Oct 9, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [😢Real Men Don’t Cry!? - Real Men Do Cry And It’s Good for Them😊] ... {Balancing Your Feminine and Masculine Energies} ... Verdensalt is bond by a Light Warriors knighty oath: Protect the weak and uphold the good. This code states that knights must defend the weak and the innocent, must protect women and children, must fight fairly and honorably, and obey their lieges. I will hold this energy of protecting the sacred feminine, as well. So be it, and so it is!... ⛨... I'm here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness...You deserve (unconditional) LOVE, to THRIVE and show your COURAGE... I hereby present you with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace...💜 |

⏱️🐣 ~ Verdensalt : Now JACKED UP by Quantum-Entangled Space-Time, Real-Time ~ | Blogger: [♾️Synchronicity Happens For A Reason - There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In This 3-D Matrix of illusion♾️] ... 1️⃣MILLISECONDS after Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, takes power over Police / Intelligence, with CCTV Face-R, enhances REAL-TIME Surveillance, Swedish border control & raise penalties for violent (bombings) from 12 to 18 years in prison, German FF Call of Duty Black-ops Lethal Weapon NAZI 'Joker' psychopath chicken distraction guy, goes Berserk. Exactly same time, 2️⃣Milliseconds after, Turkey begins military offensive in northern Syria, an open international crisis, without Russia, Syria and U.S. presence - they just left. 3️⃣Milliseconds after, Fake news, New York Times, is reporting about a uncontrolled TOP SECRET G.R.U. Russian unit seeks to destabilize Europe, an arms dealer in Bulgaria has been Poisoned, a thwarted attempt at a Coup in Montenegro & a failed Assassination of a former Russian spy in England (Russiagate). 4️⃣MILLISECONDS after, Category 5, super typhoon 'Hagibis’ rapid intensification one of most explosive on record in America while PG&E shutdown and power outage, affects 800,000 people to lose power to prevent California wildfires. Project Camelot, Kerry, says there MAYBE a War-Game going on, that the public, CANNOT know about (could also be that DoD prepares for martial law in CONUS). 5️⃣Milliseconds after that, the Trump impeachment Scam & Brexit Hoax, comes closer to a full blown disclosure... |

👼 ~ 💗 The Law of Unity: Cosmic Laws of Cosmic Awareness (MTVOTeam) 💕 ~ |


🔴~ (ENG:) - Danish Minister presents plan: - 5G becomes a digital tiger jump in 2020 (TV2 FNYS NEWS Archive) | Blogger: [📶"5G will be 100 times faster than 4G. Demand of new smarter tech will create smaller, faster microchips in devices, robotics in the Danish Healthcare Service, self-driving cars. Denmark must be at the forefront when it comes to the deployment of 5G, which will ensure much higher speed and a more stable access to the Internet. He WARNS and promised to include the Municipalities and the State themselves, if ANYBODY HINDER, the mobile networks in Denmark and industry, NOT, to be expanded and upgraded to 5G technology" ~ Lars Christian Lilleholt 🤳] ...O-M-G! WHAT DID HE JUST SAY 😱... {THE NEW Minister of Energy, Supply and Climate, Dan Jørgensen of (Socialist-Communist party) is QUIET AS A MOUSE about 5G. Which basically means, he WILL NOT, shift mindsets on 5G-networks} ... Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is 😮. (2017:) - Did you know, that DENMARK with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by globalist or Bilderberg Group), to be THE TEST country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integrated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? ... LET THIS BE KNOWN!☝️ Verdensalt will move out of Denmark, i have already located a another country, IF, the Ministry's plan to introduce 5G, will succeed ... 1.5 million surveillance cameras in Denmark, Chemtrails, misuse of HAARP in Trondheim Norway, devastating 5G mmWaves, internet session logging etc. etc. Total control of humankind... I'm sorry, it really sounds ludicrous, i'll understand. But, this is their aim. As an observant citizen, americanized militarization of the danish police force has already taken place. Now, like in France, Belgium, Italy and UK, Denmark (a warring nation) has also joined. Why? Control and Obedience. Just think about. Extended surveillance from CCTV cameras, Smart City Copenhagen. The police will check millions of Danish license plates. Digitalization & Robotization. Smart Homes. Cashless societies... We're seen the danish police administration cheating with taxpayers money, police force coverups -- Danish police accused of manipulating rape statistics to hide ‘hundreds’ of cases. National Police employee arrested for bribery. Danish police were under orders to make sure Chinese president didn’t “lose face” under Tibet crisis.. ". Extended visitations as an Instrument of Discipline in Early Modern Denmark, more power to the elite political dynasties and central administration... "The decision to deploy actual soldiers patrolling streets in peacetime is considered controversial and foreign, says TV 2's political editor ..". TheDeepState needs protection and that comes with military servicemen.. "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts," by George H.W. Bush... |

LÆS VIDERE: Minister præsenterer plan: - 5G bliver et digitalt tigerspring 
Telebranchen: Vi ville hellere have haft kun én minister

Aabenraa: 5G-net bliver lige så vigtigt som motorveje og jernbaner

"I Aabenraa har både Google og Apple investeret i byggegrunde til store datacentre. Det gør området til et oplagt teststed for 5G-netværket, som kan gøre Danmark til et af Europas førende forsknings- og udviklingscentre for fremtidens transport- og logistiksektor, skriver borgmester Thomas Andresen"....

👁️~ Statsminister bebuder massivt øget overvågning i Danmark (fyens.dk) ~ | Blogger: [🤯 Fighting The Politics Of Confusion & Minority Report : "MASSIVELY INCREASED SURVEILLANCE"🕹️] - We all heard it (straight) from the horse's mouth... The Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (Socialist-Communist party), promises "Radical Measures", a week after she talked about more 'Increase Confidence in Politicians'. Only used in China's buildup all-seeing surveillance State and Google's own creation of a 'god-like' artificial intelligence... 📸💥PS: 1.5 million surveillance (CCTV) cameras in Denmark, perhaps more, numbers are from 2016 and the danish security industry, cautious estimate. Including Automated Facial Recognition (AFR) technology, 500 megapixel Camera with AI capable, Big Data, Big Learning and Heat Map, that can see you Sneeze at 4,000 feet... 📖 EXAMPLE: “Rocket Madsen", aka Danish submariner Peter Madsen, who killed Kim Wall's case... Danish Police and Danish Security and Intelligence Service, has OVERWHELMING advanced technology - from cadaver detection dogs from Sweden, the IT system Polintel ("super weapon" that is used all the time, even if the police are not allowed), through the PET / FE-DDIS, central-administration, that has a register of sins without equal, over (all) people in Denmark (perhaps, merged with NSA, Interpol and intelligence apparatus)... Think about it - 5G and China’s surveillance tech is spreading globally... In Peter Madsen case, they're able to use hacking tools and highly advanced software to recreate and recover, his whole life in REALTIME!!! You don't believe me? When the government, the British arms giant BAE Systems' and Danish subsidiary, allowed the regime in the United Arab Emirates to provide the most advanced surveillance software seen in a long time, EVERYTHING could happen... Overheard Radio Station 24Syv (dated, April 5th, 2018) from crime-reporter, Marie Louise Toksvig, who said how (stunned) she was, that the danish authorities are able to intercept things from a man's computer, external HDDs, USB sticks, recall old internet searches, deleted files, old phones metadata, logs and storage elsewhere (eg cloud storage), recordings from CCTV cameras, basically, Peter Madsen's journey, FOR A WHOLE LIFE... The CCTV cameras and AI software is so advanced, that the movie, Minority Report, with precrime units by police and intelligence services, has a BRIGHT future in our 3-D matrix of illusion... China is facing growing criticism over its persecution of some Muslim minority groups, Denmark, could do the same with the new anti-begging law only convicted foreigners, muslims, refugees, ethnic minorities, immigrants - you name it... |

In the wake of this summer's explosions and what Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, calls a "serious" crime picture, the government announced "RADICAL" measures. The possibility that both the police and government authorities to monitor the public space will be expanded, she says, but acknowledges that the proposal contains a series of difficult dilemmas. ~ berlingske.dk

"With almost one camera per four Danes, Denmark, is one of the most 'monitored countries' in the world", acc. to securityworldmarket.dk. "Until 2007, all had to report certain installations for Data Protection Agency, but when the law was changed and it was "legal" to monitor multiple places, govt dropped, simultaneously reporting obligation. A new study from boligsiden.dk found that 1/7 of all Danes have home TV monitoring. If that is true, then there are about a quarter million cameras in the private homes alone" ~ securityworldmarket.dk ...