Dec 10, 2020

😁🎶🔔🌲 ~ (Hold ud ildsjæle og frihedskæmpere!) MAGT - Skille-dig-af-med-mink-skal-du (Satiregruppen MAGT) ~ | Blogger: Ta' og lyt til den lille julesang til at holde humøret og jule modstands-ånden oppe... |

Den søde juletid er atter over os, men 2020 har været lidt udover det sædvanlige. Vi har sat det hele lidt på vers til jule klassikeren skille-ma-dinka-dinka-du, der i denne anledning er blevet til Skille-dig-af-med-mink-skal-du. Glædelig jul! Se mere til MAGT: Web: Facebook:

💸💸💸 ~ (Pengene fosser ud af statskassen men vi har råd til det) CEPOS: Corona-nedlukningen kan ved et middelskøn koste dansk økonomi 150 mia. kr. (SoTW Juli Arkivskab) ~ | Blogger: [👉Analysens fem scenarier: I det værste scenarie står dansk økonomi over for at miste over 500 mia. kr. I det mildeste scenarie er det 78 mia. kr.👈] ... 🤪HUSK nu remsen - Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består!... 🤪HUSK også: Politikere har parlamentarisk immunitet og Skat, ligesom DR licens, er noget vi gir', til hinanden... Vissevasse... 💰Staten har ca. 2.000 milliarder hvert år at jonglere rundt med, så hvad gør det, at det koster 500 mia. kr. at finansiere Coronakrisens nedlukning, men vent... 🤔Jamen, det er jo os selv, de danske skatteydere som skal betale gildet og vores Statsminister og 'skyggeregeringen' har foretaget indgrebet baseret på en LØGN!... ⛱️MENS DU SOVER RÆVESØVN UNDER sommerferiens sydlandske palmesus, så forsvinder der årligt mindst kroner sporløst i EU-systemet... 📺Samtidigt, når du ser DR's ligegyldige udvalg af genudsendelser og 10 år gamle krimiserier, får DR-direktøren en løn på 301.914 kroner om måneden, forhøjelse til 315.883 og er åbenbart ikke nok, nu stiger hun igen (igen), mens DR-generaldirektør fyrede 150 medarbejdere – og hævede kæmpebonus, så tjener cheferne i DR omkring 2 mio. kr. hver... ✈️Skal du ud og flyve, tag en ansigtsmaske på og nyd SAS Gold Loungen i lufthavnen, det gjorde Guzzi-Helle. Fordi, der blev nemlig ikke sparet på noget, da Helle Thorning-Schmidt i 2012 drog til miljøtopmøde i Rio. Eksempelvis startede turen med en dyr morgenmad til 2.000 kr. i Kastrup VIP Lufthavns Kongeværelse, brugte 90.000 kroner på Copacabana-hotel og Thornings sekretær med flybillet til 42.000 kroner. Nu får hun også penge for at lege VIP-censurrytter på Fjæsen og har skuffeselskaber i skattelylande og hæver en fed ministerpension, (husmorrapper i hot video og Harley Quinn, under julefrokosten med veninderne) ... 🥐Når du spiser din morgenkrydder og lytter til Radio Loud, der nu er en officiel fætter-kusine-fest og modtager millioner i statsstøtte, har de lyttertal, som er så lave, det ikke kan måles... 🏎️Bare rolig, går din bil i stykker, når du skal ud og handle, så kan en lånebil rekvireres hos Hillerød Forsyning, der har erhverves sig dyre biler på skatteydernes regning i form af en fabriksny Jaguar og flåde af andre luksusbiler... 🎙️Keder du dig i det danske regnvejr, og gerne vil tjene en ekstra skilling, så giv et interview til et kendt medie, det gjorde Sundhedsstyrelsens Søren Brostrøm, ja ham, der siger vi bare skal knalde løs, og brugte 61.000 kroner på 8 minutters interview – og 687.500 kroner på sin visuelle identitet... (artikler hentet fra og ... LÆNGE LEVE CENTRALADMINISTRATIONEN - ET STORT "TAG SELV BORD"... Fortsat god sommerferie Mette-Mus - jeg har nu mistet mange penge, på at sælge mit hus efter Marts 2020, have nok penge til at leve for og tage til udlandet, uden at blive corona-straffet i Spanien (og lukket min kommune og ødelagt Julen, for alle danskere)... |


🗣️😵‍💫 ~ (Retoriske virkemidler) HPV-vaccine forebygger livmoderhalskræft effektivt, viser nyt studie (TV2 FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Medierne er en GIGANTISK medspiller, som også, er medskyldige og betalt af industrien, og alle løgnhistorierne, lægers objektivitet, der også påvirkes af sponsorater, samme gør vores underbevidsthed, når man bliver ved i et væk, at benægte, lyve og forfalske forskningsresultater og data om HPV og Coronavirus og alt muligt andet!🤛] ... Søren Ventegodt snakkede for nylig om en Medicinalindustri, der omsætter for 2,000 milliarder dollars om året, og fordobler det tal, hvert 4 år. Måske begynder man at få syn for sagen om hvor SINDSSYGT magtfulde disse global virksomheder er, med lobbyister og penge og beslutninger, i alle kroge, rundt om Jorden... |

🛂💉🛃 ~ (35,000 soldiers died of anthrax vaccine! Common Vaccination Card/Passport For World Citizens) AGENDA 2021! TO MAKE OUR LIVES A LIVING HELL IF WE DON'T COMPLY... (A Call For An Uprising) ~ | Blogger: [👉No Vaccine shot = You're fired!👈] ... PS: has a story, that 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine by interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine in the film called "Vaccine Syndrome" - produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller!... I can't remember, think it was Benjamin Fulford, that told us about China, has tried to force toxic Coronavaccine into U.S. military soldiers, but so far, it was stopped!... |



👀 ~ 💗 (Cold December - Hot January) 10th December Update: Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Bad actors, goodbye president in waiting Joe Biden, military buildup in US but no urgency or imminent attack, Texas lawsuits, DNC state leaving the Union, FBI are going to investigate Hunter Biden formally (money and China), N.E.S.A.R.A. in January, Securing the Constitution and uphold the law ~ Words from Simon, more or less👈] ... |


News has reached me of some branches of the US military are moving to action stations as some Democrat states are threatening to leave the Union...
YouTube taking down any site that alleges Trump lost the election due to fraud....

Simon Parkes Official

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams... 

🦸🛐🤲 ~ (Samfundssind, Folkesundhed og Bedraget) Mette F. afviste angreb mod sin stabschef – men mails afslører hans store magt (B.T.) ~ | Blogger: [👉Tror jeg på, at Mette-mus er uskyldig, sammen med FVST, SST, SSI, MFVM og de 7 vigtigste ministre i toppen - absolut ikke! Men der skal altid findes en syndebuk for at aflede opmærksomheden væk fra den almægtige LEDER! I dag er det 'Skyggestatsministeren', i morgen er det drengen og ulven👈] ... Ulven og Alles Landsmoderen kommer! Folk slap hvad de havde i hænderne og kom løbende for at hjælpe. Men der var ingen ulv de fandt bare Mette-banjomus som lo og lo så tårerne trillede hende ned ad kinderne. På den måde narrede hun dem flere gange. Så en dag kom der virkelig en ulv, den usynlige mink mutationsdræber, nedslagtningen, grundvandsforureningen, endnu flere lockdowns, massefrygten, masseaftestningen, massevaccinen, og den altoverskyggende magtfuld- kommenhed over for en måbende befolkning... 🧟PS: Fik lige set, at 1,5 millioner døde mink(zombier) er pist forsvundet fra myndighedernes regnskab og Folketingets coronafølgegruppe er blevet indkaldt til et (haste)møde torsdag formiddag klokken 11.45. Kommer der nye restriktioner eller udvidelse til flere lokale lockdown, som til syvende og sidst, dækker hele landet som 11. Marts 2020?? Vores elskede / hadede Statsminister, har jo kommet med dyster udtalelse om årets jul og næste 2 måneder - det bliver åbenbart værre.... 🎫PSS: Har Fitness World ulovligt planlagt at pause alle medlemmer, som har Folkeregisteradresse i de berørte og allerede, nedlukkede 38 kommuner? Jeg fik liiige åbnet min medlemskab op igen, og med det samme, lukkede de kortet igen, med henvising til, at FW "cheferne" havde brugt hele natten på at finde ud af et system, hvor Deres medlemmer kom fra? Den eneste måde man kan genåbne det på, er at forevise et gyldigt sygesikringskort! Er det lovligt og er de blevet fuldstændigt vanvittige?... NU MÅ DET SGU SNART STOPPE!... |

'Skyggestatsminister' og 'Danmarks mest magtfulde mand uden et folkeligt mandat.'

☯ ~ 💗 (2020 has been a year for the history books, a year so revealing we can no longer look away) 12:12 Zero Point Gateway (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ |


We are currently traveling the Eclipse corridor as we near the upcoming 12:12 Gateway and total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius on December 14th. The entire year has been preparing us for these powerful cosmic events aligned with the zero point Source field located at the galactic center at 26° Sagittarius. We are experiencing year-end gateways that initiate a zero point reset for rapid human transformation.

2020 has been a year for the history books, a year so revealing we can no longer look away. You may be experiencing energy clearing on multiple levels, as the Higher Self prepares the physical plane for the coming shifts. Existing in zero point energy is the eternal Now Moment, the stillness between past and future, matter and antimatter. Imagine the Ascension process functions like a hot air balloon, we need to drop the dead weight in order to rise higher and higher. As we clear away density, heal and release trauma, we increase our energy frequency and level up to higher dimensional access.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (Nanotechnology Warfare Ashtar Command ready to intervene) Interview with Cobra for the Age of Aquarius Final Activation ~ We Love Mass Meditations (Cobra + WLMM + TheEarthPlan) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉What I heard from Cobra is there's a "Nanotechnology Warfare" going on in regards to the Coronavirus👈]... Cobra: 📑Unfortunately the situation with coronavirus is connected with the war on the nanotechnology levels. So Light Forces have their own nanotechnology which tries to remove the virus. And dark forces have their own nanotechnology, which supports the spreading of the virus. So this whole pandemic thing has been ongoing for longer than Light Force have expected, but we are getting closer to the herd immunity. And when the herd immunity comes, it will be much sooner than... It will be unexpected for most of so-called experts on the planet, which are spreading fear and have an agenda, which is the control of human population. So there are some surprises about the coronavirus, which will happen when the time is right.📑".. "📑Cobra: The motherships of the Ashtar command have repositioned themselves throughout the solar system with the final purpose of planetary liberation for planet Earth. So they are now in their final positions and they are ready to transmit energies that are triggering the Event and they are ready to... They're using their advanced technologies, Mjolnir technology and other technologies to remove the remaining darkness on the planet.📑"... |

Cobra mentions entities posing as Ascended Master and giving channellings ~ I would like to also caution that entities also pose as Galactic beings. Secondly (because I get asked) my view is that the new Divine Architecture is/will be Triality-based (Lotus) and not Duality-based (Flower of Life), and I've written quite extensively about this before so I won't repeat. In addition, when I see the Sun Codes, they are Tri-Wave in nature. ~ theearthplan blog

Source: We Love Mass Meditations

We Love Mass Meditation, International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official had organized an interview with Cobra in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st at 6:22 PM UTC. In this interview, Cobra gave his view on a number of topics such as the current planetary situation and the importance of this upcoming meditation.

Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel:

Special thanks to the International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official for their great support on this interview.

Below is the transcript of the interview:

--- Beginning of the transcript ---

Hoshino: Hello, everyone. Today is the 2nd of December, 2020. My name is Hoshino and I'm here with my great friends, Patrick and Jedi who are the representative of the international Golden Age Group (IGAG) as well as Terry and NOGI from PFC Japan Official. So Welcome Patrick and Jedi.

Jedi: Hi, we are so honored to join.

Hoshino: And welcome Terry and NOGI.

Terry: Thank you for the opportunity to interview Cobra.

Hoshino: As many of you have already learned about the age of Aquarius Final activation on the 21st of December, I'm really happy to have Cobra here to do an interview with us and talk about the meditation, the current situation and number of topics. So welcome Cobra.

Cobra: Thank you for your invitation.

Hoshino: Now let's start the interview. Now pass on to you, NOGI.

Part 1. Situation Update

NOGI: Okay so let me ask you questions, Cobra. (Yes) First of all, okay we would like to know the result of our meditation on November 11th? Did we achieve critical mass for timeline correction meditation?

Cobra: Actually this meditation was quite successful. It was not promoted heavily, but still we have managed to reach the number aboutof 80,000 people meditating, which had a significant effect on the timeline correction. NOGI: Wow. That's good news. And second question, are we, what are the remaining obstacles to the final breakthrough before the event?

Cobra: Still the main obstacle remains the same and that are toplet bombs. This is the exotic technology, which has to be removed completely or almost completely before the Event can happen. And there of course are other factors, but those other factors are not such a big obstacle as the toplet bombs are.

NOGI: Oh, I see. Thank you. In addition to meditation, what else can we the surface population do in order to help clear those obstacles?

Cobra: What would help a lot are more unity among the so-called Lightworkers. I know this is not realistic, but if there are really, if we would achieve more unity, that would create a very strong harmonic resonance field that would allow Light forces to do things faster and more efficiently.

Please read on....