Mar 5, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Oh, glorious! Glorious! “What's to-day!” cried Scrooge) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Imagine the Marble Church being hit by a missile

👁️⃤𓂀🙋🏻‍♂️🐙😵̷̊̊̊̊̊ 𓍯 (Den jødiske mafia stikker ikke op for bollemælk) Efter SoTW egen tælling, findes der +/- 50.000 nordiske kultiske kabbalah mystiske frimurer i forskellige versioner fra DDFO/DDFL/Odd fellow osv. loger, lukkede søster/broderskaber, med hemmelige ritualer. Men én ting har de til fælles. Tale er sølv, tavshed er guld. Ingen snakker over sig, ellers er det af, med "hoved" (som man siger) ~ 5. Marts 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) kalender 
Minkavler idømmes betinget fængsel + bøde på 100.000 kroner
Canada introducerer omfattende nye online sikkerhedsregler

The Rothschilds (Roth=red, schild=shield of Satan). Red Skull Hail Hydra...

Editor's Note
Når man skærer hovedet af hvert afhugget Hydra, vokser der tusind friske ud! Sådan er det i Marvel-universet, kontrolleret opposition (KO) og skam også, under (Truth communities) Sandhedsbevægelserne. Kan man anmelde "bad karma misbrug"? 

Frimureriet beskytter, hjælper og dækker, over deres 'egne' medlemmer. Meeen overvåger samtidigt alles SoMe platforme og hvad man foretager sig, på nettet og blandt folket. Man, sladre og hader, blandt logebrødrene. Det kan min jyske ven der var 3.grader for at blive MESTER på 11. år i 6. loger, snakke med om. Smidt ud på røv og albuer af et internt facebook-politi, da han spurgte indtil Corona-bedraget og genterapi vaksinerne.

Man kan kun gisne om hvordan de sanktionere dem, som går direkte op imod stormesteren og oldermanden selv, eftersom, de styrer både politikere, politi og retsvæsenet. Allerede i første grad, bliver et hemmeligt håndtegn introduceret: ”logetegnet. Højre hånd føres op til halsen med forsiden ud til siden og ned – tre gange… et symbol for at sværge troskab. Oversat til forståeligt sprog : ”Af med hovedet, hvis man ikke er tro mod logen”.

ALT hvad der sker i de politiske kultsystemer, er nøje planlagt og gennemgået af spindoktorer, jurister, troldehæren, frimureriet, militær og efterretningsvæsen, Kongehuset og Ashkenazi-Kabbalah. Man kan ikke både tjene sin arbejdsgiver og være ægte frihedskæmper - man skal jo ikke bide den hånd der fodrer én. 

Se-på-mig-egoisten, storhedsvanviddet og jeg-skal-være-først, aldrig-nummer-2, findes alle vide vegne, gemt dybt i alle mennesker og fristelsen for at overgive sig til penge og magt, er desværre en stor motivationsfaktor... |

SoTW - Search: johnson og johnson alvorlige blodpropper
Alle partiledere burde lade sig stikke med Johnson & Johnson-vaccinen,
sagde Søren Pape. Nu skal han ikke selv have den

Johnson & Johnsons vaccine risikerer at slå flere ihjel, end den potentielt kan redde herhjemme,
lyder  Sundhedsstyrelsens argument for at droppe den

SoTW - Kender ikke årsagen...

SoTW - facebook
SoTW - musik i Lejet er kommet på dagsordenen...
De har i to årtier holdt foredrag om holocaust og jødeforfølgelse.
Sarah Grünewald på dybt vand

Danmarks bedste portrætmaler
Diez mega tråd
Alex Vanopslagh siger stop
SoTW - hånden over hjertet alle frimurer benytter sig af under logeeden 
(3) The DOPED DUMB who was the HERO of Jonas Vingegaard 🤣 - YouTube
Danish report: Riis knew about doping on team, escapes ban -

🤗🏳️🙌 (ECETI News #78) Thanks James - I love this man - no bullshitter just like SoTW. I recommend you read both 77 and 78 issues of the newsletter ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

March 4th, 2024| Issue #78


By James Gilliland

Universal Handbook for Ascension “Inspired by the Beautiful Many Masters, Saints and Sages”

Many people ask me if there is a God and if so what is it. I can only convey my own experience because that is the nature of God. It becomes what you need, what you project on it according to your be lie fs. In my own NDE near death experience I went through a tunnel passing through many planes and dimensions. I saw friends and relatives yet within me I heard a voice saying keep going don’t stop to talk. As I continued to ascend, I saw beautiful realms, teachers and masters, angelic beings yet I took heed to the voice within and kept ascending. I ended up in a golden white light that is referred to as the plane of bliss. The love, joy, bliss I experienced was immeasurable. It is referred to as the cradle of God. There I was unique yet one, I was a light being surrounded by a greater light, a greater consciousness and energy. 

After bathing in the blissful consciousness and energy I asked a question. How can I stay? The answer came from within, I never told one of my children when to come or go that is free will. I contemplated the answer and asked again, how can I earn the right to stay. Again, the answer came from within, you cannot earn what is given freely and unconditionally. I had to release the religious programing and beliefs about the nature of God. There was no judgment, no wrath, no ego, just pure unconditional love, joy and bliss.

I understood what Jesus said, “Neither do I judge thee nor does my father judge thee go and sin no more. God is beyond judgment, yet there is action/reaction or karma. The next question I asked was, how can I serve. You just want to give back in awe of the experience. I heard, What do you want to do, what brings you joy? I realized doing what brings you joy is the desire of God, the more love, joy, and bliss, the closer you are to God. I answered, what I desire is to teach people about the true nature of God, dispel the images of wrathful gods and bring unity to Earth. I heard; As You Wish and was back in my body. I was being pulled out of the water by a lifeguard who asked me if I was alright. I said yes go help the others then passed out on the beach waking up to a lifeguard calling my name. 

I share this story only to awaken others as to the true nature of God. It is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse which in its most unlimited expression is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. 

That started a 40 year quest to understand and recreate the experience studying with the elders of all nations to find the unifying threads that bind all teachings together. I was told by a Lama, go out into nature, meditate on love, joy and bliss until you become it. It’s called at oneness. God is the unified field of consciousness and energy in which we all reside. It’s time we remember the true meaning of Omnipresence.

🕉️💰💗 (COBRA UPDATE) SoTW; O-M-G! Conferences 'an masse' to make bling bling millions? Don't say I didn't warn U. Sorry for being a party pooper! ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Editor's Note: In the age of unchecked 'truther' millionaires/billionaires. I'll been high up in this so-called Cobra's pleiadian resistance movement and/or "spiritual organization" and the people who's employed "core teams" has always worked for free (they all left Cobra in 2019-2020). There's no HUmanitarian projects that have received any funds or seen the day, just like with CC Simon Parkes group (no comparaison and with all due respect). Just saying... | 

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is almost complete, and clearing of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. More intel will probably be released in a few weeks.

Jacob Rothschild was captured by the Light Forces on the etheric plane after his death, processed at Ganymede sorting facility and disintegrated in the Galactic Central Sun:

The energy is slowly building for the total Solar eclipse on April 8th, which will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius.

As instructed by Saint Germain, the Light Forces are asking as many people from the United States as possible to participate in the mass meditation at the moment of the Solar eclipse at 18:18 UTC:

(PFC NOTE: an official French Livestream/ Meditation will be organised by the French “Prepare For Change” team with “We Love Mass Meditation” also on the official “Prepare For Change Français officiel” Youtube channel

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (Benjamin Fulford Report) SoTW; Nothing new really in this short preview. In regards to The Black Sun organization that seems to have "control" over the Western military-industrial complex ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: I've asked my H-S if the 'Order of the Black Sun' that Kim Goguen & BF keeps talking (badly) about. Is the group directly connected to a divine source in the central universe? or are a power factor? Are they controlling anything? The answer is NO! Is it a 'neutral' observation group that govern NOTHING on earth says my Higher Self?... |

The Black Sun organization issues ultimatum: announce world federation or face nuclear holocaust


By Benjamin Fulford March 4, 2024 144 Comments

Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat, the Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies: They must either agree to a world federation or face all-out nuclear war.

This ultimatum came from Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and senior Black Sun officer. It comes in the wake of a comprehensive purge of high-level Khazarian Mafia leaders and military defeat in Ukraine.

The KM and the Black Sun were working on a long-term plan that involved using Ukraine to destroy Russia and break it up into several vassal states. After this, they planned to invade China and divide it into 5 warring states. Then they were going to appoint their “Messiah” as a Babylonian-style world god king dictator.

The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies stopped them dead in their tracks. They now face bankruptcy of the West, total military defeat and a continuing purge of their high-level leadership. That is why the Black Sun now agrees to a multipolar new, and fair, world arrangement. However, the battle is not over yet.

To understand what we are dealing with we need to realize the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the WHO, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, etc. are privately owned Non-Government Organizations. The same people who own them own 90% of major corporations. “The majority of the countries of the world do not control their own natural resources. The oligarchs control all the visible leaders. The leaders are not employees of the people, they are employees of the oligarchs,” says Calin Georgescu former President of Europe for Club of Rome and top UN official. “Slavery never disappeared it is more powerful than ever through brainwashing,” he adds.

🔭🌌💥 (ZetaTalk #912) 'The West will use any excuse to avoid saying the Nibiru word (and the pending New Madrid Rupture.') ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |

Nibiru Visible

Dramatic views of Nibiru and its two Dominant Moons forming the Helix are on the increase lately. With the Nibiru Coverup in full force, so the subject is not on the mainstream media, the astonished public does not know what to make of the sight. This drama was on display on March 31, 2022 in Israel, the video capture showing Nibiru and its two Dominant Moons when the video is zoomed. There was triple confirmation on Nibiru’s size at this time - a photo from Alberto and another from Idaho both show the Nibiru body 4-5 times the diameter of Earth, just as the Zetas stated.

Another dramatic capture was the photos from Siberia on June 15, 2023. The usual red dust and petrol that shrouds Nibiru had been blown away, temporarily, so the features on Nibiru could be discerned. Another similar photo from Slovenia on September 21, 2023 also showed this clarity.  With a 90 degree turn due to the Daily Wobble, the 4 o'clock position would be the 1 o'clock position. We get the Polar Push when the Sun is over the Pacific, then a big lean to the Right (East) then a big lean to the Left (West) so sunrise in Slovenia is when the lean East is happening, pushing the view of Nibiru up from 4 o’clock to 1 o’clock.

But not all presentations of the Nibiru Complex are obvious. Some are confused with UFO displays, as was this display in Turkey on February 15, 2024. The Zetas explain. The West will use any excuse to avoid saying the Nibiru word.