NATO - Denmark is facing its main allies, the United States, on its way to a new charity offensive, where American top politicians and key staff members in Congress is to learn from Danish WAR-MACHINE, soldiers effective handling of everything from frigates to fighters. "NOW, is the time to promote Danish NATO's defenses," says Minister of Defence Claus Hjort Frederiksen .. | Blogger: [🏴Dansk forsvarspolitik, politi og efterretningsvæsen i cahoots med USA - The Untouchable Society ☠️] ... DEN STØRSTE MILLARD MILITÆRE OPRUSTNING I 30 ÅR SKAL BESKYTTE DANMARK MOD AGGRESSIVE PUTIN ... 'Collusion' is but a day, #Russophobia is forever ... 🥁🥁🥁💥🚦👎 ... HUSK nu remsen - Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består! Os, borgere, forstår sig ikke på de store tal og pengesager hos de super dygtige VLAK-regeringsmedlemmer, b-økonomer og embedsværket ... Sagt på en anden måde, de krigsliderlige politiker-robotkrigere, derunder Claus Hjort Iceman Vader, skal til at købe know-how, militært overlegent isenkram af Pentagons Cyber Strategy, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman og gud ved hvad (som bliver holdt hemmeligt) ... Danmark er en krigsførende nation... 💂 Fra 1864 til et godt stykke ind i 1990erne var Danmarks forhold til krig, at det var noget, vi skulle holde os fra. De sidste 15 år har vi været en krigsførende nation. 💢Foruden Kroatien, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Irak, Afghanistan, andre områder, hvor Danmark har bidraget eller stadig bidrager militært i Vestsahara, Albanien, Eritrea, Makedonien, Sudan, Libanon, Somalia, Afrikas Horn, Mali og nu Syrien. Lige nu, har vi danske specialstyrker som opererer i Afghanistan, Irak og Syrien, Mali, Estland, Polen (andre Baltiske lande), bare for at nævne, dem vi kender til (Har en god ven fra specialtropperne, der får nakkehårene til at rejse sig) ... |
Denmark goes to war (but has no enemies)
Since 1990s, over 28,000 Danish soldiers have been sent to war, some several times, and in all, Denmark has sent soldiers off over 42,000 times. For new operations, a majority in parliament to vote for the resolution. It has happened many times since 1990. (The map here shows when and wherever the Government of Denmark has decided sent soldiers to war)
In addition to providing military assistance to the marked areas on the map, parliament decided March 18, 2011 to send four F-16 fighter aircraft to a military base in Sicily to enforce fly zone over Libya. The Danish F-16 aircraft went the first time on the wings Sunday, March 20 and after 5 months flown 488 missions where they have thrown 796 bombs on Libya. Denmark participates in the NATO-led mission to protect civilians in the country.
Besides Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Afghanistan, other areas where Denmark has contributed or still contribute militarily in Western Sahara, Albania, Eritrea, Macedonia, Sudan, Lebanon, Somalia, Horn of Africa, Mali and now Syria.... Read more danish site:
Huntsmen Corps : Danish Special Forces |
(Repost) Dansk forsvarspolitik, politi og efterretningsvæsen i cahoots med USA - the untouchable society - 20. Januar 2017
Of Sound Mind And Body | May 26, 2018 | ~ Father And Son Witness Strange Things In The Sky Over France While On A Flight ~ | Blogger: [⏺️ DISCONNECT Alexa Right Now.. Amazon’s smart-speaker Alexa ‘leaks’ private conversation to random number.. 250K views 🤖] My own Alexa says: ".. Good morning! Today is the 41st anniversary of the first Star Wars film: A New Hope. George Lucas's new hope today? That everyone will forget about Jar Jar Binks. Okie day? .." .. (LOTS OF MUFON CASES) ... 🛸👽 |
Father And Son Witness Strange Things In The Sky Over France While On A Flight
Golden Pyramidal UFO filmed in NY - May 2018
DISCONNECT Alexa Right Now...
CBS News | May 16, 2018 | ~ Police: Ind. school gunman asked to be excused from class, returned with 2 handguns (shooting that left a teacher and student injured) ~ | Blogger: [👁️ (There's) Always Something Going Down To Capture and Hold People's Attention 👀] ... Problem-Reaction-Solution = ... 1. - Urban Terror: A Hollywood-style crisis actor or MK-Ultra first person shooter (cell) wounds or kills students ... 2. - (sweepstakes or rat race) CIA Operation Mockingbird Mass-Media-Outlets & Militarization of Sheriff's Police - saves the day by acting heroic (and get a bunch of mafia money to shut up) ... 3. - Political Governmental Body: Sents in crisis actors to chants at anti-gun rally (parents in panic, school survivors on a anti-gun rally spree), more surveillance, more government milizalisation & control, more fear and submission etc. etc. ... |
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