Feb 8, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Monty Python Corona Killer Rabbit) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: In Memory of my best American soul-mate, Jay, that have passed with leukemia, back in 2006. I miss you buddy! I could just image you Jay, like the humorous guy everybody always felt for, cutting through bullshit and with a loud voice with English accent tell us "It's just a flesh wound" from Monty Python-The Black Knight. It always cracks me up, thinking about that recitation. Remembering back, we had an awesome time, really. Both went to Memory Lane Highschool, even though, Manchester, was the most boring sleeping town, we could always find fun. Meet up for the first time at a cocktail bar, I worked as dishwasher after school, you as waiter or was it a cook? Right away we had a connection, same sarcastic humor and both sports freaks (American Football). Some highlights were like .. wasting time at Dim Sun Restaurant in Derry, eating Chinese and drinking some of the best long island iced tea i have tasted.... sometimes a little bit tipsy, and driving on your bike to Hampton Beach, checking out bikini beach babes or clubs at night.... good times... Being with you Jay, was so easy, you had a unique skillset of kindness and approachability towards strangers and friends, selflessly, giving and giving all the time. Me, I was told by my former IBM-manager once, that I had bad karma, took me a while, to come over that, statement. Perhaps, I have always had the feeling, I didn't belong!. My own life hasn't been dance on roses, you had your own problems, Jay, and was to late to talk to anybody, about the cancer. So sad you ended you days in a hospital bed in Texas. We both shared dislike towards the Bush-family. I'm sure now, we both had a Divine Contract to meet and depart in the way we did. I have just immense deepest gratitude. Even if we were separated for longer times in our life's, we could pick up the chatter, like it was the day before we had talked to each other. That's what I call a soul friend and i'll never forget that feeling... |
🔥🥴🤦♂️ ~ (Kære læser, jeg bliver simpelthen så træt oveni hovedet) Men en ting er sikker som amen i kirken: projekt PCRTest og Vaksineringen med dødsprøjter og Corona-Corporation, er udført med UG, kryds og slange. Sverige lukker og slukker for alle Coronarestriktioner. Stena Line nægter! DK, gør det samme, inden 2 mdr. er alle testcentre, og regeringens teststrategi der koster 2 mia. kr. om mdr. gemt væk, i en sæk med en pose blæk (SoTW) | Blogger: Som jeg spåede, havde Mørke-Mette og Co, en plan, hvordan de skulle trække sig ud, lige akkurat, inden, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich kommer og banker på, med den første internationale Corona straffedomstol og Nürnbergprocessen. En meeeget lang historie kort, startede det allerede dengang i 1700-tallet, hvor Rothschild-familien, lånte penge til Danmark og Europas overhoveder og steg op fra Frankfurts jødiske ghetto og tjente så stor en formue, at den kunne finansiere krige og industrialisere hele Europa. Og så kom Den Danske Frimurerorden og (St. Martin), der blev stiftet 11. november 1743 (wikipedia). Vi kender til hele rente-gældsspiralen, lige siden, statsbankerotten anno 1813 og Staten vælger Rothschild igen og igen (berlingske.dk). Det som mange ikke ved, er, at Rockefellerfamilien, grundlagde i 1913 en filantropisk fond, hvis formål var at fremme menneskehedens trivsel over hele verden og at understøtte videnskaben, som det hed så flot. Danmark, har skabt institutioner og faciliteter, laboratorier og hele forskningsenheder inden for felter som atomfysik, genetik, epidemiologi, marinbiologi, fysiologi, sociologi, historie og mange flere. Millioner af dollar er siden 1920'erne tilflydt dansk forskning og uddannelse og det kan vi takke Rockefellers, for (se link). Og så har vi det hæderkronede Statens Serum Institut og nazisterne, der sammen med Nazilæger, brugte dansk vaccine til deres test på sigøjnere i kz-lejren Buchenwald. Forsøgene, Nazisterne anvendte i koncentrationslejrfanger, var umenneskelige og medførte store pinsler og død for mængder af fanger, det ved du godt ikke sandt?. Ifølge Henrik Tjørnelunds bog, indledte SSI imidlertid hurtigt efter besættelsen et samarbejde med Tyskland. For at sikre instituttets økonomi og internationale position som forskningsinstitution. Til sidst, som rosinen i pølseenden, Det Danske Forsvar, som jeg har været en del af (aldrig i krig), var ikke-krigsførende nation, men efter Golfkrigen i 1990, blev Danmark, erklæret krigsnation, fordi vi er med USA hele vejen. Er der nogen spørgsmål?😉... |
https://newspeek.info/nurnbergproces-nr-2-er-begyndt/ https://www.berlingske.dk/boganmeldelser/nazilaeger-og-statens-serum-institut?s=01 |
SINDSSYGT: Stena Line-færgerne fastholder "ulovlig" krav om test og coronapas, selvom Danmark og Sverige officielt ophæver ALLE coronaregler og lovkrav efter, den 9. Februar 2022.
Øresundsbroen er alt normalt som i 2019...
(Iflg. supervisor på hotline d.d. (+45 96 200 200)...
Designer pighalsbåndet, MundBle-hold-kæft-bolchet, Frankenstein-vaksiner og Stasi-frimureriet, begynder så småt at lukke hele sit apparatus ned. Sundhedsstaten følger med, lyntest-podere, slippes fri, som ko-racer danser, når de kommer på græs første gang, lige indtil, næste "projekt" starter op igen...
Men først, skal vi lures i søvn eller kickstarte en ny angst af Ruslands trussel om krig og ødelæggelser, nu er den Medicinske-Mafia' æra forbi, og ind kommer, Det militær-industrielle kompleks...
Mærsk-ejet selskab der solgte våben for milliarder (+ voldtægt sag) til lande i borgerkrig, Terma A/S og danske våbeneksport til det krigshærgede og coronatruede Yemen og nu, korrupte Karsten Dybvad med PET-vagter, der stopper som formand i Danske Bank og de beskidte 1.500 mia. kr. - afløses af tysk bankprofil, minder mig om serierne, "Forbrydelsen III (Zeeland) og Borgen IV (Trump, Arktis, spionkrig og Mæætte)"...
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: 'US and Russia “war game” where Russia as “invader” a ruse to cover the necessary actions dealing with the ET races involved in both Ukraine and Crimea.') THE REAL PURPOSE BEHIND THE WAR GAMES & RUSSIAN INCURSION INTO UKRAINE & CRIMEA (by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot) ~ | Blogger: Of course, some might say, Kerry has ALWAYS another approach to everything. The whole Russia-Ukraine crisis, which NATO countries and Russian Federation, are ready to fight to their dead (so says the MSM media). I have meet her, and thinks she's amazing, what she's done for a decade, to fight the rulers of Earth, i.e. the overloads Archon aggressive alien narrative (whatever), and she means it well, trying to liberate us all, but lately, I find her stories to be very dark centered. This article is short and you might find it interesting... |
article by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
February 7, 2022
What is not being talked about with regard to the overall objective and amassing of troops by the U.S. (under the guise of their NATO alignment) is the paranormal/ET angle. What I am getting is that this entire maneuver by US and Russia to create a “war game” and war scenario where Russia is seen as the “invader” is a ruse to cover the necessary actions these two super powers must take to deal with the ET race or races involved in both Ukraine and Crimea and handle the fall-out from their presence.
First, we know that Crimea contains 9 pyramids along the coast as well as a particular highway running between mountain ranges along the valley where anomalous occurrences happen often. Specifically where military vehicles and even groups of vehicles can be seen to simply disappear off the highway as if having driven into a portal into another dimension something like what is reported in the Bermuda Triangle.
Secondly, in Ukraine, I was told there is a mountain which is considered by the Illuminati to be where “the devil lives’. This mountain is considered a center of dark magic. Whereas I would tend to translate this into the likely case where this particular mountain is home of a group reptilians and possibly other races aligned with them. Which makes it a sort of ‘command and control’ center.
Both situations are what one might call “extraterrestrial” and are the real reason for the necessary amassing of troops. In essence we have evidence of a kind of invasionary force which is alien. And it is highly likely that the “government” of Ukraine has called on Russia (and the US) for help in dealing with this incursion. There may also be a relationship between the aliens involved in Crimea area and the mountain in Ukraine.
🍁🚚✊ ~ (Proud to be a Canadian) PAO CELEBRATES CANA**DIAN TR... (PAO/Galactic Heart) ~ | Blogger: Raw and untouched version from PAO newsletter... |
PAO CELEBRATES CANADIAN TRUCKERS and Truckers all around the world standing up to tyranny and RECLAIMING our Freedoms |
Proud to be a CanadianCanadians have always been taunted for being too polite and mild-mannered. Not really an insult, but certainly an ideal formula for compliance in this current dark age of lockdowns and tyrannical restrictions. And our leaders have taken full advantage. But then, inadvertently, the Canadian Government awakened the sleeping giant. Their unreasonable Covid mandates pushed our truckers to the brink. Unintimidated, a First Nations woman said ‘enough is enough’ and organized a massive trucker convoy that started on our West Coast and headed East to Canada's capital, Ottawa, to protest the mandates. At the same time, Atlantic truckers rumbled toward Ottawa from the East Coast. What a way to inspire Canadians from all walks of life to join the crusade! All along the way, people have gathered along highways and across overpasses in support of the truckers. Children have written encouraging notes, tucked into packets of food for these homeland heroes. The Canadian trucker movement has emboldened drivers from other countries to follow in their tire-tracks. Truckers in Italy, England, Brazil, Australia and many others, are now also heading to their government centers to protest for freedom. The United States is close behind. Canadian politicians have called the truckers racists, white supremacists, domestic terrorists, anti-vaxxers, and a whole host of other belittling names. Our mainstream media has joined in, relentlessly focusing on this narrative in their lead stories. Certainly another wake-up call to those who think governments and the news media are looking out for our best interests! This protest is not about resisting health mandates. It is about freedom of choice. It is about choosing to live in a world that does not impose tyranny and corporate greed on its populace. This is the time for a Great Awakening and I have never been more proud to be a Canadian. The world has finally seen that even the most polite and gentle country is able to shout, resoundingly, that they have had enough, that it is time for us to reclaim our FREEDOM!!! On Webinar Sunday, let’s feed off of, and add our voices to, the energy of brave truckers around this planet. Please join PAO and raise your voices in an activational call for freedom! To register for Sunday's February 20th Live Webinar: Click Here ~ https://www.paoweb.com/ Peace and Blessings, Miles |
A night with the untouchables |
💊🕳️🐇 ~ (NO Swedes 'Died from' COVID-19. DK Golfer Viggo Sørensen 'Dies after vax'. Neuralink, AI “Nanny”, Truckers and more) February 7, 2022 – To Die FROM or WITH c-d – That Is The Question (rabbitholeawakening) ~ | Blogger: This website is news to me and amazingly truthful. Reminds or is similar to; "EBH.CLUB" or "Roserambles.org" or "zetatalk.com - Newsletter Archives" and so many others, creating blogposts in a particular certain way.. Btw, bad news, Soren Dreier, a Danish philosophical researcher who authors and compiles the hugely popular 'sorendreier.com / zen-haven' website, has just stopped! No more news I guess?. He had, something called "QuickLines" with links to everyday stories. Same goes for "In5D Alternative News" used to have "Quick Reference Websites" and others like "politikerlede.com"... |
This video is made in Sweden, but there are only a few parts in Swedish, almost everything in English.
” I ask the question for the 49th time. Since you write that you answer questions.
Has everyone that died in Sweden died from ONLY c-d, no matter what the cause of death was? “
” Hello Mia . No. The deaths that the Health Ministry are reporting is people who have died WITH c-d, NO MATTER IF IT WAS THE CAUSE OF DEATH OR NOT. “
Adam Westin
Translation – if someone died in a car crash and tested positive with the fake t3st it will be reported as a c-d cause of death. “Died with c-d” – Not FROM…
And this is happening in THE WHOLE WORLD.
Former Employees: Elon Musk’s Neuralink is an Absolute Disaster
I know Elon Musk looks like a nice guy – but is he really?
Jesse Czebotar said in an interview that she saw s4t4nistic rituals for 12 year old boys specially selected by and for the Illum1nat1.
She was dropping names like: Elon Musk, Nathan Rothchild, Justin Trudeau and Julian Assange…..
You can find lots of interviews with her here: illuminatethedarkness.online/jessie-czebotar/