Apr 30, 2018

gylle.dk | 30. April 2018 | ~ EU godkender forbud mod “bivirkninger” af neonicotinoider ~ | .. Fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen (V) forsvarede dansk landbrugs krav om fortsat brug af de skadelig kemikalier, men forgæves .. |

Greenpeace og en række andre miljøorganisationer har gennemført en årelang kamp mod landbrugets dødbringende kemikalier, som EU-systemet har holdt hånden over, men nu er det slut. Foto: Greenpeace.
De europæiske regeringer godkendte 27. april 2018 ​​et forslag om at udvide sit forbud mod neonicotinoide sprøjtegifte, som undersøgelser har påvist, er skadelige for bier og andre pollinatorer. Den danske miljø- og fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen (V) stemte mod forslaget på den danske mindretalsregerings vegne.

Fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen (V) forsvarede dansk landbrugs krav om fortsat brug af de
Fødevareminister Esben Lunde
Larsen (V)
forsvarede dansk landbrugs krav
om fortsat brug af de skadelig
kemikalier, men forgæves.
skadelig kemikalier, men forgæves.

Forslaget forbyder helt udendørs brug af tre neonicotinoider, eller neonics, i hele EU. De bidræbende produkter omfatter Bayer CropSciences imidacloprid og Syngentas thiamethoxam og clothianidin, der er udviklet af Takeda Chemical Industries og Bayer CropScience.

EU havde allerede vedtaget et delvis forbud i 2013 mod brugen af ​​de tre kemikalier på blomstrende afgrøder, der tiltrækker bier, såsom majs, hvede, byg, havre og rapsolie (canola).

“Alle udendørs anvendelser vil blive forbudt, og de pågældende neonicotinoider vil kun blive tilladt i permanente væksthuse, hvor der ikke forventes eksponering af bier,” udtalte Kommissionen i sin erklæring. Læs resten →

BB | 30. April 2018 | ~ Dansk bestyrelseskonge måtte »nøjes« med 24 millioner kroner ~ | .. Ole Andersen, der sidder som bestyrelsesformand i blandt andre Danske Bank og B&O, trækker væsentligt færre penge ud af sit personlige selskab sammenlignet med tidligere .. | Blogger: 🙄 Ih, hvor er det dog “synd” for ham … Her, tag en tudekiks... 😢Alle os andre almindelige dødelige, kommer ALDRIG i nærheden af ane, se, lugte eller mærke til så mange penge - et helt liv... For slet ikke at tale om Bo Nilsson, Nets-direktør der fik 700 millioner kroner og påstod, at han løb en risiko😣 Eller DR's bestyrelsesformand, Michael Christiansen, som udover en kæmpe løn i DR for licensmidler, også ejer Lead Agency, alt i alt god for 42 millioner kroner. Foruden det, at lobby-bureauet har fået udbetalt som økonomisk bonus fra Lockheed Martin, hvis våbenproducentens fly vælges som Danmarks nye kampfly (største penge-scam under fredstid) ... PS: Smut fordi 'Det Røde Felt' på Radio24syv - Illusionen om velfærd (2)... 'Hør den aktuelle forfatter Nick Allentoft diskutere, hvordan tre nye kriser truer den danske velfærdsmodel: socialkrisen, ledelseskrisen og demokratikrisen'... Noget at det bedste jeg længe har hørt, under løbeturen... 🏃‍♂️ |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.business.dk/finans/dansk-bestyrelseskonge-maatte-noejes-med-24-millioner-kroner


Det er et blændværk, når vi hylder Danmark som verdens bedste, hyggeliste og mest trygge samfund. Men vores mønstersamfund er i stigende grad præget af kaos, lappeløsninger og udfordringer i et sådant omfang, at forestillingen om det trygge velfærdssamfund fremstår som en illusion. Sådan lyder pointen i en ny bog, ‘Velfærdsillusionen – om et samfund i krise’. Hør den aktuelle forfatter Nick Allentoft diskutere, hvordan tre nye kriser truer den danske velfærdsmodel: socialkrisen, ledelseskrisen og demokratikrisen. Stadig flere borgere oplever sig udsatte, marginaliserede og ladt i stikken i en grad, så nogle vælger at tage deres eget liv, mens andre mobiliserer sig i vrede mod en fælles fjende; den velfærdsstat, som skulle hjælpe dem. Samtidig lader politikerne bureaukratiet vokse, og fokuserer på planer, der gavner udvalgte vælgergrupper, uanset om de virker eller ej. Dermed svækkes vælgernes tillid til demokratiet og politikerleden vokser.

Gizmodo | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Bill Gates Warns 30 Million People Could Die From Flu Pandemic if We Don't Get It Together ~ | Blogger: We know for a fact, that Bill Gates is involved heavily in the global vaccination program, which is just a trojan horse for a massive global depopulation program. He is also funding MASSIVE GMO food programs and Chemtraling... This is NOT the first time he warns us all... In a 2015 video from VOX, Bill Gates slips up and says "this is the most likely thing to kill 10 million EXCESS people". And why 33 million? Isn't that a bit Kabbalistic / Masonic? .... A breakdown of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2012 tax return by Mother Jones reveals billions in funding to corporations such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken ... If you're not familiarized with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, you're in for a surprise, but NOT the good kind... He called on the United Nations to get more power, more autonomous government control, “for the good of humanity.” “You can make fun of it, but in truth it is sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individuals who behave like the UN system failed,” he said in January of 2017, at a UN conference ... Use my blog search to get an idea about Bill Gates ... |

READ MORE: https://gizmodo.com/bill-gates-warns-30-million-people-could-die-from-flu-p-1825615528


Benjamin Fulford Partial Report (Full Video) | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia ~ |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, DenInternationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia

Udgivet af Benjamin den 30. April 2018

Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—satanic bloodlines, or the people.

This is why Israel last week attacked Syria with nuclear weapons and thus left itself open to Russian retaliation, Pentagon sources say. Video of this nuclear attack is being systematically scrubbed from the Internet, but at the time of publication of this newsletter it could be seen here:

There are signs that the nuclear attack may have been Saudi Isrealian retaliation for the assassination of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Salman has not appeared in public since heavy gunfire was reported inside the royal palace last week. The only person trotted out for the press when U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited over the weekend was the fake king.

However, the fog of war is especially thick in the region now, so we will not know a lot of what is going on until the dust settles a bit more.

In any case, it is clear Saudi Israelia is increasingly isolated in the region, as Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, and other regional powers line up against them. Now, the U.S. decision to withdraw its troops from Syria into Iraq is a sign to the Russians and their allies that the U.S. military will not defend Saudi Israelia from any Russian attack as long as U.S. control of oil resources in the region is not threatened, Pentagon sources say.

This struggle is not limited to the Middle East, but is also raging under and above the surface in Europe, the U.S., and Russia as the old satanic bloodline families struggle to retain control of the planet Earth.

A visible sign of this epic battle was seen when French Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron visited U.S. President Donald Trump last week. This was captured in the photograph below, sent by Pentagon sources.

The Pentagon caption is as follows:
 “While Macron displays the satanic hand signs, Melania Trump on April 24 sends a message to the Rothschilds that white hats are in control.
At his meetings with Trump, Macron pretended to support the Iranian nuclear accord that supposedly keeps Iran from having nuclear weapons, while in fact the Rothschilds have been providing Iran with…

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

Berlingske | 30. April 2018 | ~ DF om Søren Pinds byttehandel: »Latterligt og pinligt« ~ | .. Det er ikke mange rosende ord, Dansk Folkeparti har til overs for den byttehandel, Søren Pind (V) som justitsminister tilsyneladende har forsøgt at slå af med Københavns overborgmester om at få en statue eller buste af Ronald Reagan som hjælp med lovgivning. Det har intet med hinanden at gøre, lyder det .. | Blogger: #SLETTWITTERBOYZ ... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.b.dk/politiko/df-om-soeren-pinds-byttehandel-latterligt-og-pinligt

WND | Apr 29, 2018 | ~ NEW FUKUSHIMA NIGHTMARE FOR JAPAN UTILITY ~ | .. How does one store a million tons of radiated water – forever? .. |

There’s a building boom going on at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan where on March 11, 2011, as the coast was catastrophically flooded by an earthquake-triggered tsunami, three of the six reactors melted down.

But it’s not the kind that signals progress.

Tepco, which owns the site, has built hundreds of massive storage tanks to hold the radioactive water that is leaking from the disaster.

According to a report by Vince Beiser at Wired, the tanks contain as much as 150 tons of groundwater that percolates into the reactors through cracks in their foundations every day.

The water is contaminated with radioactive isotopes during the process, the report said.

“More than one million tons of radiation-laced water is already being kept on-site in an ever-expanding forest of hundreds of hulking steel tanks – and so far, there’s no plan to deal with them,” Beiser warned.

To contain the radiation as much as possible, Tepco “pumps it out and runs it through a massive filtering system housed in a building the size of a small aircraft hangar.”

“Inside are arrays of seven-foot tall stainless steel tubes, filled with sand grain-like particles that perform a process called ion exchange. The particles grab on to ions of cesium, strontium, and other dangerous isotopes in the water, making room for them by spitting out sodium. The highly toxic sludge created as a byproduct is stored elsewhere on the site in thousands of sealed canisters.”

The report explained there have been improvements in the filtering system since the disaster seven years ago, but none of the processes so far has been able to catch tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.

Intellihub \\ The Press-Enterprise | Apr 29, 2018 | ~ SWAT active shooter drill held at Fairplex mimics Las Vegas shooting ~ | .. The Pomona Police Department SWAT team along with other SWAT teams from the surrounding areas, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center and LA County Fire held an active shooter training at the Fairplex in Pomona on Tuesday morning. 75-100 volunteers from the hospital participated in this exercise that was designed to mimic what occurred in Las Vegas on October 1st. The volunteers were not told what would happen before the drill began and were acting based on .. |

Daily Mail Online | Apr 27, 2018 | ~ Robot that can 3D-print a house in just 48 hours could someday help create a colony on the MOON ~ | Blogger: Hvorfor er det så svært, at få tillade til, at lade eks.vis. den danske Stat, godkende 3D-printing og konstruere dit drømmehus til 70.000 kr?? ... Selvom vi har noget som hedder paragraf 73, der i følge loven, så at sige, fortæller os vi 'ejer', den grund vi har købt, inkl det i luften henover og i jorden under hytten, kan staten dog godt tage den fra dig i meget særlige tilfælde (Tvangsindgreb er tilfælde, hvor en myndighed uden for strafferetsplejen og uden forudgående retskendelse kan bevæge sig ind på privat grund o.s.v.). De færeste mennesker, er ej heller gældfri, så derfor ejer bankerne og kreditforeningen, dit hus og grund, i en vis udstrækning.. Verdensalt.dk mener, at “ejeren” af en grund i virkeligheden, IKKE ejer den. Praktisk talt lejer, grunden af staten, og at grundskyld/ejendomsskat er den leje man betaler staten for brugsretten til et jordlod. Ifølge bygningsreglementet kan kommunen ikke nægte en ret til at bygge, hvis man overholder visse minimumskrav, bare ikke når det gælder 3D print og specielle konstruktioner, da man ikke ANER hvordan man skal takle situationen, og er bange for, at hele byggebranchen og håndværkerlaget, vil gå fallit eller forsvinde, hvis vi alle ønsker et 3D-printet hus... Statens konstruktion, skal tilgodese, at ALLE skal dele kagen, fra håndværkeren, byggerådgivere, polske subkontraktere, byggesagkyndige(scam) til statens godkendte typehus eller en hovedentreprise hos et byggefirma (ellers går hele branchen bankerot og ingen skattekroner i statskassen)... Ja, Europas første 3D-printede hus bliv byggede i Københavns Nordhavn, sidste år. Meeeen, vi er stadig milepæle fra, at den private forbruger, kan købe en 3D-printede hus, som koster under 100.000 kr. og er fuldstændigt vedligeholdelsesfrit og delvis skattefrit, kan leve udenom statens lange arm... Kommer ikke til at ske - foreløbig - og hvis det gør, så kommer der ET HAV af restriktioner og bygningsreglementet bliver omlagt, så alle kommer til at tjene penge på denne metode, inkl. Staten og kommunerne ... |

  • One-story home covers 100 sq meters (1,075 sq ft) and features a living area, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom
  • Architects used a 3D concrete printer mounted on a movable base to put the building together
  • It is made up of 35 modules constructed using a special quick-drying mortar that sets in just 24 hours
  • Architects behind the project said it is a proof-of-concept and did not disclose how much it cost to build
This incredible 3D-printed home was built by a robot in just 48 hours. Constructed using a special quick-drying mortar, the building is the first of its kind because it can be deconstructed and reassembled at a different location
READ MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5663935/Incredible-3D-printed-house-built-portable-robot-just-48-hours.html

Benjamin Fulford Q&A | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ False images in the Barbara Bush funeral video ~ |

Hi Mr. Fulford,

I have been following your articles through Kauilapele’s blog. Thank you for such incredible journalism.

I took a few screen captures of images from ABC’s video of the Barbara Bush funeral video you referenced. As you can easily see in the clip you referenced (which are all stills), the Clintons are seated with Barbara Bush to the right in the row behind them. I believe it is Jimmy Carter seated two to the left of Bill. But according to the video, Carter didn’t attend the funeral.

This clip is obviously from another event a while ago, since Barbara Bush, Carter, and the Clintons look younger, HRC is wearing a different jacket/outfit in this clip than in other scenes of her seated in the chapel as well as in the group photo of her with Barack and Michelle Obama, Melania Trump, the Clintons, and the Bush family.

The tie Obama is wearing in the group photo is blue, while the color of this tie in the video is black or dark gray. Weird.

Below are other discrepancies with the casket….

In the overview shot of the chapel, there is no casket up front. Usually the casket would be there during the entire service.

Casket of Barbara Bush, supposedly:

Also supposed to be Barbara Bush’s casket. It doesn’t match.


Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 27-29 April, 2018 | ~ Schumann Resonance Update ~ | Blogger: Woooooooooow! AMAZING & BEAUTIFUL! Turned from WHITE to RED!!! 😚🤗🤩 ... "The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!" ... |

Schumann Resonance April 27-29
Schumann Resonance Today 4/29/2018 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!

RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
  • The usual chart is still stuck at April 27 so we will use this one to monitor the Schumann Resonance Today. In this top chart we can see a massive spikes of frequency, above any limit shown on the chart, that started little after 10:00 UTC and it’s ongoing at the time of this posting.
  • The Second Chart posted in this page shows the last few days, from April 24, with some major activity happened since April 28 and actually ongoing.
  • As suggested we arranged the images in an Archive page where all of them are arranged in chronological order for and easier consultation, you can find the link in the banner below.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7



The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm
Schuman resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity.

The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.


David Icke /w. Regina Meredith | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ David Icke live on the Regina Meredith Show (Part Two) ~ |

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighed bedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder: "who and what is really controlling the world". Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevet mange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".

BIO: As Regina’s career progressed, so did her decades long exploration into the world of esoteric and hidden sciences – the reality beyond the 5 sense world. Guidance from these realms suggested it was time to bring her skill set to the world of video/televised media, so in late 2004, along with her husband Scott, she co-created ‘Conscious Media Network’, the first online network to feature full length original video interviews with authors and experts in the realms of the meta-physical, healing arts and alternative theories, opening up a world that many had experienced but never had access to on this scal --- Visit - www.reginameredith.com 

To have David's Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here http://www.davidicke.com/register World Tour Tickets - https://www.davidicke.com/shop/produc... All David's Books Now Available Here http://www.davidIcke.com/shop Latest News From David Icke - www.davidicke.com

Simon Parkes Official Website | April 28, 2018 | ~ Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness ~ | .. First new Simon podcast .. | Blogger: [👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏] ... Highlights -- Satanic attacks going on right across the planet (individuals, healing centers, organisations etc) Simon says - the bad guys used up almost 6 month of energy on these horrific attacks ... The grandmother of Satanic cults, Barbara Bush, has died! or did she? ... President of France - Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, a known Banking family (Rothschild and Nazi connections) secret weapon arms deals and apparently a long association with Israel (6-day-war: French Mirage Fighters Turned Israel Into a Major Air Power & Charles de Gaulle Gave Israel Nuclear Technology) ... Pres. Trump - Inside the 25.000 sealed indictments - 20.000 pedofiles in multinational companies ... FBI gave Mr. Trump the greatest problems, not the Russians. That's why he cleared out the J. Edgar Hoover Building building during the run-up to the election campaign (CIA worked with WikiLeaks to win the campaign) ... Trump didn't want to meet the Queen on his visit to United Kingdom ... Turkey - US Intelligence services attempted to make a deal with Turkey when Turkey tried to pull out their Gold deposit ... From Benjamin Fulford (In another development last week, it appears that “wearing a tinfoil hat” may not be as crazy as it is made out to be). Simon talks about he got a call from the guy who makes tinfoil hats etc. etc... ....Q&A.... [ LISTEN TO MORE]) |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Zero Hedge | Apr 29, 2018 | ~ Trump: If Dems Win Midterms, They'll Impeach Me; Stocks Could Be Up 60% But "I Have To Do Things" ~ | Blogger: Michelle Wolf roasted pretty much everyone at the White House Correspondents' Dinner ... @realDonaldTrump: "The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was a failure last year, but this year was an embarrassment to everyone associated with it. The filthy “comedian” totally bombed (couldn’t even deliver her lines-much like the Seth Meyers weak performance). Put Dinner to rest, or start over!" ... |

Timed to coincide with the White House Correspondents' Dinner, Trump spoke at a Michigan rally on Saturday night in what was deemed to be another throwback to his campaigning days, and covered a broad variety of topics, from the situation in Korea, to the stock market, to the "fake" mainstream media news, but his most memorable soundbite was that he could face impeachment if democrats win the midterm elections.

"We have to keep the House because if we listen to Maxine Waters, she’s going around saying ‘We will impeach him," Trump told the rally participants, adding that "I don't think we're going to have a lot of happy people if that happens."

Last week at a New York gala, Waters urged Trump to streamline the process and just “please resign.”

"So that I won’t have to keep up this fight of your having to be impeached because I don’t think you deserve to be there,” Waters said. “Just get out."

Politiken.dk | 20. April 2018 | ~ Forsvarsminister om forbud mod omskæring af drenge: »Den politiske risiko ved det her er kæmpestor« ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Endnu et borgerforslag kan blive skudt i sænk, inden de 50.000 stemmer er indsamlet? Grundet frygt for repressalier fra 🕍Israel, det Jødiske samfund eller Dansk Islamisk Center 🕍???] 🗣🗣🗣 Verdensalt.dk er faktisk LAMSLÅET over hvordan Claus Hjort Iceman Vader, Søren Barbapapa Pape Poulsen og LøkkeSugarFondenFar, er i LOMMEN på Israel i den grad, at de ADVARER og siger NEJ, mod et forbud mod omskæring af drengebørn under 18 år (ER DU KLAR OVER, OMSKÅRNE MÆND HAR SVÆRERE VED AT OPNÅ ORGASME, OG DERES KVINDER HAR FLERE SMERTER I SKEDEN OG ET RINGERE SEXLIV??. DET VISER DANSK FORSKNING FRA 2011, SOM VÆKKER INTERNATIONAL OPMÆRKSOMHED) ... PRESSEMEDDELELSE – Borgerdrevet beslutnings- forslag om omskæring. Intact Denmark – Forening mod børneomskæring har indgivet et forslag til Folketinget om indførelse af en 18 års mindstealder for omskæring af raske børn .... (6/1/2018:) -- 24syv Nyheder: Børnebog om omskæring, fortæller om en IKKE balanceret beskrivelse af drengeomskæring, mener Intact Denmark – forening mod omskæring af børn ... Den tidligere folketingspolitiker Özlem Cekic tager i en ny børnebog hul på et kontroversielt emne – nemlig omskæring af drenge.(..).. Hendes novelle har imidlertid vakt debat, endnu inden ’Læseraketten’ er blevet omdelt på landets skoler. Ikke mindst hendes sammenligning af omskæringen af de nyfødte drengebørn med den kristne dåb er faldet nogle for brystet..."... Husk på, det handler om politikernes kontrol af borgers vidensniveau via fortielse og fornægtelse. Sundhedsstyrelsen (central- administrationen), er en del af folketingets statsapparatus og dermed også en del af Deres politik, som holder hånden over det jødiske samfund.. ".. Lovgrundlag: Omskæring af piger/kvinder er omfattet af straffelovens § 245, stk. 2. Efter denne bestemmelse straffes den, som tilføjer en anden person skade på legeme eller helbred, med fængsel indtil 4 år..". "Omskæring af drenge er ikke ""forbudt"" efter dansk lovgivning: Sundhedsstyrelsen har revideret den nuværende vejledning om omskæring af drenge. Omskæring af drenge er efter Sundheds- styrelsens opfattelse et operativt indgreb, der er omfattet af autorisationsloven, og dermed forbeholdt læger..".. Hvordan kan Sundhedsstyrelsens vejledning nærmere præcisere, hvordan lægen udviser omhu og samvittighedsfuldhed ved omskæring af drengebørn?. Hvorfor forskelsbehandler vi drenge- og pigebørn? Jøder, Zionisme, tradition og omskæring af jødiske spædbørn = (Abrahamspagten) uddrag: ".. Men en uomskåret mand, en hvis forhud ikke er omskåret, skal udryddes fra sit folk. Han har brudt min pagt." Herefter beskriver resten af kapitlet, hvordan Abraham, hans søn og alle mænd i hans hus blev omskåret samme dag. Jøderne opfatter altså omskæring som en fuldkommengørelse af Guds skaberværk..."... I rest my case, som man siger...

Claus Hjort Frederiksen, venstre Ungdomsparlamentet indtager Folketinget. Folketinget indtages i dag af 179 skoleelever, som overtager politikernes taburetter for en dag. Eleverne skal give deres bud på løsninger af samfundets problemer. Desuden får de mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen og 11 andre ministre i spørgetiden mellem klokken 12.30 og 13.30.
LÆS VIDEREhttps://politiken.dk/indland/politik/art6459414/%C2%BBDen-politiske-risiko-ved-det-her-er-k%C3%A6mpestor%C2%AB

NewsInsideOut.com | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Ole Dammegard shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law/FEMA camps – dividing USA into administrative districts, cancelling States rights under the US Constitution ~ | Blogger: [🚨State Sponsored Fake Terrorisme, Fake Police Bull Horns and Fake Promises🚨] ... Today, as we speak, the Danish State with the Police, has opened 2 new Regional Situation and Operations Centers in Copenhagen and Aarhus. In the future, Danish police will be better equipped with terrorist attacks or natural disasters no matter where in the country they are... (Whats next? FEMA Camps?)... |

Ole Dammegard shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law/FEMA camps – dividing USA into administrative districts, cancelling States rights under the US Constitution.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Ole Dammegard, who accurately predicted Las Vegas & 3/22/2017 Westminster UK False Flag operations, shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law and FEMA CAMPS – dividing the USA into 6-10 administrative districts and canceling States rights under the US Constitution.
This reporter was first briefed of the plan to divide the United States into administrative districts – called Operation REX in some iterations – in the Spring of 1977 by futurist Peter Schwartz – later Futurist for Shell Oil Company, and head of the Global Business Network – when this reporter joined the Center for the Study for Social Policy, Stanford Research Institute [SRI], Menlo Park, CA as a Futurist.
If Ole Dammegard’s deconstructions of the planned US Capitol False operation are correct, such would be an implementation of a planned coup against the Constitution of the United States that has been in the planning for at least 40+ years since 1977, if not more since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 by the German DVD Fourth Reich planetary government of occupation headquartered in Antarctica.

WATCH WEBINAR with Ole Dammegard on ExopoliticsTV

WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Bitchute – FREE

WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Gumroad – Make a voluntary donation to support ExopoliticsTV [Our You Tube account with 47,000+ subscribers & 10million views is under unlawful strike by Google-YouTube for exposing 3/22 UK Westminster False Flag]

PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – April 29, 2018 – In a live Webinar author and investigator Ole Dammegard, who accurately predicted Las Vegas & 3/22/2017 Westminster UK False Flag operations, deconstructs recent major false flag operations such as the Florida False Flag, [to defeat 2nd Amendment citizen gun protections], the Toronto Van False Flag [To trigger G7 debates on shutting down Internet, Facebook & Twitter Freedom of Speech] & the Meunster, Germany False Flag and reveals intentionally embedded “foreshadowing signs” of a possible planned US Capitol false flag operations to shut down US democracy and impose martial law and FEMA camps, as predicted by journalist Christopher Story’s book The New Underworld Order.

The planned false flag operation to destroy the US Capitol
This planned false flag operation to destroy the US Capitol – and complete the damage apparently planned in the original 9/11 false flag operation – and along with it impose martial law and shut down US democracy and States Rights in the US, in coordination with the confiscation of lawful armaments under the Second Amendment to the US Constitution via the 3.24.2018 March triggered by the Florida False Flag – – is being carried out according to Ole Dammegard by a global “false flag industry” in league with a global Deep State as part of the roll-out of the so-called New World Order, articulated by US Presidents from George HW Bush to Barack Obama.
According to Webinar host Alfred Lambremont Webre, the “Deep State” is journalistic shorthand for actually the German DVD, or the Fourth Reich German underground planetary government of occupation that is headquartered in bases in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars and that took over America clandestinely through Operation Paperclip after World War II and now controls the White House through US President Donald J. Drumpf [German family name], a German DVD asset. According to Webre, all four major space-faring nations that have not ratified the ICC-International Criminal Court Treaty prohibiting wars crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity – the USA, Israel, Russia and China as well as the Vatican- are part of the [“NOT-SEE” Nazi] underground Fourth Reich government in Antarctica that runs the global war industry and has a planned false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC as a trigger of a hot phase of Albert Pike’s World War III, a long-held Masonic and Nazi goal.

Support Ole Dammegard’s Research
Contact: info@lightonconspiracies.com

Recommended Reading
Ole Dammegard shares foreshadowing signs of planned false flag operation to destroy US Capitol, shut down US democracy, and impose martial law/FEMA camps – dividing USA into administrative districts, canceling States rights under the US Constitution.

By Alfred Lambremont Webre

WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Bitchute – FREE
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV at Gumroad – Make a voluntary donation to support ExopoliticsTV [Our You Tube account with 47,000+ subscribers & 10million views is under unlawful strike by Google-YouTube for exposing 3/22 UK Westminster False Flag]



SITSSHOW \\ Collective Evolution | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Canada Shows The World Radioactive Physical Evidence Of A Real UFO ~ |

(Arjun Walia) “If it does indeed turn out that there is relevant physical evidence, if this evidence is carefully collected and analyzed, and if this analysis leads to the identification of several facts concerning the UFO phenomenon, then will be the time for scientists to step back and ask, what are these facts trying to tell us?
Related Here’s The UFO Footage NASA Doesn’t Want You To See

SourceCollective Evolution

by Arjun Walia, April 5th, 2018

If those facts are strong enough to lead to a firm conclusion, then will be the time to confront the more bizarre questions. If, for instance, it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.” (source)

The quote above comes from Peter Andrew Sturrock, a British Scientist, and an Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. Sturrock and a number of other notable scientists around the world came together during the 1990’s in order to examine the physical evidence that is commonly associated with the UFO phenomenon. One example used by Sturrock in his analysis, was a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in McCleod, Alberta, Canada. (“Physical Evidence Related To UFO Reports” – The Sturrock Panel Report – Electromagnetic Effects) (source) (source)

Shortly after the Pentagon released videos of three UFOs (performing maneuvers that no known man-made aircraft or drone can perform), the Canadian government did the same thing, but in a different form.

You can read more about that and view the Pentagon footage here, here and here.

On a side note, it’s important to mention that the military personnel related to the Pentagon UFO videos all shared their belief that there is ample evidence suggesting that we are not alone, and that we are being visited. This isn’t a surprise, but some people still don’t know that hundreds of high ranking people within academia, as well as those from within military and intelligence agencies, have all come forward sharing their knowledge and experience on the UFO/Extraterrestrial phenomenon.

I elaborate more on that discussion here: It’s Official – We Now Know That UFOs or UAP Are Real..So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not?

The Canadian government recently made a $20 UFO coin, a collectors item, that recounts what’s become known as Canada’s most famous UFO encounter, called The Falcon Lake Incident.

The incident provided a number of interesting pieces of evidence, from physical evidence, from the craft that has to be kept in a special radioactive shielding case, to severe burn marks on the individual who experienced it who actually had to spend some time in the hospital after coming every close to, and touching the craft.

You can read more details about the Falcon Lake encounter, in detail, here. There are a number of pictures linked in the article as well.

Below you can watch the brief news cast from CTV news.

Anonymous Official Global | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ Anonymous - What Are They Trying To Tell Us... (2018-2019) ~ | .. 245.313 views .. | Blogger: Signs of spiritual Awakening. Your not crazy! Your just waking Up 🤗... |




Ascensionwithearth | Apr 27, 2018 | ~ From Anonymous: Active Shooter Drill To Take Place at Henry Hudson Regional High School ~ |

From Anonymous:

Highlands, New Jersey- An Active Shooter Drill has been scheduled for some time in April 2018 for Henry Hudson Regional High School in Highlands New Jersey. The 'Active Shooter Drill" was announced to parents at the beginning of school year 2016. According to students whose names are withheld because they are minors, they are reporting to each other their feelings of anxiety because they were told the date of this drill would not be announced and that there would be 'other' 'students' who will come to assist by playing dead or being injured. According to one student, the school held an assembly where the children were told "You Will be very scared". Students have expressed their parents opposition to such a violent drill but it is not known whether parents have voiced their dissent about exposing their children to violence, especially police violence. One parent who spoke on conditions of anonymity fears the psychological and emotional effects this could have on students may cause harm to the students and that exposing children, especially children with Autism, to violence is something schools should be discouraging, which makes you wonder if there is a political agenda behind this.

Avisen.dk | 30. April 2018 | ~ Kaj betaler 13.887 kroner for at bo på plejecenter: Er der nogen, der tjener på os? ~ | Blogger: [🤥Løgnen er fundamentet i hverdagen🤥] ... Velkommen til dagens nyheder som også rummer andre tegn på den grådige corpocracy industri, der flår os, hver dag: 1. Investeringsforening æder af pensionen - Forbrugerråd advarer om, at gebyrer kan påvirke pensionen, når vi sparer op i bankers investeringsforeninger ... 2. Staten tjener flere penge på arveafgiften - I 1997 tjente staten knap 3,1 milliarder kroner i skatter og afgifter på arv og gaver renset for inflation, mens beløbet i 2017 var steget med 45 procent til knap 4,4 milliarder kroner, skriver Berlingske ... 3. Dennis Kristensen indrømmer: Begik ulovlighed midt i forhandlingskrisen - Dennis Kristensen, afgående formand for FOA, lækkede bevidst og med fuldt overlæg informationer fra Forligsinstitutionens forhandlinger, selvom det er ulovligt. Det erkender han nu overfor BT (læs også: Højtråbende frontfigur i de offentligt ansattes kampagne for højere løn : Tjener 600.000 kroner om året – og har lige fået kæmpe lønforhøjelse) ... 4. Løkke fortsætter krig mod Ekstra Bladet: Chefredaktøren gentager på TV løgnehistorie om min hustru ... 5. Vred nyhedsdirektør efter at have fået frataget sine daglige licensbetalte flyvninger : Du fatter intet - Ulrik Haagerup Danmarks Radio – Ulrik Haagerup fløj ikke på arbejde i 2017 på Danmarks Radios regning. Sådan lyder den korte udgave af den korrespondance, som Journalista.dk har haft med Danmarks Radios juridiske afdeling, DR Jura. Det i forbindelse med aktindsigter opnået i de udgifter, som Ulrik Haagerups pendlen mellem hjemmet i Ry ved Skanderborg og DR Byen i København har kostet licensbetalerne ...PS: Estisk finanstilsyn: Danske Bank tilbageholdt oplysninger for os - Under en EU-afhøring om Danske Banks hvidvasksag i Bruxelles er det kommet frem, at finanstilsynet i Estland aldrig blev informeret om, at en whistleblower forsøgte at advare banken om problemer i den estiske filial, skriver Berlingske ... |

Kaj Ove Svendsens betaler 9.173 kroner for sine to værelser på 76 kvadratmeter på det kommunale plejecenter Quistgården i Korsør. Manden på billedet er ikke Kaj Ove Svendsen, men en model. Modelfoto: Iris/Ritzau Scanpix/arkiv

Kaj Ove Svendsen opkræves 13.887 kroner for at bo på det kommunale plejecenter Quistgården i Korsør. Hos en privat udlejer ville han kunne få en meget større lejlighed til en billegere pris.

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.avisen.dk/top-maanedlig-opkraevning-for-at-bo-paa-plejecenter_495807.aspx


PFC \\ NN \\ AllNewsPipeline | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ Doctor warns world about “chemtrail lung,” a new health epidemic causing brain and lung problems across society ~ | .. ⚠️ The MOST IMPORTANT video on youtube. SHARE THIS NOW they will pull it ⚠️ .. |

The existence of chemtrails used to be a topic of debate, but they are now being more widely acknowledged by experts like meteorologists to scientists. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that they exist as more and more people are coming down with illnesses related to chemtrails.

When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming a persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains, and fever, she visited a doctor. After chest x-rays revealed a type of bronchitis, she was given antibiotics, which only seemed to make her feel worse.

Her doctor told her that lots of bacterial infections are going around, and when she asked him where they are coming from, he told her the truth that many doctors wouldn’t dare reveal to their patients: Chemtrails are at the heart of widespread lung problems right now. Surprised by his candor, she asked if she could videotape him talking about the phenomenon. You can see the video below; the unnamed doctor appears just before the 8-minute mark.

OOM2 \\ Dreamcatcherreality | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ 7 Life – Changing Messages From The Afterlife ~ |

Post In:Spirituality- By Dylan Harper 

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium in Austin, Texas. Over the three-day event, I heard many amazing speakers share their story and journey into the afterlife.

All of the speakers had experienced what is known as a near-death experience or NDE, which is a miraculous event where you die or are close to death, and then come back to life with memories of visiting higher dimensions and meeting Divine beings.

All of the stories I heard were unique and deeply touching in their own way, but they also shared a similar theme and carried a common thread.

Here are 7 messages that were shared across all the near death stories I heard:

1.) Beauty Comes from All Things

One story that really touched my heart was that of Mary C. Neal. During her near death experience, she was told her son was going to die. She was reminded that even though this would be a challenging event for her, there was a reason and a plan for it. She was shown the ripple effect that his death would cause, not just for her immediate family, but nearly 100 times removed.

She was able to see the ripple it would create and the paths that it would change, and she was able to see that beauty came from all of it. She was shown that in the greater scheme of things, all seemingly terribly events that occur have their own specific purpose that eventually result in something 

2.) We are Loved and We are Love

All of the speakers shared that during their NDE, they experienced being enveloped in the most amazing and powerful feeling of love. This love was unlike anything they had experienced on Earth and was so powerful and so healing. Through feeling this loving sensation, all of the near-death experiencers knew that this state of love was their true nature and that Earth and their physical body was just a temporary state of being.

We cannot fully fathom this type of loving energy here on Earth, as it would be too powerful for our physical bodies to handle, and it would distract us from the work we have come to do, however it is possible to understand or get a glimmer of it through practices like meditation.

3.) There’s a Plan for all of Us

Vanityfair | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Race and the Royals: An Outsider’s View Inside Kensington Palace ~ | .. A decade ago, the author’s own royal romance made him aware of the challenges facing people of color in the royal orbit. In the age of Brexit, he considers what a changing monarchy means to the British people .. | Blogger: Wow! 👑 Ex-boyfriend, Aatish Taseer to lady Gabriella Windsor, reveals secret details about The British royal family. Aatish Taseer writes in an article that "the royal and Nazis are linked as blinis and caviar" and that Marie Christine von Reibnitz, now titled Princess Michael of Kent, who is Lady Gabriella Windsor's mother, had named two of his black sheep at the Gloucestershire country estate "Serena" and "Venus" after tennis stars Serena and Venus Williams. Aatish Taseer is British born and son of Indian journalist Tavleen Singh and the late Indian politician and businessman Salmaan Taseer.... |

Aatish and Gabriella in Kensington, 2004.Photo: By Tim Graham/Getty Images
READ MORE: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/04/race-and-the-royals-inside-kensington-palace

Maka Chowhai Whynot | April 30, 2018 | ~ Free Yourself:Contract Cancellation with the Dark Forces - Andrew Bartzis ~ | .. 4+ minutes of the sweetest mantra ever .. | Blogger: [👼 Many of us have no idea of our soul contract, controlled reincarnations or karma and so respond to another person’s darkness with darkness of our own😈] ... (Earth is a prison planet and we are all captives)... Let me explain - have you ever wondered why humanity, cannot break the chain of slavery on planet Terra? Not to mention breaking the psychological chains of slavery from the many implants and mind-controlled technologies? Do you really think our present governments and their masters of thousands of years old high hierarki - Dark Alliances - are our goddess benevolent families? Nooo, governments, are masquerading themselves as families, the illusion of protecting humanity through rich family and/or core elite members in political decision-making monarchies or corporations... In order for us to understand why we can't break free of these chains, we need to think in terms of soul-subcontracting. What do i mean by that? Well, first of all, i think it's a very good depiction what it's like when you have 1000 lives and each one of them is just a little fraction of your eternal time. One of the most amazing things about coming to Earth (soul contracts - divine agreements between souls and source) is the fact that our souls make plans before we even get here. I imagine it like this: we’re sitting, or perhaps floating, around with our soul family discussing what we’d like to learn during this next lifetime, who our earthly parents will be, and then we make plans based on our answer... That's nothing to do with what i call; soul-subcontracting... Okay! Most humans are living a simulated reality called "the Matrix". In order for us to be allowed into the Matrix, we've all decided to subcontracted with THE FIRM (The Yaldabaoth Reptilian Lord Of Archons or other malignant supernatural entities who are servants of the Demiurge or malevolent or whatever you have decided depicted as Dark Masters). These entities need us to live in a constant stressful and fearful environment, as slaves or worker ants & bees (developing working alcoholic behaviors). A 3D Matrix of Illusionary world, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown like batteries, deriving us or harvesting our energy and fears and frustrations... Now, humanity has each signed an 'subcontract', created by these ruling elites (banking families, political system of corporations and high hierarki of darkness), to lure or fool us into the Matrix of slavery, a fraudulent system or monetized fake money currency ponzi schemes. The Matrix can only exist, because we have sign this 'subcontract', and all the bad energy surrounding it, will only remain as long as we keep feeding the system. We live in a world that is shaped by greed, selfishness, and the neverending quest for the almighty dollar. We cheat for it, lie for it, sometimes even kill for it! It has the same effect on us as a drug does on an addict... So, people in the world are fortifying their lives or lies of a fraudulent or monetized system, school indoctrination, wars, big pharma toxination or media propaganda etc. etc. etc... "We the People" MUST break free of this slavery, but because we haven't done the contract cancellation with the Dark Forces, we will remain in the Matrix (Does it make any sense??) ... |

Apr 29, 2018

Destroying the Illusion | Apr 29, 2018 | by Jordan Sather | ~ Interview w/ Truth Warrior Jason Christoff - Self-Sabotage and Transcending the False Matrix ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Jason Christoff opened Physical Limits Fitness in 1994. He also founded The Revolution Weight Loss Clinic. Jason also partners with Summit Fitness Club and works with many leading fitness clubs in Canada. His passion is proper nutrition and health freedom.

Jason's Website - http://www.jchristoff.com/
Website: http://www.destroyingtheillusion.com (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!)

NWO Report - Nwo News, End Time, World News and Conspiracy News | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ Superstar DJ Avicii Found Dead After Exposing Pedophile Ring ~ | .. Was Avicii silenced for his views? As a successful and popular young artist with a following of tens of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses. As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work is incredibly dangerous in today’s world. Are all of these deaths related, or is it all a big coincidence? .. |

Disturbing links between the death of Avicii and the elite pedophile rings he was working to destroy continue to surface, with friends of the DJ and producer stating the 28-year-old multi-millionaire had dedicated the rest of his life to “protecting vulnerable children” and exposing the international elite predators that “abuse and rape children for sport.”

Swedish superstar DJ Avicii died under suspicious circumstances last week while in Muscat, Oman, and his death rocked the entertainment world. Avicii, born Ted Bergling, was a pioneer of the contemporary EDM scene and a rare DJ capable of selling out arenas around the world.

He won two MTV Music Awards, one Billboard Music Award and earned two Grammy nominations. His biggest hit was “Le7els.” However it is his explosive directorial debut video “For A Better Day” that has raised fears that 28-year-old Avicii’s untimely death was not natural.

The Avicci video ‘For a better day’

The “For a Better Day” video is deeply disturbing and doesn’t hint so much as shout from the rooftops about what Avicii knew about elite pedophile rings. According to friends Avicii had become a passionate defender of vulnerable children around the world after witnessing “unimaginable horrors” while mixing with the world’s entertainment industry and political elite.

For his first video as director, Avicii chose to shine a spotlight on the elite pedophilia epidemic. “For a Better Day” tells the story children being sold as sex slaves to elite child traffickers. The video shows two children escape by jumping off a cliff into the ocean, before returning as adults to get exact bloody revenge on the powerful elite pedophiles who abused them as children.

By appearing as one of the grown-up children in the video, Avicii clearly demonstrated which side he was on, and despite record label warnings that the video was “commercial suicide”, decided to make it clear that exposing the elite predators was more important than making money.

At the end of the video, it is revealed that the elite pedophile ring Avicii had in his sights goes all the way to the top of government. In the video the leader is killed and “pedophile” is branded on his body. However in reality, it was Avicii who met an untimely demise, joining Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell as famous musicians who have died before their time under suspicious circumstances after vowing to expose the elite pedophiles.

Was Avicii silenced for his views? As a successful and popular young artist with a following of tens of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses. As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work is incredibly dangerous in today’s world.

Are all of these deaths related, or is it all a big coincidence?

Chris Cornell

Verdensalt.dk | 29. April 2018 | ~ Blog performance grade is getting better ~ | Blogger: Website response and performance issues - load time of verdensalt.dk down from 24.5s to 7.31s. Some problems still exist. I'm working on it... Since Google Blogger enabled HTTPS support for DK a short while ago, it's now also a secured site... Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by the spiritual news site... Namaste! 🙏 |

Apr 28, 2018

Sputniknews | 28. April 2018 | ~ Danish Company Helps US Military Fight Off 'Swarms of Drones' ~ | .. The Danish engineering company Weibel Scientific has landed a contract for the delivery of special radar systems to the US military, which could be used in anti-drone warfare and has been attributed to Denmark's previous decision to procure US F-35 fighter jets... Although Weibel Scientific CEO, Peder R. Pedersen, refused to disclose any financials on the much-anticipated deal for the delivery of three special radar systems to the US Armed Forces, he hinted that a three-digit million sum is involved (1 Danish Krone equals 0.16 US dollar), with more to follow. "Regardless of this, it's an important contract for us. It's the first part of an order that allows us to sell equipment worth well over a billion kroner," Pedersen told Danish Radio .. | Blogger: [🎖️Denmark - America's Smallest and Biggest Ally🛦] ... The relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Denmark is strong and long-lasting... More proof that the danish "buyoff" for US F-35 fighter jet program (straight into clandestine U.S. classified black budgets) has boosted by billion(s) new export orders in SECRET military programs from Danish Defence Intelligence Services to aerospace, defense, and security applications... The increased use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in military operations is widely debated in Denmark today. This debate is about the ethical and moral aspects of the use of unmanned systems as well as if and how the Danish Armed Forces could or should us... The "tiny" Kingdom of Denmark - that sprout on the head of Germany - is actually a massive nation pulling in at 12th largest in the world. In terms of geographic size, it's bigger than Germany, Turkey, and France - combined. It's all because in the 1700s, the Danes quietly started stealing an island from Norway when nobody was paying attention. They sent some settlers, built some factories, and were soon its recognized masters. Since then, atlases around the world have been misleading people, misrepresenting the largest island in the Atlantic Ocean as its own sovereign country. Contrary to what you might think, Greenland is not a sovereign state, but a semiautonomous country in the Kingdom of Denmark. The 57,000 people of Greenland have no floating currency, no seat at the UN, and no defense force. For all of these things, it relies on Denmark. In many ways the relationship is like Scotland's with the United Kingdom, but in a move that might keep Greenland from rebelling, Denmark gives the country over half a billion dollars in aid each year. The block grant makes up 60% of the Greenland's annual budget, equating to more than $10,000 for every Greenlander. With Greenland's reliance on Denmark's generosity, the country has been slow to diversify and develop its own economy. Still, for their part, the Danes have a clear interest in keeping Greenlanders happy. The country has a strategically important location... Project Iceworm: the nuclear city hidden under Greenland's glaciers. Camp Century-aka "Project Iceworm"-was a "city under ice," according to the U.S. Army, a "nuclear-powered research center built by the Army Corps of Engineers under the icy surface of Greenland," as Frank J. Leskovitz more specifically explains. A fully-functioning "underground city," Camp Century even had its own mobile nuclear reactor-an "Alco PM-2A"-that kept the whole thing lit up and running during the Cold War. According to Leskovitz, the Camp's construction crews "utilized a 'cut-and-cover' trenching technique" during the base's infraglacial construction... |

READ MORE: https://sputniknews.com/military/201712151060029208-denmark-usa-drone-radar/


Drones & fighter jets on display at German expo as opposition says people ‘want peace’ 

GAOG \\ Council of Love | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ Video & Transcript ~ Meditation: Let yourself feel cherished ~ |

Join us in meditation as we breathe a rainbow into our heart and relax into the love of the entire Council, including the Archangels, saints, our Father/Mother, as well as our team of worker humans here on Gaia…… an entire community of LOVE.

Click here to join us for the Saturday Conference Calls!

Thanks to Mare for the transcript.

For more videos like this, click here to visit The Council of Love’s YouTube Channel.

Saturday Conference Call, April 21, 2018

Meditation – “Let yourself feel cherished”

So, let’s begin this absolutely beautiful spring day by taking a nice deep breath of amethyst. And as you well know, amethyst comes in the palest mauve and lavender to the deepest, almost garnet. It’s a beautiful healing stone shared with us from the crystal kingdom, from the stone people.

So, relax and just let your shoulders come down and your jaw slightly open and feel yourself sink into the chair or the bed or the floor, wherever you are. And heck…it’s Saturday, so I hope wherever you are you might still be curled up in your jammies and let yourself feel comfy and cozy, and let yourself feel safe and secure and cherished and acknowledged and loved…because you are!

JustInformed Talk | Apr 27, 2018 | ~ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything." ~ |

RT - Russian Today | Apr 28, 2018 | ~ 'WTF did I just capture?' 3 mystery objects filmed dancing past moon (VIDEO) ~ |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/425370-mystery-objects-moon-video/