Nov 10, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (MUFON CASE : 112163 Hartford, CT, US) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨UFO News: Giant lights hovering in the sky disappear in Hartford, Connecticut plus MORE ~ OOM2✨] ... 👽Yes, yes... UFOs exist... I have seen them with my own eyes, both in Denmark, Sedona, Mt. Shasta, Brazil and elsewhere... But they're probably not all, what you think... Some of them is in fact, alien biological spaceships controlled by alleged extraterrestrial beings (EBEs)... Others, "Camouflaged Aliens", made in US of A... SSP MIC-Inc., once manufactured & developed by Roswell, reverse-engineering and Project Serpo. That summer, a UFO crash-landed on a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. When the U.S. military tried to cover it up, conspiracy theories ran wild, as no one accepted the explanation offered - that the mysterious metals were just a conventional weather balloon or a nuclear surveillance test balloon, manufactured as part of the Cold War-era surveillance operation, Project Mogul. No Sir!... |
💲💱🤑 ~ (CBDC, The Great ‘RESET’, Industry 4.0) Regeringen og Nationalbanken er nu klar til at undersøge digitale centralbankpenge ( ~ | Blogger: [👉Hallelujah Joe Biden Wall Street DNC Rothschild & Rockefeller Cartel Banksters Breaking Bad Brothers & Sisters - Here it comes!👈] ... Blockchain / Fintech Krypto-revolutionen: Tidens mest hypede teknologi som bankerne kalder for 'Transaction Banking Business' og Centralbankers Nulstilling... Den globale gæld når rekordhøje dollars. Det er 188 trillioner funny money eller 1.190 milliard milliarder kroner... Mange siger, at der findes over $800 trillioner i derivater globalt (gæld). Det er over ti gange verdens BNP. Derivater er Satans lottokupon, et sandt onde skabt til Wall Street og verdenseliten for maximalt afkast, indtil nu, har det virket, men ikke meget længere... En tidsindstillet bombe der kan gå af, når som helst... Undskyld mit franske, men de danske banker 'skider grønne grise' over Blockchain og digitale centralbankpenge for tiden. Der er panik på drengen. Det kan ikke gå stærk nok for at blive ledestjernen over alle... I 2017 afviste Nationalbanken PURE at Digitale centralbankpenge (CBDC) kunne bruges... NB påstod selv, at indføre CBDC vil blive en direkte konkurrent til de private banker, nu har de vendt, på en tallerken. Og det er rigtig rigtig sjov, fordi, NB, er selv, på private hænder og ikke Folkeejet eller Statsejet... HUSK PÅ, Mønter og sedler skabes ikke i Nationalbanken. Danske mønter laves i Finland, mens ca 5% af pengemængden i NB. Digitale kontopenge, de 95% af pengemængden, skabes af de PRIVATEJEDE banker, når de laver udlån... Nok om det, hvad betyder det for Hr. og Fru Jensen og vores samfund?... Jamen, Danmark, er idag førende indenfor alle former for effektive elektroniske betalingsløsninger, inkl. det land i verden, som er mest omstillingsparate til det ”kontantløst samfund”... [LÆS VIDERE] ... 😇PS: Set med LYSETS spirituelle 5-D briller, så når NB og centralbanker, aldrig så langt, der kan tryllebinde 7 milliarder mennesker, igen... Vil den positive begivenhed, som Cobra og mange kalder "THE EVENT" et lysglimt af rent lys fra universets kosmiske centralsol, der når ned til jordens befolkning, der ændrer vores mindset og aktivere vores junk-DNA, redde os alle? (kilden - der hvor alt liv kommer fra, som beskriver dette kosmiske centrum som det himmelske "hvilested")... Aner det ikke - jeg er blot en "gammel" mand med visioner og urter i haven🙃. Men kan garantere, selvom jeg har arbejdet for banker i 20 år, ved hverken Jeg, EL, Gode Penge og Mads Palsvig ikke, hvad Bankkartellet, kan finde på... | | |
🦹♂️ 💉😈 ~ (Et MINK med en vognstang) Det Okkulte Danmark: Den Røde Kinaformand eller Diktator er vel et fair øgenavn - nu hvor Mette-mus og andre politiske stormtroopers ildsjæle har påsat en ustoppelig ildebrand via Spøgelses-Corona EVENT 201 og udenlandske Agenda med 'tvang', nej 'opfordring', nej 'uden lovhjemmel' til massemord af 17 millioner Mink (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: JEG SKAL LIGE love for, at 7.30 efter radioavisen, gik de 2 anti-sandhedssøgende journalister og en særdeles ANTÆNDT ville nogle sige, eller AGGRESSIV Mads Palsvig, ville andre sige, i totterne på hinanden på morgendagens RADIO4 MORGEN under temaet: 📑Konspiration: Coronavirus findes ikke. V vil ikke være med til hastelov. Værter: Kasper Harboe og Jacob Grosen📑... 😵💫EFTER de to små indslag med Mads og Venstre, kunne jeg ikke holde (politisk korrekte) journalistiske løgnbanditter ud mere og måtte slukke... ❌PS: Hvis man har hørt om gravrøveriet hos 24syv, farlige tider for journalister og dårlige vibrationer i medierne - med Hans Engell i podcasten, Q&CO, så skulle man tror, at både Henrik Qvortrup og Hans Engell var ansat af Staten, så forsigtige de er, for ikke at snakke om "konspirationer" omkring Berlingske Hus, Radio24syv og Tidligere PET-chef, Jakob Scharf ( "Syv år for PET" kostede ham fire måneders fængsel i en sag om brud på tavshedspligten) ... 🤔VIDSTE DU, at Jakob Scharf nu er Direktør på et privat sikkerhedsfirma, CERTA Intelligence & Security A/S, indenfor sikkerhed og efterforskning, efter alle de skandaler, han har været igennem? Ifølge Linkedin; 📑"Udover vores eksisterende base af faste kunder og opgaver, ligger vores mange nye opgaver i to hovedkategorier: 1) corporate investigation – altså efterforskningsmæssige undersøgelser, hvor virksomheder har mistanke om økonomisk kriminalitet, industrispionage, cyberkriminalitet, chikane, bestikkelse, korruption mmv."📑... 🕵️♂️Du skal ikke fortælle mig, Jakob Scharf ikke også samarbejder med PET, FE og CIA, MI6 og den israelske efterretningstjeneste og kender til alt omkring Corona-løgnen og NATO's Operation Gladio og false flag såsom Terrorangrebene i København 2015 (Helle Thorning-regeringen) samt terrorangrebene den 22. juli m.m (det er min påstand, undersøg selv sagen til bunds)... | | | |
👼 ~ 💗 (THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!) Your awakening is happening now (Jesus through John ) 💕~ |
The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.
channeled by John Smallman© 2020 johnsmallman
Life is Good! However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal. Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!
Where you are mainly focusing your attention – on being a human on a small planet in a VAST universe – distracts you from allowing yourselves to know yourselves as you truly are, divine Beings infinitely loved by God, Who never judges you. There is NO judgment! Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that you invented and use to divide one another into good, mediocre, and bad, depending on your own individual, and mostly horribly confused perceptions of another, or many others. This has caused such enormous suffering throughout human history that the collective has finally decided and set the collective intent to awaken from the dream/nightmare that you seem to have been undergoing as reality since the beginning of time.
🤔😒🙅♂️ ~ (NOT OKAY) ‘Family Guy’ Cartoon Imagines Donald Trump, Melania, and Pence Hanging Themselves in Prison (The Rumor Mill) ~ | Blogger: I know that a loooot of people around the world and danes are watching 'Family Guy' and 'The Simpsons' etc. with subliminal messages, but this is disgusting or disgraceful to a sitting president, same thing would not happen to Obamas, Clintons or the Bushes, coming from Seth MacFarlane, who has donated millions to the Democratic Party over the past 15 years, has long lampooned Trump... |
CONFIRMED: Two reliable insider sources just confirmed secret, trackable markings on certain pieces of paper were installed! Known for weeks. Stealing is impossible!
— David Wilcock (@david_wilcock) November 6, 2020
Top guy also said there are FIVE MORE solutions like this in play, and this is the last battle, now or ever.
The gig economy has affected so many.
— The Recount (@therecount) November 9, 2020
Make your new mantra be, "Stop Feeding the Beast'!
By Ben Kew
The FOX hit comedy Family Guy imagined President Donald Trump, his wife Melania, and Vice President Mike Pence hanging themselves in prison in an episode that aired just after Tuesday’s presidential election.
💣💥🦠 ~ (BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE) That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA - Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER. Phenomenal Videos (beforeitsnews) ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Louis, my danish Naturopathic doctor for sharing is caring... |
Max Igan has been warning humanity for years of the coming take over of humans into the main frame of the Technocrats. It’s time we not only wake up but stand up. He speaks about Amandha Vollmer’s research, her video is uploaded on this channel. Peace out friends, we’ve got work to do.
The Covid-19 test is testing your Chromosome 8 which governs our intelligence and our immune system and our resistance to cancer. Chromosome 8 is the virus. Humans are the virus. The plan is to remove Chromosome 8 and turn everyone into a retard by impairing our intelligence and by turning our immune system on itself by creating an auto immune disorder. The Covid-19 vaccines also will be used to sterilize the population. The HPV vaccines has already been proven to be sterilizing American girls.
Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA
Covid is said to be encapsulated RNA which is used to copy DNA to take it out of the nucleus. DNA cannot leave the nucleus. So this connection may be simply a coincidence. What we do know is when we inject RNA or DNA into us that mimics our own DNA, we get auto-immune diseases and we know that vaccines will cause these problems. Let’s keep researching and learning… Can RNA affect DNA? Yes.… Vital information on the C – V Vacc!ne – You can change stem cells using mRNA.👼 ~ 💗 (#StayAwake 6000 + citizens in Denmark) OPEN LETTER TO DANISH JOURNALIST & MINISTER FOR HEALTH AND ELDERLY AFFAIRS, MAGNUS HEUNICKE - SIGN AND SHARE (Rikke Hauge) 💗 ~ |
~※🔴🔺 (U.S. electoral and political coup and W3) Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Biden and Fortune 500 Families Fall Into Trap ~ | ... Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the Full Report: (We are getting reports of massive troop movements in…) Mexico, Canada, Ukraine, Central Asia, Africa, the Chinese Indian border, etc. For example, we got the following information from a source in Slovakia: “NATO troops are moving from Western Europe towards Ukraine. It is starting to look as if they were to occupy strategic points and in the near future NATO troops could attack Belarus and possibly Russia. An attack can occur within a few days. Movements of troops at the borders were observed. It is starting to look as if there is going to be an attack by Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Poland. It is very likely. Russia has canceled all entry visas. Russia and Belarus are completely closed. Belarusians claim that the worst days of our lives are ahead (10 days). Slovaks and Czechs are locked in their homes. The troops are moving. Helicopters are being moved in large numbers. They are building huge field hospitals for 5,000 people (at the Ostrava airport).”... [READ MORE]... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Biden and Fortune 500 Families Fall Into Trap
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Published by Benjamin on November 9th, 2020 CET
The ongoing U.S. presidential election coup is turning out to be a giant trap for the families that own the Fortune 500 companies, multiple sources agree. It is only a matter of time before Joe Biden and his fellow criminals will be charged and tried for treason, Pentagon sources say.
At the same time Western secret society sources say Marine Corps Intelligence Robert David Steele is being considered for President of the – soon to be founded – United States of North America. Steele has nominated former Congresswoman and 9.11 truther Cynthia McKinney to be his vice-president.Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about the situation:
“Trump won in a landslide with 80% of the legal votes and may get 300 electoral votes, as CIA vote flipping software Dominion and rampant vote fraud by the Democrats is exposed.”